Jesus Sees a Woman’s Tears

Sharon JaynesGod's love, Identity in Christ, Living Fully, Mamma Moments with God 54 Comments

Today is release day for Momma Moments with God. I’m writing over a Proverbs 31 Ministries and thought you might enjoy it too!

I was crying. It was a hard day. I wondered if God really cared. But then a memory popped into my head about a woman in the Bible who felt about as low as a woman could go.

She was a widow, which was sad enough. But then the unthinkable happened: her only son died as well. You can’t get much lower than that in a culture where women had few options. Family and financial support…all gone. Heartbroken and soul sick…all lost.

She walked in a funeral procession with her tears sprinkling the dusty ground under her feet. Grief moved one foot in front of the other.

Just as she and the funeral procession walked out of the city gate, Jesus walked in. Here’s what happened next.

When the Lord saw her, his heart overflowed with compassion. “Don’t cry!” he said. Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped. “Young man,” he said, “I tell you, get up.” Then the dead boy sat up and began to talk! And Jesus gave him back to his mother (Luke 7:13-15 nlt).

Yes, it was a miracle that Jesus brought the boy back to life, but you know what amazes me even more? The compassion Jesus felt for the grieving mamma. When Jesus saw her, his heart overflowed with compassion. He saw her. He sees you.

This miracle doesn’t seem to have the goal of proving He was the Messiah as it did when He raised Lazarus from the dead. It was borne of divine distress for a mamma’s broken heart. Her tears moved Him emotionally and physically. “Don’t cry,” He said. He was and is a compassionate dryer of a woman’s tears.

I love that the story begins with a woman walking out of the city gate and Jesus walking in. Simply put, their paths crossed. Coincidence? Not a chance.

Most likely, in her grief she didn’t even notice Jesus, probably didn’t even know who He was…but He noticed her. And He notices me. And He notices you.

She didn’t ask for a miracle. She didn’t expect a thing. There’s no mention of her great faith or even a trace of hope for anything other than what was. Jesus simply saw the grieving mamma and, filled with compassion, dried her tears and the reason for them.

We might get so busy we fail to recognize Jesus walking alongside us or crossing paths with us. But know this: He always notices you, cares about you, and is ready to dry your tears.

Dear Lord, Thank You for caring about us women. Thank You for caring about me. I look forward to heaven where there will be no more tears. Until then, it warms my heart to know that You are a God of compassion who dries our tears. In Jesus’ name, amen.

How does it make you feel that Jesus would stop everything because He had compassion on one hurting woman? Leave a comment and let’s share.

This devotion was taken from my new book, Momma Moments with God.
These 90 devotions will let a mom know that she is not alone. Like a warm hug, she will know she is loved, seen, and cared for by the One who loves her most. (A great baby shower gift!)

Click here to take a look inside and order your copy today.



© 2024 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 54

  1. As I just lost my earthly father yesterday 7/2/24, reading this brought some comfort to me. Jesus will wipe away every tear from our eyes when we are sad and hurting. Thank you for sharing this. ♥️

    1. I am praying for you Erin during your time of loss. May the God who comforts us comfort you and your family during this time and may his peace overtake you.

  2. I’m sitting here crying during and after reading this. I lost my husband when he was 43. Then in 2020, my youngest son, in 2021, my oldest son and my mother. Grief became my name. I don’t feel angry at God but I do not understand why. Prayers appreciated.

    1. I am so sorry to read this. We are sisters in grief. My husband died at 47 and I lost my dad then my precious son this past year.
      I, too, have difficulty understanding. I try to witness by moving forward every day. My men are all safe and thriving in heaven surrounded by the deep and pure love of their Savior. I focus intently on that truth. I will NEVER have an answer for “why?,” on this side of heaven but I rest in this truth.

