This is the Day!

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Expectant Living 159 Comments

I’m writing over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today and thought you might enjoy it to!

The beach was scarcely populated as I sank my bare feet into the shimmering sand. Waves rushed forward as if to say “hello,” then shyly retreated out to sea. I was looking for unbroken shells along the shore, which was carpeted with bits and pieces of shattered treasures polished by the toss and tumble of the tides.

Sometimes whole is hard to find.

Looking up from my hunting, I spied an unexpected treasure — a “sudden glory” moment.

A young woman pushed her elderly friend or relative in a wheelchair to the water’s edge. The wheelchair’s large “sand wheels” sank into the shore as the welcoming waves rushed to wash over the woman’s bare feet and shins like greeting a longtime friend. Foamy fingers of water wrapped around her legs in a warm embrace.

Wispy gray hair waved about as every inch of her wrinkled face smiled into the wind. When she lifted her face toward the sun, she closed her eyes as if in worship. In her silence, I could almost hear her heart praising God for another day to experience the beauty of His creation.

God, I whispered, I want to be like her when I’m her age.

Through the roar of the ocean, it was as though His gentle whisper answered my heart: Why wait?

Those two words shook me from my complacency!

Like you, I have a looming to-do list and an even longer prayer list, but I never want future concerns to overshadow the gift of this day. Why wait?

One psalmist wrote, “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). The word “rejoice” here is translated from the Hebrew najilah, which also means “to spin around.” That sounds like dancing to me! “Be glad in it” is translated from the Hebrew samach, which also means“to brighten up, be blithe, gleesome.”

And what day was the author talking about? This day! Today! Let us rejoice today!

Here are a few other verses that stir my heart to praise God for this day.

  • “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving” (Psalm 69:30, NIV).
  • “Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me” (Psalm 103:2, NLT).
  • “I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done” (Psalm 9:1, NLT).

The elderly woman in her sand-wheeled chair was a gift to me that day. As I passed by her upturned face, I noticed rivulets of tears trickling over her smile. My tears of gratitude matched hers.

Heavenly Father, I am overcome with gratitude today. Help me to see past the daily to consider the divine. This is the day … this one right here … that You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I praise You for who You are and what You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

When we don’t know what to pray, we can always pray God’s Word. It’s the same way with praise! Click here to download a free list of Bible verses to use in your time of praise and thanksgiving.

Let’s memorize a verse together today: “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (ESV) If you’ll do it with me, leave a comment and say, “I’m in!”

A Sudden Glory Sharon Jaynes

In my book, A Sudden Glory: God’s Lavish Response to Your Ache for Something More, you can discover how to experience the divine in the daily and the miraculous in the mundane. Right in the middle of your busy day, God is longing to commune with you!  This book shows you how to recognize that still, small voice.

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Comments 159

    1. I have this verse posted over my coffee machine. I read it everyday as I wait for my first cup of coffee. Starts my day off just right!

  1. It was a great reminder to pause and relish in what is right in front of me, My time is full of “to-dos”, watching my grandkids, and just getting through my day! I was reminded that I am blessed to have this life and God wants to share this day with me!! I see the face of God on the face of my 8-week-old granddaughter as she discovers things around her. God is so good to me- Lord let me pause and rejoice in all you have given me. May I do this EACH day!

  2. I’m in! I just wrote a poem that I want to turn into a children’s book! At the bottom of each stanza, I have written a Bible verse (or two) that accentuates what I have written. This verse is in my book!
    Thank you for today’s devotional! We all need to be reminded that God has given us this day to enjoy and praise Him for!

  3. Thank you…I needed this reminder. Too often, we walk through this life with our heads down, and we need to look up and see God’s beautiful world. He created it for us. What a beautiful gift.

    1. I’m waiting on a tow truck for my car and I can say, this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it. Praise be to God!

  4. I’m in! I do this every morning in the shower. Sing the hymn based on the Psalm, “This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice, let us rejoice and be glad in it”Blessings to you.

