No Plan B

Sharon JaynesTake Hold of the Faith You Long For, Trusting God 59 Comments

Have you ever taken a leap of faith and then thought to yourself, If this doesn’t work out, I need to come up with a Plan B? Plan B’s are OK some of the time, but not all of the time.

Sometimes when I’m reading the Bible, one little sentence jumps out and grabs me by the heart. That’s what happened when I was reading 1 Kings 19:19-21. This is about the day when Elijah the prophet called Elisha the farmer to take his place. It was about a Plan B, or I should say, the lack of one.

See, Elijah was a great prophet to whom God had given the power to speak a drought into existence, keep a widow’s pantry mysteriously stocked, raise a widow’s dead son, and eliminate 850 false prophets in one day. But Elijah, this mighty man of God, got tired and depressed. Yes, he did. I get it. Don’t you?

So, God decided it was time for Elijah to pass the baton to the younger Elisha. (This is for free. I used to get them mixed up all the time, but “j” comes before “s” so Elijah comes first.)

Elisha was just minding his own business and doing his job plowing the field when Elijah walked up and threw his cloak over him. I’m sure it seemed very “out of the blue” to this young man. But I’ve learned that oftentimes what seems “out of the blue, is right “out of God’s playbook.”

We don’t know much about Elisha. He was just a workingman. Every day, he got up out of bed, hooked up the oxen, and looked at their backsides. Nothing special. Nothing extraordinary. Just a workingman.

But God had a plan; God chose a man.

Now, here’s what grabbed my heart. After Elijah threw his mantle over Elisha, which was a sign that he was passing his prophetic anointing to the younger man, Elisha went back to tell his family goodbye. He also had a giant barbeque celebration and sacrificed his oxen. He didn’t keep a few just in case this prophet gig didn’t work out.

The Bible say: “He burned the plowing equipment…” 1 Kings 19:21

That’s not one of those power verses that people memorize, put on their refrigerator door, or paint on a crafty plaque to post on Pinterest or Etsy. No, it’s not one of those. But perhaps it should be.

He burned the symbol of his former life.

He burned the source of his former livelihood.

There was no turning back.

There was no plan B.

There was no safety net.

It made me stop and think about my own commitment to Christ. Sure, I sing, “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back.” But are there parts of my old life that I hang on to? Old habits? Old desires? Old grudges?

Are there parts of your old life that you are hanging on to?

Is there something from your pre-Christ days that you have dragged into your present-Christ days that you need to leave behind? Maybe it’s not even a pre-Christ habit, relationship, or a way of thinking, but something you’ve picked up along the way that clings to you like spiritual chiggers. If so, let’s burn the plow. Let’s leave it behind and move forward into God’s call on our lives with a whole heart.

Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me to be Your child. I am “all in.” I have no plan B. You are my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Is there anything that God is calling you to leave behind once and for all? Resentment? A relationship? A habit? An attachment? Anger? Regret? Leave a comment and let’s compare notes.

Are you ready to live “all in” for Jesus? Are you ready to take hold of everything that Jesus has already taken hold of for you and placed in you? Then this book is for you! Thousands of women have learned how to let go of everything that holds them back, move forward with all that God promises, and live the adventurous faith of bold believing through the teaching of my book, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For.  It’s time to uncover the untapped sources of confidence and courage and see how to move from simply knowing the truth to actually living it out!

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Comments 59

  1. Struggling today with the feelings of no plan B!!I need to let go of feeling stuck and not chosen!! I am chosen! I am a child of God! Thank you

    1. I struggle everyday with anger, resentment, bitterness and hurt. I pray everyday for grace to accept God’s peace in my heart to replace those grudges.

    2. U are a child of God declare it every day n smile u are the light of this world. U are choosen!!!!!

  2. I have a really toxic relationship with a family member and I know I must distance myself and not turn back into it again. I believe that God has me and that the pain I feel He will take away but it doesn’t make it hurt less. My heart is broken and sometimes I feel like I cant go on. I just have to know that He will never leave me or forsake me and no matter what He is there.

    I ask for prayer in allowing God to get me through this and know that He has a better plan for me.

    1. I know how you feel my sister in Christ experience the same thing we some of my family members and it really hurt but praying that God gives us both the victory over this and to walk in freedom and to be at peace amen 🙏🏽

    2. Dear Jackie, I too have pretty much cut ties with an older sister. Have for several years. I love her, but do not like being around her. She is an alcoholic, gambles and blows her SS money and then calls on my older brother to help her out financially. I will not let her go hungry but I’m not going to support her habits.
      She is a selfish person…..years ago she was different. All I can do for her (and me) is pray. I don’t like feeling like this towards her…..
      May God be with us all as we go through each day… love as He loves, to forgive as He forgives.

