Can I Really Trust God?

Sharon JaynesTake Hold of the Faith You Long For 145 Comments

This devotion is running over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today. I wanted to share it with you as well. I’m giving away a FREE Identity in Christ card at the end, so leave a comment and join the conversation.

I stood in the front yard waiting for the yelling to stop before I went back inside. Dad had been drinking again, and Mom was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Why couldn’t he see how afraid I was? Why did he drink? Why did Mom yell? Why did they fight? After 17 years of these volcanic outbursts, you’d think I’d be used to it. But they always took me by surprise.

The day after one of their fights came with many tears and promises. “I’ll never do it again,” Dad said. “I am so sorry.”

But there was always a next time. I learned I couldn’t trust him.

Unfortunately, when I became a Christian, I had a difficult time trusting my heavenly Father as well.

Once we grasp the truth of God’s amazing love for us, we come to the next question: Can I trust Him? Can I trust God with my hopes and fears, days and years? 

When we understand the depth of His love, the answer is always “yes.” Perfect love drives away all fear, kicks it out the door, and gives it the boot (found in today’s key verse, 1 John 4:18). I love how the Amplified, Classic translation expounds on 1 John 4:18:

“There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection]” (AMPC).

When I became a Christian, I could relate to the rejected Jesus and easily accept the indescribable gift He gave. I marveled at God’s love. But trusting my heavenly Father with my hopes and dreams? That was a different story. For the longest time, when conflicts arose, I became that teenage girl looking in the crowd for a daddy who wasn’t there. Could I trust this heavenly Father? I wasn’t so sure.

But one day, God spoke to my heart in a poignant way. Take your earthly father’s face off of Mine, He seemed to say. I am not like your earthly father. I am your heavenly Father. You can trust Me.

Here’s what I learned about God:
God is always good.
He always tells the truth.
He wants what’s best for me.
I can trust Him.

It’s easy to trust God when life is good. But when a child rebels, the bank account dwindles, or the biopsy says the tumor is malignant, we wonder: Is God really good? We know in our heads He is, but the heart struggles to believe. The enemy of this world peddles the lie that God is not good — that He’s holding out on us. That’s the same lie he told Eve in the garden of Eden: God is holding out on you. You can’t trust Him. You will not die if you ignore His direction.

Then disappointment hits, and the devil says, “Told you so.”

Life is filled with disappointments. And during those times of disappointment, the enemy sows seeds of distrust with thoughts of mistrust.

Disappointment and discouragement become the breeding ground for Satan’s lies to take root.

During the years I struggled with infertility, the enemy continually taunted me with lies. God doesn’t love you, he whispered. If He loved you He would give you a child. You can’t trust Him with your heart. You can’t trust Him with your deepest longings.

When we lost our second child from a miscarriage, the enemy pestered me again: How could God let this happen? How could He break your heart like this? How could a loving God allow such pain?

Have you ever felt that way? I think most of us have heard those lies at one time or another. But the truth is, if God says no in one area of our lives, it’s because He has a greater yes in another.

Can you imagine how the disciples felt as the stone rolled in front of Jesus’ tomb? How could this happen? Where is God? But three days later when Jesus rose from the grave, they knew the answer: God had a greater plan.

No matter what you’re going through today, know this: God has a great plan for you, and you can trust Him.

Lord, I may not understand Your ways, but I trust that You are good, and what You do is good. Help me trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Where do you need to trust God more? Leave a comment, and I will randomly choose one to send a free Identity in Christ card.

Do you ever feel you’re stuck between fear and faith? If so, let go of everything holding you hostage to a mediocre faith, move forward with God’s promises and live the adventurous faith of bold believing. If you’re ready to experience mountain-moving faith, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let Go, Move Forward, Live Bold is the book to get you there. Learn how to move from knowing the truth to actually living it out.


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Comments 145

  1. Trust has always lurked in the shadows of my life like a stalker waiting to attack me when I am the most vulnerable because my father and mother physically and mentally abused me until I was 13 years old.
    I am older and at a place where I feel that I should no longer be struggling with this but I know that the devil will chip away at my confidence, elevate shame and bitterness to create doubt in me every chance he gets!
    Especially when I don’t feel close to the Lords word!

