Hang On to Jesus!

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Knowing God, Listening to God, Perspective, Trusting God 157 Comments

[Before we begin today’s devotion, I want to say how overjoyed I am that nearly 200 women clicked on comment last week and took my challenge to forgive someone who had hurt them! Forgiveness begins with a decision, but the feelings of forgiveness can take a while to catch up. When negative feelings about that person rise to the surface, and they probably will, that doesn’t mean that you haven’t forgiven. Simply remind yourself that you’ve already forgive that person and move on! Now, on to today’s encouragement!]

Have you ever felt that this thing called life is just too hard. I know I have. Sometimes life just does not turn out like I thought it would. That’s when I have to hang onto God and simply trust Him.

I remember when my son was four-years-old and I was trying to teach him how to snow ski. The first day was just horrible…at least it was for me. I felt like a down-covered workhorse as I lugged two sets of skis in one arm while dragging along Steven with the other. Clunky ski boots, overstuffed mittens, and a hooded snowsuit made it difficult for Steven to maneuver. Add all that to the slippery snow, and we had the perfect formula for a day of whining in winter wonderland.

I tried to teach Steven how to snowplow to keep from going too fast. That’s when you point the tips of the skis toward the center and the backs of the skis point out…like making a slice of pizza. Well, he just wasn’t catching on. He fell, and he fell, and he fell.

Finally, I came up with another idea. I made an A-frame tent with my legs, Steven stood in front of me, and wrapped his arms around my thighs. Off we went. We moved as one. If I turned left, he went with me. If I turned right, he went with me. His only responsibility was to hang on and relinquish control. And even though he thought he was skiing, in reality, I was the one skiing and he was simply along for the ride.

That is a great picture of what trusting God is all about. That’s a picture of what “abiding in Jesus” is all about. We cling to Him, hang on to Him, abide in Him. If He goes left, I go left. If He goes right, I go right.

David wrote in Psalm 63:8, “My soul clings to You.” In other words, David was saying, “I’m hanging on for dear life.” Just like Steven did.

Today, as you move through life, cling to Jesus. Hang on to Him. Acknowledge God’s presence with you and His Spirit in you. Trust Him!

Jesus, I’m trusting You today. I’m clinging to You. I’m hanging onto Your every word.
In Your Name, Amen.

What are some ways your “soul” can cling to Jesus as you move through your day? Leave a comment and let’s share.

Do you feel that you need to trust God more? Are there situations in your life that are causing you to doubt God’s goodness? In Trusting God, Mary Southerland, Gwen Smith, and I take you step by step through a 12-week study that will help you have peace as you learn to trust the One who loves you most.

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Comments 157

  1. I just wanted to thank you for obeying God. Girlfriends in God was a true blessing and life line for me. I always loved those devotionals. I look forward to yours,Gwen’s,and Marys continued devotionals

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      1. Your ski story reminded me of time ok was with a ski instructor and it was a steep icy part of the mountain.
        She was ahead of me every time we make a turn she would say BREATHE
        Made me think breathe Chris breathe out anxiety or fear.
        And it would be so much fun.

        I just thought the time I was skiing
        And there was a blind skier with
        An instructor in front of him and one behind him
        I followed them down the hill.
        I was so amazed that he had so much trust in them.
        Makes me think how God goes before us and he is behind us.
        Praise God

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          WoW! I’d love to hear more about the blind skier. That is such a wonderful picture of trust! I’m going to think on that all day.

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      2. Thats a great example about skiing, sometimes we dont just get it at first like your son, but as we continue to hold on to Jesus life becomes better , and we realize that we can not live outside Him and His Word.

    2. Yes hello glad to be apart of your devotions. Thank you for all your encouragement. I forgot to comment on forgiveness. I have forgiven those that have wronged me, and I need to remember that the evil one will bring up all the past hurts. That’s when I need to say, I already forgave that person and I have given this situation to God. He is now in control of my life and my thoughts. Thank you for forgiveness Father God. In Jesus name Amen 🙏

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        1. I just wanted to say thank ,you, Gwen and Mary for continuing sending me (us) your daily devotions! I was so happy to find girlfriends in god last year 😀 your stories always help me understand better. I have a brain injury so sometimes when I don’t understand what I’m reading, all of your personal stories help me. So thank you again! You are my favorite 😉

  2. Went to bed hearing of another mass shooting and started asking God to intervene in this madness. We are holding onto His legs as He steers us through things we don’t understand.