    3. I am no praying The God who LOVES YOU(!) so much, Jackie, will touch your weary heart in miraculous, life giving ways bringing you authentic joy🙏🏻💕🙏🏻

  3. Wow, such good thoughts! I am a planner who likes to play it safe. There is always a Plan B in my back pocket. I love this today, I want to be all in with Christ, no Plan B!

    1. I feel the same way April! I read this and was speechless. I can’t imagine going home and burning everything related to my prior life….ready to move forward with God’s plan A! I’ve been thinking about this for several days now…it’s powerful.

  4. Thank you for this timely message. I moved a couple of years ago after my husband left me after 38 years of marriage. I’ve being praying for guidance to go back home where my son and other family members are.. I gave my resignation at work and plan on moving this weekend. In the process I’ve gotten sick, the place I’m renting will only be available for a couple of months now, and
    Other obstacles. I know I was running away from everything that was going on and I am still having difficulty with the past and trusting. Now I’m doubting this move with everything happening. I know God has a plan for me and trusting in Him, but fear and doubt are creeping in. This message has come at a perfect time, we serve an Amazing God. The past is still dictating my life at times and have not made the best decisions. God’s word is so powerful and I need to move forward , stop looking behind, let go of regrets, and stop isolating myself.
    Thank you again for this message

    1. Dawn, my sister in Christ, I as a man can only offer you a shoulder to cry on, a hug and a prayer. I am SO sorry your husband did that to you. I am praying for you. The British have a saying, keep a stiff upper lip and praying that this illness is only a temporary setback and you do move back home.
      Before you leave your immediate area, ask God what he wants you to do. Please pray about it.

  5. Father I leave behind any and all relationships that are not the “Plan A “ you have for my life.Amen

  6. That verse jumps out at me. I’m ready to burn the plow and move forward in faith. I’m also ready to put that verse on my refrigerator and discuss it with my family and friends. Thanks for that!

  7. Thank you so much Sharon for this “timely”devotional.

    Why do i say “timely” ? because i truly felt this one too, this message from GOD for me to leave the past behind and “focus” on the prize which He has set before me. Maybe some would ask how do i know this is the message of GOD for me. I knew this first by reading, meditating and reflecting upon the word of GOD. I always come across the verse in Philippians chapter 3, verse 12-14 which says to press on toward the goal, winning the race that is set by GOD before me and forgetting what is behind me.

    With this verse in mind and heart and being filled by the word of GOD in heart and mind, wherever i go, coincidentally, flashes of numbers 312 or 314 in digital clocks and even in license plate will just capture my eyes, my attention and by faith i truly believe this is to remind me of the verse in Philippians 3:12-14.

    Biblically speaking, there is no such thing as coincidental. Even our famous genius in the whole wide world, Albert Einstein has a quote which says, “Coincidence is GOD’S way of keeping anonymous.”

    See! Truly indeed that GOD works and speaks to us in thousands mysterious ways.

    All glory, honor and power be unto GOD in JESUS’ name amen.

    So let us all “fix our eyes” on JESUS, the pioneer, finisher, and the perfecter of our faith.
    Hebrews 12:2

    1. 3 years ago I gave up my cane and Walker. I began to walk.
      At time goes by my legs relapse. I took the step to move forward.
      I don’t the cane walker to rely on.
      I have learned coping skills. I frog it as well.
      Fully rely on Jesus!

  8. I am so blessed to have been led (many years ago ) to GIF it has blessed me for years GIF is always on target I have trouble forgiving myself at times for my past sinful life I am talking 30 years ago maybe longer I have it written in my bible Thankyou ALL for your ministry MB

  9. Please pray for me. I want to let go. I’m in the process of going thru a divorce. I was unequally yoked. He is asking for alimony he has the car but wants me to pay half for the next 5 years. I know God already knows and has a plan I just want to be used by God. This was my Third marriage. I have made so many mistakes

    1. We had a visiting pastor on Sunday that said, “Are you holding on to something that Jesus has already paid for?”

    2. Praying for you to have courage and boundaries…firmly tell him No!
      You can move on in the power of Jesus…Be strong sister 🙏🏽
      Trust God and cling to his word.
      My mother in law found her lifelong partner on the 4th marriage! Now 34 years together….Do not give up hope for He promises a future for you dear friend! One day at a time Sweet Jesus! Blessings 🌼

  10. I tend to think negatively, like I think that people hate me. Or I get offended easily and get irritable. I was surprised at myself how I lacked self control. I was so tired and I took all my frustrations and harshness on my 10 year old nephew. I used to do that when I was younger and prechristian life. I was a tyrant to my family and very bossy. I realized it and surrendered to the Lord but it was too late because I got a nervous breakdown. I went through meds and torture. I was like King Nebuchadnezzer. God finally redeemed me and restored me. I’m stable now but still on meds. But I’m scared that I might go back to my old self. It’s really embarrassing and it makes me feel like a rotten person. So, I need self control and more disciplined walk with God.

