Back in the 1960’s there was a song titled, “You Got What It Takes.” I don’t remember the song from when it debuted, but I have heard it since.
Dinah Washington and Brook Benton weren’t the only ones singing “You got what it takes.” Peter said it too. He wrote this about God, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Pet. 1:3).
We got what it takes to do all that God’s called us to do and be all He’s called us to be, but that doesn’t mean we get to sit back on our haunches and do nothing.
Peter also wrote: “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness . . .” (2 Pet. 1:5).
“Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election” (1:10).
“And I will make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him” (2 Pet. 1:15).
Theologist Mark Buchanan said it well: “Those who do not make every effort are like the blind man whose sight is restored, but who never adjusts to that. He remains in his old ways, tapping his cane on the sidewalk, rattling his cup at the curb, reading by Braille, groping and shuffling, turning light into darkness, day into night.”
You got what it takes to do all God has created you to do and be all He has created you to be. So now, make every effort to do so—to take advantage of who you are, what you have, and where you are in Christ.
Don’t waste time comparing yourself to anyone else.
Sharpen your skills.
Practice your trade.
Exercise your gifts.
Grab hold of the truth and be on your way.
Oh, friend, the devil would like nothing more than to steal your confidence by telling you that you do not have what it takes…that you are “less than.”
Jesus reminds us, “The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy” (John 10:10).
All through life he is looking for opportunities to steal your confidence, stifle your conviction, and siphon your courage.
And if that confidence is based on anything other than your identity as a child of God, it can be easily snatched away.
You can lose your job, your marriage, your children, your looks, your home, your money, and your position in the community. But if your confidence is firmly grounded on Jesus Christ, you will not be shaken.
That’s not to say that it is easy. You’ve got to take hold of it with the firm grip of faith.
The writer of Hebrews encourages us, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded” (Heb. 10:35).
When you stand firm on your identity in Christ, you will be unshakable. Click & Tweet!When you move forward in the power of Christ, you will be unstoppable. Click & Tweet!
When you experience difficult circumstances yet trust in the sovereignty of God, you will unbreakable. Click & Tweet!
If you fall into the trap of comparison and come up lacking, consider what Jesus did for you on that rough-hewn cross—the nails, the thorns, the side-piercing sword.
Jesus is proof that you have great worth to God.
Jesus in you through the person of the Holy Spirit is proof that you got what it takes.
What is one area of insecurity that you need to let go of today?
What is one truth about your true identity that you need to take hold of today?
During the launch of Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let Go, Move
Forward, Live Bold, I introduce the Lambano Necklace. It was specifically designed for the message of Take Hold by artisans in Mexico through a ministry called ViBella. ViBella helps give dignity and financial stability to women living in poverty in Mexico and Haiti by teaching them a trade. When you wear the Lambano Necklace (Greek for Take Hold), you will be helping a woman get out of poverty and reminding yourself to “take hold” of all that Jesus has taken hold of for you and placed in you. Click here to learn more.
Comments 3
I deeply love that. And need the books if it could be access able.
I’d love a Lambano necklace. Do you ship to Australia?
I”m sorry, we don’t.