When Life Takes an Unexpected Turn…What We Can Learn from Mary

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Living Fully 67 Comments

Life wasn’t turning out like I thought it would. There would be no gaggle of laughing children filling my home, no crowded kitchen table at mealtimes, no juggling of kids’ busy schedules. My first child would be my only child. And while I was so grateful to have this walking, talking, bundle of love, this wasn’t the way I had envisioned life unfolding. When the news came, I had a choice. I could get trapped in disappointment, or I could trust in God’s sovereign plan. I could get stuck crying “why me” or move forward with “what now.”

Mary, the mother of Jesus, had the same choice. Her life had not turned out like she thought it would. Before Gabriel spoke his prophetic words announcing that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and that she would be the mother of the Messiah, she was well on her way to marrying the man of her dreams. I imagine she thought about setting up house, being a carpenter’s wife, and raising a quiver full of Joseph’s children. But Gabriel’s news changed everything.

With the words, “You will be with child by the Holy Spirit,” her life was turned upside down. (Read Luke 1:26-38)

Mary knew there was a good chance she would be disgraced by her community, disowned by her parents, and disavowed by Joseph. We know from the other gospels that Joseph seriously considered divorcing her because he assumed that she had been unfaithful to him (Matthew 1:19-20).  (In those days, a couple was considered married during the engagement stage. The wedding made it official.)

And how did Mary react to this turn of events? She remembered God’s character and His ways. She remembered God as Israel’s helper…as her helper. She remembered God as faithful to keep His promises to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and now, to herself. As Joshua reminds us, “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled (Joshua 21:45 NIV).

Why did Mary mention Abraham and his offspring in her prophetic prayer of praise? Mary understood that her life was part of God’s unfolding story. Gabriel’s prophetic proclamation was not random, but part of the ongoing drama of God’s activity in the unfolding of His eternal plan past, present, and future. And we can be sure of this: no matter what twists and turns our lives may take, our lives are part of God’s unfolding story as well. And for that we can praise Him.

Mary’s prayer alludes to Old Testament Scripture, including Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel 2.

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me- holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good thing but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.” (Luke 1:46-55 NIV)

(See Psalm 103,22,44,89,98,147,25 for her references).

What a beautiful example of how having Scripture embedded deep within our hearts will help us to keep a Biblical perspective in the twists and turns of life. Her knowledge of Scripture helped her accept Gabriel’s message. Her understanding of Scripture gave her assurance of God’s promises. Her saturation in Scripture enabled her to have the faith to rejoice at God’s call on her life. 

She is also an example of how knowing and believing God’s Word and His promises gives us the faith to praise Him when life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would.

Lord, helper of Israel, thank You for Your good promises. Thank You for being a covenant keeping God Who watches over Your Word to perform it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Here’s a P.S. to today’s devotion. Luke 1: 56 says: “And Mary remained with her [Elizabeth] about three months and returned to her home.” Imagine what Mary would have observed during those three months with Elizabeth. She would have seen what to expect in the last stage of pregnancy, and most likely been present during the birth itself. That knowledge would prove very useful on a starry night in Bethlehem in a lone stable with no midwife, no mother, no friend except Joseph to assist. Praise God for the way He prepares us for what He has prepared for us.

What is one situation which hasn’t turned out like you thought it would, that you are willing to praise God for His sovereign and perfect plan? Leave a comment and let’s share.

Visit www.sharonjaynes.com for life-changing Christmas gifts that speak to the heart!

    A Sudden Glory Sharon Jaynes


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Comments 67

  1. My marriage hasn’t turned out the way I thought. We are in counseling but I don’t know if I want to move forward with saving this marriage.

    1. The fact that you both are in counseling speaks volumes. Praying your hearts to soften, your spirits to be filled with hope and your minds overflowing with visions of a future together.