  2. I’m still stumbling with my trust with God regarding my finances. I know that I have to completely trust Him in that area too and trust that His word is true. And I trust Him that he is doing a greater job through me. God bless

  3. It’s hard to believe that God can love me, I have been hurt by others most of my life,did things to be accepted to be loved and got nothing but pain,heart ache and disappointment.So I say how can someone so loving love someone like me. I beginning to accept his love but wonder why at times because I’ve never known love. I trust that he will do what he say but sometimes there’s a little wondering then I say He’s not a liar. Help me God to see and know that you’re not man. Amen

  4. My friend’s 4 month old baby, Elliott was diagnosed with cancer (Wilms tumor) and has had surgery to remove the tumor, one of his kidneys and part of his diaphragm. He will need radiation and chemo. I know that God is good always but trusting everything will be okay is not easy. Please pray for him and his family. Much love – Paula

  5. Lately I even struggle with trusting myself. My head needs to get out of the way. My knows and loves God but my head keeps getting hit with those “quotes from the enemy.”

  6. I’m about to cry. No I am crying. What you send me you wouldn’t believe how it ties into my life. I just told my Pastor I don’t think God loves me anymore. We have been trying to find me a hospital to help with severe trauma, PTSD and many other things. I have been wanting to die cause I see no hope. My dad is a monster and I have a very very hard time relating to God. But I love Him dearly. Thank you and please don’t ever stop sending me things from you.

  7. I had a very abusive earthly father as well. Took me a very long time to start trusting God and believe that all His promises are for me too, although I am a mess. I thought that they are for all the people who never messed up. I trust Him now but still need a daily reminder who I am in Him

  8. When I was married to an abusive alcoholic, I felt God had given up on me. I also wanted a child but couldn’t conceive. He also cheated on me and finally I got out of the marriage. I have now been married going on 18 years and have 2 children. I always thought God didn’t love me and didn’t want me to be a mother. I was wrong, God had greater plans for me. I am now a wife, a mother, and work as a nurse supervisor. Thank you Lord for never giving up on me.

  9. My future .. in baby steps. Soon will be divorced after a 31-year marriage to a man who turned out to be like my dad after all and I just didn’t want to see it or admit it. When I showed up at my sister’s house all she said was, “It is about time.” I had married this man believing him to be an answer to prayers, and he may have been, or maybe not.

    I would like to marry again or at least have the companionship of a good man, and there are several expressing interest in me. But I so need clarity of what or who God wants in my life now. I spent the last 20 years of my marriage in celibacy, and I channeled that pent-up energy and passion into my ministry as a volunteer hospital chaplain and devotion booklet editor for the ministerial association to which I belong.

    What now, Lord? is all I keep asking….

  10. This is so true. For years I put the face of my earthly father on Jesus. I am thankful that I learned to remove it and even through the ups and downs of life I trust Him. Thank you for affirming and sharing your story. It is good to know others share your story

  11. God is good. All. The. Time. His goodness and faithfulness is unchanging. Thank you, Sharon, for your ministry. Today I will trust God!!

  12. I need to trust God more with every aspect of my life. After a divorce, I lost my mom to brain cancer last year, moved, took a job that pays half than I was making, and feel like I’m living in a complete daze. I pray daily and believe that there is a blessing behind my pain. But lately, it’s been hard to trust that God’s plans are much greater than mine. When the depression sinks in, it’s so hard to trust him. I pray that God continues to sustain me and that my trust in him gets stronger.

  13. I need to trust that the Lord has forgiven me for things (sins)in my past that I haven’t forgiven myself!
    He is there for me and wants me to trust and love Him! Thank you Lord for your abiding Love!

  14. I WILL trust my loving Father to comfort my heart as I struggle with empty nest “syndrome” My heart is breaking after dropping my twin girls off for college, but I KNOW my Father has my heart.

  15. Life doesn’t stop feeling hard. I’m 45 and it feels impossible to find a life partner that wants to serve Jesus together…I can’t choose someone that might prevent growth in Christ but this being alone forever is wearing on me. 20 somethings get married right and left and I continue to walk alone 20 years later.

  16. My heart was proceed when I read these words in today’s devotional, “But the truth is, if God says no in one area of our lives, it’s because He has a greater yes in another.” Never have I felt this more then I have this summer. I’m on the others now if this journey and I can so see God’s better “yes” but 2 months ago…. Not so much! May I remember this the next time I am struggling with God’s plan; and I say “next time” because I am promised in James 1:2-4 that “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of MANY kinds,” that there will be more trials in my life.

  17. I struggle every day. I know he’s there and loves me. Life is so crazy and you want only the best for your family. Sometimes its just not what God wants. I am trying so hard to hear what he wants me to do in my life. What my purpose is. I am learning you just have to give all your problems to him and not let Satan make you worry.

