Woman, Your Faith Is Really Something

Sharon JaynesMamma Moments with God, Prayer 107 Comments

Some called her a Syrophoenician. Some a Canaanite. Some a Gentile. It depends on what translation of the Bible you’re reading. But I call her the audacious faith-filled momma.

Her daughter was sick—said to have been possessed by a demon. When that momma heard Jesus was in town, she ran and fell at His feet. She didn’t care that women weren’t supposed to talk to men in public … especially a Gentile woman to a Jewish man. She didn’t care that the disciples tried to shoo her away. She was bold. She was brave. Here’s how it happened.

“Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter is possessed by a demon that torments her severely.”

But Jesus gave her no reply, not even a word. Then his disciples urged him to send her away. “Tell her to go away,” they said. “She is bothering us with all her begging.”

Then Jesus said to the woman, “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel.”

But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, “Lord, help me!”

Jesus responded, “It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.”

She replied, “That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.”

“Dear woman,” Jesus said to her, “your faith is great. Your request is granted.” And her daughter was instantly healed. (Matthew 15:22–28 NLT)

I love how Jesus’ words are paraphrased in The Message: “Oh, woman, your faith is something else.”

That’s what I want to hear. That’s what I want to live. I think you do too.

Jesus’ words to the woman may seem a bit harsh at first, but He knew exactly what He was going to do before it happened. I think He was allowing her great faith to be a teaching example to the disciples…and to us.

There’s another nugget in this story that stirs my heart. Just before this incident, Jesus had been in Galilee. After a confrontation with the Pharisees, he traveled north to the region of Tyre and Sidon. That’s where He met this woman with great faith. He healed her daughter, and then left the way He came. It was the only miracle Jesus performed in that town.

Could it be that our Lord and Savior would go out of His way to take care of one lone momma and her child? The answer is yes! And He will do the same for you.

Lord, I am so moved by how You went out of Your way to help one lone woman. I want to have faith like hers—a faith that is not easily intimidated but emphatically resolved. I will not give up. In Jesus’ name, amen.

What feelings stir in your heart as you think of Jesus going all the way across the Sea of Galilee to take care of one momma and her child? What are some courageous prayers that you are praying today? Leave a prayer request and let’s pray for one another.

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Luke 11:9 NLT

Digging Deeper

Today’s devotion is an excerpt from Momma Moments with God: A 90-Day Devotional. If you are a mom, this book will encourage your soul to know that you have the most important job on earth…and God is right there with you. If you’re not a mom, I bet you know someone who needs this encouragement too! (Make sure and take a look at the interior of this beautiful gift book!)

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Comments 107

    1. Lord I ask that your hands would be the doctors hands in this surgery. I pray for good report And that Frans husband goes through this surgery with no complications in Jesus name

      My husband had kidney cancer. They removed one kidney and he was fine
      Just to encourage you

    2. So many requests I have
      prays to lift up our niece
      who is presently battling with colon cancer Belinda

      2nd lift up my brother, Victor who is presently battling
      bladder cancer

      3rdly for friend’s & family
      that will be facing Hurricane Helen we empathize we also live off the coast however not in Florida never easy

      And lastly, thank you God for all you give to us and continue to give in our daily lives especially Grace

      Amen & Thankyou

      1. Please pray that my husband and I will get pregnant. Please pray that I will have a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy, happy baby despite being told I am not able to have a biological child. Thank you for your prayers.

    3. Greetings, please pray for the judge who has the fate of my godson in her hands. Pray that God will soften her heart and that she will release him from jail to be allowed to go to an intensive drug program to release that demon that has caused him to stray. He is in jail right now but she has the option to allow him to get into a program and finish his sentence there.

    4. Yes, I stand in agreement with you that the Lord of heaven and earth will orchestrate everything needed to bring healing to your husband, in Jesus name

  1. I’m really blessed with this word today & I believe in Jesus name that this message is for me. Been desperate and been praying for the last 5 years for a job. Encounted many interested employers but still non listed me up for an interview. I finally get an interview in week coming. And I believe in Jesus name that this.message is for him and God will finally lend me a job in Jesus name 🙏

    Please stand with me in prayer until next Wednesday that God’s favour is upon me.