    2. Brenda,
      Your marriage, your covenant and commitment before God, is worth saving!!! My husband and I were married almost 43 years when he died from kidney cancer 14 months ago. In those 43 years, we went through some brutally painful experiences, some really tough times that tested our commitment to each other.
      When we got married, we were 2 immature people who thought we were ready. We were not. We had horrible fights! I won’t get into the gory details, but they were awful.
      A mentor recommended a book about communicating to us. I was desperate, and read it. I started applying what it said, and eventually gave it to him. He finally started reading it and applying it.
      The next book they gave us was about hot buttons, and why certain things set us off. After that, we learned about personality styles. Sometimes he would be handed one written for men, while I was handed a similar one written for women.
      We improved our relationship because we decided that we wanted to. That was the first thing our mentor asked before they started handing us books. Because if we were not committed, it was not worth anyone’s time.
      It’s worth your time and effort. When he died 14 months ago, we had a marriage most of our family and friends envied for how close and loving we were. You can have it, too.

      1. Beautiful and so well put . I haven’t been married but I do believe communication and commitment is the key to any relationship. Thankyou

      2. Catherine, your beautiful testimony is an example of what God can do and wants to do for his children. He works with our “willingness’ to turn to him I’m trust. May he fill your heart with joy knowing you’re helping others turn to him.

    3. Dear Brenda, I too was in a similar situation in my marriage a few months ago. I thought my marriage was at the point of return, until I closed my mouth, opened my buble and opened heart, and fully surrendered my life to God. I literally gave up everything that the world, society, and culture says that a marriage should be and started following biblical principles about marriage. I started to focus more on my role as a Godly wife rather than my husband’s role. Once I began applying those principles I witnessed a big shift in my life and marriage. I’m not saying that my marriage is perfect now but it has become easier for me to be more patient with my husband and understanding of some of the issues that I have with him. I’ve learn to pray more for him than complain to him. I continue to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide in decision making when ot comes to my marriage. I pray that this message encourage you to continue to seek God and the Holy Spirit regarding your marriage and I pray that your marriage be Blessed in Jesus name 🙏🏽

      1. I was diagnosed with stage with stage 4 cancer in 2021. I thought I would be healed by now. However I thanking God for giving me the strength and taking through chemo treatments and the side effects. Also thanking Him for the healing that is on the way.

    4. Brenda,
      You and your husband are not alone in becoming ONE in your marriage. Notice the word, BECOMING, is a process. Amid the process, continue to keep your eyes fixed on JESUS. You are not alone! Throughout the trials of my marriage, I had to completely turn it over to Jesus by remaining prayerful and looking at my husband–“through the eyes of God!” HE loved my husband (and me) despite our flaws and I moved forward with loving him through the past hurts and pains. He is deceased now, but I thank God that I had no regrets about being obedient to HIM! God turned our marriage around and allowed us to love again. Be encouraged and know that God hears your faintest cry to HIM.

    5. Unless it is really too bad, as in violence involved, and there is risk of harm or lose of life, it is probably better to seek to have it work out.
      No marriage is perfect, and that is a fact. Angels only exist in heaven.

  2. Love your emails in the reminders that we all need. I just lost my mom I’ll never 26th at your hard time. I didn’t realize it would be so hard. She is not suffering anymore And for that I am so glad, But I miss talking to her.. I am 700 mi from her home so I would call her everyday. My extended family does not show. up no one has come to my home to give me a hug since I got home. Asking God to help me be here without my family. Clinging to Him!

    1. Cindy,
      Praying that God will comfort you and fill your heart with a peace that passeth understanding. May you feel the hugs of our heavenly father. I pray that He will send you ‘family’ locally to encourage and support you. 💐 🙏🏽

  3. All glory to God for the current difficult relationship with my first born child. I never dreamed it would turn into this but it has and I’m just trying hard to trust Jesus with it every day because I know somehow all things work to His plan and our good. Thank you Sharon.

  4. Sharon, this devotion is filled with so many beautiful Truths, thank you for these reminders. I love how you encouraged us to “ Praise God for the way He prepares us for what He has prepared for us.”. Praise the LORD! I honestly don’t know where I’d be without God’s Word, as it has been my refuge through the twists and turns of my life. Even when I haven’t understood the “why’s” of my circumstances, I have clung to the Who.

  5. My daughter who had a promising future was in a car accident and as a result suffered a traumatic brain injury. Her life was forever changed.

  6. Thank you so much Sharon…It spoke to my heart .Praise God!
    Keep doing what you are doing to help others and for God’s glory!
    I am truly blessed

  7. I expected and wanted to be happily married with multiple children by now.
    I praise and thank God for my satisfaction and sufficiency in singleness, as well as for my only child—one son—who is now a successful adult in the US Air Force.
    1 Thessalonians 5:18-“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of Christ Jesus for your life.”