  18. I am getting ready to move to another state to be with my daughter and grandbabies because their father is in the military and will be deploying. I thought I would move and find a job, no problem. But maybe because of my age, it hasn’t worked out yet and I am giving up my employment here and moving ahead. I trust God in that what He is leading me to is His will. I know He orders my steps. It is hard for me though as I leave the job I love to think I may never hold another and I begin to doubt myself and my abilities. I need to trust that God will place me where He wants me, whether I serve in a paid position or not. I need to accept it’s all going to be for His glory and that is what is most important. My most important job may be showing Christlike love to my family when they most need my support.

  19. Trusting God is a wonderful thing to do. I know God has never left me and has always pulled me through. Communication is a real key for me in my marriage and general life but when exposing evil in a Christian school and experiencing abuse I have had real problems with moving forward. I just about get there then I experience shut down and rejection through my church family of 30years.. I know my church was effected by what I exposed. I have lost just about all my so called friends through this which has been so hard. I have forgiven but feel that my church wants more than what I am capable to give at this stage. Still believing for a total breakthrough.

  20. I need to trust God more with my daughter in college because I worry a lot about her safety. Also, she gets homesick a lot and is afraid she is going to fail.

  21. I need to trust that God loves my kids more than I do and wants the best for them. I need to stop the fear and trust that He will take care of them now and always! Even if it’s not the way I want things to be.

  22. I actually find it harder to trust God in the small, every day things! The lie says, “Why would a big God give a second thought to your little life?” I know that He does care about everything, but these thoughts can really mess me up at times!

  23. I need to trust God more with my addiction/habits. I’ve never met my biological father, so when my mom married my stepfather and had my brother and sister, I started to call him Dad. At such a young age, like 4, I did not know he wasn’t my real father until their divorce when I was 12. I trusted him with my life and he betrayed me, emotionally and physically, teaching me that the sexual abuse I had experienced, was ‘normal’. I am now 32, so for the past 20 years, I’ve been repressing the childhood traumas that came along with my stepfather, which have greatly impacted the way I view God and respond to his Promises.

  24. I need to trust God more in my business and our finances. I sell Real Estate and though this year started off with a bang, it has slumped since summer. I worry. My husband is retired and his SS check is not enough for us to live on so I have to work. We have savings but I worry that I need to keep that in savings for emergencies, not every day living. I trust God to provide for us because he has all through our lives ( we’ve been married 42 years) and many years were much much leaner than this one… I pray for God to send me folks to work with and he does. I know He is faithful, but I am wondering if this is a transition year for me too? I want what God wants for my life, to serve HIM and do what is pleasing to HIM. I am 63 and enjoy my job, but I want to be used by GOD every day of my life. I know GOD will provide I just need a refresher I guess…

  25. I needed this today! My dad was a very abusive and angry man my whole childhood, my mom was not in the picture and my step-mother was physically and mentally abusive as well. I don’t trust easy and struggle with my faith. I have a chronic illness that leaves me in physical pain daily. Once again, this really hit home today, thank you for sharing.

  26. Thank you for being honest and transparent in this article. I have also struggled with trusting God; especially during times of failure and disappointment. Sometimes I wonder if God allows turmoil to enter my life because I have failed somehow. I wonder… am I truly being disciplined? or is the enemy using a disappointment in my life or an unfortunate situation to cause me to question God’s goodness? How do I discern the difference? Today I am thankful for grace, because I don’t always get things right, but God will never leave me or forsake me, this truth makes God very good indeed.

  27. I LOVE and long for your stories! They help me mentally over 30 years of anquish of knowing who I am in Christ. I long to know that I am a child of God!!!

  28. I am dealing with my wilderness. I sustained an on the job injury six months ago. I am stuck between two insurances fighting.. i currently can’t work, and have lost a substantial amount of income until surgery and recovery. I need to grasp the trust factor…

  29. Till I was 40 and accepted Jesus I longed for my biological father but found out that my step dad was more of a father than my biological dad. God showed me that through many trials

  30. Good morning! Thank you for the warm,gentle reminder…that thete is nithimg my Father canot do,does not know! He is in control and He will provide All my needs! He Loves and cares for ME! AND I Love Him…I need him and cannot Luve without Him! He is Worthy to Be PRAISED!!





  31. feeling that I’m a failure and that’s why my family faces so much struggle and turmoil; did my best as a mom but afraid that wasn’t good enough; I don’t know how to help my girls who are moms …. it’s real ….. easy to trust when things are good ….

  32. Good Morning!

    I am trusting God in the midst of a very hard season of my marriage. I have to remember that He is in control and His plans are perfect and He is working out a bigger and better plan for us!

    Thank you for the encouragement to trust God more!

  33. I need to trust God more when it relates to my son. It breaks my hurt to know that he is far away from His Heavenly Father. I know God is not done with my son. Sometimes my fearful thoughts take over but I am clinging on to Jesus.

