“All Scripture is God-breathed,” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV).
“Let’s go scuba diving!” a friend exclaimed one hot summer day.
“That sounds great,” I said. “But I don’t know how.”
“Just leave it to me,” he said.
I was 17 when I decided to go scuba diving with some friends. I had no training and should not have been in deep water, but I was young and threw caution to the wind. The friend who took me below the surface of the deep strapped an oxygen tank on his back, a mask on his face, and flippers on his feet. I only had a mask and flippers.
“Where’s my oxygen?” I asked.
“I have it,” he answered as he patted the tank on his back. “What we’re going to do is jump into the water. I’m going to take a breath through the mouthpiece and then pass it to you. You’ll take a breath and pass it back to me. It’s called buddy breathing.”
So into the ocean we jumped. He put his arm around my waist like I was a sack of potatoes and down we went. John drew oxygen from the tank and then passed the breathing apparatus to me. We took turns breathing. It then occurred to me that I was totally dependent on this young friend to keep me alive.
This was not a very smart idea, but it did leave me with a great life lesson. At various times we will all find ourselves in deep waters. We may feel as though we are drowning with no help in sight. And then a friend comes along and hands us the breathing apparatus. We take a breath and rise quickly to the surface.
Words of my friends have been like oxygen when I feel as though I’m drowning. Even today I have a mental scrapbook of encouraging words passed along to me in the ocean of despair. God has sent friends my way who have strapped on the Word of God and passed the life-giving words to me when I’ve needed them most.
Buddy breathing. That’s what we can do for each other when a friend forgets how to draw in the air she needs. That’s what God does for us each time we open the pages of His Word and listen to Him.
[tweetherder]Today, inhale a deep breath of God’s love. Go ahead. Do it right now. Feel His love fill your lungs. Ah. Now that feels good.[/tweetherder]Can I just say right now that I am thankful for you? I am thankful that you have allowed us to come into your life for just a moment, to breathe God’s word into your life. You, my friend, have breathed life into ours.
Let’s Pray
Lord, thank You for friends who breathe life into me when I feel as though I can’t go on. Show me someone who needs a tender touch, a winning word, or a strong shoulder to lean on today. And, Lord, thank You for being that friend for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
Read 2 Timothy 3:1-17 to put today’s truth in context.
Think of one friend who has breathed life into you when you felt like you were drowning.
Now leave your name in the comment box below. I am going to randomly pick 3 names and send them a free copy of this month’s featured book, Listening to God Day-by-Day, so that I can breathe life into you!
Want More?
Do you love a good story? I do! Stories tug at the heart and open the eyes to the truths of Scripture in a way only God can do. I have complied 100 of my favorite stories and devotions into one book titled, Listening to God Day-by-Day. It is the perfect book for a quick pick-me-up before you start your busy day or a sweet dreams closure before you turn off the bedside lamp at night.
And here’s some good news, this book is specially priced for the month of June. Get one for yourself, and we’ll include another free for you to share. It won’t show up on your receipt, but we’ll make sure it is included in your package.
And if you want to learn more about how to use your words to speak life into those around you-how to encourage and not discourage- check out my book
Comments 489
Michelle Blaylock. Please enter Sankirk Bailey name in drawing. She has been my buddy breather for over 15years.
Thank you!
What a blessing your devitions are to me! My friend Carol Ashmore, was my breathing buddy. She is with Jesus now, but she always encouraged me. Carol fought a long battle with cancer, but she taught me to keep on serving God through our infirmities.
Yes, I have several friends that has breathe life into me
Kandeice Campbell
I have just moved and do not have a group of like minded friends yet. I am on a new course of life. I found your devotionals online and they sit very well with me, you have just breathed life into me, thanks.
Thank you for sharing your insights and lifting us up. Please include me on your book drawing. Mary Jane Moder
such an awesome analogy…….i am seven weeks sober and have turned my addiction and
my life over to God. i am so very grateful for second chances and for knowing that God breaths His love and healing into me.
I enjoy reading these uplifting breaths of fresh air, and I’m submitting my name for your book.
Dawn Thurman
LaDonna Ratliff
Awesome breath!
This was good to read today. We’ve had an especially lonely time in a new place.
I need to take the time to remember the encouragemt god sent in the past and know that He will provide for us now and in the future. I need to write down some of the ways He has ministered to us through others in the past. Thanks!
These words are encouraging for my daily journey. I am a Director of Foster Care and place children into foster homes. The referrals I read daily all day are so sad and disturbing. Please keep me in your prayers because this job is so exhausting.
A sister in Christ!
That you for your ministry.
So thankful for all the friends who have spoken God’s life-giving word to me over the years!
Prudy McGuigan
Thank you Sharon! You uplift me everyday!
God bless!
Patricia M
Donna Marsh, I would love to have a free copy of Listening to God Day-by-Day!!! God bless you
Thank you for the “buddy breathing” devotional. I thank God for sending me my childhood friend, Sharon S. Moody, who has been this very thing to me in my life!
Thank you for encouraging me every single time! I’m blessed to have met you years ago at a Women’s Retreat in Kalida, OH. I’ve been receiving your devotionals since then!
I have some special friends that help keep me breathing when I am drowning. Thank you Theresa and Derek! I LOVE YOU!
Tina Sitz.. Thanks for this devotion. Sometimes we forget how important the words of others affect us while we are in deep despair or in need of encouragement. Thanking GOD for those that he has placed in my path.
Thank you Sharon, I needed this for today, it’s been tough and stressfull for me. My husband got laidoff from work in January and hasen’t been able to find work and my son is going through a divorce, because his wife dosent want to be married anymore, she says it was a mistake, they have a 2 year old son together and only been married for 3 years. Please pray for peace and that my joy is restored.
This book sounds awesom, I live with 3 others that are not believers & sometimes
I feel alone. I would love to share the word with any of them but they won’t have it.
signing up to win book
I am really blessed by your words of encouragement from each lesson that you send out. God’s blessings upon you.
Lena Starr
Great word picture! I love it. As I go through cancer, I really relate to “buddy breathing.”
I love to be that breath of air for people. The Holy Spirit gives me the words to say. Later people will tell me what I’ve said and I forget because they weren’t mine, but I was just the mouth piece of the Holy Spirit.
My name is Tracy Scherer
This is just the words I needed to hear today! God is good!
Christine Plumley
Thank you for this passage today.
Thank you for reminding me to “inhale a deep breath of God’s love” today. †?
Thank you God for friends that Buddy Breath with me.
Lana Black
Sandra Garner
Thank you for this message today. I know just how this feels and it is an awesome thing to have a breathing buddy to offer encouragement when things are tough. Praise God for all he does and for being there all the time.
Thanks so much, Sharon. I really needed this today! Clarissa
Beth Pieprzica. Bethapie@hotmail.com
Thank you for your weekly words!
I find your daily devotionals very uplifting and a Godsend because im actually homeless and trying to find my way the organization im working with right now iscalled IHN and they are a church based group and im finding spiritual guidance everywhere i turn again THANK YOU
Thank you, Sharon for this beautiful devotion today. I just need to share, I experienced this just yesterday. I was certainly in deep water with no oxygen when my dear friend Cristina passed me a note in church. She had NO idea what I was going through, but her note spoke of exactly what I needed.
Karen Wise
Thank you so much for your encouraging words every day. I look forward to reading them and saving them so that I can refer back to them in times of despair.
Eleven yrs. ago, I was in an accident that took the lives of my Mother & sister. Another sister & I were seriously hurt…brain injuries along with everything else. I was in a coma for almost 3 months. A dear friend took it upon herself to call the hospital every morning to check on me, then would email friends, and people all over the world,a to ask for prayers.
