Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration, Enough, Living Free, Living Fully 69 Comments

Living Free of Holiday Envy

I was checking out my Facebook posts and feeling a little bit left out. It seemed everyone was having a big ole time with family and friends, and well, I wasn’t. It was the holiday season and it appeared all the family gatherings were picture perfect…and mine wasn’t.

Pinterest postings of perfect sausage pinwheels. Facebook pics of glittery table setting with Christmas China and matching napkins.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesExpectant Living, Living Free, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For 96 Comments

When It’s Time to Stop Moping

Have you ever been so discouraged that you just wanted to stay in bed and pull the covers up over your head? Maybe that’s where you are right now.

I felt that way last Christmas when my son and daughter-in-law didn’t make it to our house for our much longed for, much planned for holiday visit.  A snow storm canceled their flight and it was too dangerous to drive.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLiving Free, Living Fully, Prayer, Praying for Your Child 128 Comments

There’s a Reason for Every Season

In the South, we name our beach cottages. Barb’s Folly was one of our favorites to rent. Her screened-in back porch on the second floor overlooked a weather-worn dock jutting out over a lazy canal, and fuchsia myrtle bushes dotted the landscape like splashes of paint. The outdoor back stairway wrapped around a palm tree that reached for the sky,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Enough, God's love, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Living Free, Living Fully, Perspective, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For 278 Comments

You’ve Been Pre-Approved!

I’ve got something really special to give away at the end of this devotion! But for now, here’s today’s encouragement!

I walked to the mailbox and then to the recycler. Don’t need this one, or this one, or this one I whispered as I dropped the shiny flyers in the red box.

I don’t know about you,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesDealing with Your Past, Enough, God's love, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Listening to God, Living Free, Never Less Than 31 Comments

Woman, You Are Free from Your Suffering!

When my brother was a teenager, my mother used to threaten him when he hunched over at the dinner table. “If you don’t sit up,” she would say, “I’m going to buy you a back brace from Sears.” I don’t even know if Sears made back braces then, but it sounded like a pretty good threat to me.

Then I had a son who seemingly grew to six feet overnight.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesEnough, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Living Free, Perspective 59 Comments

Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

Let me tell you about a girl named Margaret. For almost forty years, she lived with word-inflicted wounds that nearly destroyed her life. From the first day she attended her one room schoolhouse, she and her teacher, Ms. Garner, didn’t get along. Ms. Garner was harsh, bitter, and cruel, and could not tolerate Margaret’s childish idiosyncrasies.

Margaret was nine years old when she frantically raced into class,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Gratitude, Living Free, Living Fully 19 Comments

God’s Articulate Presence

I love Post-It Notes! Yellow,  fuchsia, turquoise, buttercup, and magenta. From full-page mega notes to tiny little strips, sticky notes have saved me from embarrassment, kept me organized, and helped me memorize. Mostly, they have served as visual reminders of information, events, and appointments not to forget.

But visual reminders of things not to forget didn’t begin with Post-It Notes.  Read more…