  34. We have an adult son who is an alcoholic. Oh I have prayed for years for God to intervene. Divorced of course, 2beautiful teenage girls, whom he sees but alcohol is his first love. Breaks a mother’s heart. I know God has a plan, hard to be patient. Thankful for my faith.

  35. Remembering who my identity is in Christ, Has been my biggest struggle. I know I can trust God completely, but Satan’s lies often tell me that I’m no enough. When I recognize the lie, I remind Satan that I am enough because of Jesus

  36. Good morning and thank you so much for this message on trust. I need to trust God more with my finances and im praying for guidance. I just had some life changing situations and im listening for direction before I make any decisions. So I thank you God in advance for whatyou are about to do in my life Thank you heavenly father all glory honor and praise belong to you !!!

  37. To keep holding on and believing GOD for reconciliation with my husband after divorce; as well as my husband is GOD changed. Trusting GOD for other heart’s desires .

  38. Hi Sharon,
    God seems to always give you the right word for us who read your posts. Thank you for listening to Him and sharing these words. I am struggling with this very thing, trusting fully in God. I want to keep it safe and know that there are times that God wants me to simply trust Him and take a step of faith and not fear. Thank you so much.

  39. This story is very similar to my experience growing up.This was so good to be reminded of today. For the last week I have been struggling with anxiety over my business and where it is supposed to go. I know I have to give it up to God, but Satan has been gnawing away at me. Thank you for the reminder that I need to and can trust Him and that it is not within my control. You cannot have faith when you have worry.

  40. I need to trust God more in my life, I am going through a transion in my Job that I have no control over. I need to trust that God is in control and let it go. I am having a difficult time with this.

  41. Hi Sharon,
    Thank you so much for your devotional this morning. It resonates it my heart as my husband and I are trying to hold to our faith in our Heavenly father as we have experienced many years of trial. We have experienced our oldest daughter having a brain tumour, our oldest son going through a time of seizures, a major job loss, my Mother fighting a debilitatating disease, a son going through extreme depression, our baby girl with Down Syndrome needing emergency surgery for a stomach condition, and extreme stress on our marriage as we have had a lot to deal with. We are thankful that God has seen us through each trial and has shown us miracles but we are exhausted from it all. We know God is good has a purpose for it all but sometimes it’s hard to trust. Although we have cried out many times “why God”, our faith in Him remains as He refines us more and more each day. We would love a season of rest but are trying to hold on to knowing God knows what’s best for us.

  42. Yes. My mind understands, but I heart does not even begin to. My ex husband left due to my depression. The nastiness the was shelled out for 10 long years while the divorce went through, was unbelievable. My two children were taken from me, and learned to live hedonistic lives. I remarried and was unable to have children with my current husband. My dreams were always to be a stay at home mom. I did get that for a short time, but it was ripped from me and my children when they were so little. I’m 51 and still feel so much pain from that. I still wish that I could have more babies, and I pray earnestly for my children’s salvation. All that pain pushes trust from my grasp. Every time the word trust comes up tears erupt out of nowhere. I can’t even imagine being able to trust him, and I’m frightened to even ask for his help. I fear the consequences of what I need to learn in order to do so. I’m stuck in that quagmire of fear.

  43. I need to trust God more with my Health! I am at a place where I have more Fear than Faith. I want the Faith that I once had!

  44. Good morning could you please pray with me for my grandson Kyle, I am trusting God to take the thirst of heroin away from him and fill him with a hunger for God. Kyle was raised in a Christian home when to church and mission trips as a child and young teenager. he excepted Christ as a young boy, and he still prays and ask for strength to overcome this. I know God will answer our prayer in His time. It is just so tough watching your grandson just throw his life away like this, He has 2 children that really need him in their lives. they are 4 and 8. They lost their mother June 23, 2018 from the same habit. Please help me pray that he will see how much more than ever these children need him now. Pray that God will restore their daddy to them.

    Thanks and God Bless

  45. I know God is faithful regardless what i go thru at times. His timing is different than my timing and i just need to hang on longer for answers. He is faithful God and I love him so!

  46. This was just what I needed to hear to keep me going, to not lose hope and that I can trust God with my present and future.

  47. Thank you for the reminder that when God does say No that he has something better plan even if you can’t ever see it. I am reminded of the death of one of my brother’s who had been in a car accident, the accident did not take him. He remained in a mute kinetic state for 6 months he could not move or speak but he would watch you walk all around the room. As we watched his body swivel up and his arms and legs get in locked positions we could not understand why God did not heal him or take him. After a couple of different nursing homes we were able to move him to one close to us, one of the nurses recognized him, he was only 35 watching him God started speaking to her and she gave her life to Christ she later told us. He died about a month later. It wasn’t the answer the family had hoped for but God had a greater purpose. You just have to trust him in the hard times.