  3. I try to cling to Jesus throughout the day but find myself distracted by the events of the day. Taking care of my 5 & 14 year old girls and the house and yard are overwhelming. I try to ask for help throughout the day and thank God for everything in my day, the good and the not so good, but it’s hard.

    1. I have learned to just give my day to Jesus-all my tasks, my errands, my thoughts, EVERYTHING! My vocation as a wife and mother and daughter of God is where I am able to cling to Jesus. Let those daily “distractions” be HOLY MOMENTS to share with Jesus! Love and peace to you!

  4. I know the Lord is with me everyday and I trust him completely but I still struggle everyday with this trust and faith Each morning when I pray, i thank Him for so many blessings and ask for His forgiveness for ever doubting this

    I do miss y’all’s GIG devotion everyday I always got a cup of coffee at around 4:30 and read my GIG devotion and that’s how my day would
    begin Thank you for so many years of your dedication

  5. Truly appreciate your encouraging emails & real-life stories. God is using you mightily iny life and, I’m sure others. I’ve given your devotional as gifts and I can always count on just the right tone in your daily messages. Keep on clinging to Him!

  6. When I feel something is too hard or I’m too tired and feel
    Like I can’t I pray and say God I can’t but You can

    1. Back in May, I had two back surgeries. Lying flat on my back for 10 days in hospital created a couple complications, including going home with a catheter. I have been clinging to God for His healing, His help and His strength for me to endure. He is faithful all the time and this past week I no longer have the catheter! I’m praising God for this freedom and will cling to Him as I continue to heal, fixing my eyes on Him. Thank you for your devotionals, they always speak to me!

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  7. Sharon I love you Thankyou for your devotional today. I’m so glad I can continue to receive Jesus through your work. Happy Dependence on God Day!

  8. As i began my quiet time, yours was the first devotional that I opened. Was it a coincidence that I needed to be reminded to cling to God and trust Him? NO. God knew exactly what I needed as life has become hard for me due to a barrage of problems that are affecting my life. So, thank you for sharing and encouraging me to “Hang onto Jesus and Enjoy the Ride.”

    1. Wow… perfect timing when I read your devotional as I am reminded to forgive those people and trust God. They will finally understand the true meaning of God ‘s love one day. I love read some of those comments:breathe in/out of Jesus and those experience of uncomfortable moments turning around Holy Moments (I love it!)

      Thank you so much for bring an AWE – beautiful sisters in Christ.

  9. Trusting anyone especially God is very difficult for me. I was sexually abused for 4 years who was a Preacher. I just have a problem trusting anyone. How do I get past this untrust?. Which God is one I don’t trust I am 64 this happened when I was 12 when this happened.

    1. Just hold onto God. He is working in your life and He will heal you. I’m believing for a miracle in your life. God bless you. It is never too late.

    2. Linda, I am so sorry for the evil you endured.
      Is 41:10 God promises to strengthen and uphold you.
      Is 51:11 May you experience this fully
      And consider Is 43:18 (not saying it’s easy) but backed up by Jer 17:14 and Jer30:17 and Jer 31:25
      But also realize that God hurts with you Jer 8:21
      Is 26:3 He promises peace
      There is a lot more in the Bible offering hope but baby steps are probably best after 50 years of post-trauma pain.
      Blessings to you.

  10. Thank you, just what I needed to be reminded of and encouraged to do. My Mother recently told me and she is 88 years young, as she was sharing the many difficult things her life brought, she said I cry out and say “Jesus I trust in you”. I am trying to grasp this as I am separated from my husband of 41 years, it is complex and difficult. My heart is tired.
    Thanks again

  11. I can cling to Jesus by turning and returning to being aware of His continual Presence and by thanking Him for the gifts He gives in every moment throughout the day (a new day, breath, people He places in my path, beauty in nature around me, body parts and systems working in sync that I forget about until something isn’t working quite right, light, art, music…. All good and perfect gifts are from the Father above, and I know He gives them to help me remember who I am and Whose I am, so I will cling to Him!!! ☺️💓

  12. I’ don’t know what I would do without reading your daily devotions. When I’m not sure which way to go, or what I should do, I always feel so much better after I read what you’ve written. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me, And I hope you never stop.
    God bless you!