    Thank you and God bless you

    1. Father, I thank You for Jennifer’s faith. I ask that You honor her faith by opening this door for employment for her. Lord, we don’t want anything for her that is not your will so if this is not the job you have for her close this door tight and swing open the door of Your choosing. We give you praise for supplying all Jennnifer’s needs according to Your riches in glory. We praise You for Your goodness and mercy, Your kindness and love. We praise You for the valleys and for the mountain tops. We trust You Lord and give all glory to You for the job You are providing for Jennifer. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen.

      1. Thank you for the message of encouragement encouragement. I pray that my faith in Him will be strong and deeper even during the midst of discouragement.

        May the Lord hear our prayers and to His people their hearts desires and heal their families.
        I Jesus Mighty Name. Amrrn

    2. Hi Jennifer,
      I been in the same situation, so I can truly relate. I’m standing in Faith with you, that God blesses you with the right job in his timing. God let your will be done, AMEN!

    3. Jesus show Jennifer your favor and give her the desire of our heart. Let this job interview go well. If this job is good for her, let her get it. If not, then let her find something more appropriate for her. You know her talents are skills, Jesus, intervene on her behalf

  2. I work at a pregnancy resource center and right now there is a woman contemplating abortion. Please pray for her desire to change and to see that God has a purpose for her unborn child.🙏❤️

    1. Post

      Lord, I pray for this woman right now at this moment. I pray that she will envision the baby growing inside her womb and that she will choice life. Give her a strong resolve and help her know that You will be with her every step of the Way. In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen!

    2. God, we know you can provide strength where there seems to be none, and this momma needs that. I pray for her heart, mind, spirit, and body to come together to embrace this pregnancy. Work through the women at the PRC to help her see and feel the power of your love to carry her through the days ahead.

  3. Please pray for my daughter Zoe. She has severe anxiety. Hearing this mother’s request makes me believe that Jesus can heal her. I never thought to ask for healing for this. I only asked to get us through it or to help us deal with it but I ask that this condition be removed from her, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

    1. More comfort this month. Call Zoe to know your goodness and love for her take away this anxiety and fear. Let Zoe give you her whole life and trust you for whatever those fears are. Pour out your spirit in a great way that she might know your love and your mercy as never before and embrace you. Be her strength.

  4. My prayer request is to become healed totally & permanently! I contracted Covid-19 and then a brain bleed. I’m also asking prayers for my husband who’s gotten overwhelmed due to his job, me & taking care of me.

    1. Lord, sometimes issues and problems can seem so overwhelming. But your reaction would be the same, “is anything too hard for me?“ I pray for Lisa and her husband today. Bring Divine healing to Lisa. Help her husband with the job situation. Show him your favor. Help them not to be stressed out, but to know that you are with them daily and are able to help them with all of their needs

  5. Thank you for this wonderful message that I desperately needed today in so very many ways. My youngest daughter is going through a difficult time and I so desperately want to be there for her but live 5 hours away. She is such a loving and caring person but has strayed away from God. Please pray that for her that she might rely on God in her circumstances and return to his loving arms as she was raised.

  6. Prayer request: I pray that my 3 sons will find God-loving wives who love and respect family…women who want a good and blessed life with my sons and who are willing to work hard for their dreams. May they be equally yoked and given favor over their lives together.

  7. Prayer Request:

    My daughter, November, has drifted from the Lord ever since she divorced from her husband, got pregnant with twins with a new man, and has been with this man since (for 9 years now). He has turned her and our other daughter, Normandy, away from us. They are not married and dabble in witch craft and anything that is NOT of God. They now have 4 children. The 4th, Fern, who was born in March 2024, is not with the family…only one day on the weekend because my daughter bled out during delivery and was in ICU and rehab for 2 months, is still on dialysis 3 days a week due to her organs shutting down from the trauma of losing almost all her blood several times. The father, Ryan, is very selfish and does not want the burden of managing the now almost 7 months old Fern, so Fern is 40 miles away all week with his mother. I live only 7 min away, but he won’t allow us to help. At one point they wouldn’t let us see our grandchildren for a whole month and now it is like pins and needles around them just hoping and praying that they won’t take them away from us again. My daughter is in “dialysis fog” until she gets a new kidney so she forgets often. We know she is stuck in darkness and we believe that God answered our prayers that kept her alive during the traumatic birthing event. My husband and I and praying every day and trying to continue to keep giving our daughters back to him.. We are praying for light to pierce the darkness in their hearts and for our grandchildren Stevie, Cedar, Ruef, and Fern to be protected. We need wisdom to know how to love and what to say …speak in truth…or not to say….We have sorrow and seeking God’s Joy through all of this. These past 7 months have been hell
    Thank you ,
    Nancy and Rick Bernard

