One Day It Will All Make Sense

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Confidence in Christ, Trusting God 82 Comments

I sat on the floor playing a card game with my young son. It was shaping up to be one of the best summers ever. Steven was savoring every minute of the long hot days, our Golden Retriever, Ginger, had delivered seven adorable puppies, and after years of negative pregnancy tests and doctor visits, I had a new life growing in my womb.

In the middle of enjoying the moment with Steven, I felt a warm, sticky sensation that made my world stand still. A trip to the bathroom confirmed my greatest fear.

Later that day, as I sat in the doctor’s office listening to his condolences for the loss of this much-prayed-for child, all I could think of was God, how could You?

I drove home. Climbed into bed. Pulled the covers over my empty womb and my empty heart and cried. I was mad at God. If this is how You love me, then forget it. I gave God the silent treatment as if I could somehow pay Him back.

God and I had a lover’s quarrel that summer. Actually, I was the only one arguing. I felt betrayed by the One who was supposed to love me most. Even though I was mad at God, I knew in the deepest parts of me, that He loved me and was somehow going to use all this pain for good—but I sure didn’t like it.

That happened over 30 years ago, but today, I’m remembering the lessons I learned afresh.

When we experience shattered dreams, broken relationships, tragic losses, or unfulfilled longings, it can be difficult to feel God’s presence, to see His hand, and to hear His voice. We can stop sensing God’s presence when we close our eyes in pain and tune out God in anger. I know that’s what happened to me.

That doesn’t mean that God isn’t there. It only means that the sadness in our own hearts has drawn the shades down and locked the doors. We question whether we even want to live in union with God if this is where the path leads. We tend to wriggle out of His arms like an angry child or slip out of His embrace like a disgruntled lover, all the while hoping He will pull us back in and tell us that we have simply misunderstood.

Men and women throughout the Bible voiced their disappointment when God didn’t act as they had hoped. David cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?” (Psalm 22:1).

Habakkuk cried out: “How long, O Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?” (Habakkuk 1:2).

Even Jesus, when He hung on the cross, did not call out the comforting words of the 23rd Psalm, but the agonizing words of the 22nd.

And while we complain of God’s silence or seeming indifference during difficult times, He is always working behind the scenes in ways we may never understand.

Three months after the loss of my second child, I broke my silence with God and prayed a prayer similar to Elisha’s. “Oh God, please open my eyes to see Your glory in this situation. If I could just see her. Please Lord, give me a glimpse.”

And then God pulled back the curtain in my mind and I envisioned this child, healthy and whole and playing at the feet of Jesus. She was surrounded by God’s glory face-to-face. Radiant resplendent glory. Not an ounce of sadness to be seen.

The Bible says, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen (our circumstances), but on what is unseen (God’s presence). For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18, parentheses mine).

One day, it will all make sense. Until then…we trust. And when we have the faith to keep our eyes open during the dark times, God will scatter moments of sudden glory where we sense His presence like stars in the inky sky. We hold fast and continue following Jesus—even when we aren’t sure where that may lead.

Lord, I’ll be honest, sometimes I don’t really like how my life is playing out. But this I do know, You are in control and Your ways are always good. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

What is one thing that doesn’t make sense in your life right now, but you are choosing to trust God that one day it will. Leave a comment and let’s share.

A Sudden Glory Sharon Jaynes

Digging Deeper

Do you long to experience God’s presence in your everyday life? Here’s some good news. He longs to speak to you even more. The question is, how do we hear Him? How do we see the majestic in the mundane? If you want to experience more glory moments…moments when God makes His presence known, check out my book, A Sudden Glory: God’s Response to Your Ache for Something More.

You’ll feel closer to Him than ever before.

(Includes a Bible Study guide for groups or individual study.)



© 2024 by Insert Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 82

  1. Trying to be still and wait on God in my broken marriage. My husband betrayed me in the most horrific way. God tells me He will make it new and restore it. I can’t hold on much longer to see the good that he is working from this pain.