  8. Such a timely message. I thought by this point in life I would be remarried with step-grandkids and experiencing family life. I will praise Him, as hard as it is at times, knowing His plan is being fulfilled.

  9. Life change-after going to college to become a teacher, I found that it wasn’t suitable for me. I was very disappointed and a little humiliated to say the least, But God released me from that career bc he had another plan. All to his glory!

  10. I’ve been a total mess. My pregnancy was chaotic and my postpartum period too. I returned to work for a brief period but couldn’t do it. I haven’t been back to work full time in over a year. I’m totally lost as to the path forward but trying to figure out how to trust God right now before risking losing my car next month. My son is definitely a good gift from God but I’ve had my mental emotional and spiritual challenges and relationships tested. Not sure what I pictured life like previously but I’m just taking it a day at a time.

  11. My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and hospitalized.She suffered for 100 days even with the best doctors attending her. We hoped and prayed fervently but God had other plans. I miss her everyday but I know she is not suffering. God strengthened out faith during that time and continues to do so. I know she is happy in heaven and is waiting for us.. That is Gods plan.

  12. I thought God was leading me to be a teacher as a career change, but it blew up in my face. Now I’m struggling to find a fulfilling job for me and to serve God.

  13. Although my husband helped me with rearing my 3 children, After 15 years of marriage, I thought my husband and I would have had a child together.

  14. Thank you for this devotional explaining how God’s plan is perfect and how we must embrace it despite our own. My life in retirement is nothing like I planned but it’s His plan and I will continue to do my part!

  15. I have a situation where my brother and sister in law have hurt me deeply. It happened at a time I was morning the loss of my daughter and I didn’t have it in me to stand up for myself. This hurt is so deep I realize it’s deeper than loosing my child. I know this sounds impossibly, I agree I thought nothing could hurt more. God knew my daughter couldn’t live her life in the state her body was in any longer. He had mercy on her and now she is no longer suffering. For that I’m so thankful
    I’ve been seeking God for healing in the relationship and in my heart. I understand their motives and try to believe that no hurt was intended. I really want to be healed of the hurt. So when I start to cry over what I feel they stole from me (it wasn’t material) I will turn my words to praising God. He knew what was going to happen and it’s timing. His ways are perfect and he works all things out for my good. So why is my soul cast down? lift up my eyes Lord to you where my help comes from.
    Thank you for writing this it was the word I needed to hear. I pray it unlocks the last door to me completely letting this offense go. I choose to hold no offense between my brother and my sister and I in Jesus name.

  16. My husband of 51 years passed on to heaven November 22 2923 Gods Grace covered him those 2 weeks with no pain and a peaceful loving journey ✝️🌈 I’m lonesome without his presence here

  17. This encouraged my heart so much! I have been married for 12 yrs and never been pregnant. In 2016 God gave me a promise for children through a dream. In 2020 God called us to become foster parents. We agreed to ages 0-5. We ended up with a 2 month old boy and an 8yr old girl. We are currently in the process of adopting the now 11yr old girl. Talk about my life not going the way I expected. At all. But Im learning to rejoice in my sufferings (infertility and trials within foster care) and trust God’s plans for me. 🙏 I LOVE
    this “knowing and believing God’s Word and His promises gives us the faith to praise Him when life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would.” Thank you, I am holding onto this!!

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  18. I became a widow at 38. I never expected to raise my children alone. I never expected to have to navigate life alone. I thought I would have a home full of family on the holidays. I thought I would have many many experiences and memories that just haven’t happened because of being single and trying to keep a home. Now I have lost 2 homes….. my heart is definitely stuck in disappointment!

    1. Nicole, if we can help make your Christmas brighter, please reach out to me. My husband and I are empty nesters and would love to be a secret Santa/Blessing.

    2. Nicole I became a widow at age 60 and am now 77. I never would have imagined that I would be alone at this time in my life. I am so sorry for your loss at such a young age with children to raise alone. It’s hard to not ask why. I pray for God to bless you immensely with peace, understanding and joy in your circumstances..🙏💕

  19. My husband having to start at home dialysis due to stage 5 kidney failure. He’s now having nausea and diarrhea so seeing him so sick and feeling helpless is hard. God keeps saying trust but that isn’t easy.

