Prayer Wall

Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20 NIV). There was no Internet when Jesus said those words, but He certainly knew it was coming! And here we are today praying for each other around the world.

This Prayer Wall is a safe place for two or three or more to gather in Jesus' Name and pray for each other. God invites us to participate in the unleashing of His power by praying and turning the key to the storehouse of heaven's door for blessings outpoured. The Prayer Wall is here for us to pray for each other, and to share praises with each other.

Let me also say what the Prayer Wall is not. This is not a place to vent. Whether it is venting about husbands or politics, this is not the place to do it.

It is not a place to disparage others, embarrass others, or disrespect others in any way. If an entry has too much information about another person that could embarrass or disrespect them, it will not be posted. 

The Prayer Wall is not a place to give advice. Let's let God be the One to give advice to our sisters. Our job is to pray and we never want human advice to interfere with God's direction.

We don't need to tell a lot of details about certain situations. God already knows the details, and we wouldn't want anyone to post something she would later regret. Therefore, some details maybe edited out.

Each prayer request will remain on the Prayer Wall for 60 days and will then drop off. If you would like for this amazing community of praying women to continue praying for a certain request, simply enter it again.

I am so excited to see what God will do in each of our lives!



While we're praying for each other...

You might find encouragement in my free downloadable devotional, Trusting God in Trying Times.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.
    Sharon Jaynes | Prayer Wall



    • Prayer for my adult children and me, Ron, Mike, Melanee, and me for healing. And that Mike will experience God's peace and protection in a way he's never experienced before since his recent release from confinement. Pray for blessings for my family, grandchildren, and the upcoming birth of Michael's son. Thank you.
    • Pray for my daughter Kay her 5 yr old son my grandson is having like outburst at school like getting mad and either throwing things or getting under a table and not coming out he is a very smart child we can’t fiqure out why he does this his dad is not in his life much he really treated my daughter real bad when they were seeing each other I just want them to get along for the child please lift her and her son up in prayer he stresses her out I have to go get him he also just out of nowhere says things like I wanna die very frustrating
    • Help me Pray that I may see where God want to lead me next in my life. Also Lord help me make better decisions.Help me pray for my children that we can teach them how to make Better decisions and that GOD speak to them., that the Holy Spirit guide them.. WE NEED GUIDANCE!!!!!
    • Good Evening. My name is Carol. I am asking for prayer for mine and my daughters relationship to be restored. She has not spoken to me in months and she is not letting me see or talk to my Grandchildren. I am not sure exactly why. I have heard some things that are not true. But i think i deserve an explanation at least why she feels this way. But I want to see my grand kids, she has a 7 year old daughter a one and a half year old boy and another boy due in November. I really want our relationship back and see my grand kids. My daughters name is Marissa. Thank You
    • My husband had an affair with a 45 year old woman who claimed to be a "just want to help" divorced nurse. She came into my home to "help" even though we had licensed State nurses regularly.

      It was an extremely stressful time as my mother-in-law had been declared legally dead a few months prior & we had just returned 2 weeks prior to a house in filth & complete disarray after partial remediation from a fire.

      At my mother in laws rehab, the woman was inappropriately friendly with my daughter & husband & encouraged my mother-in-law to let her & her 20 yr old daughter live with us (my husband said "no", however she kept coming over regularly anyway.)

      She had claimed to her rehab employer to be a personal friend of our family -- while she workex at my mother-in-law's rehab center a few months prior --so that she could have extra access to our family without arousing suspicion.

      After the affair was discovered, the woman claimed to be pregnant, threatened my husband with an abortion & tried to extort him to be with her.

      Although my brain understands the stressful situation my husband was in, I still can't wrap my heart around all the anguish that I feel from the betrayal. He had her as a help-meet with his mom, as a confidante & a sexual partner. He did things with her that should have been for me only.

      I often feel worthless & experience such tremendous pain even a year and a half after my daughter discovered their secret text messages.

      I need lots of prayer to trust that God is going to take this unthinkable nightmare and make it into something good for us all, something that we can use to serve and bring glory to his name.

