Sometimes You Just Need to Breathe

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Living Free 32 Comments

It was one of my favorite trees. And it was dying.

We live on a lake, and my dying tree was truly a “tree planted by streams of water.” So how could it be dying? How could branches right in the smack dab middle of the bushy green be turning into kindling? It didn’t make sense.

I called an arborist to come out and take a look. He saw the problem right away.

“Ma’am, see how that tree looks like a telephone pole stuck in the ground? That’s not the way a tree should be planted. You should be able to see some of the roots spreading out from the trunk. Those roots are covered up with dirt, grass, and these pretty perennials you’ve planted at the base. The tree can’t breathe.”

“It can’t breathe?” I asked.

“Yep. You see a tree is a living organism that needs to breathe just like you do. If the roots are smothered, then it can’t. Trees need sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and nutrients from the soil. Those flowers you have planted around it are actually stealing the nutrients. The dirt covering the roots is suffocating it. It has water, but it needs more than that.

“Bottom line, your tree is stressed out.”

Ah, words I understood. “Stressed out.”

So, the arborist cleared away some of the dirt from around the roots to allow the tree to breathe and cut away the dead limbs. Then he dug up the flowers and tossed them aside. I could almost hear the tree take a deep breath as if to say, “Ah, thank you!”

Three months later, it looks like the tree is going to make it after all.

All this thinking about my tree planted by the water made me think about my schedule…my life. And of course, that led me to your schedule…your life.

I like to think of myself as a tree planted by the water like the one mentioned in Psalm 1: 1-3:

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers (NIV).

I like to get up every morning and soak in God’s Word before jumping into my day. That’s my water. My living water.

But it’s not enough to drink in the morning and then smother my day with too many activities, commitments, and deadlines. I need more than water to thrive. I need to be able to breathe.

I can plant “beautiful” activities in my life like those flowers, but they may be sucking the nutrients right out of my soul. Those activities might look nice on my calendar, but they might not be nice to my soul. I can smother my roots with commitments and pile on the soil so that I look more like a non-living thing stuck in the ground—a telephone pole—rather than a fruit-bearing tree.

So as I begin this fall season with its activities left and right, I need to stop and examine if they are exactly what God wants me to do, or if they are just “pretty flowers ” that are keeping me from being that tree that yields fruit in due season.

As I think about my fall schedule with its commitments and deadlines, I need to ask myself if I am covering up the roots of my heart—smothering it from the very air I need to breathe.

Liz Higgs challenged me to ask myself these questions many years ago.

  1. Will this activity matter one week from today? One month? One year?
  2. Is there someone who does this task better than I do, to whom I might delegate it?
  3. Does it satisfy a heart need for me or someone I love very much?
  4. What are the ramifications if I don’t do it?
  5. What are the outcomes if I do?

And that’s what I want you to consider today. Let’s do more than survive. Let’s thrive! Clear away what needs to be cleared away. Toss out what needs to be tossed (even if it looks pretty on your schedule). Make room to breathe.

Lord, I want to be a tree planted by streams of living water that bears fruit in its season. As I move into the fall season, open my eyes to unnecessary activities and commitments, and help me to know when to say “yes” and when to say “no”. Show me what I need to dig up and toss. Help me avoid stressing out my roots and suffocating my soul. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What is one thing you may need to eliminate from your fall schedule? Click on comment and share your answer.

Digging Deeper

When you take time to breathe, it opens your heart to experience God’s presence in new and sweet ways.

If you’d like to learn more about how to see God’s fingerprints in your everyday life, then check out my book, A Sudden Glory: God’s Lavish Response to Your Ache for Something More.

Experiencing His presence may be easier than you think! It’s not about what He wants from you, but what He wants for you.

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Comments 32

  1. I need to stop feeling obligated to say yes to every thing that approaches my attention and learn to commit more time to myself and just breathe

    1. I fully understand. It’s a struggle to say ‘No’ when you have been called to a life of service. However, if I am not well in my soul and in my relationship with God, am I really loving and serving others well?

    2. Oh Amelia, I so agree. This time of the year, I get so committed with Fall Festivals and all the goings-on that I forget to take a walk and just delight myself in the Lord!

    3. Read the book, “The Best Yes,” by Lysa TerKeurst. It’s about how to make wise decisions. I did a Bible study on it. Very good stuff!

  2. I need to take out my desires of wanting to be with my ex boyfriend. Even though i always felt insecure when i was with him and he played me the fool, i still miss him and want to be with him. I prayed for him that he would be the one to marry but God took him way to the other side of the world (he’s in Spain). So, I sought advice from the Pastor and his wife and they said to focus on Jesus and Him only. To discipline myself and not think about him.. So, that is the weeds or plants that is suffocating my tree.