    1. I am so sorry. After 42 years of marriage my husband got involved with someone else, and would not remove her, in ways that he could have, from our lives. I am praying for you. Hold tight to God, let go of your husband while God is working, continue to praise God for who He is, and live life while you wait. I surrounded myself with good friends who prayed and kept me accountable. Focus on you and your life with God. Jesus knows what betrayal feels like at the deepest level. You are not alone.

    2. God sees your pain and knows your heart. Let go and let God do the healing.
      When we want to step in, we often just stand in the way.
      Cast your cares on Him. He will make it right.

      I realy feel for you and give you a big hug from the Netherlands.
      I know the pain and it took me a long time to step back and let God do the healing. I was in need of healing too.
      Trust Him.

    3. I had the same thing happen to me. Two and a half years I waited. Hold on. Was what the lord to me. He also told me I needed to work on my self IPeter3:2 was the verse he gave me. Read it in the applified version to get the whole meaning.

    4. awww dear hurting wife I don’t know what to say to you but I feel for you I really truly do may you feel his loving caring arms surrounding you hugging you tight and may you see a full turn around and change of heart in this man that is your husband as your husband I cant imagine the suffering you are going through knowing he has done this to you is cruel and excruciatingly painful and I feel deeply saddened that you must bear this tremendous agony of heart may he realise the pain and suffering he’s putting you through hurting wife how my heart aches for you may God wake and awaken him up to God’s truth and the realization he must change and needs to change for you and your marriage to this man praying for you both and your marriage to him be blessed God bless you may God answer your every need and desire of your heart right now including all you said

    5. Freshly Wounded, grief 😔 of broken trust, deep pain of betrayal 💔, sister in Jesus, surround yourself with prayer warriors, 🙏 This is your time in ICU hospital of sorrow, Stop thinking 🤔 of spouse. Let Jesus carry you to the light,
      GET the Help you need right now. Emotion body, Spiritually da mind n 💙, ASK don’t isolate. N don’t blame yourself. Prayers for Grace n peace. Aloha 🌺

    6. I am in the same situation. I am so hurt. I feel broken. I don’t understand and I know I may never understand which is so hard to accept.
      I wish you peace in this confusing, hurt time.

  2. One thing that doesn’t make sense right now is why doors that I want opened in my life—certain career opportunities and relationships—remain closed by God. Yet, I need to trust His Will for my life.
    Proverbs 3:5-6-“Trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding. In all my ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct my paths.”

  3. Oh how God knew that I needed to hear these words first thing this morning. It has been a sleepless night begging God to intervene in our son’s life that has chosen drugs and alcohol. He has been shutting us out and it is breaking my heart, BUT I know that My God loves him even more that I do and that His ways are always good.
    Thank you for sharing your heart and your difficult season. It was exactly what my heart needed to hear this morning.
    Thanks for your emails, they are so uplifting and encouraging.

    1. I’m praying for you Tanya. God is working in ways you couldn’t imagine. Keep holding on to Jesus, He is your safety, and the only sure thing.

  4. My husband of almost 20 years told me he doesnt love and wanted to be separated. For so many years I pray that my marriage would be healed, put my faith in that, but nothing happened. I feel lost, forgotten and unloved. Difficult and sad times, and my birthday is around the corner, so I’mnot in a good place right now

  5. Oh, how I can relate. While I am so thankful for my 3 grown up girls, especially my rainbow baby. I can’t wait to see my 3 babies in Heaven.

    1. Praying for a deeper relationship and understanding of God’s will for my life and my family’s. I’m also praying for physical healing from many health issues, I want to be whole and able to care for myself and home.

  6. My brother is in prison because my niece was going through rebellion and lied and said he did horrible things to her. I struggle with this every day although I know and have no doubt that God will bring my brother out of this.

  7. Good morning and I needed to hear this. This reading describes the state I am in now. I don’t like how my life is playing out right now, but I know he is in control. I’m encouraged and inspired by reading this. God bless you.

