Sharon JaynesExpectant Living, Mamma Moments with God, Prayer, Uncategorized 130 Comments

When Impossible Situations Meet a Powerful God

As moms, wives, and co-workers and friends, we face many seemingly impossible situations. School struggles that seem beyond a tutor’s intervention. Maturing that feels like it’s on the far side of never. Attitude adjustments that could use a personality transplant. Relationships in which someone jumps ship.

The Bible is filled with stories of seemingly hopeless situations that served as a backdrop for heavenly miracles.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesPrayer, Trusting God 166 Comments

It’s a Small Cloud, But It’s Somethin’

I had been praying for a family member for my entire adult life, but it seemed nothing was happening. Nothing. Perhaps you’ve felt that way about a prayer before.

In 1 Kings 18:41-45, there’s a story about the prophet named Elijah who predicted a three-and-a half-year drought was coming to an end. After delivering the news to King Ahad,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Prayer 335 Comments

Do You Really Expect God to Answer Your Prayers?

Have you ever prayed about something, but didn’t really expect God to answer…I mean really expect it? I’ll admit I have. Sometimes I’ve prayed because I knew I should, but doubted God would truly answer.

That same thing happened to a bunch of Peter’s friends. (Acts 12)

In the early years of the church, King Herod had many Christians murdered and many more put in prison.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesListening to God, Prayer, Praying for Your Child 183 Comments

No Prayer is Too Small

It was time for prayer requests from the five-year-olds in my Sunday School class. They eagerly raised their hands and expressed their greatest concerns for the day.

“Pray for my loose tooth, that it’ll come out.”

“Pray for my tooth, that it’ll come in.”

“Pray for my cat who is sick, that God will make her better.”

“Pray for my daddy.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesMarriage, Motherhood, Prayer, Praying for Your Child, Trusting God 70 Comments

Shaping Worries into Prayers

Harper and I were having a visit on Facetime. This five-year-old bundle of love, my niece’s daughter, was telling me all about her Guinea pig, Skitters. Skitters was her new best friend. He went down the sliding board with her, nibbled on baby carrots at tea parties across from her, and nestled in the mini stroller in front of her during walks.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLiving Free, Living Fully, Prayer, Praying for Your Child 128 Comments

There’s a Reason for Every Season

In the South, we name our beach cottages. Barb’s Folly was one of our favorites to rent. Her screened-in back porch on the second floor overlooked a weather-worn dock jutting out over a lazy canal, and fuchsia myrtle bushes dotted the landscape like splashes of paint. The outdoor back stairway wrapped around a palm tree that reached for the sky,  Read more…