Celebrate the Small Victories!

Sharon JaynesGeneral Inspiration, Mamma Moments with God, Perspective 51 Comments

It was a long day with a longer to-do list. I was chipping away at it but running out of emotional and physical steam. What I needed was a large sweet tea. When I pulled into the Chick-fil-A drive through, I heard the flapping noise of a flat tire.

I turned into a parking space and called for roadside assistance. Then I opened a book, unwrapped my straw, and took a sip of tea.

An hour later, a nice man showed up to change my tire. Two hours after I arrived, I headed home. Now, this might not sound like a very exciting story to you, but for me, it was a small victory.

Here’s what I didn’t do. I didn’t cry, fuss at God, or fall apart because the air in my schedule leaked out with the air in my tire. And that, my friend, was reason to celebrate!

My default mode would have been to do all three: cry, fuss at God, and fall apart. Then, I’d go home in a bad mood for my husband to endure. But not that day. So I celebrated that one good moment of a bad day when I responded well.

Oh friend, too many times we want total victory in our lives before we celebrate. We wait for perfection, which will never come. We beat ourselves up for our missteps and mishaps and miss the moments to celebrate.

You’ll never have total victory in everything this side of heaven, but you will have some. Don’t miss them! See them! Seize them! Blow the party horn!

  • Celebrate the times you don’t yell at the kids. Hurray!
  • Celebrate the times you don’t respond to the sarcastic words of a cashier with sarcastic words of your own. Praise God!
  • Celebrate the times you don’t fall apart because your schedule does. Do the happy dance!
  • Celebrate the times you didn’t eat that extra bowl of ice cream. You go, girl!

God is changing you, transforming you, and remaking you every day—making you more and more like Jesus. Paul wrote, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). Even though you might not respond to all of life’s foibles and fallouts in a God-honoring way, take a moment to celebrate the times you do.

Let’s celebrate together! Leave a comment and share one way you responded to a difficult situation in a God-honoring way.

God, open my eyes to see the little victories in my life. Help me not to focus on the negative but celebrate the positive. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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Comments 51

  1. Yay!! I received my copy of your book !! Praise God !! And you for such an Amazing and God empowering written book !! I love it . Thank you Sharon

  2. Thank you, thank, thank you! A reminder that God is at work and we need to take a small break to be grateful in those moments of frustration. Beautiful devo and very encouraging.

  3. Most recently, I did not get an employment position for which I applied,, and instead of fretting about it, I thanked the Lord that I still have a great job.
    The Lord blesses His people with peace.- Psalm 29:11

  4. This is a perfect message for my upcoming week. I haven’t had this God-honoring situation yet but know it is going to happen. We have to travel 7 hrs for a funeral of a very dear friend of the family. This funeral is in a resort city, the traffic will be horrendous, and it is very hot. We are also traveling with our two dogs. My husband is a “worst case” guy (bless his heart) so he has already pointed out everything that can go wrong. He wants to get us there safely and hopefully without event. I am sure you get the picture. I will be faced with a number of God-honoring situations! The Lord sent this message for me to have tools to not escalate the issues faced. Praise The Lord! I feel blessed to have this mindset in place! Thank you for this blessing!

  5. Wow this is so true!! Yesterday we had the driver’s side front tire blowout on our truck while hauling the RV at 70 miles an hour on I,83!! By the grace of God, we made it across the highway without hitting any other vehicles and the guard rail saved us from jackknifing and no one was injured. We May have lost the truck (due to its age and the front end damage) but the RV is repairable and our lives were saved. That’s all that matters. (The truck is like a family member to my husband LOL so I’m not totally sure in that he will allow it to be unsalvageable)

  6. I needed to read this today because a situation arose first thing in the morning and I did NOT respond in a God honoring way. In my quiet time afterwards I was beating myself up for my selfish response. I needed to hear that our transformation is a slow one but we can acknowledge the small successes along the way.

  7. I got a call this morning right before I read this. It was the water company saying our usage has doubled in the past few days, meaning a water leak. I was trying not to panic so I turned to devotions and this one popped up. Exactly what I needed today.

  8. I thank God for allowing things to just roll off my back. I’m not sure if I should share this but it may help someone else. I was given the task to form a small choir to lead our high school song at the 100th Gala. Well I had 3 volunteers and 1 voluntold. A week before the affair all of them dropped out. I became angry. I had to call the chairperson and tell her I didn’t have the group. Not that I couldn’t do it myself but because they waited until the last moment. I led the song and got over the anger. No grudge, all is well.

  9. Perfect timing , thank you for this to remind me to not let the little things control my day , Sitting back having a second cup of coffee and giving thanks
    In all things.

  10. I have experienced moments like this, so many times. Things don’t always go as smoothly as you want. I wake up every day with a “to do” list. It used to bother me if I didn’t cross everything off. However, life experiences have shown me that it is okay, as well as not blaming God or others and to (somewhat) go with the flow. There may be a reason that the day, the situation, the moment, etc., didn’t turn out as planned. I think if everything ran smoothly we wouldn’t learn or grow or share our experiences. We need to cast our trust in God and not in the situation.

