What If Your Worst “What If” Does Happen

Sharon JaynesPrayer, Trusting God, When You Don't Like Your Story 99 Comments

Some people just seem happy and positive all the time. They appear to never worry and fret. These people act like they eat rainbows for breakfast and ride a unicorn to work. But life isn’t all lucky charms. Sometimes it is just plain hard.

We should anticipate trials. Jesus promised trouble. “In this world you will have trouble,” He warned (John 16:33).

So what if the worst thing you can imagine does happen? What then?

What if my child gets sick?

What if my husband does leave?

What if I lose my job?

What if I get on a plane and it crashes?

I decided a long time ago, when I get on a plane, I’m either going to get where I’m headed, or I’m going to heaven. Either one is all right with me. I know that whatever may happen in this life, God is still on His throne, and He’s in control.

Yes, worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have…but sometimes you do have the problem. Sometimes the sinkhole is worse than you ever imagined. But here’s what you can always grab hold of when you feel you’re being sucked down: God will be right smack dab in the middle of your sinkhole even if your worst “what if” does occur.

What is your greatest fear? What worries threaten to hold you hostage? Perhaps you’ve already experienced your greatest fear. Maybe you have lost a child, gone through a divorce, foreclosed on your home. Perhaps you’ve already gone through radiation, filed for bankruptcy, or lost your job.

If you have already experienced your greatest fears, then oddly enough, you have an advantage over those who haven’t. You’ve seen that God does give you the strength to get through your most horrendous seasons imaginable. You’ve come out on the other side and realized that by the grace of God you’ve made it.

None of us would choose to experience the horrific losses or painful situations that are part of living this side of heaven. But some treasures can only be discovered in dark places. One such treasure unearthed by those on the other side of their worst “what ifs” is the knowledge of God’s sustaining power that got them though and held them up. That He gave them the power to move on despite the losses and live bold despite the pain.

The truth is, the worst “what if” that could ever occur already has—what if someone killed the Son of God? What if they forced a crown of piercing thorns on His head, thrashed a flesh-tearing whip embedded with sharp objects across His back, spat in His face, beat Him with fists, nailed His feet and hands to a splintery cross? What if they plunged a sword into His side? What if they murdered Jesus? What if that happened?

Oh, friend, it is with tears in my eyes that I type those words. But there’s more to the story. You know the rest.

Death was not the end of the story. It never is. On the third day after Jesus’ death, God rolled the stone away from the mouth of the cave in which Jesus was buried, and hope walked out in newness of life—resurrected life.

Because of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ; because of the power of the Holy Spirit who now lives within us, we no longer have to buckle under the spirit of fear or go weak-kneed due to worry. We can live bold knowing that God empowers and equips us to do everything He has called us to do. We can refuse to bury our dreams in shallow graves of fear but live in bold obedience expecting the best.

Lord, no matter what happens in my life, I know that You are faithful, loving, and kind. Help me to trust in Your Sovereignty, knowing that You are in control. Even if the worst “what if” happens in my life, I know that You can use it for good. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Click on comment and complete this sentence. I experienced the hardship of ___________________ and God got me though.

Digging Deeper

We’ve all got parts of our stories that we’d like to tear out or mark out of the narrative. I’ve got them. You’ve got them. But what if the worst parts could become the most powerful tools that God uses in the lives of others? I know they can. Check out my book, When You Don’t Like Your Story: What if Your Worst Chapters Could Become Your Greatest Victories, and let’s learn how together! Includes a Bible Study Guide.






© 2024 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 99

  1. The what if’s are destructors for the goodness you have planned over the life of my children and me. I will trust you God and your perfect word. Amen

    1. Losing my daughter to cancer when she was 3. Losing my mama was one of the hardest times but amen God had me cradled in His arms

  2. Due to deaths I lost my Husband and two. Brothers in 3years and believe me God got me through this and God recently blessed me with my first great grandson named after his Pop pop and what a great blessing he is .For those going through something right now he will get you through . The rainbow is there after the storm

  3. I experienced the hardship of losing my job, losing my father, losing my child, losing my pastor, losing my grandparents, losing my mother in-law, losing my dearest friend, losing my niece, losing my closest uncles, and losing my sister…. and God got me though every time I down, and hurt, and heartbroken, HE gave me the strength, mercy and grace I needed to make it through and to continue to heal through. Thank you, FATHER.

