What Are You Afraid Of?

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Expectant Living, Identity in Christ, Living Fully, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For 111 Comments

How do you react to fear of the unknown when it comes to stepping out in faith or living boldly? I remember the first time I spoke with a microphone in front of a crowd. I was terrified! My topic was Unshakable Confidence in Christ, but my knees were knocking!

Everyone has his or her own unique way of talking themselves out of taking steps of faith.

Some respond to fear by retreating to the safety of cul-de-sac Christianity, which is actually one of the most dangerous places of all. Dale Carnegie once said, “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

You will not become be more courageous and learn to live boldly by avoiding your fears. Courage based on the faithfulness and love of God is strengthened with every step of faith, no matter how small.

  • Write the letter.
  • Start the conversation.
  • Sign up to volunteer.
  • Create the blog.
  • Make the donation.
  • Mend a relationship.
  • Start a small group.

Each step of obedience creates momentum that breaks through the stronghold of fear.

The woman who lives life to the fullest is generally the one who is willing to do and to dare. Allow God to infuse you with an enthusiasm and gusto that gives fear the boot right out the door, with you following close behind.

And don’t say “I’m too old!” Moses was 80 years-old when he led the Israelites out of Egypt! I always say, “If you’re not dead, then God’s not done.”

As you consider what might happen if you step out in faith, you must also consider what will happen if you play if safe and don’t. When we live bold, we experience God’s blessings. When we don’t, we won’t.

The fact is, we all experience fear at one time or another. We fear things we can’t control, and fear things we can. We fear terrorist attacks and breast cancer. We fear losing a child and the death of a spouse. We fear financial loss and relational ruin. We fear being alone and being lonely.

Some researchers say there are more than 366 verses in the Bible that encourage us to not be afraid. I’m not sure if that number is correct, but I do know it is a continuous thread weaving a tapestry of truth throughout the Scriptures. Why is that? God knew we would struggle with it!

“Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous,” God encouraged Joshua. “Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For I the Lord am with you wherever you may go” (Joshua 1:9).

Your fear is fueled by your focus. Your faith is fueled by your focus. What are you focusing on today? What thoughts are fueling your tank?

I don’t want to die with gas still in the tank. I want to live bold—for God to use me until I’m all used up. But in order to do that, I must put the fear of failure, of embarrassment, of humiliation, or intimidation aside and take a step of faith.

Dear Lord, sometimes I am afraid to move forward in what I know You are calling me to do. Give me the courage and the confidence to allow faith to fuel my focus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Little Something Extra
David wrote, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3). Notice David did not ignore his fear. Rather he spoke to his fear, and the truth of God’s faithfulness shooed it away.

We can follow David’s example and profess with him:
“When I am afraid of ________________, I will trust in God. What would you put in that blank? Click on comment and share your answers.

If you’ve never clicked on comment, give it a try. I LOVE how the women encourage and pray for one another! Join the conversation and be blessed. You’re not alone.

Digging Deeper

Are you ready to live the mountain-moving, giant-slaying life of faith? If so, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For is just for you. Join me in learning how to let go of everything that holds you hostage to a “less than” faith, move forward with God-confidence, and live bold in the power of the Holy Spirit! And if you’re looking for a new study for your women’s group or individual study, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For includes a Bible Study guide in the back.

Did you know I’ve got a new Prayer Card for husbands? Click here to see Praying for Your Wife from Head to Toe. 

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Comments 111

    1. When I am afraid of not being ENOUGH or not utilizing the gifts and talents God has blessed me with. I will trust in God. He always reminds me of WHO I AM and WHOSE I AM!

