Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Seeking God about this ... continue to seek God
      I'm almost 28.
      Reveal what need to change/work on to ready to meet The Lord's man/spouse for me (like confirmed).
      What does the Lord want me to work on at my job.
    • Prayer for a new job at airlines that is remote

      Prayer that God will
      Totally heal my heart change my negative belief system about myself and men and that God is preparing my heart soul and mind for marriage His way releasing control over how he is going to do it.
    • Praying the blood of Jesus & Gods divine intervention for Leland’s immediate housing, employment & transportation needs. Praying positive breakthroughs, favor & blessings along with Godly mentors/friends in his life as he aligns with Gods Will.
    • God, I pray for Your blessing, that I may have Integrity and Honesty as my virtue and protection. Amen
    • Please pray for my wife. Her faith was shaken at the unexpected loss of her mother in 2022.
    • Praying for immediate new job/career employment opportunities to prevail for Kelsey. Praying for God’s peace, strength & encouragement to help her remain in faith for a positive outcome.
    • Please pray for my father Gary. He was diagnosed with Covid yesterday. He is 75 years old and also suffers from anxiety and mild depression. I pray that he recovers wholly and with a renewed spirit from the stresses if this world. My sister, mom and I are praying for him.
    • God's guidance in helping me to find a good job in a healthy work environment.
    • Please pray for my son James to find another job and please pray for my daughter Liz that her Social Security Benefits will be approved soon
    • I'm asking for prayer for my marriage. My husband and I have been married 25 years, but 2023 has been very difficult. Recently he asked for space and we are doing a partial separation. If you feel led please pray for us. Thank you!
    • for our friends Laura and Mark . Disabled Vet Mark suddenly in less than 2 months dev
      ALS disease. . He is in hospic. . Prayers for the family...
    • Pray that Anecia be fully separated from Jeffery and Trevor permanently because these men are pushing Anecia away from Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Redeemer and Master, and from her daughter.
    • Praying the blood of Jesus, God’s protection, favor & blessings upon Leland. Praying he is cleared of any wrong doing, all offenses, fines & fees are dropped and divine justice is served. Praying God provides for his every need and he gets back on his feet in alignment with God’s Will.
    • Hi and God bless,

      I have an urgent prayer request. I am asking that all evil plans of the enemy coming against myself and both my sons be exposed and destroyed.

      And for God to restore everything that was stolen from us 10 fold. In Jesus mighty name.
      Amen and Amen

      God bless
    • Please pray for my cousin Theresa she has lung cancer pray for my daughter Liz that her Social Security Benefits will be approved soon please pray for my son James to stay off drugs
    • Please pray that our family would humble themselves and repent and that the plans of the enemy would be canceled and salvation would be granted to our entire family. Pray for restoration of all that has been stolen from us and health and healing in all areas of our lives in Jesus Christ name Amen
    • Hello I need prayer for my own heart. I was saved two years ago at 27 years old and wasn’t raised Christian. I recently met with my mum to try reconciliation and unfortunately she is still bitter and it’s really hurt me because she’s unforgiving and unapologetic. Please pray for my heart and mind and the attacks of the enemy
    • Pray that Anecia separate from Trevor and Kevin permanently and forever because they're pushing her away from Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Lord and Savior.
    • Asking prayer that Kevin and Trevor be separate permanently and forever from each other. That Trevor move out of Kevin home.
    • Please pray that Jesus would come back and save, heal, set free, redeem, restore and deliver. Pray for fully surrendered, worshipful, prayerful, thankful hearts and that God be gracious in Jesus name.
    • Please pray for my itch to be healed.

    • Hello, Please pray for me. I feel alone and I know I am not. I am blessed with so much. My kids and grandkids. I am single and feel alone and I always pray for God to put the right person in my life.
      Thank you
    • For GOD to cure and heal me of chronic BV. I have tried everything and it reoccurs. For the LORD to balance my feminine PH and flora! I pray for consistent good health.
    • Please pray for my wife Naghmeh, we came to Canada less than 4 months ago and due to the pressures we had during the 7 years of being refugees in Turkey and my wife and I's lack of patience, unfortunately, she wants to get a divorce, we have a 4-year-old daughter named Elliana, I am very worried about her and also I love my wife. Today is exactly 53 days since I could not see them and my heart is broken. 😭😭😭 Please pray for her so that God softens her heart and stops being selfish and proud. Our daughter needs a family.
    • Pray for Khadijah to forgive me (Jamal) because satan is putting unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger in her heart against me. We have to work together for our autistic son's sake. I'm trying hard to bring Khadijah to Jesus Christ and salvation.
    • Success and money blessing praise God for supplying all our needs
    • Healing from bipolar disorder twitches musle spasms, God to remove suicidal thoughts wishing self were dead reverse this and give me happy days filled with positive thing's pray God to comfort me and give me strength God to seek vengeance on my doctor who caused me harm and protection from dystonia and all movements praise God
    • Praying the blood of Jesus, God’s divine intervention, protection, mental, physical & overall well being. Praying he is cleared of any wrong doing, all offenses, fines & fees are dropped and divine justice is served. Praying God provides for his every need and he gets back on his feet in alignment with God’s Will.
    • Pray that God will lead me in the direction I need to go. I am so very stuck now as it relates to my expectations of others. It is for some reason causing me to not move ahead. Pray that God will help me to let go and grab onto God’s direction for me. Thank you
    • Please pray for my healing and our family finances, i cannot walk for more then 3hrs due both feet painful tibia dysfunction as well i have suffer from Fibromyalgia. i been get disability money. to help our family's income, i make handmade jewelry, i request a miracle that my jewelry will sell, so i can provide for my family, as well for the pain i am, i want to be heal in the precious name of JESUS. Amen
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