  4. My God never leaves me nor forsakes me, I have Angels to protect me & no plague will come upon me. Under His wings He hides me, as a mother hen protects her chicks.
    He won’t allow me to be tested beyond what I can take. I’m more than a conqueror through Him who loves me & I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Jesus us Lord

  5. Three months ago on June 1, I lost my beloved wife. We have been married for 43 years. She was ill for several years. I prayed that God would heal her. It is difficult to write because she was also a very good wife and friend and sister in Christ. She has never said a single bad word in our entire marriage. When I lost her, I realized that God answered my prayers and did not allow the disease to torment her. It was not an illness that defeated my beloved wife. Jesus defeated the disease by taking it to himself. It comforts me.

    1. I’ve been reading about everyone’s losses and must say I am proud of all of you in the Lord. I have had losses as well. But nothing like what I have read today. You are all so brave in the Lord. You are proof that he does sustain the righteous! You ALL have given me faith. God bless you all and continue to heal all of your hurts. May He fulfill you in such a way that He becomes a heavenly consolation for all of your losses. In Jesus’ name I pray. ❤️ Gina

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    1. I also lost my only son to suicide. It’s been 10 years and I think of him everyday. We have his 3 sons to love and rejoice in and 4 other grandchildren. Our daughters and grandkids give us so much joy and I believe they are Gods way of helping live our best lives. He is always beside us and c as tries us during the worst of time.

    2. Cindy, my heart goes out to you. May the Lord continue to hold you close and comfort your broken heart as only He can. 🙏

  6. I experienced the hardship of domestic violence and God got me through it.
    Psalm 91:2-“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in Whom I trust.”

  7. I have experienced the hardship of losing my retirement home to Hurricane Helene last week. I am praying for strength to fight the worry and depression as I attempt to rebuild my life.

    1. I will be praying for you to be ok and heal. I, too, live in Florida and by the grace of God we were spared,One day at a time and you and yours will be ok. Praying for you all 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  8. I experienced the hardship of the death of my husband which resulted in foreclosure and God got me through. Thank you heavily Father!

  9. I experienced the hardship of loss of a grandchild, divorce, suicide of a brother, husband w/Parkinson and God got me though all these things and is getting me through them now.

  10. I experienced the hardship of loss of a grandchild, divorce, suicide of a brother, husband w/Parkinson and God got me though all these things.

  11. I experienced the hardship of breast cancer and God got me through. I’m grateful every day for his presence and need to remember I can trust him in ALL things. Thanks for your beautiful message today❤️

  12. My son went to Heaven in February, it was my worst fear, but God has been with me every step of the way. He has and is getting me through it.

  13. My husband of 29 yrs left our marriage in 2013. I didn’t want to live… BUT GOD.! Now, with the help of an amazing Christian counselor -5yrs- God has brought me through and given me such a blessed life!
    I give HIM all the glory and honor!

    1. I have experienced the hardship of divorce and the Lord is still getting me through it. The absolute worst case happened, and like you, Denise, I despaired of my own life. I need to get into counseling so maybe that is my next step? I’m thankful to see that the Lord brought you through and gave you a blessed life!! It gives me hope so I will praise Him with you. 🙂

  14. I have experienced the hardship of losing my son 15 years ago and God got me through it. Through prayers and support of my church, my friends and family, I was able to grow in my faith. God’s grace gave me strength and though I struggled at times, I would pray and remember that God not only love me, but he loved my son.
    I now co-facilitate two bereavement groups. This not only helps others, but helps me as well.

  15. I experienced the hardship of lymphoma & treatment and God got me through. His presence & guiding hand was an amazing & wonderful experience.

  16. I experienced a trauma in our family I can’t discuss. It wasn’t ever a fear. It never crossed my radar. God got me through it – is still getting me through it. The things I used to fear no longer do. I know God is there with me no matter what happens.

  17. My son was in an accident and he lost the ability to walk. It took me years to realize God had a plan for his life. He is married and has 3 beautiful children. They all have the Lord in their hearts.