  13. I Believe God gives me challenging situations so that I will abide in Him and Listen. Not be so self centered. He will definitely correct me if I’m wrong.

  14. I am clinging to His promises to heal, guide ne provide.

    His words have been the main thing that keep me going even when things are going well because there is always one thing that is not going well.

  15. That’s exactly how I felt.,like where is God?
    In my situation I’m struggling to hold on.
    My ex husband stopped paying me alimony going on 25 months now, that was court ordered..I’m truly struggling financially every where I’ve tried to get help, no one seems to know how, or what to do. I’ve went to SSS office to see if they could get it taken out of his check. Even the IRS , calling the sheriff’s office. Nothing I’ve tried and I’m really tired of trying. I’m struggling with my faith. I questioned myself how can a man that I thought loved and cared for me be this way after 28 years of marriage with 2 adult children and 1 granddaughter he has nothing to do with. Been divorced since 2018 and he’s remarried to the woman he cheated on me with. I’ve been praying asking God to change him. Maybe I just need to ask God to change me and just keep forgiving and forgiving. LORD CHANGE ME AND GIVE ME A FORGIVING HEART. AND THE STRENGTH TO KEEP HANGING ON TO YOU.

    1. I am praying for you that Lord Jesus Christ give you the desires of your heart. Please help change her and bring her peace she needs that surpasses understanding and open windows of Heaven on her with financial mental and physical blessings. We thank You for this prayer in Jesus Christ Blood Amen

  16. I am clinging to a marriage that is laden with the rollercoaster of alcoholism. Every step has been taken to help my husband and he still “clings” to the addiction rather than taking the steps to change. I feel I only “cling” to the marriage because I believe that is what God wants me to do.

  17. Sharon, I just have to tell you how much I enjoyed this devotional today. Well, I enjoy all of your writings, but this one really gave a good “picture” story of trusting God and not letting go. That’s a hard concept to follow especially when you are facing serious challenges. I started receiving your devotionals when I subscribed to “Girlfriends in God” years ago. And I am so glad that you are still sharing your writings with us! I have forwarded your emails to many of my friends and they all have loved them. So thank you!

  18. Psalms 30:10b…Lord, be my helper. I am learning how to acknowledge the Lord’s presence by remembering a verse that resonated in my spirit during devotion. I try to meditate on it during the day. The flow of the day gets in the way of me remembering it…lol…but I’m striving to do better. In doing so, I am acknowledging His presence and my need of Him during the day.

  19. Repeating to myself, Psalm 23:1-The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Provides great comfort when I need it.

  20. My son goes trough a really hard time right now.
    He can’t pay his rent and bills anymore. Is out of a job and has two little kids.
    I want to trust God that He will take care of them but it’s sometimes really hard to keep on trusting.
    He is not a believer and that makes it even harder.

  21. I cling to Jesus by returning to His Word. and reading like this through out my day when my soul is weary or when I just seeking to settle my mind of some spiritual food. This reading has encouraged my soul this morning. I’m holding on to Jesus in a season of growth. It’s hard at times but I know He’s taking me higher in faith.

  22. Thank you. This is a hard season of waiting and trusting, of unwanted revelations and tears. The encouragement you share thru Jesus has helped so much. I’m still waiting for God to move, but it is far more bearable when he speaks to me thru others like you.

  23. I def have more than I can handle and I can def tell God is helping me I have a husband with anger problem, son disowned his parents over nothing haven’t seen in years and never seen my grandaughter that’s almost 4 and clinical depression. I have to take it one day at a time and talk to God all day or I would Crumble in a million pieces

  24. Sharon, I love your and the GIG devotions and have been getting them for quite a few years. I saw you and Gwen at a retreat in the Catskills probably 15 years ago.
    Thanks for the encouragement and love you all have given to so many. It’s such a nice way to start my day, make me think about God and put him first.
    I’m looking forward to getting devotions from you three women once a week each now.