  11. I laughed at the line about the second bowl of ice cream, because I am having an ice cream week! Several times this week, I lost that battle, but last night I won! Hurray for small victories!

  12. I actually did have a flat tire, going to my client. low & hold, there was a young fella that showed up right behind me, who changed my flat tire
    He refused to take any $$$, I dropped off some homemade brownies a few days later, with a card addressed to
    My guardian angel
    Peace and Love is everywhere

  13. I actually did have a flat tire, going to my client. low & hold, there was a young fella that showed up right behind me, who changed my flat tire
    He refused to take any $$$, I dropped off some homemade brownies a few days later, with a card addressed to
    My guardian angel
    Peace and Love is everywhere

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  14. This morning I woke up early and went to the kitchen to take my morning meds. When I took the bottle out of the cupboard the lid was not on tight and ninety little pills went everywhere. I had to smile and say, okay God, it’s going to be a great day. Thank you for your devotion.

  15. God will meet you right where you are, with the words you need if you pray 🙏, trust, and believe. This was well needed. Thank you 😊

  16. I am so thankful that I no longer utter vicious, degrading comments and foul words. With the help of the Holy Spirit I can quickly stop my negativity! Thank you Jesus!

  17. I’m so glad to read this way to respond today, I often respond wrong, but God is faithful to help us. Thanks for the encouragement.

  18. There are many times I don’t respond in God honoring ways, but I DO need to stop beating myself up for those times & yes, celebrate the times I do respond in a God honoring way! I have to remind myself I am not nor will I be perfect this side of heaven! I will mess up & retry again!! God is merciful & forgiving!! Thank you Jesus!!

  19. Thank you for this reminder. I am encountering a new life change with my youngest daughter’s partner having his 14 year old son come to live with them. She has no children and is becoming a step-mom overnight. The boy was not raised to accept responsibilities and plays video games 24 hours a day. When he is reprimanded and given a curfew, he manipulates and lies about forgetting it. His Dad feels sorry for him and lets him get by with his manipulation because he thinks his ex-wife was mean to the boy. I was raised by parents who disciplined and meant it! I open my mouth too many times when I am staying there because I do not feel it is my daughter’s responsibility to correct bad parenting skills! I see it is wearing on her and I am worried!! I am trying to do better and not overstep but my Mom heart gets in the way! Lord thank you for loving and forgiving my many, many imperfections!

  20. Thank you for this devotion! Just what I needed on a challenging Monday morning. The perfect time to be reminded to give myself grace and not fret while going through morning tasks. We were a little late, but my little one made it to school, and I made it to work. Grateful for God’s strength which is sufficient in the moments when I feel I am not!

  21. My husband and I have spent this past week celebrating the little victories and many blessings. We left our home Monday evening due to the raging South FIRK Fire …with special things and important papers packed in our car. We then drove to the storage unit where our motor home was stored, and got it and set up at the KOA Campground that is about an hour southeast of Alto New Mexico.
    What a blessing to have this comforting place and to have each other and be safe. Please continue to pray for this area…so many homes were lost and there was already a shortage of places to live.
    We have hearts filled with so much gratitude as we pray for our neighbors ….
    Judy Preston

    1. I’m so sorry you are going through this, Judy, but I’m glad that you are safe and have somewhere to go. Praise God for that! Samaritan’s Purse is coming to that area starting tomorrow to help. If anyone feels led to go, I encourage you to go to their website and check it out.
      I am praying for you and all who are affected by this fire. May God hold you tenderly in His hands and comfort you through this ordeal.

  22. Praise Jesus I had the fruits of the spirit active and engaged when my ex husband called to talk about our adult daughter, her husband and the consequences it could have on our only grand child. I didn’t respond by pointing out negative issues and actions on his part and ours together when we were married for 31 years that contribute to the situation. I also didn’t mention how when I try to communicate with him about my concerns he never responds to me. It was God through me that spoke to my ex the way God points things out to me. It was certainly not me. I’m still working on forgiveness and healing. Because of God working through me, we had a decent conversation and I believe made some headway.

  23. Five days ago I experienced a flaaaat tire at West Edmonton Mall. I could’nt get hold of any of my family and I did not have road side assistance. I was standing there wondering how I was going to get my spare put on when a young gentleman asked if I needed help – this is just about unknown in these parts these days! So after negotiating he began the process only to find that one of the lug nuts was cross threaded and he could’t undo it with my short handled tool. So he offered to drive the 5//10 minutes to his home to pick up his tool box which had more professional style equipment. My oh my! Whilst he was away a work van parked near and two guys began unloading their paint gear then one of them stopped and asked if I needed any help – I was just leaning on the bumper waiting for my guy to come back. Well, what can I say – two offers of help with 15 minutes of each other.. When my first got back he got to work on undoing the last nut and eventually it broke off! So then he put the spare on and sent me on my way with four screw instead of five holding on the wheel. Just how good could my day get?

    The spare was a little soft so I drove down to the dealership in the mall, not the dealership I got my car from, and asked them if they could fill the spare with air which they did – for nothing. Whaat – – this day just get’s better.