  5. I’m in, I needed this today. I’m facing a possible cancer diagnosis and needing the Lords peace about it. Plus in this time I need to rejoin Him! Thank you

  6. Sharon….

    You are one of God’s most important blessings to me, and I thank you for the joy and hope you give me every day!

  7. I’M IN!!!! Thank you for this oh so timely reminder that THIS DAY will never return and I will rejoice in “it” and not the mundane, never ending to-do list. Today’s THIS DAY is having lunch with a dear friend I haven’t seen in six months.

  8. Definitely in❣️ Thank You so very much!! Thank You always for encouraging my Faith in The Faithful One & for moving me towards His Perspective & His Word!! So grateful.

  9. I’m In! Thank you for sharing. I made a commitment to spend time with Him every morning. This was like God reconfirming He desires for me to set this time with Him

  10. It is beautiful to see my sisters in Christ waking up and opting in to gratitude for all God has done and given. I am in! That is a verse I’ve known for a long time and cherish. Blessings to each of you as you revel in God’s glory. Today.

  11. Sharon, your words of truth are always so timely! Thank you for your gift of writing and sharing what God is doing in your life! It’s an encouragement to any & all who read it. I frequently share your writing with others too. Once again you have lifted my heart! I’m in! Blessing to too!

  12. I”M IN…. 100% … using the VERSE … embrace. & enjoy and REJOICE in this day is all I can do at this age 84… with many limitations..
    physically as well as emotionally .–we have garden solar lights and one has gone out . (it reminds me of my grandson 42 yrs old
    and still lives and acts like a teen-ager .).. we’ve bailed him out of many problems.. with NO change in him.. however when I saw
    the solar light out and thought of him I had this GOD THOUGHT to walk thru the deep snow and take that solar light .. shake it
    clean off the snow and pray over it … put it back and see what happens.. I usually look for a sign from GOD but even as I turned to walk back to the house GOD spoke and said ”IT’S NOT THE ‘LIGHT’ THAT WILL TURN BACK ON… BUT THE FOOTPRINTS YOU’ MAKE EVERY SINGLE DAY MANY TIMES A DAY WALKING AND PRAYING IN YOUR BASEMENT.. THAT’S WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT. RE: THE GRANDSON… that sense of GOD”S peace flooded my spirit, soul & body .. AND then I remembered the poem entitled FOOTPRINTS in the SAND. and the NEW VERSION about how the footsteps were all over the place and that was when JESUS danced with us… thru IT all..– well I”ve got my own version of FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW . pray. pray and never cease to pray ………………… even if YOU can’t make footprints in the snow……………. blessings JoyCe

  13. On my dresser to greet me every morning!
    Loved the dancing part which I was not aware of. I will have to try that!!!
    Thanks for the reminder.
    Always appreciate your posts.

  14. I’ve known this verse a long time but always a good reminder & I live at the beach so I know exactly how the women feels & I my 5 yr old grand daughter lives with me & twirls every day which we can do in praise & gratitude & in His love & His grace & His mercies “which are new every morning”

  15. I’m in! I have been doing this for years and some days are harder than others but this was just the reminder I needed! Thank you!

  16. I’m In!! Thankyou for the reminder that everyday is a day that the Lord Almighty has made! Let us rejoice always and be glad in it!!

  17. I’m in. My 88-year-old mother was being tested for dementia a few years ago. She failed the test. She didn’t know where she was or what day it was, but when the Dr asked her to write a sentence, she wrote that verse from Psalm 118. Mom is in heaven now., rejoicing and being glad in it. Her years with dementia were hard, but I am so grateful that she taught me to rejoice and be glad in each day.

  18. I’m in. I love this verse. When I was a little girl we met in a small chapel in the church for about 15 minutes before going to Sunday school. The woman who led this time was one of the dearest Christian ladies I’ve ever known. She always had all of the children recite this verse at the beginning of the short meeting. It was the first scripture I ever learned and is very dear to my heart. Thank-you for this devotion which is a reminder of how precious everyday is.

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