Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 12 Comments

Christmas Morning Breakfast Recipes


This morning I went to the grocery store to gather all my goodies to make our traditional Jaynes Family Christmas Breakfast. You would think that after twenty-nine years of whipping up the same dishes, my husband and son would want something different. But kids are funny when it comes to traditions…even when one is twenty-nine-years old and the other is past the half-century mark.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 23 Comments

Jacob’s Best Christmas Ever

Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared some Christmas stories that I’ve written over the years. I hope you’ll enjoy today’s. Grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and savor a story about a little boy who discovered God’s greatest gift.

Jacob’s Best Christmas Ever
Sharon Jaynes©

Jacob stood shivering behind his mother as she rang the bell for the Salvation Army Christmas kettle.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 23 Comments

1 Corinthians 13 Christmas Style

Every year I pull out a book that I wrote over ten years ago. Thoughout the pages I am reminded al the many ways we, as a family sought to keep Christ the center of the Holiday Season. Tucked in the middle of the chronicles of the Jaynes’ Family Traditions is a rendition of 1 Corinthians 13 that I wrote for us to remember what is important as we go through the hustle and bustle of the December days.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 96 Comments

A Shepherd’s Musings


In my last post you heard from Mary. Today, let’s hear from one of the Shepherds from that starry night so long ago.

Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to be a shepherd on the Judean hillside when the angels appeared to announce Jesus’ birth? The fear? The excitement? The confusion?  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 29 Comments

Mary’s Take on Today’s Christmas

Several years ago, I came across the following. It was a letter that could have been written by Mary, the mother of Jesus. At the beginning of each holiday season, I pull it out and read it again to help me keep Jesus the focus of this grand celebration we call Christmas. I want to share this… Read more

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 1 Comment

Wrapping Up Christmas

Today’s Truth  “Ye shall find the babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:12 KJV).

Friend to Friend  Who in the world would wait until Christmas Eve to do their Christmas shopping?  I find it hard to believe the statistics that show December 24th is one of the biggest shopping days of the year, so one season I decided to venture out to the stores and see for myself.   Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 11 Comments

1 Corinthians 13 Christmas Style

Today’s Truth

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV).

Friend to Friend
With Christmas just around the corner, it is easy to get so busy with the cooking, decorating and shopping that we forget why we’re doing all this in the first place.   Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration, Expectant Living 2 Comments

He’s Coming Again

Today’s Truth
“Blow a trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on my holy mountain.  Let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming, surely it is near” (Joel 2:1 NIV)

Friend To Friend
In just a few days, you will most likely be taking down those Christmas decorations and packing them up until next year…when you will be pulling them out and decorating all over again!   Read more…