God Is Surrounding What’s Surrounding You

Sharon JaynesUncategorized 61 Comments

My brother was thirteen years old when a band of bullies on bikes encircled him like buzzards taunting their prey. He was outmanned and outnumbered. I thought it was the end. But then my dad pulled up in his Pontiac. He didn’t even get out of the car, but simply rolled down the window and gave a look that said, “I dare you.” The bullies scattered like roaches when the lights come on. 

As we pray, for ourselves and the ones we love, it’s easy to think the spiritual forces surrounding us are too strong to defeat, too shrewd to outsmart, or too slippery to take hold of. The prophet Elisha’s servant felt the same way.

In 2 Kings, Elisha was really getting on the King of Aram’s nerves. Every time the Arameans planned to attack the Israelites, Elisha prophetically told the Israelites the where and when the assault would come, which led to Aram’s defeat. Here’s how the story goes:

This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”

“None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.” (My favorite verse of the story!)

“Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.”

Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. (2 Kings 6:11-15)

I’ve felt like this before. Haven’t you? Difficult circumstances press in from every side. My story looms large while I shrink small. I cry, “This is too much for me!” I can’t do this anymore. I don’t even want to go out of my house. I can’t face another day! Where are You, God? You promised You would never leave me or forsake me, but I don’t sense Your presence. And if You are here, why aren’t You doing anything? I want out of this story!

Honest. Raw. Somewhat embarrassing to admit. We wake up in the mornings and sense the enemies all around us—surrounded by problems that we cannot solve and people we cannot control.

Elisha’s servant’s faith was as flimsy as the tent flaps he was standing behind, but Elisha was as strong as the tent peg anchoring it to the ground.

Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:16-17)

And there you have it: “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha knew that there was more power and strength in the unseen reality of the heavenly host than the seen reality of the enemy’s army.

Notice that the passage doesn’t say Elisha prayed that God would send an army. The warring angels on chariots of fire were already there. He simply prayed that the servant would be allowed to see them.

Even though we may never see God’s warring angels surrounding what’s surrounding us, we can trust they are there. Elisha knew that there was more power and strength in the unseen reality of the heavenly host than the seen reality of the enemy’s army. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11). Always.

God of Host, thank You for the warring angels that are surrounding me and those I love today. Even though I can’t see them with my eyes, I sense their presence. Thank you that angels are surrounding whatever is surrounding us. We have no need to fear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Draw a stick figure of someone you’re praying for today. Then draw a circle around that person. Finally, draw another circle around the circle. Remember, God’s angel armies are that second circle, surrounding what is surrounding them.

Moms! Grandmas! Aunties! Never has there been a more important time in history to pray for our children! If you’re a Mom, Grandma, Aunt, or anyone who has a child near and dear to her heart, then this book is for you. Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe: A 30-Day Guide to Powerful and Effective Scripture-Based Prayer, covers 16 areas of a child’s life. From the mind and the thoughts they think, the back and their spiritual and physical protection, all the way down to their feet and the path they take. Click the link above to learn about bonus material you’ll receive if you pre-order before September 5


Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe is getting a new cover! So we’re selling our current copies for $10 each, while supplies last! The new one will have the same content, just a different look.

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Comments 61

  1. This is absolutely right on target for me! I have felt so overwhelmed with difficulties that I have no idea how to resolve. I’ve been praying. This reminder gives me strength. God is with me always.

  2. Hi Sharon,
    I am getting this for the first time and wow,it was the message for me today,like right now.The reassurance answered my early morning thoughts and worries.I thank God El-Roi,for sending you .Thank you for yielding to him

    1. Post
      1. An excellent visual for us to use during prayer time. Our family members and friends need our prayers and God’s protection from the evil one’s attacks.

    2. Amen! This message was right on point for me. Especially in this season I am currently in. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you Sharon! You are royalty💕👑

  3. Thank you Sharon for this amazing picture of God’s protection. I was praying for family members and then noticed your email in my inbox. What a timely note of encouragement! Bless you 🙏🏼❤️

    1. Post
  4. Thank you Lord for your goodness!! This is absolutely what my family needed to hear today.
    I appreciate your obedience to share!!