  48. I certainly need to trust God’s great plan for me, because I have been in a job that has gotten more and more stressful – international school teaching. The administration has come down on me for having tests that are too hard and assigning too many assignments (not true) while overlooking all the wonderful things I have done in the classroom. I may not be teacher of the year, but I feel I am being treated unfairly. Meanwhile, I am straining under the workload while trying to maintain a fitness program(for health reasons), take care of my family and shoulder the spiritual leadership at home which completely cuts out any social life. I’m so lonely and burned out, it’s really hard to believe this is where God wants me and He really does care for me.

  49. Amen! I’ve been trusting God to whisper into my 24 year old daughters’ ear! She needs to find JESUS, AND REALLY GET TO KNOW HIM! God has brought her out of the darkness of drug abuse, he will bring her to church! She has so much to learn, maturity, security and kindness to the ones who loves her the most! She will do this through the help of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. HE will teach her how to be the BEST MOMMY to her 3 1/2 year old son. I am patiently waiting, I know God has this! My daughter’s name is Hannah and her son is Jaxxon.

    In Jesus Name,

  50. Thanks so much for this timely word. I needed this today…more than you could possibly know.
    Blessings to you always.

  51. I need to trust God as I am making peace with my past and forgiving those I need to forgive. My testimony is that I am a survivor of a childhood of abuse, violence and neglect. I was the result of a date my parents went on in 1961. My mother never loved me. She always projected her shame of getting pregnant onto me. I was sexually abused by both of my parents. My father violently beat me. When my father died I was 12 years old. At that point my mother turned her back on me. I had to basically raise myself from that point forward. However, my mother expected me to look after her. I could barely look after myself. My mother had my future all planned out. I was to marry, she would come and live with us. She would help to raise my children. After her abuse of me, the last thing I wanted was her to look after any children I might have. At that point I decided I was not going to have any children. I made a lot of mistakes in my 20’s and 30’s. I won’t detail them here as I don’t want to hurt people who may (by chance) see this posting. I found the Lord at age 40. My life has never been the same. The searching I was doing all my life to fill the hole in my heart was finally filled. I am now in a wonderful church. The Lord has told me it is time. This is the last part of my healing to deal with. I am scared, but I know the Lord is with me. I just need to remember and focus on that!!

  52. The aspect of fear vs. faith is what I pray about daily. It is so hard for me to “let go, let GOD”. Thank you so much for this message.

  53. Hi Sharon,

    I find it more difficult to trust God when a serious illness comes to someone in the family.
    I believe in healing and yet not everyone gets healed….that’s when fear knocks at the door.

    Thanks for your article.

  54. This resonates deep within. My grandson whom I helped raised was gunned down in the streets three weeks ago. The child (he was 25) I prayed for God to protect, to deliver, to raise up. My faith that God hears my prayers and cares for me has been shaken to the core. The light of the joy I so proudly possessed was dimmed. The pain is just as fresh today as it was that fateful Saturday night. I’m praying so hard to recapture my joy.

  55. Very timely devotional thoughts. Our employer just announced that they are selling to another similar business group. While many will be able to retain their jobs – the questions are many. Will I get the same pay? How much will healthcare cost? Will the benefits be equivalent to what we have now? Vacation? etc.
    This devotion has thoughts that I can share and may send via social media a link to this devotion!
    “If God says “no,” in one area He has a greater “yes,” in another. ” – Love that!!

  56. this first person’s story sounds a lot like mine my husband is an alcoholic I used to yell back all the time to, but after all his affairs and lieing, I guess I just died emotionally we have never had any communication he refuses to go to counsel we have been married for 37yrs but have slept in separate for 12 yrs now I accepted Christ as my Lord and savior many years ago but am very lonely and sad and do wonder if God hears any of my prayers because nothing ever changes there is so much more to this story but this is just a little of where I am with God

  57. As you said just as I plan to put full trust in God…bad news or bad things happen again. I see others blessed with being able to trust. Why not me?

  58. My oldest sister died when I was 16. She and I were quite similar: appearance, mannerisms, hobbies, love of writing and singing. When she died, I felt like I was haunting everyone, because I reminded family and friends of her. It has been a long journey of discovering who I am in Christ: a unique and beloved daughter of God!