    2. God, I lift up my sister. It seems as if she’s been given more than she can bear. But I know that you walk along side of her. You did promise suffering on this earth. And some have more than others. You will use this for good because you’re gonna strengthen her faith and draw her near to yourself. Let her find peace at the Cross of Calvary, let her consolation be your love and let the Holy Spirit undergird her.

    3. Oh, Gail. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been through such great loss. I pray that our Heavenly Father will wrap his arms around you today and everyday. Even though we can’t understand why things happen to us, always remember God has a purpose and a plan for your life. He will never put anything on us harder than we can bear. May his perfect peace flow over you today and always. He loves you oh so much.

    4. Oh Gail, I’m so sorry. May God bring you peace and comfort as you continue working through all… He sees you and loves you. Your name is not grief dear one. You are Gail, child of God, deeply loved and deeply cared for. May you feel His presence each and every day ahead!

    5. God will take care of you. I have various experiences. I lost my dad at 45 and my eldest brother looked after our mother and us siblings. He promised he would not die as young as our father and as he turned 45 he died. Go figure – I too don’t understand but I love God anyhow🙏

    6. Hi Gail, I’m so sorry you’ve experienced so much grief. I pray for you, that you will feel our Heavenly Father’s warm, loving arms wrapped around you. I remember when my daughter died, several years ago. I hurt so much. I didn’t understand why. And I knew that God loves me and my daughter more than I can imagine. I remembered that He wants the very best for both of us. Eventually, I was able to stop looking for understanding and rest in His peace. I hope you will soon be able to rest in faith and trust that God is not surprised by all that has happened to you. He is with you and He has a plan for your very best life. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but it’s coming. Big hugs!

  3. Thank you for this. My dad died 2 weeks ago and the grief is unbearable. Thank you for the reminder that Jesus sees my tears and He cares for me.

  4. That is so beautiful! I am trying daily to hang on. I am a grieving mom who hasn’t seen or heard from my daughter, or has never seen my granddaughter that will be three years old in October. And my daughter Destiny is having another child. Every day is a battle, not knowing if I will ever see my daughter or my granddaughter Aaliyah or the baby that is coming in October. I love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and spirit. I wait for that day for God to allow me, my husband and my son to see my daughter, my granddaughter, and my new grand baby! Please remember us in your prayers! Thank you. God bless you! 💔🙏📖

    1. We have similar stories Denise. The saddest and most heartbreaking thing for me is that I haven’t seen my 3 adult children since 2020. I have a granddaughter who’s turning 3 in January who I haven’t met yet.
      It’s very hard not to get discouraged and depressed about this situation. Also, not knowing what the reason is for them to simply cut me off is very disheartening.
      I will keep you in my prayers and please do the same for me.
      Our Father is a God of restoration, deliverance and compassion. We can rest knowing that He has our situations, pain and concerns in the palm of His loving hands. Stay encouraged 🙏🏾💐.

      1. I’m so sorry Alexandra that you are going through this! I to don’t know why my daughter is doing what she is doing! It’s very hard, but we have a Heavenly Father that gives us His strength to hang on! I pray daily for my daughter with the scripture in Ezekiel 36:26-27 and try to focus on my life with my husband and my son. If you ever need someone to listen, I’m here for you. You can look me up on Facebook.

      2. I’m so sorry Alexandra that you are going through this! I to don’t know why my daughter is doing what she is doing! It’s very hard, but we have a Heavenly Father that gives us His strength to hang on! I pray daily for my daughter with the scripture in Ezekiel 36:26-27 and try to focus on my life with my husband and my son. If you ever need someone to listen, I’m here for you. You can look me up on Facebook. God bless you ♥️🙏📖

      3. Alexandra, it is oddly comforting to know I m not alone in this type of painful family disconnection. I hear you. I understand and pray for you. 💞

    2. God have mercy on our sister and bring reconciliation to this household. Whatever it is, God help her daughter to overcome. Help her daughter to forgive. Help this mother to enjoy her grandchildren. Don’t allow the enemy to buffet and bring division.