    1. Praying for you right now, Nancy and Rick and for your beloved daughters and four grandchildren. May God intervene and pierce through the darkness and evil.
      In Jesus name, Amen

    2. Jesus, I pray for Nancy and Rick. I pray for their daughter whose heart has gone astray. I pray for this son-in-law who is not treating them well. God, this is nothing more than spiritual warfare. You tell us to put on the full armor of God. The devil might have strength, but God you are Almighty and able to help them overcome these issues. We pray for health for the daughter. We pray that, even as she wakes up from this coma, she would have a revelation of who you are. That you might give her a dream and warn her of the wrong path that she’s on. That she would turn around in her heart and realize that her parents love her. That she would turn around in her heart and realize you love her that she would see that her life is in a shambles because she has known you and turned her back on you. And that all she needs to do is take one step towards you God and you will come in like a flood and begin to do something miraculous in her life take away the darkness in this man. Take the burden of these parents that they may know joy in spending time with their children and grandchildren. Shine light in the darkness. Don’t allow the enemy to have his way in Jesus name I pray.

  8. My prayer request is for both of my daughters. I have an 18 year old, Addyson who has epilepsy and a 15 year old daughter, Alivia with severe anxiety. I ask that Jesus will heal them both from these diseases so they can live a healthy, joy filled life.

    Thank you

  9. Please pray for my son Connor who will not communicate with me. Pray that the Lord will soften his heart and that he will want to have a relationship with me. And pray that the Lord will restore his relationship with his brother. I want so badly for us to be a family again.

  10. My pray is for my daughters wedding this coming Saturday. That God grant us a beautiful evening for the wedding and that people see and feel the love of the Lord in their relationship. ( wedding is outside, in Missouri) Please join us in praying for a beautiful day.

  11. My nephew has been in a coma for 10 days now following an accident that caused a traumatic brain injury. Praying for a miraculous (and full) recovery.

  12. Praying for victory in my custody battle with my ex-husband. He left 3 years ago and hasn’t been involved in our kid’s lives but told the courts (and me) that he no longer wants to pay support and is now requesting 50/50 custody in order to lower his support. Frustrated that he isn’t thinking about the kids and only wanting financial gain, but trying to trust God to shine His light on the situation and soften the judge’s heart for me. I know God is the healer and restorer. I know God loves my kids more than I can fathom and I know God is working things for my good and His glory; but financially I’m drained from court fees and attorney fees, and mentally I’m drained. So I’m praying for a victory in all areas of my life right now and that God keeps the kids and I together.

  13. I’m praying for a job that I interviewed for I really need God to open the door for me. I’m praying for abundance over my finances. I’m praying for my daughter to find Godly
    Christian friends so she doesn’t feel alone. I’m praying for my gifts to make room for me. My side hustle to make 100 sales per month. My marriage to flourish and my son to be delivered in

  14. I have been praying for my son for over 30 yrs to be healed of drug addiction and addiction to video games but am still praying that God will answer as it has been a long and painful journey. Many times he has been arrested and incarcerated but I serve a God of the impossible and I know he will answer in his own way and time.i give him to God and pray that he will answer because he cares and loves me. Please pray for my son Damien to be saved .

  15. Asking for prayer for my cousin Emily. She is having a rough pregnancy, experiencing anxiety attacks throughout the night which is causing her to lose hours of sleep and increasing her anxiety. We are working hard on her spiritual defense but the enemy is working hard too.

