Living Loved

Sharon JaynesGod's love, Never Less Than 291 Comments

I’ll be honest, for most of my life I felt like I was in second place, an alternate, an also ran, not quite as good as everybody else.

I was a cheerleader my junior year in high school, but I was what they called an alternate. That meant I was on the squad and did everything that the other girls did, but it was clear I wasn’t quite as good as the other cartwheeling, high-jumping, pompom shakers. Barely made it. Last one chosen.

When I applied to college for a specific program, I was put on a wait list. I got in because someone else dropped out at the last minute. Barely made it. Last one chosen.

Even when I had to serve on jury duty, I was the alternate! I had to stay and listen for an entire week just in case someone had to drop out, and I didn’t even get a vote. Last one chosen. Barely made it (and in this case I wish I hadn’t).

I’m not throwing a pity party. I am just being really raw and very vulnerable with you today. I wonder if you’ve ever felt that you were an “also ran.” An “after thought.” A “barely made it.” “Last one chosen.” If so, you’re not alone.

One thing I love about the disciple, John, is that he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was not second place to anyone when it came to Jesus. He referred to himself as “the one Jesus loved.” That reminds me of my grandma who called every grandchild “her favorite.”  But John knew he was Jesus’ favorite. And so was Peter, James, Andrew, Phillip, and all the rest. And so am I. And so are you.

Of course, John wasn’t really saying that of all the people in the world, Jesus loved him the most. He was saying that of all the things someone could say about him, all the adjectives someone could use to describe him, all the names someone could call him, “the one Jesus loved” was the only description that mattered. John didn’t mean the identifier of “the one Jesus loved” to take away from how Jesus felt about anyone else, but to emphasize how Jesus felt about him.

Check out these verses and note how John described himself in his gospel account:

  • One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him (John 13:23 NIV)
  • So she [Mary Magdalene] came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” (John 20:20 NIV)
  • Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) (John 21:20 NIV)

Do those verses make you smile? I just get a bit tickled at John’s confidence. Yep. John knew he was loved by Jesus and that all that mattered.

Supposed you and I lived like that? My name is Sharon, the one Jesus loves. Go ahead and put your name in the blank. My name is ________________, the one Jesus loves.

You were not chosen as an alternate, an also ran, a barely made it or the last one in. You were chosen because you are Jesus’ favorite, and so am I! Jesus said this about you: “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you (John 15:9). That’s some serious love right there.

There are a lot of words someone could use to describe me—some good, some not so good. But the only one that matters is this. I am the one Jesus loves.

So the next time you feel “less than,” say to yourself exactly what John said about himself. “I am the one Jesus loves.”

Father, sometimes I can feel so mediocre, but I know that’s not how You want me to live. Your Word says that I am chosen, holy, dearly loved, set apart—equipped by You, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and enveloped in Jesus Christ. I am the one Jesus loves. Help me live like I believe it. In His Name, Amen.

If you believe that you are the one Jesus loves, click on comment and say… My name is ___________, and I am the one that Jesus loves!


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Comments 291

  1. Timely as I have a friend named Sharon who needs to know this!
    Contemplating it myself!
    If I believed Jesus loved me, how would my life feel?

  2. I love this. I always thought that John was being arrogant or putting himself above the other disciples. It made me feel uncomfortable.
    This sheds a whole different light on the matter. I’m always amazed that the scripture is always teaching something new to me.

  3. My name is Cindy and I am the one that Jesus loves!

    Praising God for His love for me! I appreciate your vulnerability with sharing part of your story with us today. I was the skinny red headed freckle faced late bloomer that was a scape goat for merciless teasing all through school!!! I hated going to school and barely learned because of the environment and my lack of self esteem! God has rescued me from the bad choices I made and it truly is His Love that has transformed my life! He’s delivered me from much fear and has taught me about true beauty. Jesus is my first Love and I’m grateful to share His love to others. Mostly to the orphans, widows and the elderly ones I care give for. 💕😊

  4. Sharon yoh are a blessing. May the good lord keep you& may his name be glorified through uou. Keep writing ..speaking for the lord. So happy to see the amazing call of God upon your life.

  5. My name is Sherri, and I am the one that Jesus loves.

    Thank you Sharon for being real, raw and vulnerable. I needed to read this today.

  6. My name is Nancy, and I am the one that Jesus loves!
    My name is Nancy, and I am the one that Jesus loves!

    Struggling in my faith right now so I need to just keep repeating this and hopefully it will sink in, and I will truly believe it.

  7. My name is Debbie the one Jesus loves!

    Thank you Sharon for this reminder!

    I know how you feel. Being short in stature ( like Zacchaues) all my school yrs I was called peanut, shorty, small stuff, etc, etc. What that does to ones self esteem, only those of us know. I was very shy as well. When I was in junior high I had a PE teacher who encouraged me especially when we played soft ball, she called me ” mighty mouse”, because I played with all my might. Such a fond memory. I was cut down, but not defeated! Thank you Jesus for letting me know “I’m your favorite”

    God Bless you all!

    Debbie L

  8. I am Shirley, the one Jesus loves. This devotional came to me when I really needed it. I just love how God does that. I’ve been feeling “less than” lately and praying about it. Turned to my email and there was this devotional. Thank you!

  9. God bless you Sharon 🙏🏻
    I’m Kathlynn… the one that Jesus loves, and I so L💖VE Him… and Sharon,
    I L❤️VE You too 🫶

  10. I a m Mary Kay Anderson I am loved. One of the best jobs I had was working in research for a doctor at the VA clinic Mpls. I was hired after the first person chosen tried the job and didn’t like it so I was chosen as 2nd best but I was so glad to get the job and it was perfect for me so knew God was with me, especially in retrospect
    And after my 1st marriage failed.

  11. Hi my name is Joy and I am the one Jesus loves. Thank you Sharon for being open and vulnerable. That’s why I love your devotions because you talk about everyday things in life. And I just want to tell you that I think you have found your niche in life. You are not barely making it, last one chosen God has given you a gift. Thank you and God bless you.

  12. My name is Jo, and I am loved by Jesus! I was born underweight, and premature. My mother told others she didn’t think I’d survive… but God knew the plans He had for me. Thank you Sharon for sharing.

  13. My name is Teresa, I think I might be someone Jesus loves. (2nd, always the 2nd, will it ever change?)

    I somehow in my heart feel Michael the Archangel could relate to us SECONDS. He too wasn’t #1 until he battled and fought for GOD. That miraculous battle moved him into FIRST place. But the hard truth? He was a SECOND in command. Satan was First. Loved first. I wonder if Michael ever had / have doubts about his own ROLE in the heavenly realm. Why Satan was given everything on a platter. While Michael had to BATTLE and FIGHT. It just doesn’t seem fair.

    Thank you Sharon for sharing your truth. GBU

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