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  25. Up early to spend quiet time with Jesus.
    Often I will pray in tongues or listen to Christian music. I journal to God a lot! I’m a single parent caregiving to our adult son with disabilities..so I have learned how to hang on with my eye closed ( a lot of the time).
    God is good! Happy 4th of July!!!🇺🇸

  26. O my Lord teach me how to cling on you. I have been going through hardship for more than 10 years. Today my teenager kids see me struggling. How to Lord how long. Wipe me tears Lord

  27. I need to trust that God is protecting my family and I as we are under great attack from the enemy. It has been a very long season of trials. I continue to seek God but feel lost and alone as I try to be the rock for my family and guide them through the chaos of life.

  28. My best friend of 15 years passed away Sunday and I need help in making it through this time . He never failed me and loved me more than anyone could love me beside God. He and I went everywhere together and I always knew how much he loved me .I worshiped him . He was a kind and gentle soul . Please pray for us both that we will go forward without the presents of each other. He was my SOULMATE.
    I miss you CASTIEL and will always love you. You gave Ganny your all
    Please pray for us

    1. May God grant you His strength, peace and compassion. He is near to the broken-hearted. I’m praying for you.

  29. sharon, I have been a loyal reader of GFIG for many years. Thank you all for the five AM mornings to start my days. I also shared some with my meetings in church from time to time. I look forward to being with you, Mary and Gwen in your new program. bye the way, I’m an 84 year old man at this time in my following Jesus. I love your devotions. jon

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  30. I’m learning how to make Jesus my priority and light!! I’m hanging on to Him for dear life!! As I study the Word of God, I have begun to see God in every aspect of my life, even when I don’t want to be in the difficult situations that I find myself in. Thank you for your amazing devotion!!

  31. Thank you for all your books, studies and devotions. During this really hard season of life after divorce I have clung to your words. I have read many of your books, shared many of them with friends as well as led a few of your studies. Your eloquent kind way of sharing God’s word has helped me heal, press on and help others. Thank you for your devotion to sharing God’s word, your story and gifts to help build up others and God’s Kingdom..

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      Oh my goodness. Thank you sooooooo much for the encouragement! You’ll never know how much that means to me today.

  32. Thank you for this analogy. I have the hardest time trusting God of late. What if while skiing he takes me over a cliff or into a tree? Let’s face it, he allows bad things to happen.
    I’ve battled anxiety off and on all my life btw. I’m 65 yrs old and you’d think I’d be better by now. I long for fearlessness and peace. I know he’s disappointed in my lack of trust in him. Me too.

  33. I talk to God all day long. This is how I come closer to him in all aspects of my life. A true friend is there for you always. God is my greatest friend!

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    2. Hello am Leo Madrid most of the comments in have read state that the person always ask GOD if there is Trust,well if you believe in GOD and have the power to deal with what is thrown at you there should not be any question of Trust to GOD cause we woke up to another day of GODs trials,and Heaven awaits us,have this in your mind and loose the thought 🤔 of Trusting GOD,Do Believe.

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  34. I pray all day long and frequent ask myself what would Jesus do! My prayers are giving thanks to God; asking him to cover other people; and for wisdom!

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  35. Thanks for continuing in some form to provide devotionals for us! I have been deeply touched by many of the devotionals with GiG and look forward to your continued offerings. Sometimes I feel as if I’m always clinging when I know my walk with God should by now have me the one who is skiing! I’m grateful that He allows me to cling! God bless you and AMERICA! Happy Fourth!

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  36. Thank you for this reminder to put our complete trust in God. I’m entering in the new phase of life of retirement. I’ve learned in the past year to put all my trust in God in all areas of life.

  37. What an awesome word picture of trusting God! Life is hard & bumpy at times… falling down is part of it, but as a follower of Christ… He never lets me stay down! Clinging to Him is the only way! Thank you!

  38. Thank you Sharon for continuing with devotions and stories. It’s a wonderful gift to be able to start my day with Jesus in my heart. Thank you for doing your part as His hands and feet to help others get close to Him.

