Sharon JaynesGod's love, Never Less Than 291 Comments

Living Loved

I’ll be honest, for most of my life I felt like I was in second place, an alternate, an also ran, not quite as good as everybody else.

I was a cheerleader my junior year in high school, but I was what they called an alternate. That meant I was on the squad and did everything that the other girls did,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesDealing with Your Past, Enough, God's love, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Listening to God, Living Free, Never Less Than 31 Comments

Woman, You Are Free from Your Suffering!

When my brother was a teenager, my mother used to threaten him when he hunched over at the dinner table. “If you don’t sit up,” she would say, “I’m going to buy you a back brace from Sears.” I don’t even know if Sears made back braces then, but it sounded like a pretty good threat to me.

Then I had a son who seemingly grew to six feet overnight.  Read more…

Sharon Jaynes Blog Post

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Enough, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Living Fully, Never Less Than, When You Don't Like Your Story 29 Comments

Disqualified? Says Who?

Have you ever felt that something done to you or done through you disqualified you from doing great things for God? Let me tell you a story about when I felt sooooo disqualified.

My son, Steven, was in the ninth grade when I turned in the manuscript for my book, Being a Great Mom, Raising Great Kids.  Read more…