Every day! The Dr. had said I would probably live, but would never be able to drive, go shopping, etc. Because of those prayers………………..
I can drive, live alone, my husband died 5 yrs. ago, and do basically everything I want to do. I can never thank this friend enough, because I know for sure the power of prayer.
This friend is facing health issues with her 3 yr. old grandson, and needs our prayers now. I just did the same thing, and emailed our friends.
Just thought you would like to know. I do believe in the power of prayer. I love your posts, and tried to order the book you are talking about, but for some reason, never got to.
Thank you for listening, Betty Jean Pope
Linda Lee Steaples
A friend that has stuck by me breathing life into me on some of the darkest days is Dawn Hostetler.
I needed this today, thank you!
Melissa James
Brought me to tears in starbucks this a.m. grateful tears and pained tears. Really needed to inhale His love
I am grateful for this WORD today.
Thank you for beathing the WORD of GOD to many women…
Good Afternoon Sharon!
I would love to win a copy of your book! My best friend for a long time is moving to a far away state and I’m going to miss her so much…she was my breathing apparatus….yikes!
Love your messages every week!
I have a friend who is always breathing into me for strength for my children. I don’t know what I would have done sometimes without her.
I have a bff that is always there for me. She is my prayer warrior and she is my friend. We love each other and have been best friends since high school. That my friend was a long, long time ago. We lift each other up although I must admit she gets my prayer requests more than I get hers. I too needed this encouragement today. thank you so much for your ministry It blesses my soul.
Thank you Sharon for breathing life into me today!
Only God has done that for me on so many occasions. Thank you Lord for always being there when I need you.
Nicole Sequera
Vickie Dorhan
I always enjoy your e-mails..thank you for your inspiration.
Thank you Sharon for opening up your heart and pouring out the love and wisdom of God onto others. Thank you for breathing God’s word into myself and others. I am so thankful for you and my dear sisters that have been my breathing buddies during this night season of my life. God has been so faithful to not let me drown even though at times I felt like I was and felt like I couldn’t breathe. He is so loving and faithful! God bless you Sharon! Thank you again for being there with the right words every time I have read your devotions! They have always been right on time! Including this one! Blessings, Sindy
My name is Serena.
Your words breathe life into me! Thank you for the encouragement ! May God continue to bless you and all those you love and care about.
Your devotionals seem to come right when I need them!!!
9 Thorncliffe Road, Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 4P7 Appreciated the devo this morning – I do appreciate those who breath life into my heart, and endeavour to do the same for others. There are so many who suck the life out of us, that this is such a refreshing thing that happens with some dear friends.
This was so timely – God’s perfect timing! Thank you so much for this breath and refreshing of my spirit!
Thank you for this timely devotional today. A friend just called me earlier this morn
to encourage me and to not give up the fight for my husband who has Alzheimers.
Her mother is 100 years old and slowly drifting away, yet she reached out to me.
God bless you as you continue to share the Lord with so many who need His encouragement.
Carol Boman Duncan
Kendra Lewis
Good reminder how much we need friends
great post today.
I so needed that today, this very minute. I am so focused on those who would let me drown, I forget those who have “buddy breathed” for me.
Thank you
Perfect timing.
Hi Sharon, Thanks so much for today’s words. I have more than three friends that can buddy breathe for me. I have you too as a friend.
Wow I feel refresh Thank You :’)
There has been many times in my life that I have been in deep waters and there are two people that have been my life line. The first is my husband and best friend and the other my sister. They have been there for me through every dip I made in deep waters that at times seemed like I could never reach the surface again. But they helped me through the times by being there for me, by giving me strength to take the next breath and showing me God’s love in ways that I can’t explain to others. I thank God for them. My husband has been my best friend through the years and he has been there through the dark times that I went through. He never left me and was always there to help me breathe.. My sister has been there for me, giving me advice, helping me stand on my own two feet and never judging me. I would not be here today if not for these two people and of course, Jesus working through them.
Your daily devotionals have helped me to keep focused on my Lord and Savior as I struggle through one of the most difficult times of my life. Thank You and God Bless you.
Patrice Bryant
Yvette Biggs Love the things you share.
Thank you!
Thank you, Sharon.
Thank you for your obedience to the Lord by sharing His wisdom through your writing and being vulnerable about your experiences! May the Lord answer your heart’s most intimate requests that only He knows!!!
EVANS MORRISON Jr has been the one the LORD has used to encourage me a lot
Loved the story and it caught my attention as just back from two weeks in the Austrian Tyrol up jn the mountains with a heatwave (over 90F) . I am back now but feel there is no air and I cannot breathe! But the Lord gave us such a blessed holiday! THank you for your books and site, Praying for you.
Jesus is my breathing buddy
nyasha chifamba
My friend’s name is Sheila Lawson – golffrfun@yahoo.com.
Thanks Sharon. I love your website and your books. I hope I am one of the three.
Thank you for possibly drawing my name…i love your stories and words of wisdom!
Brenda Fox
Love your posts!
I’ve not had a “buddy” in my life to come along beside me—AND that is why I see the importance of being one to someone else.
The comfort and support of Christian friends is like a blood transfusion when your circumstances make you feel like you are slowly bleeding to death
This article came on a perfect day. My family and my job are weighing heavily on me right now and have been since the beginning of the year. I always feel like I can’t breathe and I am so overwhelmed at times and always feel like crying. In the past two years I have had two daughters pregnant as unwed mothers. The 2nd one moved back home with us. My job as a bookkeeper at a school and this is audit time of the year. There has been sickness in my family where I have missed work for the birth of my second grandson, missed work for several sick people and myself sick (stomach flu) now my daughter has to have surgery for repair where during childbirth she had 4th degree tears in two days and I am a week and 1/2 before turning all stuff in for my audit. This past weekend my youngest daughter moved back home and my home is a cluttered mess. I don’t know why this is happening and I am so stressed over it all. I have some health issues myself but I still do for everyone. Please pray for me I am struggling.
a friend sent this to me today. So refreshing.
Judy has been my best friend since I was 13 years old and has helped carry me through. She and I have been able to ensure we remind each other of Jesus’ love and that He will get us through anything! I thank God for her friendship and for her being a Christian woman!
Hi, dearest Sharon,
You are such a blessing to me. I met you at the April 6, 2013 retreat at Sandy Beach
with the Calvary Chapel Chalfont women. You were a God send to me then and you
are with every e-mail I get from you. This one especially hit me because I felt like
you did breathe life into me today, and I needed it, especially today. Thank you,
again, Sharon, for being so special inside and out. (I also told you this at the retreat–
you are beautiful inside and outside.) Love and Thanks to you, and God bless you,
Rita Perrellol
Having a “Buddy” to come along beside me would have been great.
Thank you I needed this today
Victoria Valvano
Rita Potter, I really want that book…………
Mitzie Goff
Margie Straub helped to breath God’s Word into me!
I can’t wait to read the book and share with my friends.
Roxanne Atkinson…. Thanks, Sharon!
Melissa Reichle
good article
Rachel Zamora
Jennifer Bole
Vicki Monical
Thank you for breathing God’s Word into my life.
Judy Hereid
In order to know God’s will for our live, we have to read His Word. Only then can we be equipped to do His good work.
Shelley Troutt
19341 salmon lane
Huntington Beach, CA. 92646
Ana Fernandez
I have pushed everyone away….It hurts just can’t seem to get my life
back on track!!! Drowning with bricks around my neck …
Thank you! I am so blessed with people who have breathed God’s truth into me at just the right times! Sara Young
A friend sent me this and it was a breath of fresh air I am adding my name for subscription
Marion Fulls
My beautiful friend, Lindsey, breathes belief into my life! So thankful to God for bringing her into my life. Hoping I can pay it forward every day.