  39. God is all I have, so I cling on to Him, to His word, to His promises. Through the good and the bad I cling to Him.
    Thank you Sharon for reminding me ❤️

  40. Getting up early to share time with Jesus is just one way to cling to Him; begin each day wrapped in His presence . Reading ,Sharon, your writing inspires me to read more of His word.
    We are all experiencing some sort of trials to “plow” through life…trials and troubles of all nature. What a joy and comfort it is to know He is my Heavenly Daddy..he loves me unconditionally and I can hang on to Him through it all. Thanks you for all you do to remind us…

  41. Thank you SO much for your devotionals. They start my day.
    Finding it is just as hard to forgive myself as someone else.

  42. So Glad you are here to give us words of encouragement. I do miss Girlfriends in God but I am so happy you have stepped in. Be encouraged and bless you.
    See you next week. Stay safe.

    Sister Carolyn

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  43. Good morning! I really needed this devotional this morning. In the past year I have had 2 heart attacks, lost my mother to whom I was her sole caregiver, she was my best friend, and my husband has just lost his position with the company he was with for many years. This is just part of my struggle right now, but we are holding onto the Lord and His promises with everything we have. We know that He will never leave or forsake us. Thank you for sharing this today!

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  44. So thankful for this post today, I look forward to all your prayers and posts. The Daily Devotionals, May you and your family have a blessed 4th!

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  45. I love your devotionals! I have shared them with many friends on a daily basis! I thought about the learning curve of skiing. It was a great picture! Not only did Steven see and feel how it was done, but the immense joy he gained from that knowledge! —- for the rest of his life!!!
    We have That in JESUS CHRIST,our SAVIOR!! It’s ours for the taking anytime!
    Bless you and your work abundantly!
    (I pray for our nation on this Fourth of July!)

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  46. It’s easy for me to complain and feel sorry for myself when I take my eyes off of Jesus. With all that’s going on in this world and with my family, it’s easy to lose hope when my focus is on my circumstances and not on Him. I remember Jobs words to his wife “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (Job 2:10) I found it’s in the hard times that I cling to God and cry out for Him to help me. He is always ready to teach me what I need to know about myself. In those times my faith grows stronger and my hope returns. Thank you Jesus

  47. Giving thanks continually for His love for me and guiding me to trust His will. Thankful for GIG devotions and looking forward to learning as I read more of your devotions along with Mary’s and Gwen’s. May God continually bless all of you. LET FREEDOM RING, HAPPY 4th!

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  48. I am constantly refocusing from this world of chaos and pain to God. Some days are better than others. I am thankful God is forgiving and gracious. I love the visuals your devotions give me to remind me of my relationship with Christ. I am trying to give my life to Him wholeheartedly and listen to His guidance every step I take. With the constant distractions of daily life that is not as easy. It is easier when I read His words daily so that is where I am starting. I also am hanging on to the fact that God’s plan is better than mine and will be glorious.

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  49. I did not leave a comment but i did choose to forgive someone. I did not want to but I read your words and they made so much sense. I was hurting myself in not forgiving. I said the prayer…more than once and will have to say it again but I do forgive. Then a few days later, something I have been praying about for 5 years happened. At first I did not tie the two together even though it is all wrapped up in what was so hard to forgive. As I was driving home, singing along to K-Love and praising God for this break through it hit me. I had been out of touch because of my lack of forgiveness (trust me it was that big).

    GIG held me up many times when it was all I could do to read through the tears. So glad to still have your encouraging and correcting words in my inbox.

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      Susan I’m doing the happy dance right now!!!!! So exciting!!!!! Thank you for joining me over at my email family. I’ll miss GiG too. It was a wonderful season.

  50. In the last three years, I lost my dad to Alzheimer’s, I switched grade levels (I’m a teacher) and classrooms. (IYKYK ugh!), my husband of 29 years decided he didn’t want to be married anymore- divorce is coming not by my choice and my only daughter flew from the nest. It’s been a lot. I feel like all I’ve been able to do is cling to Jesus. And He, oh my goodness,He has been faithful when no one else has. Yes, cling to him. He really does make all things beautiful in His time! ❤️

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      Oh Kelli, that is a lot at one time. I don’t know what people do without Jesus.
      I lost my dad to Alzheimer too. He was diagnosed at 56 and died at 66. It is a hard thing to watch. I can’t wait to see him when I get to heaven…in his right mind and better!