  20. When I couldn’t have a child it was hard. The first good gift that God had ever denied me. But after a season of grief, we received two wonderful adopted children. I still don’t understand why, but I accept His loving sovereignty in my life.

  21. After a job related injury, I proceeded to hand in my resignation, before they let me go.
    My JACHO home care business was stated, & received Small Business of the Year Award from the Chamber of Commerce
    Peace & Love

  22. 16 years ago my daughter and her husband lost their pre mature baby.. She lived for one month but left us with a deep hole in our hearts. She also left us with lifetime of lessons , about the brevity of life and how strong love is. She also taught us that God has a purpose for our life no matter the length of our life. We learned in our pain and over time that only God knows what’s best for us and though we don’t always understand we can trust in God’s goodness for what is best for each of us .

  23. My first husband of 35 years took his life twelve years ago. He had suffered from undiagnosed depression most of our marriage. Our four children were devastated to say the least. My second husband died of sarcoma three years ago. As a child, I was taught that God’s plans are always the best plans. He writes our story and knows the ending. Yes, the years after a death is hard. Some days I feel like I am suffocating.
    We often loose sight of the promise of eternal life. This world is not our home. We are here for a short time. So why as Christians are we so surprised when someone dies. Death of a Christian should be a celebration of the eternal life we are promised.

  24. I have trusted God for healing for many years and it hasn’t happened. But I praise Him because He’s my hope that it will happen. Sometimes I waver when the pain is bad and have to remind myself that He is still in control. Every time I remember Mary’s story and consider her age, I marvel at her complete trust. No bantering or questioning. There’s a lesson for us in her obedience. I have to remind myself that she had no Bible, just the scrolls from her ancestors. Yet, she did not hesitate to obey. What faith she had in her God!

  25. My eldest daughter and son have made choices that seemingly have changed the trajectory of their lives. But I believe in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for our good and God’s purpose.

  26. My marriage of 27 years is ending. My husband moved out last month and left me and our 2 sons. I am trying hard to trust God thru this and believe He will work it all out.

  27. Well it wasn’t not having babies, but it was their father leaving me after 25+ years of marriage. I was destitute, miserable, broken….but in the following years God provided for me- a job, family strength, a church family, and so much more. God’s plan brought me so much closer to His love.

  28. My husband and I obeyed the Lord and adopted an older child from China. Adding him to our family has been extremely challenging. This child has violent rages where he hurts us, himself, and damages our home. He has significant special needs that we were not aware of, and now we will likely never be empty-nesters. I am struggling to accept God’s will when it feels like we are being punished for doing a good thing.

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  29. Kids are grown grandkids live in another state. I have been divorced since kids were teenagers . I live alone and find that challenging . Never thought things would turn out this way

  30. Our daughter, her husband and their 4 children moved in with us in November of 2019. They were planning to move out after 6 months, but Covid happened, and they had to stay. They were planning to move out in July of 2022, as Covid abated.
    I retired in October of 2021. I was looking forward to spending time with my husband, who had been retired for 10 years already. (He was older than me.) We were supposed to go to a conference in February, but one of our grandchildren came home with Covid in January, and I got sick. I got Covid pneumonia, and I was sick for 6 weeks. We had to do our conference virtually.
    In June, my husband started complaining about symptoms in his hand. He was misdiagnosed with a neurological condition. We went to a conference in North Carolina. The Sunday morning after we came back, which was Father’s Day, he woke up with stroke symptoms. We spent the next 36 hours in the hospital emergency room, because they couldn’t find him a bed.
    I spent weeks fighting to get him therapy, which we spent the summer doing. He finished with his therapy and we were looking forward to another conference in North Carolina in October.
    His 75th birthday was in early September. He didn’t want to eat much when I took him out to breakfast, and he didn’t want to go out to dinner at all. He almost stopped eating, and gradually lost 35 pounds off his slender frame. Alarmed, I started calling doctors, trying to get appointments. We finally got one, and she sent us straight to the hospital.
    The hospital found a huge mass in his abdomen, which was kidney cancer that had fully involved his liver. A few days later, the hospital sent him home to deal with the cancer as an outpatient. We saw doctors. The day we toured the cancer clinic, he came home and died that night.
    I attended the conference we were supposed to go to in North Carolina virtually the week after his funeral. I’ve since been to Ottawa 3 times for conferences. I’ve been through a GriefShare program at another church, and I am now leading that ministry at my church. It’s something I never expected to do. He was always the compassionate one! But God has given me a heart for grieving people, and the ministry is small but growing.
    Our daughter and her family never moved out. So I am now living with 2 teenagers again! Their father is not a Christian, so I have to be careful about my life and my witness around them.
    Through all of this, I have been attending a church without a pastor. Our pastor accepted a call elsewhere in June of 2019, and we’ve been without one since. There was a temporary pastor who did my husband’s funeral, but he is gone. We have a new vicar, which is like a pastor’s assistant, our elders and our church council.
    What path my life takes now is up to God. I am open to anything He has planned for me. When my husband was first diagnosed with cancer, I told some close friends that I believed even if the unthinkable happened and he died, God is always faithful, and God is always good. It’s something I have held onto for the past 14 months, and will continue to hold onto for the rest of my life.