I certainly related to this because I actually had the same, or very similar experience. I was 21, so I should have been a bit wiser, but the swimmer who was my buddy share breather was my big brother, (three years older than I) who was also a u.s.navy seal. Back then, (1965), they were called navy frogmen, he was attached to a udt unit (underwater demolition team) on the west coast. We were swimming (buddy breathing) in some caves that were accessible only under the surface of the water. It was only when we surfaced inside a cave where he left me alone for a few minutes, but said he would be right back for me, just wait, when I realized and said to myself “am I crazy or something!” What have I done! He soon came back for me and we shared the breath of life to exit the cave. He was also a Christian and was a very big influence in my life. That was part of the reason I immediately trusted him and didn’t put much thought into the consequences of what we were doing. I miss him very much, he passed away three years ago. He was a great big brother and the buddy breather I shared breath with in many life situations as well as the cave diving episode .
I am truly thankful for the many people God has put in my life to breath life into me when I have been going through. I am especially blessed when they come along side when I am battling depression and anxiety. They have blessed me in so many ways by helping me “breath” and not give up or give in to despair.
Thank God for the friends that have breathed to me and I’ve breathed to over the years.
Pat Ross
I frequently read your columns and find your words very encouraging. We did do a group study with some ladies in my church with your book, A SUDDEN GLORY. Not all who started finished but we had a good core group. All your books I have read have been so helpful. Thank you for sharing your life and ministry.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Betsy Teall
Christina Aragon
Hi Sharon,
I was really touched by this devotional today. It has empowered me to be a better friend to everyone that I come into contact with. Even though I may not get the recognition at times, I was encouraged to keep on using my gift.
I am thankful for you,
Dear Sharon. Thank your encouraging words, “When you feel like ypu can’t breathe.” Your words mean much to me. I am a Christian and great-grandmoither whos e 3rd. great grandchild was born still.early this month. Encouraging others has and seeing them grow into the peopl God intends them to be is my greatest joy. The bible has NEEN and will always be my roadmap in LIFE. But today I could to stop eeping or did not want to burden anyone with my challeges as God has ALWAYS worked tgings and circumstances in my life. But Hesus sent the disciple our two by two. He knew the BUDDY SYSTEM before we ever stressed. it. Thank uou for your inspirational messages. GFod be with you! Excuse errords My eyes dont see tom good. God Bless! Keep happy! And in all things give God thanks!
I hope I get picked…what you wrote was just what I needed. I too love God’s word and read often.
thank you for your ministry and your love for Jesus..you make a difference for sure and whats more, you are living out your call from God.
praise God for His amazing grace.
God bless you Sharon.
Theresa coughlin
Leesa McIlhinney
Thank you for all you do! I consider you and ALL my girlfriends in God my friend. You have seen me through some rough spots. You have inspired me to encourage and share His word as you have encouraged me. Every blessing.
I would love a free copy of your book… 🙂
I would love a free copy of Listening to God Day by Day. Thank you
I’m thinking of a dear friend who definitely needs someone to buddy breathe with her – thank you!
Dearest Sharon,
Thank you for sharing your devotional s with me. They are a blessing and they help me. God Bless you. Love Katie
Jill Ascherl.
Thanks for breathing life into me after a long day!
Love your thoughts! Holy Spirit speaks through you. Thank you for sharing with the world. It is good that you challenge me and inspire me. Sophia DeLonghi
I have read some of your books and got to say God is all over you. Keep doing God s will. Your writings have helped me and still helps me.
Thank you so much for your devotionals !. God Bless you always !
Sharon – Your ministry of encouragement is such a tremendous blessing to the Body of Christ and in particular to the zillions of women that you reach through your devotionals. I thank God for you and for the gift that He has so beautifully deposited in you – a gift that you have pursued, developed and crafted into weighty words of love and blessing. Many, many days, the devotionals you shared were as a lifeline to my drowning heart. Truth from God’s word that I had probably forgotten or allowed to drift from my heart because of some painful circumstance.
Thanks, thanks and thanks again for seeking the Lord and sharing His heart with us, your sisters.
Love in Christ,
Thank you.
Beautiful message. Very encouraging and i love that “buddy breathing” while we’re in the ocean of despair! Thank you!
Shalom Sharon,
Thanks for your message today. I really touch me. I too went through a very difficult time in my life and if not for an extended hand from a friend (Alicia Lim), I will not be here writing to you
Thank you for reminding me again and because of that tender touch, a winning word, or a strong shoulder to lean on today, I’m here to be able to celebrate my 48th birthday tomorrow (26 June)
And I cant even to express how you side help me and it’s always timely, just as Our God is. He is never late but always on time.
Love, Anne
Thank you Sharon, I really enjoyed this. Great analogy and much needed today!
Loved this
Thank you.
Yulanda Wiley
Lori F
Thanks, I was having a day where i was feeling a bit down. I needed that pick me up.
Kim Coles
I enjoy each daily reading. Arlene Maloney
Teresa, I have a friend that God has put into my path. That she will just call me and say you have been in my head lately. So I can relate to your story thanks.
Thank you for breathing God’s word into my life.
Sharon –
Thanks…I needed that buddy breath tonight. 🙂 Wise words.
Linda 🙂
Wanda Morrison
Just this morning I prayed for the Lord to help me make it thru one more day. At the age of 61, I thought my life would be settling down, even though I still have to work full time. But with my daughter and my son both going thru marital problems, and my daughter having medical problems, my life is far from quiet. I asked the Lord to help me be able to slow down and take some of the problems away. But tonight when I read your message, I realized that He helps me breathe deep and to appreciate He is in control of everything I am dealing with. He has the oxygen tank and is holding the hose for me always!
Lucy Brewer
You are a blessing
Caroline Sory
I get this every time I step into our Sunday morning Ladies Bible Class! I am blessed to have a wonderful bible class teacher in Helen Cannon!
I have been (at times) gasping for air— sometimes I experience panic attacks and sudden-suffocation experiences that are really quite frightening, and possibly scary to anyone witnessing me go through one!! Then I met John (coincidence to your Buddy-Breather?!) He is Spirit-Filed, Loves Jesus and Reads Faithfully every day. We met at Church..and shortly after having an ‘attack’ he really infused me with living word/Living Air. It was like my body needed refilling having popped at a leaky-point!!! We have been Reading the Word together since and are now Married!!! … Side Note: He decided to ask AFTER completing the 14-Day Challenge To How to Romance your Husband series by the way—I certainly romanced him well!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 The Word Is My Air and John helps plug-it-in when he sees my bubble-troubles. Thank You Sharon!!
Thanks for your words of encouragement. Such good starts to each day or good ending to each day. Thanks!
I enjoy all the words you post. They bring inspiration to a weary woman.
Thanks for inspiring us. May God continue to bless you as you bless others.
My friend Dru has been a lifesaver during pressured and lonely times as a single parent. She would keep in contact daily, take me out for dinner and encourage staying focused and faithful in bible study and prayer. Those hard times are behind us now but talk about the buddy system!
S blessed by this. I believe that without the breaths of each other we could not overcome the challenge s of life. God bless you for your work in the kingdom!
Heather Blake
My name is Tamika and I really needed this devotional today. I am going through s period where I am asking God to bless me with strong women of God to be apart of my life. To teach me and encourage me. I am a babe in. Christ and I have lots of questions about my role as a woman of God. Thanks
Please send me the book .