  51. Sharon, your words always seem to hit where my heart hurts the most. I always look forward to your emails and I will cling to Jesus and ask him to guide my soul in his ways not mine.

  52. Thank you Sharon for your devotions and the stories that bring the images of our lives to follow and bring us to God’s will for us. I’m 69 going on 70 Dec. 26th. I’m becoming an adoptive mom to my great grandson 6 years old 💙 ❤️ 🤍 on July 13. Pray for us 🙏

  53. When we hang on to Jesus and relinquish it all to Him, we can find joy in the ride. When I try to maintain control-not so much.

  54. What a wonderful God we serve, how great and powerful he is, I personally put my trust in him for there is nothing I can do without him.

  55. Sharon, as I am crying while reading today’s devotional it astounds me how He works through you. I am struggling with my destiny and purpose in life, overwhelming feeling of being worthless and never measuring up. In this space of ick I am touched by God through your words and at the exact time I am crying out to Him the song “Plans” sung by David Leonard begins. Thank you for opening my ears and heart today to be able to cling to Him as I seek answers. Just breathe. Wow, I’m not normally so wordy. Happy 4th of July and Gos Bless You!! 🙏🏻❤️

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      I’m so glad you were wordy. It helps me know I’m not out here alone! You are not worthless!!! Jesus is in you and you are in Him. That alone makes you incredibly valuable!!!

  56. My daughter called to say that she and my granddaughter have until 9/1/23 to move out of the house she shares with her significant other. While I don’t like her living arrangements, I have turned this over to God because He knows the plan He has for her. I am praying that He shows me my part. I’m afraid of interfering my will over God’s will.

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      I pray you’ll know what to do. It’s hard to know when to help and when the help is hindering growth. I get it.

  57. Thank you Sharon for your uplifting story and prayers! They are truly appreciated!
    What a wonderful analogy with your young son learning to ski and our clinging to God as we
    navigate life’s journey. I love psalm 73:26 ” My flesh and heart may fail, But God is the strength
    of my heart and portion forever!” Happy 4th of July to you and your precious family.
    God Bless America🇱🇷

  58. Thank you! I am brand new here and found you through Gig in June! So glad to have continued reminders and guidance!

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  59. Juselda
    July 4, 2023, AT 120:PM

    Thanks, Sharon for the words of encouragement I am holding to God like never before only he can fix what I’m going true. Happy 4, July to you and your family God blessed you all.

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  60. Thank you for sharing the word. I have followed GIG for many years and will continue to do so in a different format. So true /hang on tightly to the Lord on this journey called Life.

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  61. I also was called to forgiveness last week. I have been struggling with feelings of low self esteem and self worth. I have been praying to God about how to heal from this. When I read your devotional last week, I felt an overwhelming need to forgive some people for words and actions that hurt me deeply. It was like God said to me that forgiving was part of my healing process. I prayed and was flooded with tears. Since then, I am beginning to think of those hurtful things in the past tense. I don’t feel the need to prove myself or justify myself now. I feel at peace about those hurtful things. Thank you for writing and sending the devotional I needed to hear.

  62. Dear Sharon, thanks for your timely devotionals it does my heart ♥️ so good to know I am not alone and that God is for me. Your reminder on forgiveness was needed today as the enemy always tries to attack my progress. I have forgiven and laid my siblings down especially sisters in the name of Jesus Christ and will continue to move forward in this season of grieving for them without feeling guilt when they pop to mind but rather lay it down again and again at the foot of the cross. So thankful and grateful today for life that is mine and will continue in faith and know that God has more and will open a door for me soon before I am homeless. When I ask instead of why. Trusting his care for me today and celebrating with you the freedom we have in Jesus. Love you and all the sisters here for community and worship!

  63. Letting go and letting God is something I constantly need to remind myself to do. Today’s lesson was a great reminder. Thank you

  64. When the enemy whispers lies, combat them with words of truth! Jesus loves me! He will never leave me or forsake me! He sits @ God’s right hand interceding for me! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!

  65. Thank you so much for the illustration on how we are expected to cling to Jesus. I’ll keep that in mind going forward. I need Him every second of my life.

