I can do it. No, I can’t. Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
Have you ever had that conversation with yourself? You feel like God is calling you to reach out to someone, start a new venture, teach a Bible study, write a book, share a story about your past that you’ve never shared before. But then your fear shouts at your faith to keep quiet.
One day Jesus told a parable to a group of listeners. We’ve come to know it as the Parable of the Talents, but it is really more the Parable of the Three Choices. Jesus was explaining what the kingdom of heaven would be like in common terms.
“For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey. Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. In the same manner the one who had received the two talents gained two more. But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money” (Matthew 25:14-18). (A “talent” was a substantial amount of money in biblical times…about 20 years wages for a common laborer.)
When the master returned home, he was well pleased with the two servants who had invested and doubled their talents. He was furious with the servant who hid his one talent in the ground.
“You wicked, lazy slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I scattered no seed. Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest. Therefore take away the talent from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents’ (Matthew 25:26-28).
This story gives me chills every time I read it. For you see, God has given each and every one of us gifts . . . gifts that He has purposed for us to use, invest, and multiply. And I’m not just talking about money, but gifts in our inner being. He has given you talents and abilities that He expects us to use to further the kingdom and minister to others.
So what kept the servant with one talent from doing so? Fear.
Giving into fear prevented him from investing what he had. I think the master would have been more pleased if the servant had said, “Lord, I invested the talent and unfortunately lost it all.” At least he would have tried. At least he would have made some effort. But the master saw him as evil and lazy.
Fear makes us lazy. Think about that a minute. A fearful person does little.
Moving forward despite the fear gets the spiritual couch potato out from under the afghan and into the life she was meant to live…no matter how old or young she is.
We either show fear the door, or it will bolt the lock to keep us out of the places God has prepared for us to go and do all that He has planned for us to do.
Fear has no choice but to leave the premises when you stand on the promises of God and say, “You are not welcome here.”
Choices determines our destinies. Let’s say together:
“I will not bury my calling in a shallow grave of fear.”
“I will not allow my ‘no, I can’t’ to overshadow God’s ‘yes, you can.’”
Here’s a truth you can hang onto today. Big assignments begin with a thousand tiny yesses. So, invest that one talent you have, and watch God entrust you with more!
Lord, thank You for entrusting me with gifts and talents. Sometimes I’m not sure what they are, but I pray You will make them clear to me. Help me to be brave. I want to invest in other people and multiply fruit in Your kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
What is one thing God is calling you to do today in which you need to overcome your fear? Leave a comment and let’s share
Digging Deeper
Let’s get unstuck from mediocre faith and take hold of all that God has done for us and put in us! No more spiritual couch potato for me. I’m ready for the mountain moving, giant slaying, bold believing faith that God intended all along!
Don’t say you’re too old or too young. God has great things for you to do!
In Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let Go, Move Forward, and Live Bold you’ll see how to ignite your faith as never before. It’s even better when you gather a few friends and do the study in the back of the book together!
Comments 42
This was great encouragment for me today.and I’ll began to take those tiny steps to move forward in my life while asking the Lord to lead me…
Yes Hernettia, Thank YOU as I am able to relate better now our adult choir is to sing at Easter. My voice is not its best because I’ve had several issues with throat and nasal sinuses so my voice is not as it should be. However I need to take out the fear out and pray for God‘s help that I will practice and not get horse and I will serve the Lord for Easter. Thank you again GOD BLESS.
Thank you, Sharon! I have been “on the fence”. Realize, now, He wants us to do the “next thing”. No way to know what is after that. To step out and trust Him, Our earthly life is a “one time gift”!
Thank you, for the reminder and encouragement!
Today I am scared of apologizing to a friend whose feelings I hurt.
I will do it today in Jesus Name
Also I have to try to start a business God put in my heart to save my family. So I will in Jesus Name
This so blessed me and inspired me! Thank you for reminding me our faith is a mustard seed that grows as I join with my Gardner Himself!!
God has been calling me to have an open conversation with my daughter about my life – the good, the bad and the ugly to break generational curses. I need to release my fear and talk with her.
You can do it.
Wow. I’m the daughter who is praying the generational curses are broken but without my mother on board it’s a loss…. Well I’m at a loss
Praying for your mother to release her fear with me in Jesus name.
You can pray God will break them without your mom onboard. Tell the devil the buck stops here…with you!
Me too I must allow the Holy Sprit to lead me.
