God Loves You and Likes You

Sharon JaynesGod's love, Mamma Moments with God 28 Comments

All my growing-up years, I knew my parents loved me, but I didn’t think they liked me very much. It seemed I was always in the way — a burden to care for and a financial responsibility to provide for.

Unfortunately, as I started to learn about God, I thought the same way about my heavenly Father. I knew He loved me, but I didn’t think He liked me very much. Once again, I felt like a disappointment who was tolerated, not a child who was cherished.

Oh, how wrong I was.

When I was 12, I became best friends with a girl in my neighborhood, Wanda. Wanda’s mom introduced me to Jesus in a new way and told me about a heavenly Father who truly adored me! When I was 14, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and began a journey to believing God delights in me.

Psalm 18:19 says, “He rescued me because he delights in me” (NLT). And not only “me” but all His children: “For the LORD delights in his people …” (Psalm 149:4, NLT).

Zephaniah 3:17 tells us, “The LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Can’t you just hear God saying, You are such a delight? Or perhaps, I take such delight in you!

From the moment my child, Steven, was born, I wanted him to know that God not only loves him but also likes him — that Jesus stands at the door of his soul and knocks because He wants to come in and share a meal (Revelation 3:20). I wanted my son to know God fashioned him in my womb as a unique masterpiece (Psalm 139:13-14).

During the many years I dropped Steven off at school, I often called out, “Bye! I love you, and I like you!”

It always brought a smile to his face … and sometimes an eye roll. But I wanted Steven to know without a doubt that I like the person he is. I enjoy being with him. I think he is funny and intelligent. If I were his age, I’d want to be his friend. And God has infinitely more love for my son than I ever will.

Which brings me to you. Do you know just how much God loves you? Do you know how much He likes you? As you go about your busy day, do you sense His pleasure?

You, friend, are His dear child. He wants you to always remember that He loves you — and He likes you.

Heavenly Father, I am amazed that You not only love me, but You also like me and delight in me! Help me always remember this truth, even when I don’t like myself. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

How does knowing that God likes you change how you view your relationship with Him? Click comment and let’s share!

Digging Deeper

Friend, if you’re a momma, I know you need a break. And I have just the thing! My new, 90-day devotional, Momma Moments with God, shares highly relatable stories — momma moments — from my own life and provides helpful Bible verses, prayers, reflection questions and journaling pages. Every day invites a momma to pause and focus on a parenting theme such as relying on God, receiving and offering grace, and having courage to move into a new season. If you’re a grandma or an auntie, you know someone who needs this daily encouragement that they have the most important job on earth!


PS. Good news! The “This is my story, this is my song” bracelets are back in stock!

© 2024 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 28

  1. This devotional came to me at the perfect time. I woke up feeling burdened about yesterday. Did I say something that hurt someone. Did I do something wrong? I feel as if I disappointed God. Is He ashamed of me? And then I’m reminded how much God loves and likes me.

    Thank you Sharon, for this perfect message at the perfect time. I’m not perfect but God is!!

  2. I can’t imagine that God would delight in me. I can’t seem to do anything right. And no matter how many times to ask God to restore to me the joy of my youth….it doesn’t happen.
    Thank you for these words. I love all your devotions.

  3. I never thought about God liking me before. It brings a smile to my face too and joy to my heart to know I am not only loves me but likable to the Lord.

  4. To be honest,
    My brain understands the concept of God liking his children, however, my heart and emotions don’t seem to be able to process God liking me in addition to loving me.

  5. Since I’ve become older I seem to be more irritated with myself because just simple things have become more difficult. I get down on myself and continue to ask forgiveness for my feelings. I don’t feel likable to my friends, my husband, my kids, or God. I know God loves me, and I pray He likes me.

    1. I’m right there with you.. I know I’m loved by God and my family and children but I don’t feel they like me.
      When I’m with them I feel I’m in their way after a short time. We live states apart and we have grown a world apart.. my heart aches for them constantly.
      I feel unlikable my everyone!

      1. Evelyn
        I am sad to hear that. This must be a difficult burden to carry.
        Perhaps as you reckon with the truth of how much God likes you (by the way, I need to do this too) , the rest will become more clear. I will pray for you today.

    2. Hi Evelyn, we, as women, are very hard on ourselves. I’m sure it’s only your perception that you are unlikeable by everyone. Let’s face it: we all are unliked by some, especially because of our faith., but certainly not everyone!

      I’ll pray that God changes the way you think about yourself, and you focus on not only how much He loves you but likes you as well 🙏

  6. Thank you Sharon for this devotion this morning. I know God loves me, but Satan always trying to make me believe I’ll never measure up. Thank you Lord for also liking me, that I can be what you created me to be! God bless you all, my sisters in Christ.

  7. I also feel like a failure the older I get. Always asking to be forgiven. Am I good enough? Have I done enough to enter Heaven? All I want is to feel his holy presence like I did when I was in my youth. Now that I am much older life has gotten much harder, my health seems to be falling apart. My marriage has never been good, he doesn’t support me, he has decided there is no heaven. My heart is broken to see him think the way he is viewing life. When I am able I go to church, I feel God all around. When I come home Satan starts showing up in comments my husband makes. I’ve been married fifty years and will not give up on my husband being saved. God shows up in his own timing. I’m so thankful for all of you sharing and praying. So wonderful to have sisters in Christ to share with. God Bless you all

    1. Dear sister, never give up. Be patient and persevere in our prayers. I m in the same boat as you except my husband is very loving. I pray for open doors to share the gospel with him and God really answered my prayers. Now I prayed for God’s work and conviction upon his heart so that he comes to know the Lord and be saved. Continue on in prayers. Never give up. I m telling myself that too.

  8. At 15 years of age my mom told me she didn’t love me and now at 78 years old to know that God not only loves me but also likes me just about made my heart explode with joy. God bless you

  9. Having gone through some terrible problems and betrayals I know God loves me but to know He likes me is so good to hear. Thank you.

  10. What translation is used for the Zephaniah verse? These were the exact words I needed for my day. I was worried, fearful, and anxious. I have repeated these words and he truly calmed my fears. Thank you

  11. Thank you so much for this message, I filled with joy knowing that my Heavenly Father loves me and likes me too.

  12. Thank you for sharing this message. I’m also thinking about Wanda’s mother. What a wonderful woman to share God’s love with her daughter’s little friend. I wonder how many others she led to Christ.

  13. Mrs. Sharon, I wonder what your response is to all the comments that say we can’t accept that this is true. I admit I am relieved to see I’m not the only one who can’t seem to accept it but it burdens my heart to see how many of us they’re are that cannot accept this.

  14. It’s good to know that God loves me and like me. I’ve been such a monster and sometimes think that no one likes me. But the God of the Universe who is majestic, powerful, and pure loves me and likes me.

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