God Bless you Sharon,
Your words of encouragement have gotten me through many days. Thank you for being you and for allowing us to be apart of your life. God is so Goooood. We never know who he will bring into our lives to encourage us and bless us.
Jeanine Sims
I have had this happen to me and it has prepared me to be of help to others/
Thank you Sharon for your wonderful blogs. My breathing buddy is my husband Matt. When Im down he picks me up .
I thought of my husband
Stephanie Davis–long summer of nursing school, would love a free book that isn’t about anatomy, chemistry, or statistics! LOL
Peggy Clement
Mimi G. (:
Marian Guzman. God bless you!…
Lovely Passage Sharon. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you for your words..
What a blessing you have been to me. Thank you for letting God use you!
Breathing is the easy part.. holding your breath now that is hard!!
Have been there many times. I thank God for my precious sisters in the Lord.
Thought of a friend right now that needed this, and passed it on to her.
Thank you Sharon,a word in season for me!!
I can relate to this not being able to breathe. Knowing Gods word is inspired and God breathed, and finally that God has given people, friends and opportunities to give and receive encouragement . Thanks for the word picture.
Linda Lacey
I have so enjoyed your “stories”. They are so uplifting and inspiring. I love the idea of breathing God in.
Betty Gutierrez
Thank you!
Great story ! Reminds me of one of my favorite songs,:”BREATHE”,
I read a quote that said….a friend is someone that knows the song in your soul and sings it back to you when you have forgotten the words………my friend Nicolette has done that for me many times. I thank God for her and many other friends in my life.
Millicent Were
My Friend Gwendolyn Parks and I call each other soul sisters. We are both in the United States Airforce and through being separated from deployments, new duty assignments and simply life in general we manage to toch base at least once a week to pray and catch up. We are in different countries right now and even with a 7 hour time zone difference we can call on each other any time of the day or night. We often go through the same trials and tribulations. I know she prays for me daily and I also pray for her. Gwen saved my life once literally she also helped me salvage my relationship with God recently. I cant imagine my life with out her. I imagine that when the time comes we wil watch each other get married and watch our children grow up together as well.
Thank you Sharon, for what you do 🙂
You’re touching more lives than you know. God bless
Jessie Abuanor is her name.
This was a great devotion. I am soo blessed that God has given me a few of those women in my life that breathe life into me with encouraging words and pointing me to the one who has all the answers,Sharon your devo asre always so encouraging.
I have two! Great girlfriends who have breath life into me during the most testy times if my life. One has identified with my “deep water” experience of losing a child, Deborah Walker is her name. And the other one, Diannne Luke has ” partnered” along with me as we swim in the deep waters of understanding God’s calling on our lives.
Kelly Studley
Carla Hunter
Danyon conner
Although I have just received my copy from Amazon….should my name be picked…I will bless a friend with my copy. Your messages have been a blessing to me. May Jesus Himself continue to walk with you. AMEN.
I’ve been feeling down in the dumps, thinking I was without any good friendships after leaving the party lifestyle behind me and just a few minutes ago, a friend that I lost contact with since I left the scene offered some sweet words that lifted my spirits. She too has left the party lifestyle behind and I just want to give her a shoutout for being my breathing buddy. Tonya is her name and she’s extra special 🙂
My best friend and adopted sister, Holly Cartwright.
Ma’am –
I would like to submit Ms. Alice O’neal. Below is her email address:
Portia Griffin my best friend
Renee Drummond
My friend Karen has been my breathing buddy.
I would like to thank my sister Stephanie for helping me when I felt like I was drowning. She gave me some helpful advice.
p.s. I also like to thank your team for this wonderful and gudeful devotions. It has really help me very much. Much blessings. Maria
My mom – Liji.
Back in October a friend walked into my life. It was at a point when I was emotionally drowning, lost in a sea of pain, confusion and loneliness. I had no deep connections in the “girlfriend department”. All the women who I thought were friends either abandoned me or rejected me. I was going through a deep depression and PTSD, one of them actually said to me, “I don’t have much mercy and I really don’t want to here about it.” OUCH! Anyway, my lovely friend, Sheila came in and “saved the day”! She promised she’d never leave me. She has gently guided me when I needed correction. She has been there for me. Funny thing – she and I had a discussion about how I don’t want to put too much on her and expect her to go “too deep”. You know what she told me? She said, “Don’t worry I have deep diving gear. I even own a submarine. Wherever you go, I will go with you. Because I’m your friend, and that’s what real friends do!” I’m so thankful for her, in a million ways! Her name is Sheila Eddings 🙂
Brenda Greene
My friend is Sheila
Thank you!!!! I really needed to read these words. this morning!!! So refreshing! I can truly relate how awesome a fresh breathe can be due to having acute asthma! Doing a breathing treatment as I type! Ah!!!!
Hello Sharon,
I would like to say that my youngest daughter Ashley Reed has been my one “friend” who has been breathing life into me in the last few years. She is special because she almost wasn’t born, I started to miscarry early in my pregnancy, but God saw fit to allow my little lamb to have life. She also had medical issues throughout her early life but the biggest one was loosing her first born shortly after birth and most recently thyroid cancer. And yes she is only 26 years old. Now as a mature young woman with the most adorable little girl, she now breathes life into her mother’s. She considers me her best friend and I consider her my hero.
Thanks for listening!
I couldn’t agree more. My friend Pat and my sister-in-law Danielle have both breathed God’s word into me at various times, and how thankful I am for their friendship.
My friend Pam Is a light. She is there anytime all day and every day. I could not make it without her! She lost her dad day before yesterday and so when I read this I thought wow!!!!!!! Maybe if she gets this it will help cheer her up!
So please pick me so I can have you send it to my friend!
Paula McLean
This is so true. There have been times when my friend Denise was my buddy breath. Without her reminding me of God’s word, I wouldn’t have made it. Thank you for sharing this lesson.
Thanks Sharon, you inspire and encourage me daily God bless you. I hope to be the lucky one today and get that encouraging book.
Thanks and Regards,
Jeannie McDowell
Thank you for your ministry. Today I need your prayers for me and my family. I feel overwhelmed. Discouragement has settled like a cloud on our house and we need renewal. May God be glorified. Thank you again.
My friend Elizabeth prayed for me and encouraged me when I went through a dark phase in my life. She offered Godly advice and support and breathed life into my spiritual life as I was drowning.
llenda has been my best friend for nearly 30 years. God sent her to me when I was drowning in divorce. I still call on her today, along with God, when life is overwhelming, and she buddy breathes with me until I am on top again. I thank my God upon every remembrance of her.
Should read Glenda not Ilenda.
4 years ago, I was going through the worst time of my life. My 25 year marriage was over. My husband had left me for a woman he met at work. If it hadn’t been for a very special friend, Gretchen, I’m not sure I would have survived. She called me frequently & spoke such positive affirmations into my life. She allowed me to grieve, cry, & be angry…all without judgement. She reassured me that life would go on, that I was still valuable as a person even though my husband had left. She told me my value was not in him…”just because he doesn’t see you anymore, doesn’t mean you do not exist”. God certainly placed her in my life @ the right time. I will never forget her support & friendship.
My friend’s name is Jamie. The Lord sent her to me to give me a breath when I really needed it. Jamie later shared with me that after we met she laid down that night to go to bed and started praying and asked The Lord why He had brought me into her life and that she just didn’t feel like she had it in her to be a friend and minister to another person because she was walking through a difficult time herself. She said that was when The Lord said basically just hush I’m doing this for you.