  8. I am going through a long season of change & darkness. I lost my job a few years ago. I can relate to you Sharon of feeling angry because I couldn’t understand why all this was happening to me. Then, I remembered that God always has a purpose for my pain. God doesn’t waste once ounce of our pain. He has the power to use it for our glory & to build our character for the good. So, I remembered my testimonies of how God turned my beauty from ashes. Today, I feel a great shift in my favor. God had Blessed me to get into a principal certification program that I have been wanting to get into for awhile. God, Blessed me with a substitute teaching job, which allows me flexibility as I earn my Principal certification. I trust God has something much better for me. I continue to say Jeremiah 29:11. I thank God for his provision & all he has done and continue to do in my life & I feel blessed! Thank you Jesus!

  9. I am trusting God with my son’s mental health! Andrew is not taking care of his physical and mental health!
    He is 25 years young! He’s my youngest child! He moved back home ? 3 years ago! He has a great smile and needs to be loved and I worry and pray that he can start to take responsibility for his own health! He is currently unemployed!

  10. My only daughter who is now 40 and her then husband were not able to have children. When I first knew they were trying, I bought the all you need to know about pregnancy book, an adorable baby blanket, and the cutest mobile I’ve ever seen. They are still in my closet and I am hopeful for a great grandson or granddaughter one of these days for my sons.

    In the present, I am dealing with a binge alcoholic husband and have been for 15 years of my 21 year marriage. I keep waiting for God to give me the answer to the situation. Will he get the right help and stop drinking or should I move on with my life.

  11. Just this morning I was in prayer thinking the very same thing-God if you love me, why? My daughter is battling stage 4 breast cancer the first chemo drug had mixed results. Cancer spread to three more places! She is starting a new drug today. I felt that if it were in my power I would heal her-I love her that much-so why won’t God heal her if He loves her more. It is in His power to do that. I know that He is with me and has pulled me thru many heartaches, but I want a miracle not just to be able to survive!

  12. My husband’s separation from our marriage after 21 yrs, The Lord in the last few years has given us business that is doing really good, we have wonderful children’s and grand babies. Last year I left my job to take care of the business and I felt like it was my opportunity to get closer to my husband, but this year in March he left our home. I’m praying the Lord will restore my marriage and he will restore my husband’s heart and help me heal from his infidelity.

  13. I’m struggling with why God is not sending a child to my daughter who so desperately wants one. She has been trying for 2 years and going to specialists. But God gave me a vision of this little girl running around so I am still trusting and believing that He will bless them with a child. I know it’s all in His timing. Thanks for your prayers for Rachael.

  14. I have lived with severe chronic pain for the past 13 years. Well meaning friends and family have assured me it is my time of healing throughout this long and extremely challenging season. I clung to the Lord so tightly for years. In the last few years I have gotten very lazy in prayer. I have felt disappointed so many times and yet I know I must cling to Truth and draw near. I know I must persevere despite my desire to give up. My spirit is strong, but my flesh is weak. God gives me the strength to rally again and again. He is always good and faithful and His love is steadfast.

  15. One thing that doesn’t make sense in my life right now, but you are choosing to trust God that one day it will. Is me trying to get a job, and have been told that i have the experience but no positive feedback. I am becoming so tired.

  16. I’m trying so hard to trust as my daughter has been chronically ill for years and my son has turned away from the Lord. I’m trying to have faith that God will work it all for His good. Thank you for sharing your story as I needed to be reminded we all have our struggles.

  17. Its been 2+ mos since several abdominal surgeries and when I went back to work I am finding I cannot think quick, clear and put things together. Dr says it is brain fog from all anesthesia. Whatever it is, I need my brain back!

  18. I recently lost my husband to cancer. I believed with all of my heart the Lord was going to heal him, however it was not God’s plan. I couldn’t understand why my faith failed. When Steve went to Heaven, I couldn’t process it and I did feel anger trying to take place because I had so much faith. The anger only lasted moments cause I knew it came from satan and not from the Lord. I hate satan so much I didn’t want to make him happy that I caved to anger, so I told him to go back to hell and take this anger with him and just like that I felt no longer felt angry. The Lord is so good.