  66. Clicking on this devotion is part of my clinging to Jesus. I have a 15 yr old son who is barreling toward a path of destruction. He went from being a sweet, tender-hearted, bible loving boy, to a very defiant, substance abusing, depressed person. We’ve tried multiple counselors and medications. Nothing has worked. I’m at a loss for what to do, other than cling to Jesus. If anyone reads this, will you please pray for a miracle for my son, and wisdom for my husband and me?

  67. Girlfriends in God was my morning devotions, I will miss them but I am so glad for your words of encouragement.
    I will try to hold on to the Lord inspite of obstacles

  68. I am continuously trying to trust God, although it’s often a challenge. One way my soul can cling to Jesus is to simply follow the nudging He sends my way. I recently had a day of no appointments or commitments to anyone. I decided to just do what God told me to do. It was truly a peaceful and wonderful day!
    On another note, I have loved the GIG devotions and look forward to my continued devotions. It has been my Breakfast Time with God.for four solid years and sporadically prior to that. I am looking for suggestions of devotions for the two mornings where I don’t have a devotion to guide my prayers and thoughts. Thank you!

  69. I need to relinquish and release so I can hold on tighter and trust Jesus has me.

    Thank you for your devotions that always seem to be spot on to what I need to hear. I love sharing them.

  70. This was excellent – thank you so much for sharing it. I have been struggling for 3 years and finding it hard to trust God – I know to do it but it is hard to see God’s goodness because I am getting distracted by the circumstances. I have felt like life is too hard. For every step forward it is 2 steps back. I wonder why God isn’t answering my prayers then realize it is about His timing and not mine. I have doubted God’s goodness so much and feel like maybe I deserve all the things happening even though I didn’t do anything. I have felt like his goodness applies to everyone else but me. I mean if he loves me why would there be so much suffering. So I have started learning about lamenting and how it draws you closer to God. He just seems so far away even though I know he isn’t. Thanks for your devotions – they are always so helpful. God bless you as you continue in your ministry and reach thousands of women!

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  71. Boy did I need this devotion today. Our family is going through a very tough trial with a sibling who is having a huge mental health crisis. I needed to hear once again that all I need to do is hold on and trust God with this situation. Thank you for the encouragement and reminder that our God is faithful and in control of everything!!

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  72. I needed to read this today, a perfect remind to trust God completely and to hang on to him (love looking at it that way). This devotion warmed the cockles of my heart, it’s winter here in N.Z and sickness all around. Such a lovely devotion.

  73. Your ski story with your son is a good illustration of how God is with us. It takes a lot of trust and sometimes we think it’s us but it’s actually the Holy Spirit/God that is guiding us. We can’t do it on our own but it’s God who leads the way. All things are possible with Jesus.

  74. Thank you, for this beautiful devotion. Often times we forget that we are really, hanging on to Jesus as we navigate through our daily tasks. What could’ve gone wrong, went right, because Jesus was guiding us out of the way from harm. We can’t do it without him.

  75. Just some simple food for thought. It bothers me how my mind gets so-o focused on the projects before me, that I don’t “think” about God and His presence that is always with me. Before I know it, my day is gone and I never acknowledged His sweet spirit that is patiently waiting for me to welcome Him into my day. I had spent days, of brief moments, asking God to help me problem solve my prayer time with Him. I don’t know if it was over the radio, if it was a “Girlfriend’s in God” devotion I read, but someone shared this idea and it was like a light-bulb turned on in my head. Because my husband and I have our own business I have more flexibility than most, but here’s what I do. After I get to work, Using my I-Phone, I set my timer for 1 hour. After that hour passes, an alarm will sound. I stop what I’m doing and take 1-3 min’s (more, if desired) and pray. After I’ve prayed, I reset that timer for another hour. I do this throughout my day at work. So, I’m spending more time remembering God’s presence and honoring Him with my time. I feel so-o much closer to the Lord, and I feel like I’m praying more effectively. I can take the present situation before me to Him, rather than trying to handle it on my own. I am also praying for other peoples needs, along with other concerns. But, not just a long list of needs, I spend time loving on Him and giving Him praise with a joyful and thankful heart. It’s very refreshing with a great since of peace, taking that time to stop and spend time with the One Who loves me most. I don’t want this time to replace the time I spend on my knees before Him. I believe each has it’s own purpose. Both are important and compliment each other in our communion and relationship with our Heavenly Father.

