I Am the One Jesus Loves…and So Are You

Sharon JaynesEnough, God's love, Identity in Christ 205 Comments

I’ll be honest, for most of my life I felt like I was in second place, an alternate, an also ran, not quite as good as everybody else.

I was a cheerleader my junior year in high school, but I was what they called an alternate. That meant I was on the squad and did everything that the other girls did, but it was clear I wasn’t quite as good as the other cartwheeling, high-jumping, pompom shakers. Barely made it. Last one chosen.

When I applied to college for a specific program, I was put on a wait list. I got in because someone else dropped out at the last minute. Barely made it. Last one chosen.

Even when I had to serve on jury duty, I was the alternate! I had to stay and listen for an entire week just in case someone had to drop out, and I didn’t even get a vote. Last one chosen. Barely made it (and in this case I wish I hadn’t).

I’m not throwing a pity party. I am just being really raw and very vulnerable with you today. I wonder if you’ve ever felt that you were an “also ran.” An “afterthought.” A “barely made it.” “Last one chosen.” If so, you’re not alone.

One thing I love about the disciple, John, is that he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was not second place to anyone when it came to Jesus. He referred to himself as “the one Jesus loved.” That reminds me of my grandma who called every grandchild “her favorite.”  But John knew he was Jesus’ favorite. And so was Peter, James, Andrew, Phillip, and all the rest. And so am I. And so are you.

Of course, John wasn’t really saying that of all the people in the world, Jesus loved him the most. He was saying that of all the things someone could say about him, all the adjectives someone could use to describe him, all the names someone could call him, “the one Jesus loved” was the only description that mattered. John didn’t mean the identifier of “the one Jesus loved” to take away from how Jesus felt about anyone else, but to emphasize how Jesus felt about him.

Check out these verses and note how John described himself in his gospel account:

  • One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him (John 13:23 NIV)
  • So she [Mary Magdalene] came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” (John 20:20 NIV)
  • Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?” (John 21:20 NIV)

Do those verses make you smile? I just get a bit tickled at John’s confidence. Yep. John knew he was loved by Jesus and that all that mattered.

Supposed you and I lived like that? My name is Sharon, the one Jesus loves. Go ahead and put your name in the blank. My name is ________________, the one Jesus loves.

You were not chosen as an alternate, an also ran, a barely made it or the last one in. You were chosen because you are Jesus’ favorite, and so am I! Jesus said this about you: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you (John 15:9). That’s some serious love right there.

There are a lot of words someone could use to describe me—some good, some not so good. But the only one that matters is this. I am the one Jesus loves.

So the next time you feel “less than,” say to yourself exactly what John said about himself. “I am the one Jesus loves.”

If you believe that today, click on comment and say, “I am the one Jesus loves.”

Father, sometimes I can feel so mediocre, but I know that’s not how You want me to live. Your Word says that I am chosen, holy, dearly loved, set apart—equipped by You, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and enveloped in Jesus Christ. I am the one Jesus loves. Help me live like I believe it. In His Name, Amen.

Digging Deeper

If you’ve ever struggled with feeling “less than” or that you just don’t measure up, then my book, Enough: Silencing the Lies that Steal Your Confidence is just for you. Learn how to recognize the lies, reject the lies, and replace the lies with truth. Turn inferiority, insecurity, and inadequacy into Christ-centered confidence!


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Comments 205

  1. I am the one Jesus loves!
    Although Id like to add….I am the one who keeps messing up….but because of Gods great mercies that are new every morning….I am the one He has forgiven and whom He loves!!!❣️

  2. Thank you for blessing me this morning. I look forward to seeing your posts each week. I have been following you for several years. I don’t want to be harsh, but wanted to bring to your attention that you referenced John 20:20 and it should be John 20:2. I highlight the verses on my ebible that are referenced from those that I learn from every day and change colors. I hope you don’t mind that I told you. Again, you have blessed me throughout the years and He has put you in my life to answer my prayers. I’m so grateful.

  3. “I am the one Jesus loves.”
    I am so thankful for this phrase and it makes you feel good just to know this.
    This life sometimes can make you feel less than just because.

  4. I AM THE ONE JESUS LOVES- WHAT AN AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DEVOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE READING ALL OF YOUR DEVOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blessings to you Sharon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a man and I first started reading your devotions when they were in Girlfriends In God- I SURE DO MISS NOT GETTING GIRLFRIENDS IN GOD DEVOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have been INSPIRING ME AND ENCOURAGING ME ever since I became clean and sober back in May of 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP ON KEEPIN ON AND I LOVE YOUR WRITING AND DEVOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pray that you will have an AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLESSINGS Rob

  5. Good Morning! I thank God for you and thank you for that reminder. Jesus knew I needed that this morning. I , Rhoda the one Jesus loves. Amen!