    1. Deb thank you for that reminder, that becoming angry is allowing Satan a foothold in our lives. No matter how much my flesh wants to sit in the anger, I know it is playing into Satan’s hands, and I need to stop it with powerful words like yours. I am so sorry for your loss.

  19. Almost 30 years ago I lost my sweet 10 week old baby girl during open heart surgery. I was so angry at God. Why hadn’t he healed her? 4 months after I held her body and said goodbye I told God I was through. Through with what I don’t know. I just couldn’t carry the pain and sorrow another day. He too let me see her in his arms in heaven. She was happy and whole. I vowed that day to serve him until I take my last breath. That no matter what comes at me, I will never turn from him. 10 years ago my pastor husband was unfaithful and left myself and our 2 children for someone else. We lost everything. But God. He was faithful. We ran into his loving arms and didn’t turn our backs on him like I did so many years ago. My daughter is a youth pastor with a 3 yr old boy having just gone through a divorce. She said mom, because God brought you through I knew he would bring me through. My son is married with a 2 year old and is in music ministry. God provides. God is faithful. He’s a good good father

  20. I am a mother of 2 young men who raised them without the help of their father. Today, after a breakup if a very toxic relationship, one of them “snapped” one morning and ended up being arrested for super exaggerated charges. I live 1,200 miles away from him and since that day my heart is in so much pain. I am a believer and all I find myself doing is fight the fights for my son in the spirit and the legal arena which can be more difficult than pulling teeth and slower than the slowest sloth. My faith is there and I know God will repurpose this experience one day and that this is only temporary and it will all make sense one day but my heart seems to be bleeding and in pain. Please pray for me. Thanks in advance.

  21. I’m struggling with sadness because my husband has Alzheimers and it’s so painful to see him deteriorate more each day. I do ask God, -WHY-, but I then say thank you Lord for the 54 years we have shared together
    I know that God is making me Strong and Courageous (as in Joshua 1.9) and I know and trust my God that we will be together in eternity with the Lord we both love 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  22. One specific thing that doesn’t make sense in my life right now is that my oldest daughter has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.

  23. One thing that doesn’t make sense is that I’m still single. Marriage is one of my hearts desires, but many times I feel unseen and unheard. I know God loves me and has the absolute best for me. I have to just trust him timing and his way. Thank you for the encouragement.

    1. Yes He does! I just got married at the age of 35. It was soooooooooo hard to wait. One piece of advice I wish someone had told me (probably someone did and I was too bitter to listen 🙂 is to look to God, focus on Him and He will become bigger than your mountain of singleness. Enjoy life now, don’t depend on feelings, and don’t give up- He has a plan!!!! Prayers sis!

  24. For my daughter and my son. My daughter has yet to find someone to share her life with–she wants a family; and my son who was let down by his job and needs a good, new job. I pray every day for both of them and pray God will show a good path for both of them.

  25. Thank you for sharing this. A very good reminder to me as my heart is aching silently over seeming rejection by several people in my life. Thank you for reminding me that God is in control, His plans are only for good, and to trust Him. My focus was askew, thank you Sharon for helping realign my vision. 🙂

  26. I am a in my mid 70’s and am a widow. I have had cancer and serious surgery on my spine. I have no family and feel very alone. I know my Father God is there but I do question Him why my life must be as it is.

    1. Sylvia I’m a widow also in early 70’s ,
      I’ve had cancer twice and I still keep going forward , while I do have family , I have a great network of Godly friends who support me in every way . It’s lonely , yes but God has a plan and purpose . Perhaps you are witnessing to others and don’t even know it . Keep your faith and know that God hears our prayers , it’s always in Gods timing not ours , which is hard to wait and be patient. My prayers and love to you , 🙏💕

  27. After a long time of struggling to accept not having another child, thinking my husband was not on board, God graced my marriage with a healing that opened up the possibility of another baby. While the Lord blessed us with quick pregnancies for my first two, this one is taking longer. Of course my mind is spinning. “You are discontented, Chelsea. You are impatient. You don’t appreciate the blessings in front of you. You still compare to others moms and are hateful in your heart. You don’t deserve a child. You have been so blessed in life, and you need to learn it doesn’t always come easy. Your marriage isn’t perfect. God has been preparing you for infertility, Chelsea, and that is why it hasn’t happening.” So many thoughts, but turning to God in all of it albeit hard, I am closer to God than ever. And I have a peace, although it isn’t constant. Thank you for your words to remind me of his goodness in the times I do doubt.