  76. I sure miss Girlfriends in God. I so looked forward to reading it every day. You have touched my life in so many ways,…laughing, crying and really identifying with you all. It makes me happy when you pop up in my Inbox. Thank you for your Faith and stories of life and your walk with God. My daughter, Mallory is recovering from an anoxic brain injury and your stories and prayers have helped me many times. God Bless!

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  77. Sharon, you, Mary & Gwen have been a HUGE part of my life for many many years through GIG!!! I can’t even tell you how many years I’ve been reading your devotionals. Always SO good! And right on point. Funny how God does that. LOL! I just want to also say THANK YOU for the 3 of you each individually continuing on on your own with doing them once a week. I was DEVASTATED when I read that you were stopping GIG! So this definitely helps! I’ve relied on you for so long! I’m not sure what I would do without you LOL! I do read other devotionals and the bible of course, but I feel like we’ve gone through a break up losing GIG we’ve been together for so long. LOL! BLESSINGS to all 3 of you as you move forward in your new journeys…..with us! 😉

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      We’ve definitely “broken up!” 🙂 Thank you for joining me over here. I love doing life with you!

  78. Thank you so much for continuing your devotions. I have been blessed so many times. You always remind me to hang in there and trust in God. I am going through a lot right now and giving my husband to God since he has cancer and now they found more in his body. We may only have a few more years together but I am holding onto God as He guides me through life.
    Thank you!

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  79. Hello Sharon, you ask for my response to say how I may cling, hang on to Jesus. My response is this. I was ready to say that it is not my actions, not my power, not my strength, maybe not my motivation to cling to Jesus. His faithfulness to me, to my family members, to friends motivates ,me. It is family relationships being difficult, and the love of Jesus’ being complete that draws me to Him, More and more close, more and more deeply He abides in me, I with Him. He teaches me to look up, look forward. Never look back. He is my home, dwelling place. He is my safe place. He is my refuge. He is my LIGHT and He alone offers me life and breath. He loves me, c0mpletely. He is my Shalom, peace, home.

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  80. Thank you, Sharon for this inspiring devotion. I needed these Inspiring words today. This is a good reminder that we should cling to God closer and nearer even in new seasons of life. We are all blessed for something bigger, and in the waiting phase bloom where God has us planted.

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  81. Thank you for following Gods calling on your life. Your words/reminders of Gods word are a blessed reminder when I grow weary. Life is hard and I’m grateful God places you in my path – press on sweet sister of Christ.

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  82. So glad that you, Gwen and Mary are continuing your devotionals individually. I looked forward to your Girl ones every morning. Glad I can still hear from each of your insights still.

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  83. I am constantly refocusing from this world of chaos and pain to God. Some days are better than others. I am thankful God is forgiving and gracious. I love the visuals your devotions give me to remind me of my relationship with Christ. I am trying to give my life to Him wholeheartedly and listen to His guidance every step I take. With the constant distractions of daily life that is not as easy. It is easier when I read His words daily so that is where I am starting. I also am hanging on to the fact that God’s plan is better than mine and will be glorious.

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      Yes it will. We might not understand the twists and turns until we’re on the other side. But we do know how the story ends.

  84. I am trusting God with my oldest child, my 24 year old daughter, as she travels from Pennsylvania to Denver, then on to Santa Cruz, California. She is going to be “Lovin’ Life” with Zane Black and some other young people, learning to be and working as a disciple. While her dad and I are excited for her and want her to gain so much from this experience, my parents are worried beyond the point of anxiousness. They are distraught, distrustful, and probably angry with me, my husband, and our daughter for making this decision. These are the same people who tell her that she can do or be anything she puts her mind to doing, but if it is something that involves ministry, etc., they become distrustful and disdainful, even though they are believers. It is such a rough time and she just left on Sunday. I want to be happy and not worry for her, but it is hard when you don’t have the emotional support from your loved ones. At least my husband and I are on the same page, and others surrounding us. But it is so hard for me to not have my parents support in this.

  85. Sharon,
    I went back and found an devotional that was helpful to me.
    thank you
    I am trusting God right now with my kids, who are not talking to each other and my husband who is very sick.
    Thank you

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