  31. I got involved with this guy from the Philippines. He worked as a chef in my country. He had to leave because his contract ended and they weren’t willing to renew his contract. I would pray constantly that it would be God’s will for us to reunite and get married. This one company was going to hire him but they didn’t. He said he would come back but he hasn’t instead he went to the other side of the world. My Pastor and his wife are against me having a relationship with the Philippino guy because he’s not a Christian and he’s also a womanizer. The more I think of him making a fool of me the more I’m grateful he’s not on the island. He really put me through hell. So, I thank God for putting him as far away from me. To think back, John (not his name) really put me through hell. I was miserable the whole time we had a relationship. So, God is speaking to me in volume. He has other plans for me. I should accept His will for me.

  32. My dad was recently put into hospice care. About the same time my mother contacted Covid. The next day, so did I. God’s infinite wisdom so that mom was taken care of. During our Covid we were allowed into see dad and were there when he passed on December 7. God has been faithful. Dad is without pain and with God, watching us. We are all at peace with this and look forward to the day as can all be together again.

  33. Good morning 🌞. This Devotional spoke to my heart in so many ways. Well to start my path definitely doesn’t look like I thought it would be, I have no relationship with my adult children, I was recently diagnosed with diabetes, my job looks nothing like the job description described but I keep pressing on. I keep asking for a clean heart, a new heart ❤️. I know I am not alone and I manage to hold back the tears. When unexpected turns I lfe happen you just have to look back and realize it was unexpected for you but not God.

  34. Losing my husband at 51 years of age was definitely not something I expected to happen in my life. He was a minister and our plans for after retirement were to sell our house, buy a camper and travel the states. He was planning to spread God’s Word wherever we traveled. But, God had other plans for us. My husband gained his heavenly home and I continued teaching until I was old enough to draw social security and retirement. I’m active in a church I love, volunteer in a charitable organization and spend time with my sweet family which consists of 3 sons and their wives, 9 grandchildren, 2 granddaughters-in-law and 1 great granddaughter. I’m so thankful that God has blessed me the way that He has and that He led me to the wonderful church in which I serve Him.

  35. I always thought I would marry my high school sweetheart but after 7 yrs (of hell) together, we broke up. I carried a torch for him FOR YEARS and the break up was a source of much pain, disappointment and deep heartache as I held out hope that we would one day be together. But that was not a part of God’s plan. I am learning to thank God and trust God, because based on how God has showed up in every other area of my life, I know that He is good and He has better for me that what I can even imagine for myself!