  1. When I am afraid of the future, I will put my trust in the Lord.-Psalm 56:3

    For I know the thoughts I have toward you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and an expected end.🙏🏾✝️

    1. Dayciaa

      🙏🏻I am praying for you. That is exactly my prayer and one of my favorite verses I have been meditating on this year. Please know you are in my prayers sister 🙏🏻

  2. I fear everything and every one. I feel alone all the time. I hurt and close up and my hurt comes out in pulling back instead of going forward. I don’t have any human that loves me. I know that God does, and I know that should be enough. Yet, I long for human love. Please pray for me so that I no longer long for humans to demonstrate love to me, but rest in the sure knowledge that God’s love is sufficient. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen!

    1. Praying for you Naomi that God will bring a good Christian friend into your life. Do you have a local church? My heart is hurting for you.
      God bless.

      1. Father God,
        I lift Naomi up to you for comfort and strength to face her fears. I ask that you send to her a good Christian friend who will support and love her. In Jesus name, Amen.

    2. Praying for you. You already said it-God’s love is enough. Some human love comes with trials, disappointments and even dangers but if you truly need love God will provide it by His will and in His timing. There are many who found their first love late in life . TRUST that He has a plan to prosper you.

    3. I pray that God will show his love toward you THROUGH people, as He intended to do. (That is why you crave love from humans, because God designed you to receive his love through the imperfect vessel of other human beings. Only God is perfect and truly God’s love satisfies, but He does express it through his people.) I pray that you will be so filled with it that you will begin to flow that love onto others and you will feel the pleasure and love of God through that experience. May you be so filled with God’s love that the fear is knocked right out of there!

    4. I can SO relate to that- everything and everyone. Including Him. What he may ask of me or allow to happen.
      Even tho he’s been nothing but good to me my entire life.
      How disappointed he must be in me for my lack of faith and trust.

      1. Oh, Lisa, our Father isn’t disappointed in you! He loves you! He rejoices over you! You are His chosen, beloved, redeemed child. He longs for you to live free in His love. Trust and faith are gifts from God through the Holy Spirit. You cannot muster up these feelings by the power of your flesh or will. You must seek these things from Him by renewing your mind through the reading of His word and asking in prayer, persistent prayer. God will equip you for whatever He calls you to. And when He calls on you, you then must determine to obey, knowing that though it may be hard or scary, He will enable you because He is faithful! But He isn’t disappointed or mad at you. He knows we are but dust. He understands our struggles. He is our loving, perfect Father. What good father is mad at their children for struggling to do what is hard for them?!?! Praying for you❤️

        1. I am praying without not knowing when God will awnser my prayer. But I know he will, we have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years with another baby. I know its Gods timming and not ours. I have to keep my eyes on the Lord.

    5. God has a plan for you. His timing is always perfect. I thank Him that He gave you the strength today to open the door and ask for it.

    6. Naomi my heart hurts for you as I feel you have been hurt and are afraid to let anyone in. Father I lift up Your precious daughter Naomi to You. I pray that You would bring godly people in her life to pray with her and develop deep relationship with You at the center! Heal her hurts and take away the fear that paralyzes. Help her to not isolate as that is where the enemy wants her. You are love and perfect love drives out fear! Reveal Yourself Lord to Naomi in a powerful way that she can experience healing and Your love and peace that surpasses all understanding through the body of Christ!
      Be blessed! You have had the courage to reach out and connect and He is faithful to answer!

    7. Oh Naomi – I feel your pain! I, too, fear of “everything and everyone”! My biggest fear is that of abandonment. You seem to have faith that God loves you – hang on to that! I don’t have that confidence yet, but I am trying and praying. Prayers for you to find people to surround you with love and support!

      1. Right there with you Kim- abandonment is my biggest fear… fueled by a fear of failure. Praying for you, Naomi and all of our sisters in Christ who accepts and encourages us out of His pure LOVE for us!

