OK, now that’s a funny picture of me. I couldn’t figure out how to get the video to put a different one.
Today I am recouperating from a red-eye flight home from Oregon where I spent three days speaking at a retreat for some AMAZING women, one day with my AMAZING agent, and one day with my AMAZING Harverst House Publishing Team. Now I’m pooped.
I flew all night and landed in Charlotte around 6AM-ish. I knew I wouldn’t be able to put two sentences together that made any sense, so I’m sharing a video that I hope will encourage you to trust God to lead you in the dance of life!
This is a video from our Girlfriends in God Bible study titled Trusting God. Even though we aren’t doing the study together on my blog, I though you might enjoy the lesson.
It’s short. Just a few minutes. So click on the funny picture of me and be blessed!
Want More?
To learn more about our Girlfriends in God Bible Study/devotion book, Trusting God click on the cover!
Comments 2
Sharon….over the last couple of years, Girlfriends in
God e-devotionals have been a life-line for me.
It seems that when I felt led to read them, particularly
yours, there was always a heart to heart message communicated. His heart through you to me. I am a writer. I have written quite a number of devotionals on-line, that are yet unpublished. Am realizing more and more how much writing can impact women’s lives.
You have been such a blessing to me on-line. I hope at some point to be a blessing to women through my devotionals. God bless you richly in everything you
put your hand to in the coming days.
God bless you, Sharon!!