We have both blessed and encouraged each other through the difficult valley we are both walking through and she is now moving to another state. While I was overjoyed for her because we had prayed for God’s will regarding the move, I was a little sad about the perceived loss of my new best friend. That’s when I felt my heart change from sadness to acceptance because while I thought we would be close friends for ever, God may have only intended for us to have the relationship we had. I felt peace. Jamie and I got off the phone last night and I told her that only geography would separate us. We could pick up the phone and talk and encourage and vent anytime we chose.
God is similar. We feel sometimes like he is far away but all we have to do is call Him and he answers. There are times I have felt he may have let it go to voice mail( haha) but he always, always, always gets back to me. Amen.
Jennifer is my friend who breathes life into me. She is a gift from the Lord.
Precious Cheryle
Beth Beck
My friend is ginger Parton
Brenda Austell has been that ‘buddy!’ Praise God!!
Thank you for the encouragement everyday!
Julie Farr. She is who I buddy breathe on God’s word.
My mom
My friend Bridget has been a lifeline for me for many years. She is a kind and loving Christian wife, mother, and friend. She stepped up when my husband passed away in 2006 and she has given me a new perspective on life. I am lucky enough to have her as a friend at work and at church, as well as outside of work. I consider her to be part of my family. Thank you.
My friend who gets me through tough times is Danielle McDaniel.
Carol is the friend who comes to mind as the one who has breathed words of life into my life many times, she is a true woman of God and a true friend. I am so blessed to know her and to call her friend.
My firend: Tina Schweizer.
My friend Diane Stevens breathed life into me. She has been a dear friend for almost 20 years and no matter what she is going through (and she has been through much worse than me) she always has time and prayers for me.
Thank you for encouraging me, so that I may encourage others!
In God’s Love,
I have all your books! And enjoy the reading…although it may take me awhile to get through them…as I soak up The Word. Thank You.
Dear Sharon…right now so many friends are breathing with me and for me as I sit by my daddy watching him take his last breaths here on earth. He has breathed faithfully here for our family and friends for almost 88 years. Any moment now daddy is going to have everlasting breath from heavenly air in God’s presence. Your writing is a precious hug as right now it’s the prayers breathed on my behalf that are sustaining my mom, sisters and I. The breath of heaven is very close. Leaning in close to daddy to feel His whispers.
Joy (from Calvary Baptist Church, Ontario, Canada. I only add that as you spoke at our Winter Interlude and I drove you around from airport/hotel/church. I am going to forward this post to my praying friends and thank them for this sustaining gift to me. I’m reminded of the chorus, “This is the air I breath…Your holy presence, living in me.”)
My dear friend and fellow alto in our church choir at St Andrew’s here in Bayonne, NJ has been my “Breathing Buddy” for many years now and I thank God for her pretty much every day! Janet Rocheny has been there for me through cancer, unemployment and all the little tragedies in between. We also share each other’s joy, and those are some of the deepest and most sustaining breaths of all!
My friend’s name is Barb.
My friend that has breathed life into me is Cindy. She is always there with wise Godly words and she is who cared enough about me, to ask me about salvation, and led me to the Lord 🙂
Sharon Jaynes,
This morning you saved me from drowning,reading your blog gave me hope to trust the Lord when I feel like I am drowning with all the problems I have in my life,and I can go on for another day. Thank-You for your words , Please pray for me as I need prayers. Janet
Denise Lopes has been there keeping me focused on God’s promises through a year of incredible pain as my husband of 29 years walked away from not only me and out two girls but worse God and ministry.
I am always so inspired and encouraged by your devotions. Thank you so much for doing life with me. May God bless you.
Camaryn Kimball
Sharon, my friend Stephanie Belk has been my buddy breather. She is a wonderful friend!
Alicia breathed life into me when I felt like I was drowning in depression.
A friend that has breathed life into me over the years is Penny Noyes. Thank you for your encouragement.
I have a few friends who breathed life into me. Aileen Gibbs, Armaletha Ford & Tracy Dial. Every day we have an opportunity to help someone, I try to live my life looking for those times.
My friend Johane led me to God 2 years ago. She has been my breathing buddy in my worst moments. I thank Johane for showing me the way to God. Now she herself needs breathing buddies, while she is going through cancer.
Thank You for your writings, I have several of your books, they are placed where I can look back at them whenever I need.
Ruth Steele
Thank You for your writings, and , yes, friends have nourished my spirit ever so often.
Paula Zeiler breathed with me and at times for me during my journey through infertility. Her faith filled in where my was lacking. She was a prayer warrior for me.
Kerri is that person for me. I was in such a funk (trying hard to get out and making progress) and she gave me some materials (from a Bible study we had done previously) and left me sticky notes around that just made me smile. I only hope I can either return the favor or pay it forward one day. She is one of the busiest women I know, yet she took the time to listen as much to what I wasn’t saying as to what I was and made time to do that for me.
I met my friend Lynda 18 months ago while I was still struggling with alcoholism and living a life of helplessness without hope. Through her encouraging words, prayers, and guidance in the scriptures that I needed to pull through, I am a different woman today. I have found hope, I am free from the hold alcohol had on my life, but most importantly, I have a relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ my savior!
Ellen, she has been my best friend since we were 10, that was 45 years ago. She has been a gift from God from the beginning. I think of the times when we were younger when we, too should probably not attempted something-however…but I love the idea that we were buddy breathing even then. She has breathed life into me more than once! We have a group of girlfriends now and one of the joys we share is to be that breath of life, to be that buddy breather. We’re heading to one of the girls’ this weekend to help her breathe. God has blessed me with a wonderful group of women friends, but it all started with Ellen,
Hi Sharon,
I would love to win the book! My name is Kathie 🙂 thank you so much for making my day with this morning’s devotional.
Good Morning! My name is Heidi and I feel so incredibly blessed to have found the Girlfriends in God daily devotionals! I enjoy all of the encouragement 🙂 I am a 28 year old mom, wife, and hairdresser. While being a mom and wife has its trials at times its in my career that I seek the most encouragement from other Godly women! As the only Christian at my salon, I look to scripture and friends to guide me in giving glory to God daily in a Godless place. That is where today’s deviation really sunk in about having friends “that breathe oxygen when we feel as though we are drowning.” A beautiful woman I attend church and bible study with has been the most inspiring, encouraging, and amazing friend to many of us young moms and wives at our church. Her name is Heather Adams and she is also from Warren, Ohio. Sometimes it’s even before her words come out of her mouth, but the hug she embraces you with the moment she sees you that I feel can inflate my positive balloon!!!!! She is wonderful and I just felt The Holy Spirit speaking to me today during this devotion you have shared with us that I needed to share. Thank you for all of you encouraging words and sharing with your “Girlfriends in God!” Have a blessed day, Heidi Kalafat
The “friend” that I “buddy breathe” with is my mom.
My Friend and Sister in Christ, Sally is a true friend who is truly filled with the Lord’s spirit, and breathes God’s breath in her voice and her presence. I thank the Lord and Praise Him for bringing her into my life.
Cheivna Phillips breathed life into me when I felt like I was drowning and couldnt go on.
Delecia Smith
Love today’s devotion.thanks for sharing.
LOVED today’s message…thank you, thank you, thank you!
Michelle, my cousin and buddy….has breathed life into me! PTL
The first to come to mind is a friend named Tracy! Thank you for sharing God’s word!