    8. I am praying for you Naomi. I pray that God would open your eyes to see those that really do love you. I pray that He would heal you totally and completely and that you would find comfort and safety in Him alone. You are loved. I love you because I have the love of God in my heart and it extends to all of His children. ❤️❤️❤️

    9. Oh Naomi,
      I hear what you are saying and I get it. Let me tell you that I have feared that as well. What God has shown me is that people do love me, I may not see it as I wish to see it. That’s because people show love in different ways and we affect people differently. I am sure there are people out there that you have made an impact on and they never had the chance to show you just how much they love you and are thankful for you. Maybe it was a kind word or an act of grace when someone was rude to you. You see, it’s just living your life showing Jesus through it is how the love gets spread. From you and to you.

    10. Seek out a church. Get involved with a Bible study involve yourself in gatherings. Pray God’s presence all over you.

    11. I know the feeling Hun. I want to write a book about my life to maybe give other women hope but I’m scared of stepping outside period! How can I do this when I still have problems with ptsd, anxiety, and the thought that everyone knows my past! I love God with all my heart I think maybe it’s hard for me to trust in anyone because I’ve always been hurt for being open and vulnerable to others.

  3. When I am afraid of family relationships imploding and causing extreme heartache all around, I will put my trust in God’s promises.

  4. When I am afraid of presenting data in a meeting at work, I will trust in God to speak through me with confidence because I am not alone. Please pray with me.

  5. I have been on my own for many years,raising five children. Now that that they are on their own I still find myself in fear of not having enough money to cover all the bills. This has plagued me for far too many years. Thanks for the prayers to completely entrust God with this need. AMEN

  6. “When I am afraid of ________________, I will trust in God. What would you put in that blank? Failure, Rejection, Abandonment, Embarrassment, Not Being Good Enough, Loneliness

    1. Cynthia,
      That is exactly how I feel. I pray all through my day that God will never leave me that he correct my path. To take away my fears of loneliness, rejection, even my fears to face health issues. it seems the older I get I’m faced with another health issue and I cry out to God please don’t leave me, I lean on his everlasting arm. God is my all and all, he will never leave while humans come and go. I want to make it to heaven to see him face to face and all my loved ones that’s gone on before me, Still I think I’m not good enough because I’m lacking security’s , rejection, fear, depression, unloved, not good enough, and through all these things God is with me. God is my stronghold in whom I put my trust. I cry this out all the time, I have no one else.

  7. I really enjoy reading these blogs. So many times they hit home. . My son’s mother in law Renee whom I’m very close with was just diagnosed with breast cancer.. She is in her mid 50’s and has been caring for her husband whom is a quadriplegic with ALS for the past ten years. She is a Christian but she he has shared with me she is struggling emotionally. Please pray for Renee that she will grow in her faith and completely trust in our Lord to get her through this valley. Thank you 🙏

  8. I am afraid of making the wrong move. I am retiring to care for my husband wha has logopenic PPA. I worry about finances and just found out his Medicare B was canceled and I had no idea. I know God will take care of us but I am just scared of being the one making the decisions. My husband always took care of everything.

  9. Hi, I am afraid that my husband (who was a youth pastor (with added responsibilities of the children’s ministry, design for auditorium, lobby, outdoor space, facilities, etc for 15 years) will not stop drinking. He doesn’t drink much – but all it takes is an ‘old fashion’ and he’s either talking up a storm or passed out on the couch. He has not been back to church for the last couple of years – his excuse is he will pick apart the logistics of the service. I am afraid that he will not pick up a Bible and read it. Or pray or would like to grow in the Lord. I’m afraid that I am affected by all this and it will always be like this when we are here on earth. I cannot wait until heaven when all this will go away. Thanks for listening. I am very weary.