    1. Prayers to you my fellow sister in Christ and one who shares your struggles.
      Time we sisters unit and pray for one another. I believe God has great plans for us.
      I will be praying for you.

    1. You are free, Hope! Jesus bought and paid for you. He has opened the corral gate so you can run free in His great pastures. Yes, it’s scary to see the wide expanse before you, especially when your worldly trainers have beat you into submission to them. They have lied to you and told you that you are worthless and nothing but an old nag. Run, Hope, run out of that gate and know that Jesus is riding on you and in you! Leave the saddle and harness behind – Jesus does not need or use those things.
      I pray that Jesus’ Holy Spirit quickens you to truly feel and know He is in you, gently spurring you to run like the wind into His pasture, where Jesus can ride you Home to the “stable” He has prepared for you! You are GOD’s “show pony”! All for His glory and sake and pleasure! Giddyap!
      In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen

  11. I have held on to all the hur I went through when my husband cheated on me with several younger women and treated me like nobody.

    1. Helen, I highly recommend the book Intimate Deception, by Sheri Keffer. It really helped me.
      You are valuable and beautiful. There is peace on the other side of this hurt.

  12. Thank you Sharon! This is a wonderful reminder that everything happening, all that God is requiring of me, is his plan A. And try as I might, I don’t need a plan B. I’m always so encouraged by your words.

  13. This was such an encouragement to me. It reinforces what God has been showing me about the idols (habits, hurts and hang ups) in my life and how he wants my complete devotion, trust and obedience to be in Him. I am so grateful for your writings. I have gleaned so much from reading your posts. May God continue to bless you,

  14. Thank you,
    I have prayed also for others here that are hurting and trying for B plan. My husband in small and different ways had hurt me more mentally than anything and his constant anger has really hurt me as a more sensitive person. The thing was that he didn’t realize it as I never really told him how it hurt me. I just accepted it. We have been married for 54 years , two wonderful kids, 2 grandkids , and one great grandchild. Both of us are Christians . Anyway Satan ruled my thoughts especially at night when I would replay what had happened through the years. Finally a few months back I surrendered it to God and prayed for a new spirit within Me. I can’t change my husband , who was clueless and would be devastated if he knew of my hurt for all these years. I have been reading my Bible , praying , and finally said to Satan ” the past is gone and can’t be changed but I can change today” and with giving up my hurt and giving it to God….He has healed me, given me a renewed mind and a renewed love and a renewed Spirit. YOU CAN CHANGE WHEN GOD IS YOUR PLAN B and you let God take care of Satan and all your hurts. ( as a side note: my husband has Agent Orange Parkinsons and a lot of his anger was from being in Viet Nam….he has a good heart )
    C. S.

    1. Carolyn-I think that I was led to read the comments. God led me here. I pray that your husband feels moved to seek services through Department of Veterans Affairs. I talk to Veterans and their families on a daily basis there. It is so sad how Agent Orange has impacted these wonderful men and women who have served for our county and their families. I have this beautiful statement on my e-mails: “Veterans have experience that makes them the light at the tip of the candle, illuminating the roots of war and the way to peace.” May your husband and you find peace. Praying for you both!

  15. Good Morning Sharon! Thank you for these timely readings. I know that I need to stop taking frustration out on eating and let God be god. No plan B.

  16. Thank you Sharon! Your words spoke to me and touch my heart. They were exactly what I needed to hear today. I realized there are many things I need to leave behind – which is hard for me since I’ve always been a “planner”. I’ve always tried to control everything in my life and know now I don’t need “a plan B”. Thanks so much for your ministry!

  17. I think it’s human nature to look for a plan B, especially if the current plan is not going how you thought it would. But, God’s nature is different; His thoughts higher than our thoughts, His ways higher than our ways. He doesn’t promise plan A to be without difficulty. We all know He can use every difficulty to our benefit. If you prayed over plan A & proceeded believing the Lord was opening those doors, then hang in there. He has good planned for you.

    I say all this to myself because my plan A has not been easy & shows no easy path ahead, so in the back of my mind I find myself toying with a plan B, but at the same time here the Lord saying in my heart: Hang in there; I have a plan.