  16. asking for prayer for our adopted son who is suffering from severe Mental Health issues since puberty set in.
    He’s 12 yrs. old-it’s really rocking the foundation of our marriage dealing with the “rage” episodes our son has…
    I am exhausted and fighting depression, which tries to set in daily.
    God is able! I know this full well.
    I am praying for these request I’ve just read on here, my heart goes out to all of you.

    1. Lord, I pray for my sister Laura. Cover her, give her wisdom, comfort her, fortify her and her family, and give her peace as she and her family navigate this season. Your will be done. Glorify yourself in her story. In Jesus name, amen

  17. Before I received this message today, I heard the Lord tell me not to give up on my son. I have been praying for my son to return to Jesus and to us for several months. I asked Jesus to please give me a sign that it was Him speaking to me and not my own words I was hearing. Then this message came through. I received my answer! Jesus is so good! I will not give up! 🙏❤️🙏

    1. Lorraine-
      I had a Parodical son for 20 plus years-he was a drug addict. I almost gave up on him and God, then God did the miraculous and saved and baptized him!
      I am now working on my adopted son, who is 12 yrs. old, Mental issues brought on by Puberty (they say)
      I’ll stand with you in prayer for your son, I’ve seen it 1st. hand! God is able to save and deliver all who call upon his name and believe!

  18. asking for prayer for our adopted son who is suffering from severe Mental Health issues since puberty set in.
    He’s 12 yrs. old-it’s really rocking the foundation of our marriage dealing with the “rage” episodes our son has…
    I am exhausted and fighting depression, which tries to set in daily.
    God is able! I know this full well.
    I am praying for these request I’ve just read on here, my heart goes out to all of you.

  19. Pray for my grand-child Sarah that the God will deliver her from the power of darkness and transfer her into the Kingdom Of His beloved Son, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

    Healing And deliverance in her soul, body And mind, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

    Let the light shine. Amen And amen.

  20. Pray for my grand-child Sarah that the God will deliver her from the power of darkness and transfer her into the Kingdom Of His beloved Son, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
    Col. 1:13

    Healing And deliverance in her soul, body And mind, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

    Let the light shine. Amen And amen.

  21. Oh, Sharon this devotion was definitely for me today! My oldest daughter (who is my surviving twin from a high risk pregnancy) just found out she is pregnant with twins! She has two toddler sons. Another ultrasound is ordered in a couple of weeks to determine the type of twin pregnancy, but her doctor is concerned this could be the rarest and most high risk type of twin pregnancy. We are praying that the ultrasound yesterday was inconclusive and it isn’t what we fear.

    I’m obviously very concerned and worried For the health of these precious babies and for my daughter and son-in-law and everything that they will be going through emotionally and physically. I know in my heart God is in control, but I’m still struggling to cast all my concerns and worries on the Father. I prayed this morning that he would increase my faith and my trust and that I would give this completely over to him because he already has a plan in place! This reminder of this mother and her complete faith in Jesus to heal her daughter was the lesson that I need to hear to help me release this and put it in the hands of God where it belongs. Thank you.

  22. I want to be like this faith filled mother and ask and pray for complete healing for my grandson’s speech problems. For I know that
    nothing is impossible for God and will give all glory for this healing, in Jesus powerful and precious name – Amen

  23. I have been praying for my 23 year old son to realize that is he precious to God and to us. He is not working and shows no desire. Need direction as parents.

  24. Please pray for my son and for me—for spiritual discernment and employment needs, as well as boldness to do what God has called us to do for His Glory, Honor, and Kingdom. Thank you.
    Numbers 6:24-“The Lord bless thee and keep thee.”

  25. April 22, 2024. My husband walked out on me due to mental illness, drugs, alcohol, and emotional cheating. He is currently in Florida in jail with a DUI again. He cannot ever return home to South Carolina because of a warrant out for his arrest for pulling a gun on someone. I pray the justice system when he does go to court or has a jury trial that the judge keep him in jail at at least 12 to 15 years for his own safety and for others. He’s has had numerous DUIs and he doesn’t take it serious. Also that I continue to get his pension While in jail so I can make the mortgage payment and pay the bills. Pray that his family siblings and parents don’t try to take the money from me. We are still married and I need his support. I don’t need the stress of what he’s put me through Already to worry about not having my home. Thank you.