  59. I need to trust Him more with our 22 year old daughter to make the right decisions and choices. Don’t take that burden in my heart trying myself to figure it out. But let God do the work He needs to do in her life. Praying for better relationship and communication with us her parents. Thank you

  60. Sharon
    Thank you for you beautiful words of devotion and inspiration. I am just beginning to feel real trust in the Lord after 72 years on this earth. I so wish it had come earlier. But pray each day it will grow stronger and my praying will improve. So difficult to pray without all these other thoughts coming in and interfering. I just want to sit with the Lord. My prayers are for my grand daughter who at 4 can have such emotional turmoil. I know God will send his answer Of course it can’t be soon enough. But Sharon I read some of the other comments. God you need to hear these women and I know you do and see their suffering. Sharon I pray for them.

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  61. Thank you Sharon so much for this devotion! I REALLY needed today! My son, Terry Calhoon is fighting the MRSA infection in a hospital for a week and is moving to a rehab facility for another two weeks. He has had back problems for many years, he is now 49 yrs. old. He has had three operations. He has been addicted to pain medications for many years also. He has lost most of his earthly possessions and lives with his father (we are divorced), because he has lost his house, along with his job. About a month ago, Terry had a stimulator inserted in his back to help with the pain. The doctor removed it last week because he said that Terry’s body had rejected it. All was fine when the staples were removed the week before, so did he contract the infection when the staples were removed? I know that MRSA does not respond with many antibiotics, so I pray that the doctor can find the correct one to fight it. Terry has not had any quality of life for many years and fights depression, as you can imagine. I do not have support from my husband, as he thinks that Terry is just lazy and it breaks my heart. Please pray for us. Thank you so much.

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  62. I need to trust God more with my future. I know he is faithful but I allow fear to overtake me a lot of times when I need to trust.

  63. When illness after illness comes, it’s very hard to stand your ground. In fact I have asked the Lord for days that have no testing at all so I can rest. He can do that if He chooses to. If not, He sends refreshment or peace other ways as only He can. Be blessed sisters today, no matter what, He is good and He loves us.

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  64. My 20 year old son, recently diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, is struggling with coping. He has highs and lows and is using drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms. He ran after the Lord as a teen, but now is scared, angry and confused. I have and am praying but when the fits of rage come, or depression and he uses his coping mechanisms I sometimes find myself questioning whether God is real; whether he is seeing this child suffer and why he isn’t healing him. I always come back around, but in the moment Satan is not only attacking my son, he is attacking me. Trust and faith go hand in hand and is such a difficult thing. Thank you for your words of encouragement today.

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      I get it. I love that you said, “when I come back around.” That is the key. Always coming back to what we know than what we feel. Hang in there!

  65. I need to trust God to help my husband and I fight for our marriage after my disclosure of my affair. I’ve broken his heart and my shame and quilt is overwhelming. We are committed to each other. We need to trust God that He will work all this out for the good!!

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  66. I really enjoyed reading this concerning the point when you heard The Father encourage you not to see Him as you did your earthly father. Hit home.

  67. Trust God more that when I do stop working and my income is only saving etc and social security check I will be ok I believe in my heart and trying to pay off the house etc. Trust my check account in God hands and stop listening to Satan lies

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  68. The Lord continues to remind me that I can and should trust Him. Thank you for your diligence in keeping us women all focused on the Lord and His promises.

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  69. I still suffer panic agoraphobia p.t.s.d. and after just loosing my mom 11 months ago I found her in my home not sure if she was saved because she didn’t get to know jesus and she was healthy and ok dr put her on medications was cause of WRONGFUL DEATH I know the bible says spirit of fear isn’t from the lord and I’m not healed yet and still suffer these mental health issues and physical disabilities as well

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  70. I trust God always in my heart because he gives you strength, love, and protection. We go through trials and tribulations all the time but God always have our back do not let the devil win because God always comes 1st in Victory. I been celebrant for 3 years and it feels good to be close to r Heavenly Father.

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  71. My best friend is a Christian and a very giving person. The last 5 years has been very hard for her. She is having a hard time right now. She feels that she has no-one that really cares for her. They (doctors) have her on a drug that she will need to take the rest of her life and she feels that the drug maybe what is causing her anger and frustration. I have know her since she was 18 years old and she is like a daughter to me. I hurt for her and I have ask her if she thought talking to a Christian professional would help but she said she didn’t want to talk to anyone. She has always been so upbeat and now she is so down that I don’t know how to help her snap out of the mind set. I know she believes and has accept God as her savior but she is just so down. Her father was down with dementia for 5 years before he passed. Now her mom is having a bunch of medical problems. She feels like no-one is there for her. She told me she felt like everyone was depending on her to do and take care of problems. I just need prayers for her peace of mind and for me to see how I can be of help to her.