  28. My only daughter passed away from a sudden illness 3 months ago. I don’t feel angry at God. I just wish He had healed her. We had such a good relationship. I miss her so much.

  29. I experienced a traumatic fall in January where I fractured my left ankle in 3 places. I had surgery and I went through approx. 13 weeks of physical therapy. I have started to walk again, but the flexibility in my ankle is limited and stiff and it takes a lot of effort to walk. I’m limping and the rod and screws in my ankle causes me some pain. I have scar tissues in my ankle and have had a steroid injection. I pray I get full mobility and flexibility of my ankle and foot and to be able to walk with ease and pain-free. Lord Jesus, please increase my Faith in You. Amen

  30. In Dec. 2023 we welcomed a new, very premature, grandson. 22 days later Jonah gained his wings. Our family was completely devastated as you can imagine. The only thing I knew to do was lean into & hold on to God. Unfortunately my husband does not understand how I can still believe in a god that would devastate a family in such a way. I don’t have the vocabulary to explain to him how, although I can’t understand or explain God’s love for us, I will always believe in Him because He is the only way I will ever see Jonah again. My husband will not accept or agree with my decision. The only thing I can do is pray for God to open his heart & his mind to accept the promises He has given us of seeing our loved ones & living for eternity with Him! Although my heart breaks for my husband & his state of beliefs, I WILL NOT give up on God!! He has never & will never leave me or forsake me or break His promise to me.

  31. I’m a widow 15 yrs , I was blessed with wonderful Godly man, it took me 10 years to try dating . . Finding that again , just a Godly man has been disappointing and 2 hurtful situations . I know my God loves me and has plans for me , I’m 69 and wonder if I’m destined to be alone . It can be very lonely but I remind myself I have the biggest shoulder to lean on , my Savior ,

  32. Awwww….Sharon, your words are so tender and kind. It makes me ache for you in those days of loss. I feel your loss sister and wish too that we had answers when we seek them and don’t find them. But, I am persevering. Your beautiful dream and vision of your daughter at Jesus’s feet is inspiring. We need to learn to expect miracles rather than limit God because his ways are higher than our ways, his thoughts higher than our thoughts and his love, greater than we can imagine. Thanks Jesus Christ!

  33. Thank you for this reminder. After reading what all these women have and are going through, my struggles seem minor. Nevertheless, I am overwhelmed by all my worries. Adult children and their family situations and struggles, my 93-year-old father, my struggling single sister, my husband moving into a new phase of life, hurting friends….I am one who wants to fix everything and feel responsible for everyone. This is a reminder for me to not focus on what I see, but to have faith and KNOW that the Lord is present and at work in all these situations, and he is a loving Father. Thank you Sharon and all of you for sharing your stories.

  34. Struggling so badly with my finances. That my phone is about to be cut off. Recently moved in with family the things that I’m seeing are breaking my heart.

  35. My father was diagnosed with Covid and has severe fatigue and memory/cognitive issues. Doctors don’t know if he will recover cognitively. He is stubbornly rejected home care assistance and I cannot quit my job to care for him (nor do I have the abilities). Praying for recovery and wisdom to make decisions in his best interest in the days/weeks ahead. I feel so defeated.

  36. I was as well inspired by your words today. I have prayed along with others that my son would choose a different path other than the one he has chosen 10 years ago. He is spiraling out of control on drugs. Never would I have thought he would have chosen this path. He is on probation because of a drug related incident. He now has a 3 year old son that that has never as much bought him a diaper. My prayer is he will get straightened out and be the dad that his son needs and, the son brother uncle that we all use to know. I get so disappointed and discouraged that nothing ever changes in this situation. I know God hears all of our prayer and cries. But I also know God works in his time and not ours.