  26. Send prayers for my mother is who dealing with heart failure in the icu hospital. Pray the doctors find a medication that will support her to be able to rehabilitate outside of the hospital facility.

  27. I have a prodigal son who is so very lost. Several suicide attempts, physical ailments that are wreaking havoc on his body, and now he is in legal trouble and facing a potentially life-changing sentence. My husband barely speaks to him, and I try to be an uplifting voice of comfort every day, but I am tired. We have been praying for so long! Thank you for this message! It reminded me that our prayers are heard and that God’s timing is not always in line with ours! Please pray for my son; his name is Kaleb.

  28. I have a prayer request. My daughter Melanie has been unemployed for months. Help me pray that God will supply her with: a job, keep her strength in Him by faith and waiting on Him, provisions in the meantime. Thank you for the prayers in advance. Praying together makes it much better. God continue blessing this ministry and you all.

  29. Please pray for my son, Seth who is now embracing and living a gay lifestyle. My husband and I hope and pray he will turn back to God and leave that empty and dangerous lifestyle, but watching this current phase is heart breaking for us. Thankfully he still wants to attend our family get togethers with our other son and his family. Thank you!

    1. Dear Susan,
      I am praying for your son Seth and all those practicing the homosexual lifestyle. Our oldest son told us 5 yrs. ago that he is gay and it broke our hearts. He lives out of state and we have never spoken a word about it to anyone. I am also fearful that my other son is gay.
      But I just continue to pray for them daily and to show them unconditional love. I know that only our Lord God in Heaven can move mountains and deliver our children from the bondage of their sin. I will continue to pray and stay hopeful for your son, for my sons and for all children affected by this.

  30. Please pray for my daughter Mikenna. She has had health problems for the past 10 years and the doctors seem baffled. We still don’t have the answers to help her. They say it’s her adrenal glands but she also has cysts on her thyroid and problems with her menstrualcycle,hormones,reproductive and digestive and respiratory systems. She has bad acne leaving scars and is losing all her beautiful red hair. She is only 21 and because of all this battles with much anxiety. I worry she may not be able to have children. Please pray as we will see yet another doctor on October 9.
    I pray the doctor has much compassion and wisdom to truly look into what’s causing all these things.
    Praying Jesus brings her comfort and peace. But mostly that Jesus will touch and heal her as only He can because only He truly knows what’s going on with her. He is her creator, her father and her Healer. Thank you Jesus! You love our children so much more than we do!!! She also is a worship leader at our church and I believe that the enemy attacks her on all sides so that she will be hindered from serving Jesus. Please also pray for Jesus to defend and protect her.

    1. Dear Cris, I am so sorry to hear of your daughters struggles. I too have dealt with a lot of what she is experiencing. After going down many rabbit holes and doctors digging for answers I came across a low oxalate diet and then moved on to more of a keto and animal based diet. Bingo! Much healing has taken place. And then able to eat more “normal” after many years of struggling. I just needed healing from the inside out, spiritually, emotionally, physically. And it helped a ton with my anxiety. If you have questions you are welcome to email me @runninkrazyarena@yahoo.com (crazy name, but my husband and I used to have a roping arena in our front yard.)

      Praying for both of you! I sympathize. My mom and I have been in the same place.

  31. Please pray for my husband Bryan as he will be having a procedure done tomorrow on his hand. I pray for complete healing that he will have full use of his hands.

  32. Please pray for me for a financial blessing, for God to keep a roof over my head. Please for my sister to take care fully of her mental health. Please pray for me & my mom to lose an abundance of weight for our health. Please pray to keep me & my family safe & protected each day. Please pray for Jaziah to be healed & delivered & have a relationship with God. Please pray for my brother & give him guidance as he takes care of his daughters. Please pray for my nephew who just started college away from home. Please pray for my nieces & give them guidance and to lean on their faith. Please pray that God helps my mom not feel lonely. Thank you all for your prayers. God bless you all.

  33. My husband’s kidney scan didn’t come back very good yesterday. I saw the results but am waiting for the doctor’s office to contact him. He will have to see a specialist, But it came back innumerable cysts in each one. I am worried and scared and spending the night and morning praying how he will handle a special diet or whatever else they decide. God is giving me peace this morning as I am busy doing several projects while we wait to hear. I just don’t want to give him the wrong information at this point. Pray we hear quickly and get in to see a specialist soon.

