Sharon JaynesPrayer, Trusting God 168 Comments

It’s a Small Cloud, But It’s Somethin’

I had been praying for a family member for my entire adult life, but it seemed nothing was happening. Nothing. Perhaps you’ve felt that way about a prayer before.

In 1 Kings 18:41-45, there’s a story about the prophet named Elijah who predicted a three-and-a half-year drought was coming to an end. After delivering the news to King Ahad,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesEnough, Identity in Christ, Living Free, Trusting God 93 Comments

When the Devil Tries to Sneak Up On You

He did it again. The devil whispered a lie into my head, and I believed it. Of course, I didn’t know it was him. I thought it was just me. But it wasn’t.

Did you know the devil wants to sneak up on you? He prowls around like a lion just looking for the right opportunity.

If Satan came to you in a little red suit with a pitchfork and announced himself as the devil,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesMarriage, Motherhood, Prayer, Praying for Your Child, Trusting God 70 Comments

Shaping Worries into Prayers

Harper and I were having a visit on Facetime. This five-year-old bundle of love, my niece’s daughter, was telling me all about her Guinea pig, Skitters. Skitters was her new best friend. He went down the sliding board with her, nibbled on baby carrots at tea parties across from her, and nestled in the mini stroller in front of her during walks.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLiving Fully, Perspective, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Trusting God 58 Comments

When You Feel Stuck in Your Faith

Have you ever felt stuck in your faith? Like you can’t seem to grow any deeper? Stand any stronger? Believe any better? I know I have.

Sometimes I feel like a trapeze artist who’s stuck hanging over the vast expanse in a circus tent, wondering why I can’t fly through the spiritual life with the greatest of ease like so many others seem to.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Knowing God, Listening to God, Perspective, Trusting God 157 Comments

Hang On to Jesus!

[Before we begin today’s devotion, I want to say how overjoyed I am that nearly 200 women clicked on comment last week and took my challenge to forgive someone who had hurt them! Forgiveness begins with a decision, but the feelings of forgiveness can take a while to catch up. When negative feelings about that person rise to the surface, and they probably will, …

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Knowing God, Trusting God 22 Comments

Finally Found

I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a little boy so excited! Steven was seven years old, and we were headed to Disney World! It was his first time on an airplane, his first time sleeping in a hotel, and his first time seeing Mickey Mouse in person. My video camera was fully charged and poised to capture those precious memories.  Read more…