  72. These comments are heartbreaking, and I ‘m sure to God. people with good Father’s can’t always relate to His goodness, may He put peace upon these hearts and all who need to trust Him.

  73. Where do I need to trust God? In every aspect of my life. I keep seeing all the bad things, the disappointing things that have happened in my life and I can’t help but think that God is letting me down – again and again, over and over.

  74. Thank you so much. Tears are just flowing right now. The thing is we.. well I know this truth but we just give the enemy that little room and he takes over but I when you know the truth that we are a child of the most high God he has to move. Thank you so much.

  75. God is good all the time. He never lets us down, but he does let bad things happen to make us grow in his faith , he also allows us to struggle to see if we are going to a raise and take stand for what we believe in. I can do all things in Christ who strengthen me, he never late and he never lets us down.

  76. This is ecactly where i am at today. The devil keeps using all the disappoints i have faced to say see where is God. I just lost my home, been evicted. I trusted God would give me that home. And it didn’t happen. I also have many health issues. I am actually writing this from a hospital bed right now. I trust God for healings in all areas but here i wind up in hospital again. Also with my finances. I tithe every week. But i never seem to get pass living pay check to pay check. The enemy of course keeps lying to me and I’m at a place where I’m struggling. Struggling to believe his promises to me.

  77. I need to learn to trust God completely in finances, health and weight. One of my favorite Bible verses is Proverbs 3:4-5. I still let Satan defeat me time and time again.

  78. I needed this today. God is so timely! Never too early, never too late! He’s an “on time God”. Thank you for sharing His Word of encouragement.

  79. Thank you for sharing this truth. I felt exactly the same way and went through the same things growing up with my biological father and my stepfather. When my biological father was passing he had asked for me and I went one more time to allow him to declare his love for me and of course it didn’t happen. On my way home the song, “You’re a Good Good Father “, came on and I realized that God is my Good Father and I don’t need any other one.

  80. I need to trust God with my circumstances! My daughter passed away last September after a very long illness which I was her caregiver. During those 17 years our faith grew so much because we both knew God had this! No matter what was happening physically she trusted God! Now I am taking care of my husband with Parkinsons and dementia and he looks at life differently. He is not focused on God but does believe in Him. He is just more self focused. Every day is a struggle for him to sometimes even move out of his recliner, to comprehend what is going on around him, then other days he is mentally well enough to handle the day. I still work full time so it is all a stress. I really want to to God’s will in all things but I know I fall short in dealing with my husband especially. I lose patience, I wonder what I am going to do when he can’t be alone ever. I want to trust God and His plan for the future. I love God so much! I want desperately to be a good steward! Please pray for me to trust God completely. Thank you for this devotional today!

  81. I am 75 yr. old and have struggled all my adult life with my weight. I’ve lost and gained so many times, I’ve lost count. Yes I often wonder where God’s help is, but at the same time I know I’m expected to do my part, and I’ve been unable to do that.

    I’m also very disturbed over some family issues, especially with one son in particular. I’m lost as to know what to say or do.

    Thanks for all your wise words.

  82. Fear, anxiety and questioning God has been a pattern in my Christian life. I have a list of several Bible verses to remind me of his loving kindness. I also try to remember all the times He has helped me through difficult times, sometimes miraculously.

  83. Thanks, Sharon,
    Your story of trusting God with your loss resonates with me! I do better some days than others trusting Him. Praying that the responders and you will be filled with His love today and the refreshing of the Holy Spirit

  84. I need to trust that God will heal my husband from his addiction to alcohol (without my help) and he will heal our marriage.

  85. This is so uplifting. I am going through something right now and it helps to know and be reassured that God is always and will always be there for us!
    Thank you:-)

  86. For years I’ve wondered if God could ever use me in ministry. I read powerful, well written devotions that inspire me and give me hope for the dreams God placed upon my heart but year after year, hard circumstance after another, no door has opened up. Only a quiet girl who sits with her Father every day longing to move past the fear that cripples me, praying, please don’t let my pain be for nothing, use me to glorify your name and help those that are broken and lonely. I am haunted by the lies of the enemy who knows exactly how to paralyze me with words that tell me I’m not good enough, I don’t have the skills to write or speak, I will be rejected just like I was as a young girl. Recently a song brought comfort to my weary soul in a very hard season….You Say, by Lauren Daigle. I listen to often to help me remember who He says I am. Thank you for this encouraging devotional the brings a twinkle of hope that He sees me and my times are in His hands.

  87. I struggle to lay my daughter at the Lord’s feet. She has Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which is exactly what it so like. With every theft, lie, and tantrum, though,. I have to give her over again. I know he has great plans for her; just not how she could possibly get there. This was much needed encouragement.

