Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living 159 Comments

This is the Day!

I’m writing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today and thought you might enjoy it to!

The beach was scarcely populated as I sank my bare feet into the shimmering sand. Waves rushed forward as if to say “hello,” then shyly retreated out to sea. I was looking for unbroken shells along the shore, which was carpeted with bits and pieces of shattered treasures polished by the toss and tumble of the tides.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesEnough, Living Fully 62 Comments

You Are Worth More

As a little girl, I never felt I was worth very much. I always felt that I wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough, or good enough. I sensed my parents tolerated me, but certainly didn’t delight in me. And if your own parents couldn’t love you, then who could?

Then there was the definitive day in the eleventh grade that took my self-worth to an all-time low.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 158 Comments

God, What Do You Want from Me?

As we are headed into a New Year, perhaps, like me, you’re wondering what God really wants from you this year. But I wonder…could we be asking the wrong question?

Could it be that we have made our relationship with God far too difficult? We strive so hard to draw closer to the heart of God.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 13 Comments

The Mall or the Manger?

Once upon a time, a little girl named Mary Beth found herself caught in the pre-Christmas swirl of activity, all of which seemed to be coming to a head on Christmas Eve. Her dad was always scurrying about, loaded down with bundles and burdens. Her mom, under the pressure of getting ready for the great occasion, had succumbed to tears several times during the day.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration, Listening to God, Living Free, Living Fully, Trusting God 140 Comments

Trusting God in Trying Times

We had prayed for a year and felt confident we knew God’s answer. How could we have been so wrong?

Before my husband and I graduated from college as a young married couple, we prayed that God would lead us to exactly where He wanted us to start our lives. After a year, we felt sure He had called us to a small town outside of Charlotte,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Trusting God 55 Comments

Gratitude Changes Everything

Thanksgiving is just a few days away and so I’ve been thinking about gratitude a lot lately. What is it? When should we show it? What does God say about it?

Just last week I learned that the Hebrew word for gratitude means “to recognize the good.” I love that! don’t you?

Paul wrote the Thessalonians,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesIdentity in Christ, Knowing God, Listening to God, Trusting God, When You Don't Like Your Story 32 Comments

When Pain Makes You Comfort-Able

When we’re in pain, we want God to comfort us! Right now! But what if He’s in the process of making us comfort-able first. That’s what this little boy teaches us. Keep reading.

A storeowner was tacking a sign in his store window, which read PUPPIES FOR SALE, when a little boy appeared.

“How much are you selling the puppies for?” he asked.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Trusting God 49 Comments

Hanging on to Jesus

Have you ever felt like you were walking a tightrope through life…just trying to balance everything and not fall into a pit? I have. Let’s think about this story…don’t give up…read to the end!

“Blondin” was the stage name for Frenchman Jean-Francois Gravelet. He was a fair-skinned, blue-eyed, and blonde-haired young man who migrated to the United States with a troupe of acrobats employed by Master Showman P.T.  Read more…