  5. Thanks Sharon for letting God guide you. It was what my heart and soul needed today. To God be the the Glory!!!!God Is Surrounding What’s Surrounding Me. HALLELUYAH!!!!

  6. Good Morning Sharon,

    I really needed this message this morning. I am so overwhelmed the past 4 weeks I have felt like God has abadoned me and my enemies are defeating me. Thanks to God for having me to take a break in my work to read this message. I have been praying asking God to speak to me and let me know its HIM!!

    I am going to stop focusing on what is occurring in the natural but have Faith in What God is Doing in the Spiritual to Protect ME and My Family!

    It is Hard but I am going to try starting Right Now!!

  7. Thank you for today’s devotional. I have several people that I will draw circles around today!

    On a personal note, I have missed the Girlfriends In God site so very much! I have looked for other devotional sites and looked into purchasing hardback daily books. They just aren’t the same and they don’t feel the same. I am struggling to get back into a morning devotional routine. Just wanted you to know how much your work made an impact on me each day and how missed the devotional series has been. Thank you!

    1. I SO agree, TAMI.
      Girlfriends in God is still a guiding inspiration for me. I would use the devotions at coffee and walks with friends. They always provided realistic content and applicable wisdom. Thank you, Sharon for the 17 years of ministry💕🙏

  8. This is an absolutely awesome reminder‼️ Praise God for His Word, and Powerful Anointing and Truth‼️📖🙌🏾🙏🏾♥️
    God bless you for your love for Him, and for us his people🥰

  9. Thank you so much for reminding me that my God’s army is always with me fighting for me when I don’t feel like fighting anymore ❤️

  10. Along with everyone else, this message was right on time. I have felt like my problems were just too big but I’m glad God has reminded me that he is bigger and he’s with me and fighting for me. El-Roi, thank you for seeing me God.

  11. Never know if my message will get sent or not, but still want to say Thank you for these words! Very powerful reminder of just how good God really is and how much He fights for us. My husband of 46 years just recently passed away and it has been very hard, but I know I will see him again. My children are not as strong in their faith and they are both struggling! I will be drawing circles around their pictures today and try and explain the particular scripture and how God’s armies are always fighting for us.

  12. A lovely reminder that God is with me today in my situation. I am asking Him today to make my mom (Wanda) a priority on the doctor’s surgery schedule. Will you join me in lifting this petition up to Him righ

  13. Praying for your children never ends! I pray for the healing power of Jesus to bring comfort and strength to my children and grandchildren who are struggling. Please Jesus open their heats to your love. Amen!

  14. Myself and sons are going through difficult times, Starting over from losing everything in Ian when it hit us in Florida. Losing our fur baby of 15 years..Knee replacement surgery. A almost fatal car accident I survived. Grieving the loss of my son and husband years back but still fresh in my heart and mind. I believe Our God was the only way we survived and stop survive today. My faith and sons faith are stronger every day. Without Jesus in our lives we are nothing.. He promises never to leave nor fore-sake us. Thanx for let me share… God bless you all. Always remember to keep the “Son” in ur eyes and ❤️

  15. Thank you Sharon, really hit me hard!! I’ve been in the battlefield
    for some time now & your reminder & empowering words
    give me hope…to keep fighting
    for my soul & spirit!!
    Please continue to lift us all.
    In Jesus Christ name.

  16. Thank you Sharon. The scripture you shared today is one of my favorites as well.
    Elisha had such great faith. I claim God’s promises every day! Not only for my family, but for myself as well. God is Good all the time, and all the time God is Good!

    God Bless you all,

  17. I think Sharon knows every word I’ve said in my own living room! Going thru incredible difficulties that never seem to end and yes, I’ve been crying out to God asking where He is and not feeling His presence at all.

    Many thanks for today’s message.

    1. Post

      That’s because we all struggle! SAme words. He is there whether you feel it or not. Just start praising Him for His presence.

  18. Thank you for today’s message. I’m having a medical procedure tomorrow and your words are a very powerful reminder that God is surrounding me – everyday. Thanks again!