Shawn Kippley
I am leaving a friend name who has me to breathe in hard times when in deep water situations..her name is Evangelist Natalie Caldwell-Kirkpatrick……
Today’s passage speaks of friends speaking oxygen into our days when we feel in total despair. On April 22, a fire claimed my house and every worldly possession I owned. I quickly found my 3 children and myself without anything. It has been two months and three days since that fire. We are slowly trying to rebuild our lives. Over the last two months, my mother was diagnosed with dementia. My children have not handled the fire well. My youngest son faces some serious consequence from acting out in his grief, so I stand to lose my son for an extended period of time. I fully understand the meaning of loss and times of despair. Your daily scripture readings and lessons have become my lifeline to hope and a small sense of peace in the midst of unbelievable challenges. Thank you! God truly does watch over us even when we lose sight of it at times. You have been my oxygen…..
My buddy is my daughter, Miranda Bennett, who lifts me up when I am down, who is an inspiration to me. She is the best daughter, wife, sister, mommy, and friend I know. She teaches her 1 & 3 year old Christian values. I would love for her to receive your book.
My dearest and best friend, Rose Mary, has always been there for me, breathing for me when I felt like I was “drowning” after my first husband’s death. She is a gift from God, who has blessed my life and the lives of my daughters (her god-daughters!).
Patti Fitzgerald
The friend who has God-breathed life I to me is Ann Yuhas. I hope you pull her name. She has been such an inspiration to me, always seeking God’s will in all she does!
My friend, cousin Rhoda Williams.who never stop praying for me. In August her prayer was answered. I rededicated my life to Christ..She is a buddy breath..And I thank God for her.
My friend Deb breathe life back into me yesterday as I was at my weakness. It was my lowest moment but she helped me through it. Then this morning I open up to this devotion. Sure is a God thing.
I gave you my email. Wasn’t clear on if you wanted my or hers.
My fiend Mari White is always the person who shares her wisdom and offers me fresh air to breathe when I am panicked and choking.
Autumn Grace
My friend’s name is Darlene Hauser. She is the reason I found you. I am a Pastor’s wife, and through so many obstacles in that alone, I have let my spiritual journey fall silent. She encouraged me to find what ministers to me, and use it as a women’s bible study in my church. I have just ordered The Power of a Woman’s Words Book and study guide, and am going to go through it soon before teaching it. Darlene and I have been on MANY mission trips together, and are sisters by the blood of Christ. She has been a voice of reason for me in so much.
Gwen Boggs
Loved this devotion. Spoke to me since I am feeling those feelings and I just spent the day yesterday with a friend who was my buddy. And her name is Kathy. Thank you for this devotion
Susan Conger
Hailey Smits 🙂
I am thankful for the friends & mentors God has given me throughout my life! I have been richly blessed by so many! I only hope that I have been a blessing to others!
I thank God for friends who help me daily with words of encouragement.
Robin has been my best friend for more than 20 years now and our relationship has evolved over the course of time, but one thing has remained constant – we hold each other up. It’s grown to the point that we can sense in our spirits when something is wrong with the other and we’ll just reach out and pray in support of each other. She is more than my friend – she is my sister. We may not physically be blood relatives, but we are spiritually and that is more than enough.
My friend Doreen. She is an Angel on earth. We have known each other for over 20 years. I am 49 and she will be 65 on August 26. She is such a blessing. We pray for each other and hold each other up, encourage each other and just try to show each other God’s love every day!. We are as diffrent as night and day, BUT GOD!!!! HE knew what HE was doing when HE joined us together in friendship! Her husband George will be 73 on June 26 and their anniversary is in July. I cannot say enough about this remarkable Godly woman. I am blessed by her friendship beyond measure. We were even “ReachGroup” leaders together years ago (Bible study group for our church). Thank you and have a blessed JESUS filled day!!!
Thanks for the great devotional.
My friend, Deborah Devine, is an amazing friend that is always there for me with words of encouragement and scripture to get me through anything! She is an amazing friend!!
Thank u Sharon for breathing the living word in me. I know I always need it, somedays more than others. Be blessed!
In loving memory of Marlinda. She has been a dear friend for 30 plus years who recently lost her battle with leukemia on June 5th. She remained a testimony of God’s love and grace. I will miss her as I journey life on earth without her. Friendships are special gifts from above – treasure them!
Carol Lockhart. She is my friend, my sister in Christ and my breath of life so many times!
Joletta Smith
Gloria Stephens
My daughter, Megan, has been a breathing buddy for me. Her words are very powerful. Often we chat on the phone and she will make a comment that encourages me and empowers me. She is a spiritual blessing and loving daughter
How powerful and encouraging these emails are to me. Thank you for buddy breathing for me. Selah!
– Mia Mallory
Taryn Bolton. I would love your book for my daughter, Ashlyn Bolton
I am especially grateful for my sister that has encouraged me through some rough times in my life. She is a wonderful person and true friend!
I loved your message for today. I have a very good friend who has kept me from drowning many, many times…and I have tried to do the same for her. Your story reminded me, in a big way, of the times we have rescued each other!!! Thank You, Sharon!!!
Please include me in your drawing…I would treasure this book by you!!!
Holly Tuell
Her Name is Raychell- we share, dreams, triumphs, and worries. She is a breath of fresh air! She gets me!
Lisa Abel, Carol Whitfield, and Pamela Briggs are women that I go to for breath. They inspire me, advise me, pray for me, and love me when I am unlovable.
Gina Dyson
Thanks for the constant encouragement; the name of the friend who continues to breath life into me is Lydia Harris 🙂
I am so thankful for my sister-in-law, Susan, who sent me a link to GIG nearly a year ago and for my sister, Susan, that has sent me encouraging words many times when I needed a “breath”. God bless them and you!
Thankful for my wonderful friend Laura Cowan – an encourager and sister in Christ who has helped me numerous times in my walk with the Lord.
My dear friend June kept me alive when I felt there was no way out of the pain & sorrow of divorce was death. God has used her in my life in more ways than I can count over the last 25 years. I praise God daily for her.
Lisa James
My mama, Collette. She’s always encouraging me, loving me, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through her!
Karen Rogers
Natasha Kerrigan
This completely changed my morning Sharon, thank you so much!!! I was drowning this morning in worries and this helped!!!
🙂 Angie
JOAN EGE! She is my buddy breather!! She is a rock, a woman of God and I am so proud to call her my friend!!
I love the thought of “Buddy Breathing”, very healing in every aspect.
Donna Hubbard
Breathing life into a friend is so important. The only words that have ever brought me encouragement have been ones given through the Scriptures. I have gone through many hard times and through it all, the faithful friends, who have breathed the life of Scripture into me have been irreplaceable. I thank Jesus for those who take the time to breathe Scripture into my life as opposed to their opinions. <3 Thanks for posting this wonderful blog. Julie Smith 🙂
What a great devotional- it reminded me of my best friend Micheline. Two years ago she acompanied me to an oncology appt. where I recieved devastating news about my prognosis. She has prayed with me in crisis and uncertainty – sharing her oxygen with me when I’ve needed it.
Kim Holtzman – she IS breathing buddy! I know without a doubt I can reach for her respirator and she will always provide a breath of air
Tamra Sease
Janice Milesic has been a breathing buddy for me!!
Gina Riggins
I buddy breathe with my friend Deb. We have been placed together in very hard circumstances professionally, where choosing the high ground is the biggest challenge.
We hold each other accountable, make each other laugh and trust in the Lord for our lives and family lives.
My closest and best friend, Mary Arnold, has been the one to encourage me spiritually when I felt as if I could not go on. Not a day passes by that we don’t talk. She is a wonderful Christian lady, and I’m blessed to have her in my life. She’s my “shoulda-been” sister, and I thank God for blessing my life with her.