  18. God got me through losing my husband three months after I got married. Now I just got married and by the grace of God I will be for many years to come.

  19. My worst has happened and God is still carrying me through it! I lost my son and it will be 5 years ago on November 11. He was saved about 6 weeks before his death. I have the promise I will see Him again!!! God continues to heal me and I keep trusting Him too.

  20. I’ve experienced the hardships of divorce, domestic violence, losing a job, loss of both parents, but God has brought me through and used each hardship to make me stronger. God always comes through for me.

  21. This isn’t a comment necessarily on what I have triumphed over although I did go through being hospitalized for a mental illness episode. And God kept me and my family safe.

    But more on the worry of “What if___” when something is bugging me, like possibility of bankruptcy, for example, I sit down and write the absolute worst scenario I can think of and then realize “even there…shall thy (God’s) right hand hold me. (Ps. 139)”

  22. I experienced the hardship of being a caregiver to my elderly parents( who are now in heaven with Jesus) and God got me through it! Just one of many trials in my life! Thank you Jesus for never leaving me nor forsaken me! Psalm 55:22 “Cast you burden upon Me, and I will sustain you!”

    God Bless you my sisters in Christ!

  23. I experienced the hardship of who I thought was my soulmate having multiple affairs, a soul-crushing divorce, infertility and ultimately a hysterectomy, losing both parents one when I was 16 and the other at 25, four spinal surgeries, and open-heart surgery for a mechanical heart valve, and two other leaky valves right now and God got me though. Leaning on God is the ONLY way I have, and I am still, able to go carry on and I thank Him every day for giving me another day and praise His name.

  24. Good morning. We’re experiencing our fifth day without power here in Ashe County, but still able to count our blessings because of what the storm did not do to our home when others suffer in awful ways. We are still praying for those workers who are trying round the clock to restore power. We give thanks for those who have helped us. I pray your day is good and that you will continue to pray for those affected by Hellene.

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  25. I experienced the hardship of a_deep anxiety_disorder disorder and God got me though and continues to get me through. .

  26. I experienced the hardship of homelessness. I didn’t know at the time that God had His hand on me ,and got me through it.

  27. Every Tuesday I wake up to look for this Devotion. I praise God for using so many like Sharon to move people like me to come closer to Him.
    I feel like Sharon is staring right at me and write down my life story like an artist. It’s a blessing! Thank you Sharon. May God continues to bless and use you.

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  28. I absolutely love these blogs! Every single time I read one, the words seem to jump out from the page and right into my circumstances. My 25-year-old and firstborn son passed away last year from Muscular Dystrophy and my world has been turned upside ever since. I was his caregiver and he was my heart, one of my best friends. Jesus has truly held me up and I have gained incredible knowledge of His sustaining power like never, ever before. I thought I was going to lose my mind because I wished, and sometimes still do, that I could change that piece of my story. I was angry with God, confused, and distraught. Through it all, Jesus has not left my side, not once. Thank You Jesus for going through your worst “what if” and conquering it, so that we can now live through and conquer ours!! For anyone else who has experienced this type of pain, please read the above words of our dear sister Sharon Jaynes and let The Almighty One speak to you through them. Jesus is truly awesome and thank you Sharon for allowing yourself to be used to minister to others!

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  29. I lived through divorce, loss of my job, and the loss of full custody of my children. I still don’t have a job and I’m facing eviction, but I have my boys back and God has been so very faithful to carry me through!

  30. I experienced the hardship of losing our 21 year old son in a motorcycle accident 7 years ago and God got me though. Yes, it was the “worst ‘what if'” I could ever imagine and I remember saying, “I don’t know how to do this!”. By God’s comfort and grace, family, and an incredibly supportive church family, we have survived and we have joy again. The sadness and grief are still a part of every facet of our lives and I imagine they always will be. Seven years closer to seeing him again in Heaven!

  31. I experienced a tragic and traumatic experience. It happened in China. My parents had to come get me. They were able to get a visa in such a short time and leave my island. Long story short, i experienced such torturous painful and uncomfortable feelings. I had to be an invalid until God intervened. It was when i joined this church in my home island that doors started opening. I was welcomed back in society and can function better. It was the healing word of God that I am here today. It was because of His love, grace, and mercy.