    1. I have walked in your shoes. God’s plan may not be what you want; however, He knows better as to what is the best for you. Trust the advice of your pastor. Take every opportunity to put him further and further away. Otherwise, you may miss the opportunity that God has for you. Keep the faith. Things are working out for you just as God’s plan dictates. I have been there. Soon you will know just why God’s plan sent him to Spain. Take care of yourself.

  3. I love this. And I really love those questions that I can ask myself every day or every week. That’s a good habit. It helps to keep things in perspective so we can comfortably be all that God wants us to be.

  4. I am burned out. Full of anxiety. Spread too thinly atm. From years of just build up of conflict and every time I feel like I get to a point where things stabilize. Something else comes up. This summer has been one of marrying off both my adult kids. And surgery and hospital time for mom. Now my parents are at the place we are caretaking and needing to likely downsize them soon. I just think something is ok and then a burst of needing help again. That is not what needs to go but something does. And find some space to heal.

  5. I was invited to a baby shower of a person I hardly know in a city an hour away, that would take several hours out of my day off. I am now able to cancel because it really is not important to me.

  6. When my daughters were young I was involved in school, church activities, and community activities. I moved to the other side of the state 10 years ago and I have to say, I am content not being so active anymore. I am 61 and an empty nester. I am enjoying some activities that I always wanted to do. However, there are times I feel guilty not signing up or participating in something. I have to ask myself if this is of the Lord or just me putting that on myself.

  7. Sharon you never disappoint. I need to remember that my time spent with God is precious time and that nothing should stand in the way of it, so I need to work at scheduling time in during the day, but also just talk with him throughout the day. That is what I do, I talk as if he can hear me as a friend walking alongside. It is a good place to be and it feels good. Take a walk today and breathe the fresh air and enjoy God’s blessings in this waiting period that I am in. Love and light to all!

  8. I guess I have the opposite problem. I’m single and turn 71 in less than two weeks. And I’m semi-disabled with arthritis and diabetes. However, I’m Sunday school coordinator for my church and guardian for my developmentally disabled younger brother. But that still leaves most of the days of the week empty.

    They shouldn’t be. After all I have a house to clean and a yard to keep up, but simply vacuuming wipes me out for the rest of the day.

    Oh, yes…and then there are the short stories and book my writer’s group wants me to complete. But some days the pain is so bad I can’t do anything.

    So for those of you who have “too much” to do, be glad because the frustration that comes when you can no longer do them and there is no one to do them for you is so much worse.

  9. Thank you!
    Oh how I needed to read this on this particular morning.
    I’m a caregiver for my mom and I work full time so I am asking God is going back to school the best thing for me to do right now? It looks good on paper but is it His will at this time in my life? Am I smothered my roots, Lord?

  10. What amazing words today. If I had taken the time to water myself at 5am before work and took a moment to breathe, read my scripture and pray I probably would have said no to a few things on my calendar today. This message really spoke to the proper order of my life. Thank you 😊

  11. I am the opposite.. my tree needs more attention..I need to accept more activities, and stop making excuses. I am missing so many opportunities. Your words drew me out of my shell, thank you and Amen

  12. Thank you! What a beautiful message to read for this upcoming season. I’m in the very beginning season of something new…becoming a widow at age 47. My husband passed on Saturday. He was diagnosed August 4th with advanced pancreatic cancer and went on hospice and passed 27 days after diagnosis. I can’t even believe this yet. He came to the Lord during this time and I read the Bible to him nightly about the last 2 1/2 weeks. It was just a beautiful time and I really believe he was at peace.

  13. Wow this morning I was too busy lol and almost scrolled past this email. I believe God nudged me to read. This is my life right now. I feel God giving me permission to slow down. Thank you for this. Praise Jesus.

  14. Thank you Sharon for this great reminder! I’ve always been a people please and have said yes to things when I should have said no. I’m now trying to please God and ask Him what would be acceptable for me to choose! Thank you Lord for still waiting patiently for me to get it right! 🙏😇
    God Bless you my sisters in Christ ❤️

  15. A wise woman told me years ago that every time I raised my hand to take on something (which I did quite frequently) to consider that I might be taking the blessing of it away from someone else. Just because I could, didn’t mean I should. It didn’t mean I didn’t keep a full plate, but it did help from getting to overloaded at times. And life got significantly less overwhelming when the last kid left the house for college. I gave myself a year before allowing anything new outside of what I was already doing to add to my schedule. And after all the Girl Scout leader, booster clubs, etc ended, I was able to focus more on what I wanted to do versus supporting my kids organizations (which I did enjoy, but I had active kids). As hard as it is to say “no”, it can be very beneficial.

  16. Hello Sharon,

    Great message Sharon,

    Setting time for self-care and stillness helps us reset out heart. We have the right to slow down, and set boundaries, so when we do show up, we have full energy in the moment. We are so blessed!!! Fresh renewal daily!!

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