  6. Sharon : I loved today’s Devotional ! In the last year or longer actually , I have been struggling financially! But , I know one thing is clear is that Jesus will take care of me , as I am CHOSEN and loved ! Also , every morning is quiet time in which I read the Bible with a study book my son gave me in “22” and his family for Christmas ! Wow ! I love it ! So clear of what our God did and still does ! I understand so much more now ! And I also do a Devotional and prayer’s . Belong to a great Christian as well ! Thank you 😊

  7. I facilitate a Bible study on Zoom for a few women. Most of us have past hurts, identity issues and so much more. We are studying “Enough” right now and we are finding it so helpful in directing us to the love Jesus has for us. I pray many broken hearts will be mended. Thank you!

  8. Thank you Sharon,
    “I am the one JESUS loves”
    I always look forward to reading your Tuesday emails.
    Please could you PRAY for my son Paul and my grandson Joey.
    Happy Valentine’s Day for tomorrow

  9. I am the one who Jesus loves.
    For years, I couldn’t have said that. I struggled with low self esteem and confidence. In our dysfunctional family growing up, I was the scapegoat, and this role carried over into school. I was the girl who everyone wanted to pick on, the girl who my “friends” decided needed a total makeover (hair cut, clothes my family couldn’t afford, makeup, etc) at a sleepover when we were 13. I was the “odd girl out,” never understanding them or their lack of acceptance.
    As an adult, I finally found my tribe. They are Christians, who love Jesus and understand His commands to love others. I brought this love and acceptance into my last class reunion, and found some of the most horrible people from school were Christians who were ashamed of their teenage years and asking forgiveness, which I was cheerfully grateful to give.

  10. God blessings today… I am Kathlynn the one whom Jesus LOVES ❤️ and because He first Loved me…. I will ever Love Trust and Seek HIM —-and Great News – Jesus LOVES each and every one of you beautiful people just the same – We ARE all “His favourites” Praise be to God for L❤️VE that NEVER ends… may His Love shine in us always

  11. Along with all the rest of the blessed people on this list, I too, am one that my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ loves!
    I pray that each one of us will use this knowledge and understanding to help others know and understand that Jesus loves them also.
    God bless you

  12. Thank you Sharron for this devotion.

    I am Lila, the one Jesus loves!
    Wow! These words are a blessing to me. Thank you JESUS!

  13. I am one whom Jesus loves.

    I think of Brock Purdy, last man chosen in the NFL draft a couple of years ago who led his team to this year’s Super Bowl. He has made sure everyone knows God brought him to this place.

  14. I am the one that Jesus loves.
    Thank you for the devotional and the prayer at the end, especially the last line that says “Help me live like I believe it”.

  15. I am the one Jesus loves! Makes me giggle because I feel like a little child proclaiming that Jesus loves me. Not because it makes me feel small but because as a child you just know unconditional love, or at least you should. I pray everyone can feel that Jesus loves them!

  16. Ernestine I am the one Jesus loves. Thank you for that reminder for a time right now such as this. I am the one that Jesus love.

  17. I am the one Jesus loves! Thank you for caring and sharing this email, I also have been called many things and I am grateful that I know who I am and whose I am in Christ Jesus! Blessings!!

  18. I am the one that Jesus loves!
    He has been my rock and salvation through thick and thin! My constant companion! He lives me through and through and I am so thankful, for he is the one I love also!

  19. I was an alternate juror. There were 3 of us. A jury member did drop out and I still wasn’t selected. I had to do everything the other jurors did but couldn’t deliberate or vote. But, I was selected
    by God. My name is Shelia, the one Jesus Loves!

  20. I am the one whom Jesus loves. Thank you for this reminder of who I am in Jesus and for His unconditional love. ❤️

  21. I am the one Jesus loves!🥰

    Thank you for this devotional today. I needed this.

    You are a blessing in my life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Happy Valentines Day in advance!!!

  22. I am the one Jesus loves!❤️✝️
    I teach second graders at our after school program on Wednesdays. I’m going to use this with eleven sweet little souls with tomorrow’s lesson- thanks, Sharon, the one Jesus loves. ❤️✝️

  23. Hi🙋‍♀️!! I am Melissa….the one that Jesus loves unconditionally📣💯🙌💥☺️💃🥰 📖❣️🤗❤️!!! Hallelujah!!!

  24. Interestingly enough John being the disciple Jesus loved and how we Love Jesus is what the sermon was about on Sunday at my church. We all are disciples Jesus loves no matter how badly we have sinned Jesus will always love. We need only to confess our need for Him as our savior.

  25. I am Denise, “the one Jesus loves”.
    Thank you for this devotional. I needed to be reminded of Jesus’s love.
    Blessings to you Sharon, hugs 🙏🏼

  26. I AM the one that Jesus loves! I was teased in elementary and high school, because I had red, curly hair. Because of that, I have never felt good enough…always settling for second..or third, and sometimes even no place. Thank you for this devotion. Even at 74, I needed to hear this!!

  27. I am the one who Jesus loves. Praise God! Thanks for this devotion. How encouraging to anyone who feels “less than”. All your writings are so inspiring!

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