I’ve had several friends who’ve helped me breathe at times and I’ve had opportunity to help others breathe… But the one who comes to mind first is Danna Watkins. We were couple friends back in the mid 1980’s when we were foster-parenting and going through infertility ourselves… we lost touch for a few years but a God-encounter in Target a few years ago brought them back into our lives and again they encourage us in this journey called “parenting”!
I can think of only one woman who gives me air just when I lose my breath… and that is Holly. She has been there for me through so much and helped me to see (and hear and most importantly FEEL) God all around me. She is my safe place to be me… to laugh out loud, to cry that ugly girl cry and when I just need a hug, she is always there to wrap her arms around me. Despite all of the many challenges she faces in her own life, she is the most humble, unselfish, loving person. If not for just a few moments, I hope the world can see what a terrific woman she is!
I would love to win your book.
Thank you.
My dear friend Kate has been my breathing buddy. She is always there for me and ready to lift me up with the power of God’s promises.
Angela Rhew has always been there to give me an encouraging, positive word when I go through difficult times.
I am Thankful for God’s Love, and for his Love shining through Dawn Galli.
I just said to friends a couple days ago ” God must be tired”, and they said why do you say that ? …Because he has been holding me up for a long time, one set of footprints in the sand..
My friend, Pamela Frenden, has beat cancer twice. Even in her time of need she has been the encourager or the deep breath of fresh air that I’ve needed. I thank God for her.
Thank you for this God-breathed message!!! I soooo needed to take that deep breath!!!
My friend’s name is Char but Julie and Tracie also encourage me! 🙂
Michele Smith has been this friend to me over the past year. I thank God for her and would love for her receive your book 🙂
Irene O has been buddy breathing for and with me since Sept of 2012. Now I am standing and breathing on my own too. I will pass it on definitely 🙂
Lola Tyler
I would like to enter my friend’s name in the drawing. She is my God-sent buddy breather. Even when I’m not thinking about her or anyone, but spinning in my own problems or worries, she texts me or calls to check on me. God places me on her heart, and she listens to Him. Lola Tyler of Odessa, TX, email: JCLovesLola2@yahoo.com
Angels do work overtime in our youth, right? My 6 sisters have been my breathers. We are very blessed to still all love each other and get along so well.
My friend that keeps me going is Gail Amato. She shares her wisdom and strength with me. She’s amazing. Thank you for this devotional. I needed it today. 🙂
dear Sharon. thank you .I enjoy girlfriends in god so very much , I look forward to it everymorning , that’s how I start my day. I would like to submit my sister jill fortener in the drawing for the book you offered on june 25th , she is the one who introduced me to girlfriends in god and I am grateful for her, thank you and have a great day . in his light!! cindy kinkead jills e-mail…the4mmom@yahoo.com
DeLane Warren!!
Your devotionals are such an inspiration! Maria had been my buddy breather. I just meet her at church a few months ago but she has kept me alive in the word!
My sisters. Both have been prayer partners and when physical able to be here, they are encouragement to me. I would share the book with them .
Sharon you have the gift of discernment, and the ability to write at a level for all ages and stages of life. Thank you Lord!
Thank you for the inspiration! Your book sounds wonderful.
Johnna Traver
She’s such an amazing woman of God. She always has and encouraging verse or word, no matter.
My breathing buddy – Mrs. Rosie Jensing. *Inhaling, exhaling, inhaling…*
Once again…I’m amazed at a message that hits just at the right time. Feeling such love and thankfulness for my breathing buddies! Thank you. Maryrose O.
Sounds like a great book
Carla M Garcia
Thank you for these words today I am Blessed to have such a friend, Thank the LORD for sending her to me
I don’t know where I would be today without my friend Peggy Pearson, who has helped me “breathe” for more than 25 years!
My encouraging friend is Kim R. 🙂
I am submitting DeShong Perry as my buddy breather.
Marissa Weeks! Recently rededicated her life to Christ and has been on fire ever since. She sends me encouragind words and gives Godly wisdom.
My friend Linda Matoon has been an awesome women of God. She breaths words of encouragement all of the time. She uses God’s words to help me through many of the life struggles that I have been going through. Please include her into your drawing for the free book. Thank you for the great devotionals.
Kizzy & Ally ~ Best Buddy Breathers for sure SO thankful they dive in with me to the deep!
Hi, my name is Niki Akin. My breathing buddy is Tina Christian. She has been and still is a huge inspiration in my life.
My best friend in the world, and God’s precious gift to me…my friend, Tiffany Austin.:)
Dear Sharon my name is DelFina my family and I need lots of prayers please I just found out one of my daughters has become addited to heroin the worst fear for a mother to hear she is with us now and last nite was really bad I seen my daughter go thru something that a mother should not ever have to see I was told she almost died twice but I belive God has other plans for her he is not ready for her yet but I seen the way she was last nite and it scared me but all I could do is hold her and just ask God to be with us .please keep my daughter Alexus and our familys in prayer thank you
Charlene Brewster
Kathy Raines!
Thank you for your inspirational words. I would like to submit my friend’s name who has buddy breathed for me when I needed it. Sara Acevedo, she has always helped me out with prayer, encouragement and a listening ear. I am so thankful for faithful women of God, women understand women, and the various struggles we face, God uses women to speak to us like no man ever could. That is something that I have learned.
Sharon Gardner has breathed life in me many times when I coutd not breathe for myself because there was such darkness in my life!! Thank you for this opportunity to repay her with your gift! Thank you for all you do!!!!!!
My breathing buddy is my friend Leslie. Even though she lives 3000 miles away from me and I haven’t seen her since we were about 16 years old, I found her and started emailing her a few years ago. She is very religious and very active in her church. Through her words I felt the presence of the Lord in my life. I had been in the pit of despair, desperation, and deep depression. I wanted to die because I felt worthless. My friend re-introduced me to the Lord Jesus Christ and He lifted me out of the pit and into the light of His love. Now whenever I feel down, I email Leslie. We talk about everything. She is my inspiration & God used her to bring me back. Praise the Lord!!
My breathing buddy has always been my friend and sister in Christ Kim Ross. I owe my life to her
Carla Ross is my breathing buddy. Just received an encouraging text from her ten minutes ago and have the Scripture strips she mailed me last summer in the depths of two life crisis’ back to back posted in strategic places all over my house. She is a tireless encourager and Christian friend!
You are so gifted in your power to write articles that help us make “the connection”! Thank You! And please enter Connie Agee into your drawing to receive a copy of your book. She is amazingly uplifting to me!
LOVED this! Thank you! I’m putting in my mother’s name: LaWonda Haubrick. She has been my breathing buddy since I was born. (literally!)
I am a new reader and I am loving this daily devotion. Crystal
Helen Mayo always has a word of encouragement when I feel down.
Deserae…I poured out my heart to her this morning before reading this daily devotional…God planned that out perfectly.
My breathing buddy is Leesa Wong. She remains positive somehow, even though she has a very difficult marriage. She keeps me going, and I know the Lord gives her extra doses of strength daily to help me and her friends. She’s beautiful all the way through.
I am new to the Lord. I have been going to church for 6 months but I still live in fear. I do not feel like I am worthy of talking to people there. Like I have no experience. The pastor talks about being connected with others, but my biggest fear is telling anyone about myself. So I stay alone. I have Christian friends but I am too afraid to talk to them either. I know my fears are crazy and I need to “do it afraid”-as Joyce Meyer says.
i thought of my mom. she is always there for me and I never feel as though anyone is there for her. Her name is Holly Crocker
My friends name is Shannan G.
Vicki Scheibel who sent me a wonderful email when I got in to work this morning! Her and her husband have been praying for our family. She said everytime I walk the dog we walk by your house and pray!! Vicki has helped me keep on breathing during a current struggle we are having. Thanking God for His provision of wonderful friends that we need at just the right time!!