    1. I’m so sorry, Rose. I know there is nothing I could say to ease your pain of losing a child. But please know I care and will speak your name in prayer today.

    2. Rose, I am so sorry to hear that! I wish I could give you a big comforting hug and pray with you. I will keep you in my prayers and may God give you comfort in these difficult days!


  18. I am so GRATEFUL that my sister sent this to me. I have recently lost my job and fell into a depression. I had to realize that God has a bigger blessing for me and that I have to believe in him so that he can make it happen. Thank you for this it is confirmation. I will be ordering your book I’m ready to live for what God has in store for me.

  19. I too have a very toxic relationship with family
    I’m super depressed and lost
    I ask for prayers for I feel I can’t take much more

  20. A smoking habit that I need to let go of and I don’t know why I can’t. It’s a battle inside me that I want to surrender, but deep down inside I don’t want to. I am a breast cancer survivor of 23 years and developed COPD. God has blessed me with a life I could have never imagined and has been so faithful to me and I desperately want to be faithful to Him.

  21. Hi Sharon and to all of the beautiful ladies that left a comment. Sharon your post was so timely and encouraging as always! Thank you for the reminder and enlightenment. Ladies, like myself I will pray for you as we all continue to press toward the Lord regardless of the hard seasons we walk thru in this life. God is our deliver and our great defender.

    Psalm 56:3
    Psalm 138:7-8
    Psalm 62:1-2

  22. Thank you for your words. I follow you on social media and prayer your prays for our husbands everyday sometimes multiple times a day and have been seeing results. I am struggling with some marriage issues and I have been praying for restoration for my family, but I am struggling because more lies have come forward and it could be devastating not only for me but for my daughter and my mother as well. My husband has always been a man of God and sure made some dumb choices but we all do that. In the last few years he has been out of God’s will for sure and now it’s coming with devastating results. Side note. In the last year there has been progress but then this situation came to light and I don’t know what to do. I keep praying and asking God for a miracle and I know I have to trust God’s timing but my stomach is always in knots and I can’t sleep until I know that my Mom will be ok.. my siblings basically want me to divorce my husband but I am feeling some confusion and not sure I believe that is what God wants.. anyways not sure why I am telling you all this but I guess I am saying thank you for your ministry and pray God blesses you. I know I need prayer fir true Godly direction. My husband and I have been together 34 years. How do you walk away from that.

    1. Post
  23. I have to let go of the idea of what I my future should look like. My husband had an affair and left my two beautiful daughters and me. Over the past two years he has continuously hurt us with lies and manipulation. I’m tired of the struggle. I want to be free. However the devil seems to keep using the situation to bring different ways of pain. My girls don’t deserve it. I don’t know how to break free without anger. I can’t be mean to him. Always trying to keep peace and always getting hurt. God help me give it COMPLETELY to you

  24. Last year I was in a very dark place with health, relationships, depression, and LOTS of anger. But my loving husband of 16 years helped find me a wonderful Christian counselor, stayed by me and encouraged me to keep going. After almost 10 months of weekly counseling, finding some answers to health problems, getting back in touch with church friends, staying plugged in to God with daily devotionals, and really leaning on Jesus, I feel like a new person! I have one last weekly session of counseling and then will be as needed. What I have learned is that I don’t have to be chained to my past, held back by fear, or live up to anyone else’s standards or expectations, and God is big enough to handle anything I throw at Him, even my darkest thoughts and deepest fears. I have put so many old things behind me, found so much forgiveness for myself, and learned to love myself as Jesus does: chosen, forgiven, redeemed! This last year I have definitely burned my plow and sacrificed the oxen and am finally living a life of abundance in Jesus!

    Thank you, Sharon, for your devotionals. Some of them this last year were incredibly pivotal on my journey with Jesus.

  25. I need to let go of my resentment towards my father. I have forgiven him but somehow still hang on to the hurt. God is my healer.

  26. I can totally relate. This so much fits into my life right now. I am an alcoholic and just started going to AA. I have been sober for over 2 weeks. I can not drink any more. This is my plan A and there is now plan B. Thanks for sharing this encouraging part of the Bible!

  27. I have tried to forgive and move on. Then someone brings up the situation again. Which in turn makes me angry. Not about the situation that happened, but that they can’t let it go. How do I respond. It is as if they don’t want me to be free of the past hurts and disappointments. It has caused me to not want to be around people.

  28. I leave behind control. My family calls me Sarge for a reason. I am a servant at heart who likes to be sure everything is under control. When it’s not I become anxious s try to take control. This causes turmoil between me and my husband. I ask Jesus to take the wheel but I feel my grip tighten when I am unsure of the outcome. God is calling me to Let Go and trust Him. 😇🙏

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