  37. Thank you for sharing Sharon! We had a similar series of miscarriages and after 8 years we had a beautiful daughter Hannah, she opened my womb and gave me the status of a mom. But at the age of 7 she got diagnosed with a rare autoimmune condition called Evan’s syndrome that affected her platelets.. she lived 16 years and 2 days after on June 4th ( about 2 months ago) she died of cardiac arrest! We’re still in shock and grief as to how it was pleasing to God to take away our miracle child from us. But we’ve been finding peace knowing she’s no longer in pain and resting in the arms of her creator and maker. We miss her so much in our day to day routines of life, but like you said one day it will all make sense. Right now I’m in that phase where I’m upset then I have peace for some time and then some days I feel terribly sad to not have her here anymore.

    1. Oh my goodness my heart breaks with you Mercy! I can’t even imagine. I will be praying for you to have lasting peace and to give yourself grace in the deep sadness.

  38. My two adult children are estranged from me for 4 years now. My mom has dementia … I struggle with depression and just want to be with JESUS!!!

    1. Joanna… healing can still happen on all of those fronts! I know it is hard in deep depression but please find someone to talk to or a friend to find you someone to talk to. Keep praying for your mom. Pray for reconciliation with your children. Your therapist/psychiatrist can help you navigate that along with the Holy Spirit obviously! Please don’t give up. My dad suffers from depression and is showing early signs of dementia. He is giving up and refusing to do anything about it. Only thing I can do is pray for him, and I will be praying for you.

  39. Wow this was so on time, I had gallbladder surgery 4 weeks ago and then here I am with a horrible sinus infection 😢, I was questioning God like ok God I need a break here. I’m trying to heal and get smacked with this. What is going on.But after getting quite I realize there are people worst off then me and actually I’m blessed. So I got out of my pity party and started to put the enemy on notice that I am a child of the most high God and no weapon formed against me shall prosper 🙏

  40. Two daughters, 1987, 1990, life was great for our little family!! Then— March 1994. Stillborn son at 30 weeks. March 1995 miscarriage at 10 weeks. February 1996 the birth of our 3rd daughter and all was well….. until January 2013, Ron retired from 35 years of teaching/coaching and God took him back. We were devastated. Then Sept 2021 God took my rainbow baby 3rd daughter back. We were beyond broken. Feb 2022 my middle child took her new baby and fled from Jesus and our entire family. Trusting He has it all covered is my only hope!!

  41. I don’t understand why my oldest daughter was murdered by someone some of us trusted. That day changed everything for me but I trust our Lord. One day it will make sense.

  42. Going through the mock and mud right now. I can’t seem to let go and let God. I feel alone. My spouse doesn’t understand my depression. He thinks it can be just turned off like a light switch. I just want to go home and stay in bed but I put on my big girl pants and went to work. I have no one of faith at work to talk to. I just need prayers!

  43. In 2008, I was diagnosed of ovarian cancer, I battled for over three years and God healed me. God worked through this process and I trusted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I have been living in Christ and two years ago, we started our own church community where my husband is pastoring the church. Last year (2023) I received the horrible news that cancer is back! I must confess that I did silent treatment with God for a few months because I truly did not understand, but then I started to let him hold me and make me strong through chemotherapy treatment. It was all going well until two weeks ago, the doctor tells me the treatment is not working, and they are changing treatment. The tumors have not reduced and this all makes me very nervous and anxious. I have to trust Jesus in this and I know it will make sense like it did in the past.

  44. What doesn’t make sense for me these days… what is requiring massive trust in the God-Who-Sees or else I think I’ll lose my sanity, is waiting for my adult, first-born son’s mind to be restored. And also for all my now-adult children to recognize their need for the Savior and surrender to Him. My son’s life has been stolen from him in so many ways and for several decades, due to a struggle with mental illness. It has been an extremely long and winding road and I do not understand why The Healer hasn’t restored his mind yet, though prayer has gone up for years. Some in the Body remind me that God’s timing is perfect… and I agree… “Be patient”, they say. That God has His reasons for tarrying so long and that my son will be completely healed in heaven. Yep. Agreed. However, my Bible tells me that Jesus came to bring abundant life and to destroy the works of the devil. My son does not have abundant life by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes, it’s remembering that I have a real enemy who wants me discouraged, that sobers me up to keep prayerfully trusting and acknowledging, with gusto, the faithfulness of the One who’s very name is Faithful and True. Worship is essential.