  88. I recently learned to trust God more, it was a struggle for a long time, then I realized I had a real pride issue. Once I realized I needed to depend on Him more and that I could, my goodness! The outpouring of blessings are tremendous. We need to notice the little things as blessings, they may not be what we expected, they are even better.

  89. I need to trust God’s leading. I can question myself and doubt. But when is the one who set me on the path, I need to trust and obey so that His will gets done…in His time…not by the time I finish dragging my feet

  90. It’s so very timeouts hearing this today. What I feel inside concerning trusting Father with everything is different from what is happening around me. What is the way forward

  91. I very rarely leave comments, but this devotion was very timely. Recently, it had been very difficult to believe in the dreams and promises that God has revealed to us. We have been on our journey for thirteen years and have been through many valleys and mountain tops. I know that the Lord had blessed us throughout our walk, and I know that everything always turns out alright. During our walk about five years ago, we believed that our miraculous breakthrough was finally going to happen. We just KNEW WITH ALL OUR HEARTS that we “had arrived.” Unfortunately, things did not unfold the way it was supposed to and our dreams were COMPLETELY crushed. Fortunately for my family, my husband is a VERY Strong Man of Good. He says that the Lord had told him that all is being renewed and that all that was supposed to come to pass will come to pass very soon. I am struggling to believe this. The disappointment and the aftereffects were so overwhelming, I am afraid to go through it again. I know fear and faith cannot exist in the same place, but I am having a difficult time shaking off this spirit of fear. Although I know the right answers and I know what needs to be done, I find myself in the “what if” mindset. Reading this devotion helped me bring my mind and thoughts back into alignment. Thank you for sharing ❤️

  92. The “small stuff”. I look to God for the big things and I need to remember that everything even the small things are important and go to God about all things.

  93. Beginning legal separation for safety issues-physical and financial. I am discovering my teen sons use of some substances to manage his anger and pain. He refuses any counseling, is not saved…I have put applications in to 2 programs for substance abuse Christian residential schools. One accepted him but is almost a 20 hour driveaway, waiting to hear from the 2nd facility. His sisters, both older & out of the home are not supportive of the idea,1 is saved and 1 is not and refer to my ,”sending him away”
    I am struggling to find the option that is best for him.
    I know I’m my head God works all things for good. The pressure of trying to make this decision without a clear “thus says the Lord” has me feeling ungrounded and struggling with feeling alone and drowning.

  94. I keep wondering why I can’t have a better relationship with God. Just recently I realized it came down to me not trusting Him. I gave up asking for a close friend. I’ve suffered from some depression since JR. High when my best friend found someone more fun than me. Then my husband left, because I had depression and he was having an affair with his 12 year old student. My depression was deep at that time, and won custody of our two children that he didn’t even sound time with. My attorney filled out the wrong paperwork, and I never got them back. All I ever wanted was to be a wife and a mom. I did remarry, but I had secondary infertility. Now I’m 51, and I’m still so sad that my kids were taken away and that I couldn’t have anymore. I keep praying for that trust, but I don’t have it yet.
    Thanks for this post.

  95. I struggle with Trusting my PaPa
    I give him my cares and my concerns.
    He doesnt work fast enough or i feel he did not hear me so i take it back and do things and make decisions on my own and make a HUGE mess.
    Right now i am going through financial problems personal and business because of this my doubts and fears have caused satan to come in and terrorize. I am working very hard to let go repent for my wrong doing and allow PaPa to come in and change me. The last word i recd from him was TRUST. So that is what i am working on.

  96. I too had an alcoholic father! Trust is hard! Grieving the passing of a 4 yr old great granddaughter and a 23 yr old granddaughter, who left 2 children without a parent!

  97. I am slowly learning to trust my Lord and those he has placed around me. It has been a long and painful journey walking through past trauma. I know the Lord has something better for me on the other side of this. God is ever so good!

  98. Hello. I’m struggling with believing Gods promises and trusting Him. I have anxiety attacks because of it. All my life my own father rejected me and lied to me. I live a life of rejection. I don’t trust easily and this is hindering my growth in Christ. I want what God has for me because it is better than I had before. I feel I need to be punished for past sins.

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      That’s what the devil wants you to think. Jesus has already given His life for your sins. The bible tells us that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Sometimes we are left with the consequences of our sin, but God will not punish you for your sin if you have asked for forgiveness.

  99. I don’t trust Him. He’s done nothing but let me down for years. He also gets your hopes up and crushes them. Being a Christian is the worst thing that ever happened to me. I still believe- but I won’t trust him anymore.

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