    This morning I eventually was able to take the car in for service on that nut and repair of the tire. This dealership decided that, since the last last time that nut touched was when they fitted my summer tires, I was not responsible for the cost changing the broken screw and putting on a new nut.

    Praise the Lord! He has been so good to me this last week. He put so many wonderful, helpful people in my path and kept me, and others, safe on the road with a spare held on with one less part than usual.

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  24. Said a silent prayer, stayed quiet after I cried. A new transition to another state that’s EXTREMELY HOT is quite difficult but God! I hope I am doing my best to stay in a Godly mindset when things go awry. I have failed and succeeded -a work in progress.

  25. I thank God for the many times I do respond in a GODLY way. I don’t all the time, but am grateful that I reflect on those times & learn from them. A friend texted me 2:00 a.m. in the morning with a non-urgent matter. I refrained from responding with anger in that moment. God Blessed me to get back to my much needed rest. Then God gave me the right kind words to express to my friend to please not text me again in the middle of the night. My dear friend apologized & I expressed my forgiveness. We went on that day texting each other with uplifting & humorous texts as we most often do. That was a win for the both of us. Most importantly, I was reminded to forgive & show Grace to others as God shows to us all. 🙏🏾

  26. I just celebrated a moment like this! I am moving- no comments. My daughter was flying home to NH to help – from GA. It was SOOOO busy and I was going crazy. She called. She had missed her connection. I was so calm, and told her not to worry. We would do what we could. And I knew God was in charge anyway. She got a hotel room, another flight the next morning, and was here by early afternoon. God is so GOOD. I was so pleased that I didn’t lose control- just more of God in my life.

  27. Starting a women’s bible study today and this is great content. Phil 1:6 reminds us our walk with Jesus is a daily sanctification and we will not be complete (perfect) until the day we are with Him!

  28. Thank you God for seeing me through my annual colonoscopy. I don’t think I could get through the process and I cried out Jesus be my strength, my stronghold. I leaned on my father above. Victory in Jesus!!

  29. Hello Sharon,

    I am so Grateful and Thankful we have fresh Mercy and Grace daily. Keeping my eyes on Jesus, everyday and staying in the word, is my displayed good Graces and Victory. We are so Blessed!!! Glory to Glory!!

  30. We’ve been on vacation and there’s been a few things that have not gone as we expected or put a damper on our plans. I’ve started out feeling very disappointed and upset. But then instead of staying in that place we’ve still chose to make the best of it and enjoy our time, maybe even seeing it as it just wasn’t supposed to go exactly as we planned and possibly for a good reason. God has really been helping me to shift my perspective. Then I read this devotion which really encouraged me. Thank you

  31. Thank you God, because in the middle of my storm you are giving me strength to keep up every day while i wait for the restoration of my marriage.

  32. I have been procrastinating about looking for a new job for several reasons. I’ve been a bit depressed over the loss of a job where the office culture was the best I’d ever worked in, depressed about being laid off after barely making a year in a permanent position after temping for five years trying to find the right position, and now lamenting that my job history looks like I can’t keep a job (albeit I held a government human resources position for eight years prior to all the temping.) I cleaned my apartment up and down, I worked on the garden at the front of the building, cleared out the backyard at the back of the building, organized my closet by color, even wiped down that sticky spot in the freezer, that’s been there for a year.

    Two weeks after my layoff, I saw a great position that matches my experience to a T, this time working in city government. I worked on streamlining, my résumé, started the online application, downloaded my résumé, but it was quite late at night and I was tired, so I hit save and decided to come back to it later. A notice at the top stated that the position was going to close the next day, so I made a promise to myself to complete it the next morning.

    The next day came and throughout a flurry of errands I remembered the application several times, but never got to it. Finally, at 11 PM at night I remembered it again but I was too exhausted to complete it .

    My victory? Instead of getting angry at myself and crying, berating myself for being a failure and asking why God let me be in this position again when I was set to build some stability in my life again, I just said, “I missed an opportunity, but there will be others. I’m not going to be myself up. I’m going to be gentle with myself this time. I have a real reason to grieve the loss of my job, and even though it was a layoff and had nothing to do with my performance, jumping back into the job search at age 50 is not going to be easy. I’m going to shake it off and begin again.”

    For me, someone who’s temper can be like brushfire at times, this was quite a feat of bravery and discipline.
    So this morning, I’m grabbing my favorite cup of coffee and heading back to my laptop, at peace that God will find me something that’s an even better land than my previous position. I thought I would share that with you this morning.

  33. I got in the shower with my earring aid on I PrYED and Prayed a Prayer and the next day they were working I was so thrilled because they cos 5000 dollars.

  34. I had asked God to test me because every test that he gives me I fail. Which is not good so I asked Him to please test me. Then my biggest temptation asked me to do something. If before i would with not a bat of my eye. But this time, i really saw that my relationship with God is more important. I told my big temptation, NO! Honoring God is more important to me. So, that is one thing/test/temptation that I put God first.

  35. I too did not respond well this week with God honoring responses. I went back and forth with my responses. During my times of meditation throughout the day, I did ask God for forgiveness, I asked Him to restore me, and still thanked Him for his many blessings…. I believe, but help me with my unbelief.

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