    1. Roberta, I’m sorry for this betrayal and deep pain. I can only imagine what happened to your husband to lead you both to this place. Holy Mighty God I pray protection over this family. I rebuke the enemy and call on Your heavenly army to impede war in this home and bring victory, bring delivery where there’s been defeat, resurrect life where there’s been death, bring encouragement, wisdom, power and strength I pray. Resurrect love and hope into both of them. Ignite your Holy flame of power. Return them to worship, I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen
      ”Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.“
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭28‬-‭31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  10. I’m trusting God to provide financially for an event for my daughter. In the past I have made poor decisions and I’m trying to pay off debt now. I am really afraid God will say no – but I also know if I don’t wait for God I will be disobeying. This is HARD and my faith waivers daily

  11. My fear: my week old diagnosis of kidney cancer, my rushed trip today to Cleveland Clinic to see another neurologist for proposed surgery. My grossly enlarged benign kidney tumor in that same kidney which they are afraid of rupturing.. My 4 month old osteoporosis diagnosis which is suddenly making it difficult & painful to walk, my hips feel locked in place.
    My most recent memorized verses have all been on His Words to fear not. I believe Your Word God, help me in my unbelief. I am scared, I need Your peace to fill me once again.

    1. Joyce, I’m so sorry for all that You are going through. I pray for the peace that surpasses all understand. I’m trusting that the Lord is ordering your steps for the correct medical care to bring you wholeness and healing. The Lord loves you immensely. He is so proud of you and your courage to endure, praying for you!
      ”In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. All power to him forever! Amen.“
      ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    2. Cleveland Clinic is an amazing facility. I have been cancer free since 2009 because of their innovative practices. May God give you peace and trust as you navigate illness. There is a blessing in this trying time. He has a reason and a plan.
      Phil. 1:6 being confident of this very thing that he which have began a good work and you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

    3. Dear Heavenly Father rain down your heavenly protection over Joyce right now. You God are our strength our stronghold in whom we trust. God turn this health crisis into a miracle so Joyce can share how she has been healing by claiming the blood of Jesus. Joyce, He said by my stripes we are healed! God I claim a miracle in the works for Joyce, give her the strength and the power that only you can provide. Guide the Doctor’s hands and minds. God is bigger and miracles happen.
      Joyce, rest in the arms of God almighty,
      In my prayers,,

  12. In your words, you write,God is inspiring you to help others. I am making a company change and others are moving with to our next company including family. I have been trying to give this to God entirely, part of me has some doubt. Please help me to fully trust in God and to give me wisdom and get past any fears.

  13. I’m 71years old and I’ve been recruited to lead in a new position. This was just what I needed this morning. PTL

  14. Good morning to you all, I am a company of eight and so very fragmented as the matriarch in this family at times I think where and how will it end I think I am not praying the way I should, things seem to be getting worse, and I don’t want to lose sight of God’s promises but sometimes it is hard to know what to do or say to my Lord

  15. I need prayer I get attacked so much these pass weeks 😩 ungrateful kid disrespectful to me. Everytime I get closer God I get attacked bad finances, kids, people, ecc pray for me

  16. Your devotionals are amazing and this one speaks to my heart. At 64 years of age I am taking swimming lessons. It has been challenging and fearful at times. I have committed Psalm 53:6 to memory- “When I am afraid I will put my trust in you” God is faithful as I step out in faith.

  17. At the moment there’s really nothing that I fear. I am that woman who is bold and always stepping out. I lost my husband a year ago and at 75 years old I’m getting ready to make a big move from Arkansas back to where my home is so please keep my daughter and I in prayer For all the challenges that are going to come up I believe and trust in God thank you for this devotion this morning. It’s strengthen my soul and my spirit. God bless.

    1. Amen sister 🙏 One foot in front of the other. God always shows up in time of need! I will pray for you 🙏🙏

  18. This spoke right to where my heart is at! I do play it safe! I spend my time doing the things I know I’m good at, the things I can do on my own without truly relying on God! He is calling me to more! My fear is putting all my effort & sacrifice into something to bring Him glory and then failing! Thank you for sharing this!

