Sharon JaynesLovestruck, Power of Words 45 Comments

The Worth of a Good Word

Have you ever said something to someone and immediately wished you could take it back? That happened with me when I snapped at my husband in the worst way. I don’t write many posts about marriage, but I feel some of my married sisters might need to hear this today. (If you’re single, don’t leave me! I don’t do this very often.)

Steve and I were on a trip to celebrate my birthday.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesGod's love, Knowing God, Trusting God 28 Comments

The Father Ache

Father’s Day is coming up in just a few days. For some, it is a lonely day because the dad they loved has passed away or is absent from their lives.  For some it is a painful day because of past memories and disappointments. Wherever you are on the continuum of happy to heartbroken this Father’s Day,  keep reading to be reminded that you have a Heavenly Father who is the best dad of all.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLiving Fully, Power of Words, Relationships 142 Comments

The Dancing Church

I don’t know about you, but a few of my greatest lessons on how to love other people haven’t come from church folks. For example, one came from a dance club. You read that right.

Nestled 50 feet off Highway 17 in Pawley’s Island, S.C., rests C.J.’s Beach Club. For years, Steve and I eyed the clapboard building tucked in the grove of myrtle trees,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLovestruck, Marriage 27 Comments

Don’t Miss the Joy of Dirty Socks

Have you ever had something happen in your life that was a wake-up call. I mean it really got you thinking about what in the world you are doing in life? I still remember the day I God stopped me in my tracks and reminded me to not take one more day for granted.

I could hear the wailing from the driveway.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesEnough, Forgiveness, God's love 323 Comments

Second Chances

Aren’t you glad that God gives us second chances…and third…and fourth…and…

Perhaps one of the most memorable and heart-touching stories of grace and forgiveness is recorded in Luke 15. It’s what we’ve come to know as the Story of the Prodigal Son. This young man demanded his inheritance while his father was still alive, spent it all on riotous living,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Living Fully, Trusting God 104 Comments

Divine Interruptions

Ever had a day when nothing turned out like you thought it would? Interruptions. Wrong turns. Traffic jams. Mercy!

Just the other day, I got a bit lost going to pick up takeout at a restaurant I had never been before. Once I arrived and got in line, I watched the woman in front of me with a baby in a stroller.  Read more…