  36. I have always prayed that our sons would marry young christian ladies, have children of their own that we would have family get togethers…You know, “Hallmark Style”. So far, our oldest son is married, but not to a christian girl, but a young lady that caused lots of pain and heartache months leading up to the wedding. I won’t go into details, however, it was a rough year before the wedding. The day of the wedding was also very tense for me, my husband, younger son and our immediate family that knew what had been happening in the months prior. After the wedding, she acted as if nothing had happened. It has been two years now and I have always wanted to sit and talk with her about the things that were said, but could never get the nerve, because I am not a confrontational person. So, I just keep putting that smile on, when behind that smile is lots of hurt and pain. But to keep the peace, I keep my mouth shut. Now, this young lady has been diagnosed with a debilitating condition and they will probably not be able to have children. I am not a peace with this marriage, and now this. My son and his wife may never get to have children of their own due to her condition. When my son was younger, all he ever wanted was to have a wife and children. My heart breaks for my son, as I feel he is not completely happy in this marriage, but he is very loyal and will stay with her to help her navigate life with this new diagnosis. Maybe through this diagnosis she can see that my husband and I aren’t the terrible people that she made us out to be before the wedding, and see that we are caring and loving. I do pray for the best for her and our son. We have always been a pretty close-knit family until she came into the picture. I am sure God has a plan in all of this, and I just have to be patient and watch it all unfold. Thank you for your devotions. Some times they really hit home, as this one did. I know good will come out of this situation.

  37. Thank you Sharon once again for this uplifting devotional. How befitting, as we celebrate this Christmas as the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus. My heart aches for all of you sweet sisters in Christ, and the hard seasons you are experiencing in your life. I’m praying for you!
    But I also know that God is with us in all that we go through! My oldest son John comes home tomorrow from a drug rehab (after being there for 45 days). He knows the Lord, but has struggled with this addiction for 38 yrs. He has a beautiful wife and 6 yr old daughter waiting for him.
    His church family has been praying for him as well as his family. Not what I had hoped for.
    But in all the trials and tribulations that have come into my life( and more to come I’m sure)
    I only draw closer to God! God is good all the time! And all the time God is good!
    God Bless you all,

    Debbie L

  38. Thank you so much Sharon for this message reminder,

    When my life path takes a different turn it’s always hard to let go of the control, and let it be. This is when I have to step out in faith and move myself out of the way. If I am in the way, there is no room for the lord to do his work in me.
    We are so Blessed as Woman, to share our hearts with each other to keep us checked in.
    We are always Becoming!!

  39. Thank you Sharon for your very timely devotion. When I look around at family, friends, church family, and hear the stories of so many others I feel so selfish in my worries. I have been married for 43 often very difficult years. My husband and I have two very successful sons who are God loving, husbands and fathers. That being said, this marriage has been extremely difficult. My husband had a very successful career and provided well for our family but he has an “addictive” personality and consumes a tremendous amount of alcohol. It has taken me years( I’m ashamed to say) to realize that he is an alcoholic. It is a subject that has gone unspoken. He becomes quite angry when the subject comes up and has caused one of our sons to distance himself from us. Quite honestly, life is more calm when my husband is away at our vacation home. I just don’t know how to handle this anymore, I have prayed without ceasing, for an awakening but for some reason God is having me wait. I pledged before God, “ Until death do us part” but this is hard!

  40. My marriage of 29 years ended in 2010. After some attempts at reconciliation, he decided to end the marriage. I was devastated at the time. But GOD! He sent a godly man into my life and we have been happily married for 9 and a half years. I am a much happier person. Sometimes you don’t realize you are in a verbally abusive relationship until you are out of it. With my current husband, I don’t have to be careful of everything I say and do. I can be myself. God gave me a marriage where I feel loved and cherished. He restored the years that the locust ate in my life.

  41. I have been married for 5 years, i thought we would have babies by now but had 3 miscarriages. Thank you for the encouragement, all this is part of the unfolding plan of God

  42. My husband and I finally sold our home in Maine last August and moved to FL. We paid off bills and bought a mobile home in an over 55 community. We got to enjoy FL a little while. In January of this year, he had a wound on his foot. Being diabetic, it had gotten infected and he wound up in the hospital. The doctors were concerned about his kidneys because he was already Stage 4 and the strong antibiotic he was on was being carefully monitored. He was progressing and released home, where I administered the antibiotics to him. They had put him on a less powerful antibiotic that would not affect his kidneys as much. One night I said “I don’t know if I am curing you or killing you” as his body was retaining fluid, which necessitated a second trip to the hospital. On Monday, March 20th we saw the podiatrist who said his wound was healing well. Later on that day, he was outside and suddenly asked for his walker because his legs were weak. I gave it to him but he felt like he would fall. He collapsed on the pavement with a massive stroke. It has been difficult but I have supportive friends and a church family.

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