  19. I am in constant fear of something happening to my husband. I try to push it out of my mind and read and take in what the bible says and then, it all comes rushing back once I’ve read it and went about my day. The fear gets the best of me. I’m not sure why I have this constant fear other than I’ve lost a lot of loved ones and we’ve lost friends to the very same thing my husband battles with. He has really high blood pressure, so I’m in fear of him having a stroke or heart attack. He’s on medicine and they are trying to tweak his meds to get the right dosage and bring his pressure down. It fluctuates from very high in the morning to very low in the evening. I need prayers that I can give it all to God and know without a doubt that he’s with me and only wants what is best for me. I know that constant worry is not what he wants. My husband has even brought it to my attention that I’m not putting my faith in God if I’m in a constant state of stress and I guess I’m not being a very good witness to others when I let worry take over. Please pray that I can truly release all my worries to God about my husband and kids. I need prayers to quit thinking the worst about something I have no control over and live in the moment with happiness and full of love for my family. I don’t want to someday regret that I spent to much time in fear instead of enjoying all the moments I have right now. I worry too much about something that may never happen. Thank you for giving me a chance to express my feelings and ask for prayer. God Bless You!

  20. I work a full-time job and my husband is retired. I love to paint on the side and would love to be an artist full-time and quit my job but I fear failure and financial worries and finding affordable health coverage. Please pray I hear God’s calling loud and clear and to give me courage to follow his leading.

    God bless and thank you 🙂

  21. When I am afraid of the unknown. I Pray to God, for guidance and direction. I’m learning to put my trust in God , and to leave all my worries and concerns with him. It’s been very difficult for me. 🙏🏾

  22. I love Psalm 27:1. “The LORD is my Light and my Salvation whom shall I fear? The LORD is the Strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” God is teaching me to pray against my fears and trusting Him with one foot in front of the other. Our God is a faithful God and He always shows up.

  23. When I am afraid of failure….. I will trust in God!!
    Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor
    be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
    I have this verse on the dashboard of my car, so I see it every time I’m on the move.
    Praying for you, my sisters in Christ!
    Thank you Sharon for these weekly posts! They mean so much to us all!

    God Bless,

    Debbie L

    1. I love this so much ! I need to put in my car also! Thank you for sharing and thank you Sharon for your posts, we all love you!

  24. When I’m afraid of financial ruin, I will trust in my Lord.

    I’m going through a severe health crisis and cannot tell if the Lord is asking me to take a leap of faith and quit working in order to do what needs to be done to restore my health. Every time I think about it, the fear and worry about how to pay for doctor appointments, procedures and pay of debt that we’ve incurred. I long to obey Christ. I want what He has in store for me, not miss it. Lord, bring clarity and wisdom. Give me the courage to obey even if it’s scary. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen

    1. Oh Rebecca, God will give you all you need for your medical bills, they do not go to collections, as long as you pay $5.00 / month they can not destroy you finances. We all have debt and we have to trust in God’s perfect plan, he always provides. Praying for you to decide what to do and for your health to be restored. In Jesus Name Amen!

  25. Sometimes Im afraid of feeling uninvited when I attend a women’s event or I don’t feel good enough. I struggle with security in who God made me to be. Will I measure up?

    1. I will pray for your Michelle!!! YOU are Gods perfect child and do not ever feel you do not measure up cause in His eyes, you are the apple!

  26. This is so encouraging. I am in a transition in my life..I’ve found a new church home, I recently lost my mom..so it’s really hard…she encouraged me to stay in God….so I’m stepping into new things but when I read the Word and encouraging devotions like these..I know who to trust in…who to go to…He will never leave me or forsake me…

  27. I had a breakthrough this last Sunday with playing the piano with my worship leader at church. I have not played in years and have been putting it off after being asked to play. It was wonderful to be worshipping the Lord by playing a simple song with the team. God gave me peace and so many people were blessed including myself! I hope to keep it up! Blessings to you Sharon for providing this platform for comments and prayer. I enjoy reading your email’s and encouraged with each one! 🙂

  28. When I am afraid of the future and not being near my daughters. I will fear not for my Lord is with me! I am 72 and have been blessed with good health and a loving family! I pray for all my sisters in Christ who are suffering with many situations that their lives may be restored! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Sharon thank you for this beautiful message. I so needed this today. You are a such a blessing.