  45. My husband of 13 yrs was unfaithful with a co-worker. I met her and she knew we had 2 small daughters. 1 yr later I had no choice than to separate because he refused to cut her out. Hw continued to want to be with me and her. 2 yrs after that, he divorced me, only to marry the mistress one month later.

    During those 3 yrs, I prayed and prayed and prayed. I cried, cried, and cried. I had a not so great childhood and he made me feel safe, so this was very hurtful.

    Now I’m not mad anymore. Now I see we both needed a true relationship with God and therapy. He still is lost in blindness of lust.
    I keep praying for him, but now I pray so the Lord can use him to bring other hurt men to God. My heart only wants for our girls to have a healthy and godly father. My sisters, life is hard, but God is with us even if we don’t like or understand it.

  46. I suffered through several miscarriages via IVF attempts through 3 years. A friend said to me “where is your God and why isn’t He helping you?” That shattered and angered me for a while. And then in a matter of months following, God revealed His purpose. We now have two beautiful and loving adopted children. We are blessed!!

  47. The tragic and unexpected death of our 7and a half year old dog who seemingly was just fine when we left to go to town for 3 hours. When we came home she had died in her sleep. I am praying for peace and comfort from God to help us get through this. She was our little girl and played a huge role on our daily life and family. I am really hurting.

  48. I’m struggling with sickness in my body and depression, my daughter is struggling with these issues also. I trust you Lord but pray for complete healing for us both.

    1. When u pray thank God that he has healed you and ur dtr. surround yourself with a godly community

      Psalms 2:8
      Ask of me and I will surely give

      Psalms 3:4
      with my voice, I was crying to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain

      God is healing me from an auto immune disease. I am about 90% healed and I know he is not finished . I just got to keep trusting and wait for his timing. He is good God

  49. I’m struggling with my neurological sickness. I wonder why I have this problem but I will trust God. I also struggle with being alone or being single. I’m almost 50 years old and afraid I may not be able to get married and have kids. I want to be Blessed like all mothers. I also want to have a legacy. In the past I had taken matters into my own hands.and now suffering the consequences. I pray that the Lord would have compassion for me.

  50. My husband has been struggling with cancer for 2 years, the Lord finally took him home three weeks ago. I am alone in a big house and I just keep saying over and over in mind “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” It has been hard but I have had many neighbors and friends who are coming over and helping me. I am crying and praying all the time. But God is good.

  51. I am a missionary/pastor’s wife in a foreign country. Sad to see brothers & sisters in a legal battle within the church I am serving. My heart is broken, but God continues to remind me that He’s doing a new thing and to keep my eyes on Him!

  52. My husband wants a separation/divorce. I’m devastated, and scared for the future. I feel that God is saying “not yet”, but waiting and the unknown is hard. Please keep my family in your prayers.

  53. My divorce was finalized in Dec 2023.. after being with him for 30+ years. he fought me for everything possible financially. In addition I got sick and he didn’t care. In the end I stop fighting abt the money it just became too much for my health. God has and continues to provide for me. At times I want to call him because I miss him but I have not.
    At times I pray God to bring him home as a godly man than I question myself and my self esteem.

  54. Please pray for my daughter, Lorrin. She was in a terrible car accident years ago suffering multiple injuries. I do give God all the praise and glory as He did bring her back from the brink of death, but she lives in daily pain which can sometimes be unbearable. She has turned to anorexia as a method of coping and this is taking its toll on her as well. She is mentally in despair and broken with a much needed answer to prayer that God would touch her, direct her and give her some relief of what plaques her. Prior to her accident she was a strong vibrant fun loving young woman. Now she is angry withdrawn and missing out on all the blessings that life has to offer. Please pray for her as she wants to follow God and feel His touch. Thank you

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