    3. Denise, I do understand this pain. It can be soul crushing some days. God is still in control and there is joy to be found…. Though it’s a struggle just the same. 💞

  5. It’s a difficult time for our family. My 98 year old father-in-law is hospitalized awaiting availability of a room in assisted living facility. He’s very angry because he can no longer live at home. My one sister-in-law is terminally I’ll with pancreatic cancer, and my one daughter and son-in-law have 4 adopted children who have a lot of emotional health issues. We know the power of God’s mercy, grace, and love, but some days life seems overwhelming for all of us.

    1. Lord have mercy on this father-in-law, sister-in-law, and children. Give this father-in-law grace to accept this time in his life. Bring healing virtue to the sister-in-law. God, the most important thing is salvation. When we surrender our lives to you, it’s easier to accept the hard things that happen to us God. Do it for all of them in Jesus name I’m asking

  6. It makes me feel comforted to know Jesus had compassion on this grieving woman and will likewise have compassion on me in my grief.
    -Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort—2 Corinthians 1:3

  7. We serve a awesome FATHER. HE is concerned about everything that concerns us and is always doing what is best for us.

  8. I lost my youngest son 15 years ago, but the pain and grief remain. My only comfort is knowing that Jesus is always present and by my side. God’s grace, love and mercy get me through each day. Jesus saw this woman, just as Jesus sees me.

  9. Father God, thank you for being a God of compassion. Your word in 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all of our cares/anxiety on you because you care for us.
    I pray for every woman who has shared their grief, pain and concern. Father, have compassion on us just as you did with the grieving mother.
    You are still the same God yesterday, today and forever.
    We give you thanks in advance not only for what you do for us, but for who you are to us. In Jesus the Nazareth name, Amen 🙏🏾

  10. During my quiet time with the Lord this morning, I was grieving. Reading through a series of scriptures about grief brought me back to joy this morning. And reminded me of how our Jesus loves us so. That He cares about our grief. Then as my quiet time was ending I grabbed my phone to check my email and the email for your devotional today was there. Even the fact that it was there was confirming that He was here and He cares. As I read it, He continued to encourage my heart. Then I read through the comments and saw so many sisters in a state of grief, and He reminded me I am not alone. I will be praying for each commenter, and pray God blesses you all with joy as He has me today.

    1. Dear Joanie Thank you!! 🥰
      So So Beautifully Spoken
      Gods love and Many Many Blessings
      Father God Loves You So 🔥

      Love Pennie xx

  11. Thank you very much for this message. I know that the Lord gathers my tears in His skin. It may not be too full and the Lord will allow it to fill it for me. I would like to serve God completely, to have peace around me. I would like to leave my in-laws who have been bothering me for 16 years.. I had severe depression 2 years ago.I’m still on treatment. I have three children, my husband finds it difficult to part with everything I have built in my parents’ perimeter, but mai bine pâine și sare, decât o casă mare cu carne și ceartă.. Îmi doresc ca Domnul să intervină..

  12. Thank you very much for this message. I know that the Lord gathers my tears in His vessel . It may not be too full and the Lord will allow it to fill it for me. I would like to serve God completely, to have peace around me. I would like to leave my in-laws who have been bothering me for 16 years.. I had severe depression 2 years ago.I’m still on treatment. I have three children, my husband finds it difficult to part with everything I have built in my parents’ perimeter, but mai bine pâine și sare, decât o casă mare cu carne și ceartă.. Îmi doresc ca Domnul să intervină..

  13. Thank you very much for this message. I know that the Lord gathers my tears in His vessel . It may not be too full and the Lord will allow it to fill it for me. I would like to serve God completely, to have peace around me. I would like to leave my in-laws who have been bothering me for 16 years.. I had severe depression 2 years ago.I’m still on treatment. I have three children, my husband finds it difficult to part with everything I have built in the perimeter of his parents, but mai bine pâine și sare, decât o casă mare cu carne și ceartă.. Îmi doresc ca Domnul să intervină..