  29. When I am afraid of failure, I will trust in God.
    When I am afraid of Success, I will trust in God.
    When I am afraid of being lonely, I will trust in God.
    When I am afraid of being rejected, I will trust in God.
    When I am afraid of Love, I will trust in God.

  30. Iam afraid of many things financially yet God provides my needs I have necklace that reads when Iam afraid I will put my trust in God the day I brought I was having a crazy day and I knew in my heart God was in control

  31. Fear is of the devil and he is a deceitful liar!! Lord Jesus protect us all today from his evil schemes. Make us bold and mighty in your precious name!

  32. I am afraid of what is going to happen to our country. I know I must trust God. I know He has a plan, but will we have to suffer before the Rapture comes?

  33. Thanks Sharon.
    Your blog is just another prompt from God to me this week that I should restart a Ladies’ Small Group.
    I’m now retired and have a heart to study God’s word with other women, and support each other in prayer.
    I was doing this a few years ago, but need to step up and start a group again, extending it to whoever God wants to join!

  34. Sharon, you hit the proverbial nail on the head today. Reading through these responses, I see women ministering to and praying for others as they think through this fear issue. Thank you for following God’s leading to bring this out.

  35. I’m afraid of functioning daily since I suffer from anxiety and depression. I struggle daily to function out of the brain fog I go through everyday. Please pray for me

    1. Praying for you Dawn! You are stronger than you think and our Lord And Savior is with you and cares about you. Talk to him! Read his word and he will give you rest!

  36. When I am afraid of retiring I will have trust in God! I know God has always provided for me and I am so blessed! I pray that my daughters and my grandson will live a healthy-Godfilled life! They love God and trust Him just like I do, this world is scary out there, the devil is always prowling around to kill and destroy! Thank you Sharon for your beautiful devotionals, I love reading them and love that we get to share our comments. Praying for you and all that are here In Jesus Name.

  37. I am in fear a lot. Please pray that my faith will strengthen. And I will know and trust God more. I really hold back and have no confidence in myself. Words in a Bible do not make sense to me in trusting God.
    I want to know I am loved by God because I do not love myself. In fear too much..

  38. When I am afraid of getting deathly ill again,
    When I am afraid of being betrayed and hurt again,
    When I am afraid of being alone the rest of my life,
    When I’m afraid of not being enough,
    I will trust in God.

  39. Thank you for this message, Sharon,

    Making mistakes was always a top fear, and I just have to get back into the word for assurance. In Christ, no deficiency. I am loved and I belong to the lord above.
    We are so Blessed, and we have a helper alongside us!!

  40. When I am afraid of being left because my husband may die of cancer or of another stroke, I will trust in the Lord with all my heart for He is always by my side. When I am afraid God will be there even though my children haven’t talked to each other for 10 years, God has a plan and I am waiting as He holds my hand and I walk beside Him.

  41. I’ve never read the comments before or commented myself but I’m so thankful that I did. It’s wonderful to know that I’m not alone and the things I struggle with and I thank you all for sharing.

    1. Post
  42. When I fear the relationship with my daughter, her family and children, is irretrievably broken, I will trust God for healing. And I will keep this fear in my prayers constantly.

  43. Fear is one of my greatest problem. When I’m in fear I tend to have problems or cause a big problem and get myself in trouble. Right now I’m in fear of losing my job if my old boss gets nominated again to be my boss. I’m praying that my temporary boss will become my boss as he’s shown great leadership. That’s my fear, that my old boss will be nominated again and be my boss.

  44. When I am afraid and overwhelmed by fear and anxiety I will trust in the Lord to give me strength and courage and not be fearful. Thank you Father!

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