Sharon JaynesEnough, Expectant Living, Prayer, Praying for Your Child 67 Comments

When You Feel Like Something’s Missing and You Don’t Know What It Is?

One Spring, our family hosted a ten-year-old Russian foreign exchange student. I got to be his mamma for six weeks. He went to school with my son and got a taste of what the American Christian family is all about. Alex’s English was very limited, and we depended on hand signals and facial expressions to get by.

One day,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesFriendship, God's love, Power of Words, Prayer 226 Comments

Tearing Up the Scorecards

She was at it again. Mrs. Barnett was getting out the scorecards and tallying up the points.

I sat with an older woman as she began enumerating her family’s shortcomings. “Callie never comes to see me,” she began to complain about her granddaughter. “And she never calls me either. I saw her sitting on the other side of the church last week and she didn’t even come over and give me a hug.”

“Benjamin is just as bad,” she continued,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, God's love, God's Promises, Living Fully, Prayer, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For 137 Comments

Don’t Stop Too Soon

Can I make a confession? Sometimes I quit too soon. I’ve quit when what I really needed to do was press on and press through. Sometimes I’ve gotten tired of trying. Sometimes I’ve gotten tired of the struggle. And you know what? I’ve missed many blessings because I got tired of the battle. I don’t want to do that any longer.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Living Free, Living Fully, Prayer, Praying Wives Club 21 Comments

When God’s Answer Isn’t What You Expected

When I was eight years old, my prized possession was a collie dog named, what else, Lassie. Lassie was my shadow. She ran alongside me as I pedaled around the neighborhood on my pink-glittered banana bike. She slept outside the door of my one-room playhouse when my best friend, Wanda, and I “camped out.”  She protected me from dangerous strangers,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Listening to God, Prayer 145 Comments

Prayer Can Change a Man’s Heart

Allan was a tough man. Raised by a single mom with five siblings, he learned how to scrape his way through life and climb to the top of humanity’s heap through sheer determination and grit. He married at nineteen, had his first son at twenty, then a baby girl at twenty-five. Over the next two decades he advanced from driving a delivery truck at a lumberyard to becoming part owner of a building supply company.  Read more…