  32. I experienced the hardship of my husband getting sick with cancer and dying from it 6 weeks later almost 2 years ago. God’s grace and mercy have sustained me through everything.
    This includes living with my daughter, her husband and their 4 teens and preteens. Her husband and the kids are not saved, and all of them have special needs.

  33. I experienced the dissolution of my marriage by the hand of someone who was my best friend, my sister, but God got me through it. I live with joy now having seen the goodness of God in times of suffering. He used it to draw me wver closer to Him, and I can gladly say “Thank you for the struggles”. Oh the love I have found in Christ when He was all I had to sustain me.

  34. I have had a lot of hard experiences in my lifetime and God has brought me through all the valleys and continues to hold me and I am ever grateful for his faithfulness. Wanting to be more like him, confident in the path forward. Love and light to all here! Shelley, a daughter of the King.

  35. This week is the one year ‘anniversary’ of my husband’s death from COVID shredding his heart muscles, after beating & in stringent remission from cancer. But, God’s plan is always for my good and I’m learning better how to trust in Him as my best friend. I can talk to my Savior every day and He is always listening. The Holy Spirit is my Comfort, Counsel & Guide as I face each day and learn new skills of daily living. I praise and thank God! Thankful for your devotion.

  36. I experienced the hardship of losing my son to drug addiction when he was 22. It’s now 20 years later and my faith is stronger than its ever been. The Lord strengthened me and helped my husband and me to weather this loss and grow from it. He has also helped me to reach out to other grieving parents and tell them how the Lord sustained me and grew me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  37. I experienced the hardship of losing my mother at age 14, experiencing miscarriages never becoming a mother and having cancer and God got me though each and many more. Thank you God for loving me!

  38. The premature birth and death of our triplets 8yrs ago. And God has and continues to get us through this. He has allowed me and my husband to facilitate a support group for parents who have experienced the death of their child. We have experienced healing while helping others.

  39. I experienced the hardship of divorce, of a bad relationship where I almost lost my house and everything I had, of breast cancer, which I beat without Chemo and without medicines, and God got me though. Now I am trusting in Him to be healed from a pleural effusion, I am so grateful that it is not cancer, now I am trusting to be healed completely from it.

  40. I experienced the hardship of divorce with two teen daughters after their dad (a pastor) had multiple affairs and God got me (us) through it. And now an addicted spouse….and He will get me through!

  41. I lost my mother three days after my birth. Since then I have lost my father, two husbands and three children and two sisters. God has been my strength, my comfort, and my peace through it all. Has it been tough, yes. But I trust God and His promises and one day we will all be together where there is no more pain and no more tears. Thank You Jesus!

  42. We made it through my husband having cancer when our daughters were young and he made it through, too. That was about 35 years ago.

  43. God has carried me through much in life, beginning with a father who is narcissistic. God strengthened and empowered me to severe ties with an extrene case of a narcissistic former spouse about 5 years ago. I’m so blessed to be free from this and continue to trust and know that God is right here with me with his love, comfort, and loving hand upon me.

  44. I have experienced several losses in my life. The hardest is the loss of my son Gabriel to suicide 3 years ago. He was 22 years old. The Lord in His mercy and grace and our friends in the faith are walking us through this difficult journey. I am sorry for all the losses expressed, and so grateful for our faithful Father who carries is us through.

  45. We moved down here, to Greenville, SC 5 years ago, from upstate NY. Through our church in NY, I was fortunate enough to see Sharon, in person, at Word of Life -an experience I’ll never forget! Two months ago our youngest daughter, 27, went to be with our Lord and Savior. She was born with Cystic Fibrosis, and because of that, she acquired Cystic Fibrosis- related diabetes ( type 1). She also had double- lung and liver transplants 10 years ago. She ended up having End- Stage renal failure 3 years ago. Her brother was a perfect match, but unfortunately, she was weak from being in and out of the hospital so much, so was considered malnourished, and had to be in a wheelchair. There were a couple of “what-if” times in the hospital, but God has pulled us through all that, Covid, and now Hurricane Helene. We didn’t get much damage, so we were available to help others who needed it.God is good like that! Always remember, He is your Rock to hold onto🙏