  34. Dear Jesus, The needs of these women are great, but not too much for You papa God. We lay them down before You , healer, Jehovah Rafa. We worship You.
    Our adult son,42 has been homeless for 10 years. He’s been living in used cars we give him so he can be safe. He has a part time job. He suffers from terrible anxiety and depression, PTSD. Our little family needs a healing. We take back what the enemy stole. Please hear my prayer. We love you Lord

  35. My prayer request is for Governor Mike Parsons to not ignore the petition of more than one thousand people to have a stay for the life of Mr. Marcellus Williams, who they say will be executed in Missouri today at 6:00 pm. God is a God of miracles, and He can do anything but fail.

  36. So thankful that God answers prayer!
    Pray for my friend who is in her seventies with some health issues. We have been friends for 25 years and I want her to know the Lord!

  37. Prayer Request :

    Dear Lord please help with my financial crisis, I am drowning in debt and I need a way out. I am trying to not lose my faith, help me to see that you are at work with my battles.

  38. I don’t have children myself, but I was so struck that Jesus went out of his way to help one woman of great faith and her child. Lord I want to pray for all the Mothers / grandmas/ aunts of great faith, feeling alone in their faith, desperately seeking you and your will. Including those literally alone in faith – in homes or lands of other faiths including Gaza’s Christian population, Christians in Arab countries, in Etitreia, N Korea, China and all those jailed for their faith everywhere in the world. May they know you know them, that you will hear and seek them out.
    And for the Mother’s, grandma’s, aunts and wives posting here – let them know you hear and Lord, please answer their prayers to bring many to faith in you.

  39. My siblings and I need to sell a house that our father inherited from us. This will help us a lot with the financial problems we’re facing.

  40. Please join me in praying the Lord will deliver my husband and many friends from alcoholism.

    Heavenly Father, we know the vices of this world our carnal and temporary. They only serve as a bandaid. In Jesus name, please pour Your Spirit out to open the eyes and hearts of the addicted so they may know You alone are the great Physician. The One who is able to deliver them from evil, from the temporal escape of these vices. May they come to know You, the only One who can provide true freedom! ~Amen

  41. I have a prayer request:

    My husband of legally almost 37 years has basically moved out except for his stuff he wont communicate with us except randomly to say he loves us and misses up but won’t come home, this has been going on for a while I am trying to put all my trust in God but it is affecting both my daughter and I physically and we need resolution whatever the outcome is. Can you please pray for resolution in our situation. Obviously we want healing and restoration but ultimately we just want God’s will thank you!!!

    1. Dear Donna,
      Praying for your son also that he will be delivered from the sin of homosexuality. Praying for healing that comes from Jesus Christ alone,

  42. Please pray for my two sons to come back to the Lord,
    And that the Lord would bless my daughter with a Christian man to come into her life

  43. I am encouraged by this devo and I am believing in the restoration for my daughter, that the Lord will restore her to right believing and right sexual orientation. Please pray for my daughter to be restored and come back to Jesus. Also praying for healing for my health condition, to be healed from this pain and numbness on my leg.

  44. I pray that our gracious Father will answer each prayer request listed here. He is more than able to fix each situation. I pray for each of you precious women of God, that you will hold to your faith in Him. Believe wholeheartedly that He will work everything for your good and for His glory. I believe Him to be a miracle worker. May He perfect all things concerning you.

    Please also join with me in praying for my 14 year old daughter who just began boarding school last month and is finding it hard to make new friends. Pray that she will adjust to her new environment and that Holy Spirit will show her who would be good companions for her. Thank you all and blessings 💕

  45. Please pray for my Mom, Pauline who is suffering with liver disease. She is so weak and struggles to function each day. Her doctor’s don’t know how to help but Mom’s faith is so strong, she is waiting patiently for her healing.

  46. Please pray for my son, Scott’s salvation. He is very confused and needs to seek God but I’m afraid that he is listening to the wrong voices.

