Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Knowing God, Listening to God, Mamma Moments with God 13 Comments

When Hope Is Walking Right Beside You

BONUS DEVOTION! I’m writing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today and thought you might enjoy it too. Enjoy your bonus devotion!

The phone rang. It was my ninth-grade son calling in the middle of the day…never a good sign. “Mom, I’m in the principal’s office. You need to come to school.”

I drove to school and found a stranger sitting in the office wearing my son’s clothes.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesListening to God, Living Fully, Mamma Moments with God 52 Comments

The Gift of Struggle

I don’t like to struggle.  I don’t like to see my child, my husband, or my friends struggle. I like life to be easy.

I want all my friends to love me all the time, my husband to agree with my every decision, and God to answer every prayer with a checkmark.

But deep down I know a carefree life will never produce a courageous person who trusts in God with all her heart.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesExpectant Living, Mamma Moments with God, Prayer, Uncategorized 131 Comments

When Impossible Situations Meet a Powerful God

As moms, wives, and co-workers and friends, we face many seemingly impossible situations. School struggles that seem beyond a tutor’s intervention. Maturing that feels like it’s on the far side of never. Attitude adjustments that could use a personality transplant. Relationships in which someone jumps ship.

The Bible is filled with stories of seemingly hopeless situations that served as a backdrop for heavenly miracles.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesMamma Moments with God 61 Comments

Seasons and Reasons

[I’m writing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today and thought you might enjoy it too!]

In the South, we name our beach cottages. Barb’s Folly was one of our favorites to rent. Her screened-in back porch on the second floor overlooked a weather-worn dock jutting out over a lazy canal, and fuchsia myrtle bushes dotted the landscape like splashes of paint.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesPrayer, Trusting God 168 Comments

It’s a Small Cloud, But It’s Somethin’

I had been praying for a family member for my entire adult life, but it seemed nothing was happening. Nothing. Perhaps you’ve felt that way about a prayer before.

In 1 Kings 18:41-45, there’s a story about the prophet named Elijah who predicted a three-and-a half-year drought was coming to an end. After delivering the news to King Ahad,  Read more…