  19. So grateful for this devotion today, such a great reminder that God is everywhere. Thank you so much and prayers for you and your family

  20. The last 7 years have been a living hell. I feel like a mouse trying to climb out of a dark, slippery drum with no chance of making it. I nearly feel abandoned to drown in my troubles. Thank you Sharon for your nourishing words.

  21. Thank you Sharon for this timely message. The Lord is definitely surrounding what is surrounding us. We have no fear, we’re confident in His sustaining power.

  22. Indeed God speaks to me in so many ways. Through you, Sharon, in this devotion, I believe that He’s always here for me. My eyes have also been opened to see that God’s angels are keeping me safe. What a Mighty God I serve 🙏

  23. It’s good to know that when we feel surrounded by evil forces and being outnumbered God has the upper hand and is in control. He protects us and is a better refuge. I liked how God opened the servants eyes and he was able to see the army of angels. It gives me hope and courage that the Lord is on my side and by my side and will not forsake me. He has the upper hand and is protecting me.

  24. I really needed this today! I am facing something tomorrow and I needed a reminder that I am not alone. I printed off this message earlier today but it only printed a portion of it. I kept trying to find it on my IPad but couldn’t. It was heavy on my mind all evening so I came into my office and found the entire story on my computer. Well I guess that says it all. My angels were here with me all along!!!

  25. Hi Sharon,
    August 22, 2023

    I have had lots of crazy these past couple of months. 1 fall resulting in ER visit and broken arm.
    I had balance problems and didn’t get to go through with my plans for my 75th birthday – July 4th.
    July 5th another balance issue, a 911 call from my job with ambulance transfer to ER. A couple of episodes and really sick. A couple of days ago a 3rd trip to ER with the same issue. My 16 year old cat died the same day as my favorite 19 year old zoo animal.

    Thank you for the very timely devotion today. LORD open my eyes so I can see your angels in position.

    Miss the daily devotions from y’all.

  26. Wow thank you for that awesome message Sharon. Need to hear that today. The second circle – Draw a stick figure of someone you’re praying for today. Then draw a circle around that person. Finally, draw another circle around the circle. Remember, God’s angel armies are that second circle, surrounding what is surrounding them🙌.

  27. Good morning Sharon! Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to share this message to the Women who belong to God and need encouragement. It made me remember the last time I was in jail that God told me that He would never leave me nor forsake me. Sometimes I forget that He’s always there even when I don’t feel or see Him. But to be honest I do see God through His creation so He is always here. Thank you and may God continue to bless you. 🙌

  28. I needed this reminder today. I took my picture and drew a circle around it, as a visual that HIS army surrounds me today.

  29. Sharon thank you for your continued ministry through our Lord.
    I’ve come to believe I’m a magnet for narcissists and their flying monkeys. It started in my childhood hood and has continued well into my 50’s. I used to just live with it but in past years I have set boundaries and distanced myself. Can I just say what strife that has stirred up. I am encouraged by the reminder that God sees all and knows all and no matter what’s done on this earth He will rectify!

  30. This really gave me peace and comfort. I really miss GIG. So glad you are still connecting with us through your wonderful devotions. Thanks

  31. Sharon thank you!
    The bit that most speaks to me is that the angels and chariots of fire WERE ALREADY THERE !!
    I so often feel like it’s dependent on me remembering to pray and ask and get it all right before God answers, but it’s not that at all. He’s already there, already doing it, by grace, he knows already, and He’s already on it!

  32. We never know what others are going through. The testimony of the Lord stands alone. Looking back at the history of God and sharing that testimony of God’s character, His Kindness, His Truth, His Promises strengthens me in the Lord. God does not lie. His Word Will NOT return VOID.

  33. Juselda Brown
    August 31, 2023, At 1:30 pm

    Thank you, Sharon, for reminding me that it doesn’t matter what comes my way in life God is always
    there with me….Thanks for the testimony.

  34. Thank you so much for your prayer messages I really appreciate it. But I have not received any in the past month sure hope that you have not disconnected me. That would saddened me.

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