We have a Women’s Event coming up . I will be bold and tell the group what the Lord has done for me and who I am in Christ. Without fear.
You go girl. Gods got this!
I am turning my no into yes, today. Thanks so much for this devotion. God has opened my eyes to something he has been calling me to do for a long time. I keep saying no due to fear.
Thanks again!
What an excellent word for me today. Such an encouragement! Thank you; Sharon Woods
My mother forwards me these emails all the time. I finally decided to subscribe to them!
Welcome to the family!
So beautiful Sharon. You came to our church twice, the Metropolitan Bible Church in Ottawa, and inspired and encouraged us years ago. And you are continuing to do that. This is such an important message, that I have found to be true over decades in the family of God. I have forwarded it, with grateful thanks, on my FB.
May the Lord continue to bless and use you.
Thank you! I love Canada! Your church was amazing.
Great 👍
I think God is calling my husband and I to shut her business down and we are in such a big fear because we don’t know what we’re going to do when we are older
Business is very poor and so afraid that in the end will be so upside down I don’t think we will be, but I’m scared
It’s speaking/teaching.
I need to send a note in the mail to my son, who I haven’t heard from in over two years. I want to tell him I love and miss him, but I’m afraid anything I do will push him away farther and for a longer period of time. Although I haven’t done anything to push him away, in the first place, my fear keeps me from moving forward. I haven’t done anything in fear. I need to invest my God given ability to send a thinking of you note. If no result, I will send another.
I sent the thinking if you note today! I feel good about it because I have no expectation of a response.
So proud of you!
God is calling me to share a devotional at a ladies sewing circle. I have fear, yes! But God will give strength, and the words to say.
Thank you for this devotional. It really hit home for me today.
Oh my goodness….every word you spoke is like reading my very own life. I have also had the homelife that seemed normal on the outside but dark on the inside. Perfectly cleaned home but stacked secrets in the closet. My parents were always been church goers, but not church doers. I’m 60 years old now and still afraid to show and expand my talent…and also thinking that I’m too old. Sharon, I truly believed God chose your words today to reach me. I am ordering your book as a step forward and will earnestly seek and pray for God’s will and purpose for my life. As of today I’m not sure I have one yet. In saying that, I have so much to be thankful for…such a wonderful supportive family and the best grandchildren ever! But I feel so invisible most of the time, even when I feel like I’m giving everyone my all. Thank you for these encouraging words and for trusting God to share your talent. May God bless you.
I’m cheering for you!
Thank you Sharon for this wonderful reminder…now ..today…March 25th ..i promise myself to always declare I can do all things through CHRIST who gives me strength Philippians 4:13 and to run the race and finish the race GOD has set for me and to win the prize He has for me ~
Philippians 3:12-14 .. in JESUS’ most powerful name, amen.
Amen to that! I’m going to be try to be brave for my job interview next week to teach literacy to children who are struggling and to overcome the ‘what ifs’ of fear! 🥰
A good read and very encouraging to one that is feeling fearful. God is calling us to evangelism. Let’s do it
Having to have a hip replacement and I’m so fearful! Praying God gives me the courage I need to do this!! In Jesus Name!
Amen. In Jesus’ name!
I have always been timid to pray publicly…… but yesterday I felt bold enough to volunteer to do so on my church’s prayer line .A day later I was criticized or let me say corrected that I prayed amiss … well needless to say I was regretting stepping out, but Holy Spirit ministered to me about not being discouraged. I don’t know when I’ll do so again but thank you for this devotional and the reminder about the Talents .
I know your Heavenly Father was beaming with pride at your obedience. Don’t let the critical person steal your joy of obedience!
Singing since I was born again and every time he seems like fear wants to creep into my spirit… I ask myself why, what is this. Help me to trust you God. No more excuses in Jesus name. Amen
This message blessed me today. Thank you.
I have been facilitating a Grandmothers In Prayer group for 25+ years. I love searching the scriptures regarding the attributes, character and names of God. I am having some cognitive/balance issues and feeling like I can not continue to facilitate this prayer group. Your message has revealed to me to let God help me to be ready for the mountain moving, giant slaying, bold believing faith that God has the authority to make happen and intended all along for me. Trust in the Lord!
Hello Sharon, another inspiring message.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!! I will not shrink back.
God is our navigating next, our divine yes, yes!! We are so blessed!
I need to step into God’s grace and just keep stepping forward knowing that He will show me what He wants me to do. Such a great devotion!