  47. I am asking for prayers for my granddaughter that has Wernickel’s Encephalopathy. It has taken a long time for a diagnosis and the prognosis is not favorable for recovery. But I am still praying to God for complete healing for her mind, soul and body. She has two little children that need their momma back. Thank you for your prayers,

  48. My global prayer is to bring more peace, unity, and financial stability for all on this earth, particularly (here) in the US. Our nation is in peril (in significant decline) and even those of us who are God fearing are being hoodwinked. WE are ALL God’s children, and we are better than this!

    My personal pray is to be delivered by God from the low place I currently find myself in and to laser focus upon the next steps of the path that HE has set before me. Hoping that our Heavenly Father provides clarity by revealing to me my immediate and future next steps. Also, looking forward to my baby girl (soon) bringing some joy to our family with a beautiful bouncing baby!

  49. This message came at the perfect time for me. I hear you GOD and I will continue to stand in prayer for my children. I pray for direction as we journey through life from teenagers to young adults. God may you lead guide and direct them. Amen

  50. Thank you for the message of encouragement encouragement. I pray that my faith in Him will be strong and deeper even during the midst of discouragement.

    May the Lord hear our prayers and to His people their hearts desires and heal their families.
    I Jesus Mighty Name. Amrrn

  51. Praying for us to purchase a farm that is impossible to do without God! Also praying for spouses for my son and daughter!! Bold prayers but I know God can do the impossible!!

  52. There’s a lot. Please pray for my 23 year old son. He is anger filled, smokes marijuana, steals, can’t/won’t work nor keep a job when he gets one, will not get counseling and won’t take advice. At the root of it, I believe demonic influences are attached to him. Please pray for his deliverance.

  53. Please pray for my children, my son who just graduated and moving into this next phase of his life and seeking a job, my daughter who is finishing up her last year of school may God give her a wisdom and strength to finish strong and please pray for our finances.

  54. Dear Lord, please answer these prayers that are being asked of you. These families are in need of your help. Help release their pain, anxiety and lift their spirits. Shower them with your ever loving care!
    I am blessed to have a healthy and striving family, because of you.

  55. Dear Lord and Heavenly Father
    I pray for my husband and children. May they find their way to you and know your love. Help me too Lord to show more patience, kindness and understanding.
    In your name

  56. Please pray for my son Skyler. He was an addict for years but is now clean and drawing closer to God. He has a personal health problem that he’s been dealing with for over 3 years and he’s terrified of the surgical solutions that the doctors recommended. He doesn’t feel worthy of healing. I’ve been praying for God to take this burden from him. God is so good and has brought him so far and I know he will complete what he has started in him. There is power in praying in numbers, so I’m asking for prayers for him to be healed.

  57. Please pray for my grandson Tyler. He severely injured his shoulder on the job and is probably facing surgery. This is a new job and his benefits haven’t yet started. It should be workers comp but for some reason they are not covering it. They struggle from paycheck to paycheck and this will devastate them for him to be out of work for several weeks. And the leave will be unpaid. Don’t understand it all but God sees and knows the outcome. Praying that God will reveal himself to Tyler in a huge way

  58. Our Father, our God, Jehovah Shalom, may Your peace fill and surround Fran and her husband as they go thru this health procedure, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Please pray for healing for my mom (Agnes) who is strictly with hypertension and diabetes, thank you all.

  59. Good evening,
    I just want to take this time to thank each and every person who has prayed, lifted up the name of Jesus and given so much encouragement you all are beautiful women with such beautiful souls and may God bless each and everyone of you for your obedience and your faithfulness.

    In Jesus’s mighty name, amen.

  60. Good evening,
    I just want to take this time to tell you all that you are beautiful women with such beautiful souls and may God bless each and everyone of you for your obedience and your faithfulness.

    In Jesus’s mighty name, amen.

  61. Good evening,
    God bless each and everyone of you for your obedience and your faithfulness.

    In Jesus’s mighty name, amen.

  62. Please pray for my grandson and his family. He is having outbursts and anger issues which are getting worse. Has Asperger syndrome. We need God to touch him and heal him.

  63. My husband of 30 yrs suffered a stroke in 2013 and has been battling alcohol addiction ever since. Praying God intervenes and gives him the desire to begin recovery and restoration.

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