      My husband is such a good and kind man. No one believed he could ever be capable of such a thing. If such a good man could do something like this, I feel must be so incredibly subpar as a wife. My parents never hugged me or touched me or told me they loved me, even distanced themselves from me as an adult. A big part of me feels as if Im unlovable & deserved to be cast away. Please, God, please help me.
    • Today’s devotion, “Can I have a different story?”, hit home! The part of my story I want to change is my divorce in 2008, and the damage it has done to my now adult children. My daughter has two children to two different men (one she married the other she did not), and is currently embroiled in a bitter divorce and custody suit with her alcoholic/addict husband! My son moved to Utah in January and has cut ties with me, his sister, and his father due to perceived hurts from his past! As a mom, I want peace and healing for everyone, including my ex, who is having health issues that will shorten his life. I wish I could have changed his mind and convinced him to honor his vows and stay in the marriage to avoid the issues our children are currently facing!
    • Pray for my friend John who lost his wife to Covid they have two adopted children 7and 9 John got Covid too going home today with oxygen. Pray for their Gods comfort.
    • Prayers for my unsaved children and I'm overwhelmingly lonely. Divorced 24 years, family not close and no close friends since empty nesting 6 years ago. Extremely social but this is very different than having a special someone to share life with. Some days are unbearable. I'm so thankful I have God in my life. Thank you so much for your prayers.
    • This is a praise of sorts, but also includes a prayer that my brother finds healing from the past through Jesus. When I was 7 years old my Mother committed suicide, leaving me, my two younger sisters and my Dad to grieve her loss. I was born after 10 years of my parents marriage. My Dad was a truck driver and our family owned a lake cabin with another truck driver family. One year before my Mother's death, the other couple divorced and the woman, Rose, received their part of the cabin in the divorce. My Dad and Rose (Mom) were married the next year. Mom had a 4 year old son; he was very upset that his parents were divorced. I was very upset, after Mom and Dad were married, that Mom was my mom. My brother and I were hell raisers. We are now in our 60s and 50s. I am convicted by the holy spirit that I need to apologize for my actions as a sister to my brother. I did this with my Mom about 20 years ago and it brought great peace to our relationship. I wanted to tell my brother, in person, then on the phone, that I am sorry and will do my best not to revert to previous actions, and that God loves him. Recently he no longer answers my calls - he will text. Per Sharon's post, on GiG, I plan on sharing, "when you do not like your story', and sharing that I am sorry for my actions and love him and so does God. Thank you and God bless this avenue for prayer with the understanding that my brother may never turn to Christ.
    • I am already overwhelmed taking care of my 99 year old mother in assisted living AND my husband who has Parkinson’s. Now I have a bunch of personal health issues and it’s hard to carry on. Please pray for strength and wisdom from the Lord. Thank you.
      1. Winsome Dariah

        Father, you give power to those who are tired and worn out and strength to the weak. We’re asking you in Jesus name to give Peggy the physical, emotional, and mental strength she needs as a caretaker and giver to her mom and husband. Remind her that she is not alone that you are there with her. Remind her that your strength is made perfect in weakness. Restore her soul and heal her body. In Jesus name, amen.

    • My 53 year old daughter Lisa has a Bi-Polar/Schizoaffective disorder, weights less than 90 pounds, is homeless since April of this year, and not on her medication.
      The Mental Health Staff has many resources for her but she refuses. She doesn't like rules and doesn't want to take her medication. A dear friend is helping snd he seems to be able to get through to her. My prayer is that she will agree to go into a home and be safe and warm as winter is approaching.

