Sharon JaynesDealing with Your Past, Enough, Living Free, Living Fully, Renewing your mind with the Truth 46 Comments

Being Grateful Amid Disappointment

What do you do when life just falls apart?

I wish I could tell you each time life throws me a curveball, I strike up a chorus of “It Is Well with My Soul.” I wish I could tell you that when my baby died, I hummed “Jesus Loves Me.” Or that when the pregnancy test came back negative for the thirty-sixth time,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Dealing with Your Past, Expectant Living, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 83 Comments

You Are Worth More

I’m sharing a devotion over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today. I wanted to share this with you too. Here’s what I want you to know: You are worth more!

As a little girl, I never felt I was worth very much.

I always felt I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough or good enough. I sensed my parents tolerated me but certainly didn’t delight in me.   Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Dealing with Your Past, Dreams of a Woman, Living Free, Prayer/Spiritual Warfare, Trusting God 12 Comments

If You’re Going Through a Hard Time and Don’t Understand

Yesterday I wrote a devotion for Proverbs 31 Ministries. In light of all that happened in Texas this past Sunday, I’m thinking maybe you might need this encouragement too. I had to go back and read the words I wrote to remind myself of the truth of 2 Corinthians 4:18. Yep, sometimes we need to preach to ourselves.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Dealing with Your Past, Expectant Living, Identity in Christ, Living Free, Living Fully, Renewing your mind with the Truth, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 9 Comments

When You’re Struggling with Bad Thoughts and Habits

Someone once asked me if I had ever struggled with a stronghold in my life. To be honest, at the time I wasn’t even sure what a stronghold was. So I did a little digging.

A stronghold is one of those churchy Christianese words that’s hard to wrap your mind around. It’s not a word we use everyday.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesDealing with Your Past, Expectant Living, General Inspiration, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 52 Comments

Moving Past Disappointment

Sometimes you expect you’re getting a Rachel and you wake up with a Leah.

Okay, I know that example might connect better with a guy, but you get the point.

Let me try that again. What do you do after you’ve crossed the Red Sea of obstacles, only to be dying of thirst at Marah three days later?  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Dealing with Your Past, Dreams of a Woman, General Inspiration, God's love, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 9 Comments

When You Don’t Like the Story God is Writing

I often think of my life like a story God is writing…and so is yours. And to be honest, some parts of the story I don’t really like.

If it were up to me, I would have written some of it differently. My second child would not have died, and I would have a daughter who would be 26 years old this year.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesDealing with Your Past, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Uncategorized 74 Comments

When You’re Struggling with Disappointment of the Worst Kind

My son keeps me laughing with funny videos posted on One was from the movie Hercules.

Rumor has it that the script had the word “disappointed” in parenthesis, noting that the actor was to say the line as if he were disappointed.  Instead, when the actor got to that particular line he yelled out…DISAPPOINTED! Oops!  Read more…

Sharon JaynesDealing with Your Past, Expectant Living, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For 184 Comments

What’s Holding You Back From Moving Forward?

When I was six years old, I skipped off to first grade with a fresh box of crayons, a crisp green dress with Swiss polka dots sleeves, and a fresh hope that I would be good enough—that someone would at least like me.

But first grade only confirmed my fears. I wasn’t good enough after all.

From the time my teacher held up the first spelling flash card,  Read more…