  14. This is really hard to read as a mother who has lost her son. I wonder why god didn’t raise my son, why didn’t he save him. I have struggled with my faith since he died. Why did god raise this child and his friend Lazarus and not my son

    1. Post

      Hi Kelly. I know it is hard to read. I lost a child too. But I have to trust that God knows what’s best and He has a plan. That gives me great peace. That doesn’t mean I don’t mourn the loss. I had to get to a point where I stopped saying “why me” and started saying “what now.” Easy? No. But I was determined to not get stuck.

  15. Gail when I read what you wrote my heart broke. The tiny seed you planted demonstrating your depth of faith and grit of perseverance is such a blessing. With each memory may you meet again those you love and may their memories be eternal.

  16. God thank you for your constant comfort. I’m thankful to know I am loved and protected by you. Amen

  17. Thank you Sharon for this today.
    My heart grieving for all who are going through so much pain right now. I’m praying that the God of all comfort who sees our tears will hold us tight and whisper to our hearts, His deep and abiding love for us all. I will be praying for you sweet sisters in Christ.

    Debbie L

  18. Beautifully stated. I almost passed this email by when I saw it in my box this morning. But, I opened it, and I am encouraged today. I love the fact that Jesus is touched with our feelings & emotions…scripture says He himself was a man acquainted with grief and sorrows. So, I am reminded to take comfort in that today. Thank you for reminding us that Jesus loves us, more than we know.

    Prayers appreciated.

  19. I have been having a very difficult time these past few weeks. Just when I needed something, a friend gave me one, without knowing I needed it! I believe God was telling me that He sees me and that He is always there. Thank You God! And may God bless, comfort, and keep you all.

  20. That was very touching. It shows how spiritual Jesus is and how much love he has for all of us. Heaven will be beautiful when it’s our time.

  21. Please remember my family in your prayers I got 5 grandkids and I haven’t seen any of them in years I raised my oldest grandchild and she won’t even acknowledge me and she says things on facebook that really hurts me I wasn’t even invited to her graduation I was replaced by money

  22. My momma died when I was 9. During the funeral I felt all alone while watching my grown Daddy crying on his momma’s shoulder. Jesus saw me. He had compassion for me. Tears were falling from my eyes down my cheek and suddenly “someone” brushed my tears away! Not being a Christian yet, I still knew it was God taking care of my tears – taking care of me! I knew at that instant that I would be okay and that I was NOT alone. Eight months later I gave my heart to Jesus and have continue to never be alone. He sees me. He sees you. It’s the truth!

  23. I’m so happy to be connected with this group of believers. We are each others keeper. LET’S KEEP TRUSTING GOD. I LOVE YOU ALL IN THE LORD!

  24. How does it make you feel that Jesus would stop everything because He had compassion on one hurting woman? I feel relieved, humbled, honored, and hopeful.

  25. Praying for you my sisters. I lost my son in 2022 and that pain runs deep, but God in all His mercy, grace, kindness and love comforted me like only He can. I felt His presence as I laid in bed crying my heart out the night my son died. I can still feel the comfort He gave me and continues to give me. He is real and He is with us. Cry out to Him because He is there, never to leave us nor forsake us.

  26. Sharon thank you very much. You always bring the scriptures to my level. You make me relate in a practical way.
    I am currently burdened with family issues.
    I am grateful to be reminded that Jesus sees me and is concerned.
    He is truly compassionate and is coming through for me.

  27. Sharon thank you very much for your message.
    I always enjoy reading from you. I can relate to this message today.
    I am going through a family issue but I am comforted to know that Jesus notices me and is also compassionate and will come through for me

  28. Please pray my daughter and son-in-law, they just found out she lost the baby, at 12 weeks. My heart hurts for her and as a mom we hate seeing our children hurting and struggling with all the emotions. I just want it to all go away.

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