Cheryl Larson breathed Christian air into my life during a difficult trial. Thank God for her friendship and thank you Sharon, for your words of inspiration. Blessings!
Jill Bragg
I wish I had a friend like that that I could depend on, but I don’t have any friends anymore. The only people that I could ever depend on like that was my family, and sometimes that wasn’t enough. I was usually the one that others depended on and when I needed help it was not there. Thank you for sharing that story with us. It is truly inspirational.
Laura Williams
3008 Woodway Dr. SW
Apt. #7
Huntsville, Alabama 35805
Mary Wohlers
Thank you for your Godly works. Please enter my friend Kelli Rodney into your free book drawing. She breathed life into me when I really needed it a little while ago.
my friend with encouraging words is AhKeisha Gary. Thank you for your ministry!
My friend’s name is Bridgett Chaission. She has truly been a blessing to me.
Cheryl Kron and my breathing buddy is Mary Beth!
I am so blessed to have her in my life!
My best buddy is Lori Hansen!! I have been faced with many challenges over the past two and a half years: I was diagnosed with diabetes, my husband moved out unexpectedly, my father died, I had to leave the only church I could remember, my son left to go into the Air Force, and most recently, I lost my job… She has always been there for me!! On days when I do not see her, she often sends me a text asking how I am. She never gets discouraged when I send back a negative reply. She just reminds me that God is always there for me and that He has a plan for my life. I will miss seeing her every day of the school year, since we both taught at the same Christian school… However, I will forever be linked to her for she will officially become family when her daughter marries my son!! If God sees fit, we will share grandchildren!!
My buddy breather is Becky Kamese. She just got married to a missionary in Mexico and she has been an amazing blessing through really hard times.
Jeannie is my friend’s name – she has encouraged me to no end! ~F Clawson
Please enter, Erin Grupp
God sent her into my life, without her, I do not believe I would be alive today. Also, today is my last session with her, I am grateful yet very sad, thank you, Lisa
Please enter, Erin Grupp
God sent her into my life, without her, I do not believe I would be alive today. Also, today is my last session with her, I am grateful yet very sad, thank you, Lisa
Heather Gardner I love your messages and the reminders of the good friends God puts in our lives!
Oh and my friend is Shannon Caver.
God has blessed me by putting Linda Day in my life’s path. And now I’m doubly blessed to have found your words to keep my cup running over. Bless you.
I am entering Ruby Pruitt as my breathing buddy.
Please enter Lynn Tuerk. She has been a blessing to me. I met Lynn about 3 years ago right after moving to a new state. I don’t know what I’d do without her hugs, love and encouragement.
I love how God works! I just finished sharing my heart with Him~ I can’t believe the mess I’ve made of things, I feel like I am drowning, I cannot seem to catch my breathe! Then I read your devotional for the day and He’s given you the same thoughts! I need to remember that he is my source , my oxygen! So thank ful for the girlfriends He has placed in my path Sheri, Cecilia, Stephanie, Deneva, Pam, Deb, sisters Karen and Audrey! They are my breathe buddys! I cannot forget my son who is always there for me!
Thank you again!
Lori Blair
Awesome Buddy Breathing when i needed it today!
My buddy breather is Andrea Abron! Thank you for the encouragement as well. I love reading GIG’s daily.
Kristi Davis
Thank you for today’s devotion as it resonated with me.
My Buddy Breather’s name is Francine Dawkins.
Tiffany Aeschliman. I have been so blessed to have this amazing women in my life. I met her not to long ago about 9 months ago. I was a new nurse and just got my first job. Tiffany was my trainer for 2 days and we instantly bonded. She is a very godly women of 25 years old and me 30. I have learned so much from her over these 9 months and much if it was not nursing. She is a great nurse and has made me a great new nurse and given me so much confidence but what i have learned from her about life and true friendship i will always hold in my heart. She is truly amazing, confident godly women whom is my mentor not only for nursing but life and a true relationship with God. I am happy to say that she is a bridesmaid at my wedding coming up in September. She has helped me through some very deep valleys this year not only in life but nursing. I hope that I can be half the friend that she is to me. When I met her I was really struggling in my relationship with the lord and trying to find my way back to Christ after a long time of not hating but doubting him. She never pushed but she was very encouraging at the right times and she was very trusting and approachable to where I would just go to her and start talking about a struggle and she would listen and pray with me and help me find a way. I cannot get out how truly amazing this women is and how much she has done for me and how grateful and blessed i am to have her as a true friend and confidant. I have been praying for years for a true friend and God gave me one.
Inspirational & thought provoking! God Bless
My Buddy Breather is Sylvie Gilbert
My breathing buddy is Vanessa. She is a God send.
Thank you for this devotional.
Elizabeth Gazeenbek is my breathing buddy. She just knows everyday what to say. She’s more relizble and affirming of God’s Love than any friend I’ve had since childhood. I’ve only known her a few months. She is truly the friend I need.
My name is Pilar and my friend that is always there to breath God’s thruth into my life is Maria. I thank the Lord for sending angels to my rescue in times of trials and Maria is definetly one of the Lord’s angel in this earth.
Cindy Herington!
Emily Rose Castillo
Lindsay Schmitt: lindsay.schmitt@yahoo.com
My dear friend, Lisa Nehren, breathed life into me when I felt like some days I couldn’t go on after my husband left me and my 3 small children. She’s the one I’ve called @ 2 a.m. when I’ve been overwhelmed and just needed some words of wisdom. She has always pointed me to Christ in those times of desperation. She has been a God-send!
Mitzi Moore
Thank you!
Amy Nixon – breathing buddy for 5 years.
Kathy Maguire, my Soul Sister. She has been breathing God-inspired life and love and encouragement into me since we first met. I thank our most gracious and loving Lord for her daily.
My name is Teri and my breathing buddy is Dolores, she has been my buddy for the past seven years, even in the middle of her own trials and storms she takes time to minister to other women . by her example I have grown in being a women of god .she’s a true women of god ministering to me even when she doesn’t realize it, for the past year she has been in a trial of her own in her marriage, so I hope you choose her , give her breath to breathe, thank you.
I have been through heavy trials the first half of this year. I came very close to losing my dad on good friday and my father in law is still fighting heart issues and waiting for a new heart. I have had many friends who have been breathing buddies to me, but my friend Eva Toia has been the biggest blessing and breathing buddy I could ever have asked for. If you choose her for the book you wouldn’t be giving it to a more deserving lady.
I would like to leave my friend of 20 years name…Marsha Taylor! She has raised 3 kids on her own, worked and struggled for most of the years that I have known her and yet she “breathed” for me way more times than I was able to “breathe” for her! And still does! Your story was a beautiful analogy of our friendship. Thanks for this devotional! Charcy
Great message today. My buddy breather is Renee Birdwell. I just moved from the town where we both livesand I will miss her so much!
Brandee Lendosky is my oxygen. I am so blessed to have her for a friend. She always puts others first and seems to know exactly what others need…and then does whatever it is. God is doing marvelous things through her!
This was sent to me by a friend and was so timely. Thank you for putting into words exactly what I was feeling. May God richly bless you for letting Him use you to bless others so beautifully.
Jenna Purkey is my buddy breathing friend. 🙂
Elena D.
This Devo made me smile and thank God for the blessing of friends who have encouraged me closer to Him.
Cheryly Pletcher is my buddy breather! She keeps my eyes focused on Jesus when I start to turn them in the world’s direction. Thank you!
My name is Sherrie Thon. My buddy breather is Ganna Mosley