  46. I experienced the hardship of losing my father, losing my job twice, moving due to a fire at the apartment building I use to live in, supporting my mom through battling breast cancer (she’s a 20 year survivor as of this month/October which is also her birthday month, Glory be to God) and our Lord Christ and Savior got me through! Thank you Jesus! Amen! 🙏🏾

  47. I’ve had cancer twice. The second time it was stage 4 and the doctor told me if I didn’t go through treatment, I had 4 to 7 months to live.
    God is good and he’s healed me twice! He will always see me through.

  48. I experienced the hardship of having a child with down syndrome and mu husband having to go on dialysis and God got me though it all

  49. I experienced the hardship of my mother’s death and then a period of intense depression, and God saw me through. I look back 42 years and still believe that was one of the biggest growth times in my Christian walk.

  50. I experienced the hardships of my Mom dying when I was just 9 years old. I also have a child with Autism, ADHD, and is Hard of Hearing. My other child is gay and married. God has been by my side through every trial and every heartache. I can see the good that He has worked in every hardship. AND He continues to refine me every day. He IS GOOD all the time. He has never left me. I came to Jesus after the death of my Mom. I may not have known about Him if my Dad hadn’t met my stepmother. That was the good that came out of my Mom’s death. God has been refining me through my special needs daughter – patience comes to mind here! And with my younger daughter, God has shown me where I was judgmental and didn’t realize it until it hit home. God reminded me that HE is the judge and NOT ME. I have a lovely daughter-in-law who God has called me to love. In a nutshell, God has called me to love HIM and OTHERS. period

  51. Hello Sharon,

    Thank you for this message.

    Prayers, blessings and good graces praying forward. Casting cares on the lord, who is our solution above all. Praise God!!

  52. The abandonment of my daughter walking out & leaving her 4 young kids,I am raising 3 of them my older daughter is Raising 1, Praying that God gives her a right mind to recognize her responsibilities to her innocent children.

  53. I experienced everything you listed in the one paragraph except the loss of a job.
    Jesus took my hand and walked me through each because I REMAINED in Him

    1. I lost my daughter when she was 38yrs old. She was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma in October of 2012 and died in May of 2013.
      She had only returned home after a failed marriage in the fall of 2011. Everything was going forward.
      Even though it was hard when the cancer we thought had been in remission came back with a vengeance. I found God was helping me see light and hope for us. My daughter renewed her relationship with God and shared her faith with many she connected with during hospital stays and various caregivers who became a part of our family.
      In the end, which came much too soon, she told me that she had been given a vision of her heavenly home. She even shared that she needed to get a message to her nephew, because God had revealed to her that he needed to know she was going to be happy in her eternal home.
      When I shared this with his mother, she told him that very afternoon. He 12 years old. Amazingly, later that day he explained he had been troubled, but felt led to sing “Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone” at the funeral. My daughter was relieved to know he understood her message.
      My husband and I were able minister to others after this experience. It felt good to give people something positive to reflect on during a very difficult time.

  54. My husband passed away in October 2020 very unexpectedly. God gave me my friend Laurrie whose kindness and friendship got me through the worst time. Because she brought me back to God I was able to regain my strength.

  55. I experienced the hardship of infidelity and God got me though.
    5 years later & Im still married to the same man & God has done a remarkable work in his and our life. I am able to finally say, indeed – He does work all things together for good❤️

  56. The worst that happened in my life was losing my son to suicide. I lived in hell for 2 years, blaming myself, until I accepted God’s deliverance through Jesus. I still grieve, yet God has given me peace, and has drawn me into a life of service and leading Bible studies. I have had the opportunity to give my testimony to my church congregation and to smaller groups. God is so good!

  57. I have read everyone’s comment and feel that God is working in my life one day at a time. We lost my husband’s brother, mom and sister in three years and then my husband . Four people in four years. It has only been 2 months since my husband died, God has been showing me how to make it one day at a time. God is good and He is there for us all. Praying for everyone going through hardship in their lives.
    Thanks Sharon for letting us all get this off our hearts and minds and remembering God is there.

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