      Thank you
    • Prayers for my daughter and family. They're wanting to relocate. Seeking God's direction for jobs and a place to live. Thank you
    • My son spent his college years in seminary preparing to be a missionary to Africa. But he not only dropped out of college, he left the faith altogether. Although married, he says he is bisexual. Our hearts our breaking. We haven’t seen him in several years nor heard from him
    • Healing my sons heart heart for mistreatment by his father when he was a child. Praying to forgive myself for not intervening more
    • I need God's guidance for our family. God, please put Your healing hands-on us. Protect us from the world and guide us with love and understanding. I pray for love, healing, and strength for everyone on this prayer wall. I love you, Father God!
    • My husband had a triple bypass and valve replacement 7/9 and then five days later emergency bowel resection due to bowel ischemia. He ended up being in induced coma for a month. He is very weak and needs the Lords strength and healing.
    • Needing God's healing for my eyes and ears.
      Need his Mighty Hand to stay the destruction of this ":incurable' disease.
      Jesus did heal the deaf and the blind.
      And , nothing is impossible with God.
    • Please pay for my children as they are encouraged by their father to disrespect me and blame me for every ill in the family. Thank you.
    • To be released from the shame and guilt I carry for cheating on my husband. To be repentant and have this part of my story repurposed. I need Jesus to continue helping me fight the temptation and to overcome the shame and guilt of the mistakes I have made in the past and continue to make (emotionally) from time to time. I need healing, I need deliverance. I need Jesus.
    • I have been abused and betrayed by everyone who should have been family.
      Knocked unconscious and almost strangled to death, by my “Christian” family.

      Grappling with forgiveness when there is no real repentance.
      When they blame the victim, and go on as if nothing happened, …
      , simply b/c nothing did happen,….to them.

      What does forgiveness look like in such a case?
      Where the unthinkable is done, I was left so injured I couldn’t even walk…
      and they just went on and “played church”, even holding teaching positions,…
      while my life was shattered.
    • I need so much prayer. My heart is shattered in a million pieces from the loss of my dear husband. Tomorrow is our 20th wedding anniversary and I am so devastated. Every anniversary we would have a mini honeymoon and it is not happening this weekend. He has been gone for 44 days. I cry every night and every morning and then try to put on a strength I just do not have but need for my 11 year old son, the youngest of our 5 and only one left at home. Everything is happening or has happened so fast. The day after the memorial, I moved our oldest daughter back to college and 3 days after that moved our youngest daughter out of state to her first year of college. I feel so lost. In a fog. I am trying to be strong for all of our kids, but can't seem to catch my breath. I'm alive, but I am barely breathing. I miss him so much, I miss what we had and all we were going to have.
    • I will have Holy Spirit help to be the woman and wife God always intended. That my husband would be able to begin to heal his childhood wounds and continue to recover from porn habit that has had him trapped in shame for 4 decades. For him to hear God clearly through his recovery group and our marriage counselor. For me to be patient and trust God to do a miraculous work in our lives. For complete restoration and God get all the glory for it. For our adult children to be able to understand their pain from this recent disclosure and draw closer to God through it.
    • Can you pray that I can share the gospel with others too. I've seriously been having trouble with fear and sharing the gospel with others. I think I just need to set my mind on it and be very detirnend. God bless you, and thank you.
    • Please pray that I get some good scriptures down in my heart, believe God for the breakthrough he wants to give me, stay positive and in agreement with God, and speak good things.
      1. Mia

        Sister, I have found SINGING scripture helps me remember it. Try applying a favorite hymn’s melody to a scripture that speaks to you and see! Blessings!

    • Praying for my friend’s son that he recover completely from this injury. Praying also for my husband’s upcoming surgery. Please give his care team the skill and knowledge to perform flawlessly so he successfully recovers from his pain.
    • Dear Abba Father God. I ask that you will heal my broken heart. Restore the joy of my salvation. Good keep me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on you at all times. God help to be patient with my grief journey and allow you to mend my broken and fragile heart and just love on me like only you can. Amen.
    • Going through transition into the unknown. I need God's guidance, provision and wisdom.
      I would like to get gainful work
    • Healing of many health issues, wisdom for me and the doctors for many upcoming appointments.
      Wisdom in decisions to be made in several areas. Peace and hope,
      Help in dealing with loneliness, forming relationships, especially in finding a single Christian man.
      Work issues and family issues.
      Covid19 to finally go away.
    • As a believer, the ministry I was in broke up, many scattered back to their home states. I lost my vison and have not seemed to regain my desire for full service to the Lord. Began drinking to fill the void, and it has become an addiction hard to break and completely turn over with full trust to the Lord.
    • Need prayer and the Lord's help and comfort in so many ways and in so many areas. Please pray for me. Thank you.
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