Jesus is Cheering for You!

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Expectant Living, Living Free, Living Fully, Power of Words, Praying for Your Child 34 Comments

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to quit this thing called the “great race” of life? That’s your spiritual legs ache and you would much rather sit on the side of the road and have a good pity party than take one more step? I certainly have. And then I think of my nephew Stu and his mom, Pat.

Stu ran cross-country when he was in high school, but the most exciting parts of the races was his mother cheering. At one particular race, my family and I stood on the sidelines, watching legs stretch, backs bend, and arms swing in an effort to warm up. Seventy anxious young men clustered around the starting line in ready position. The shot fired into the air and the herd of boys began their 3.1 mile run through the woods.

As soon as Stu’s foot left the starting position, his mother picked up her thirty-six-inch megaphone and began to yell louder than any woman I had ever heard.

“GO STU!” she cheered, not once but at ten second intervals. When he was out of sight, she ran to another strategic spot along the winding trail where the runners would eventually pass by. And even though the boys were nowhere in sight, Pat continued to cheer, “GO STU!”

After the race, I asked, Stu, “When you are running on that trail in the woods, can you hear your mother cheering for you?”

“Oh yes,” he answered.  “I can hear her the whole way.”

“And what does that do for you?”

“It makes me not want to quit,” he replied. “When my legs ache and lungs burn, when I feel like I’m going to get sick, I hear my mom’s voice cheering for me and it makes me not want to stop.”

Jesus was the master of cheering from the sidelines—encouraging his disciples to keep running the great race, especially when they felt that they might want to quit.

“Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:6-8). In other words, “You can do it! I believe in you!” Go. Preach. Heal. Raise. Cleanse.

Before His ascension He encouraged them again, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). I believe in you! You can do it! Go! Teach! Baptize!

Then in one startling statement of encouragement He said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12). Jesus wasn’t simply encouraging the disciples by telling them they would have an even greater reach than He had, He was encouraging you and me as well.

Paul tells us to encourage each other just as Jesus encouraged His disciples: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV).

A few years later, when my son became a cross-country runner, I learned a few facts about a foot race. As you near the end of a race, your throat burns, your legs ache, and you whole body cries out for you to stop. That’s when friends and fans are the most valuable. Their encouragement helps you push through the pain to the finish.

That’s the power of a woman’s words. That’s the power of your words. An uplifting word, offered at the right moment, might make the difference between someone finishing well or collapsing along the way. Give it! Shout it! Cheer others on!

And here’s the bonus…Jesus is still cheering for you. As a matter of fact, you are surrounded by a whole cloud of heavenly witnesses that are cheering for you today (Hebrews 12:1-3).

Father, thank You for the heavenly host that cheers for me every day. Thank You for cheering for me every day. Help me to be an encourager who cheers others on in the great race of life and not a discourager who trips them up. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Who is one person that has been an encourager to you?




One of the best ways to cheer others on is through prayer! Click here to learn more about Sharon’s latest release, Praying for Your Child (or grandchild) from Head to Toe: A 30-Day Guide to Powerful and Effective Scripture-Based Prayer. 


Sharon’s best-selling book and study guide, The Power of a Woman’s Words: How the Words You Speak Shape the Lives of Others is a game changer. Words echo in hearts and minds long after they are spoken. How will we use this gift? Your words can change the course of someone’s day…even someone’s life. This study is a steady favorite with women’s Bible studies all around the world. It will help you become a better cheerleader for others!






© 2023 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 34

  1. I turned 77 yesterday (biblical#s 😊) I am very active but by Thursday I am saying,
    Jesus I am so tired! He is my encourager thru scripture. He takes my hand and walks me through the rest of my week!💕🙏💕

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  2. Thank you for being open and allowing God to flow through your life to minister to others. I love the way He uses your words and spirit to encourage and teach me on those days when I feel like quitting. I’ve always been the cheerleader and encourager for others.
    It actually raises your spirit as much as the person you are cheering on. 🥰

  3. The biggest encourager in my life is Sylvia Kalau my Pastor’s wife. God sent her to me when I was desperately seeking God and totally hopeless. I was sick and an invalid. She has been spoon feeding me the word of God and now I’m practically healed. The Lord has used her to get me to be spiritually on my feet. Because of that I feel normal and accepted.

  4. Thank you Sharon for this very heart warming- energy charging devotional. This devotional is like a second the motion to my feelings upon waking – up this morning. I woke-up at 3:28 AM and with my digital clock..the 3:28 resonates to my Spirit…remembering what GOD has said in Psalm 32:8…”I WILL GUIDE YOU WITH MY LOVING EYE UPON YOU. I WILL TEACH YOU THE WAY WHERE YOU SHOULD GO.” Then at around 6 AM I opened our door to our deck and looked up to the Sky, I saw 2 Shining Stars…and the two first people in my mind are my Mom & Dad who both are already in the Hands of GOD in Heaven. I said to Mom and Dad are cheering for me, “GO, go Myra, you can do it our Child.” What a lovely thoughts to hold close in my heart.
    Thank You Sharon for all you do in giving us very heart & spirit stiring devotionals. GOD bless you in JESUS’ most sweet, sweet name Amen.

  5. The last 10 years has been really rough. Sickness death tragedies family division separations divorces suicide. I have a son living back at home because of an accident. I get tired, days I felt like sitting down. Encouragement from friends, Christian radio TV , your devotion today keeps me running this race.
    Thank you Sharon I needed this word to spur me on!

  6. Thank you for your encouraging messages just when I feel like I am going down the rabbit hole of life. God is good and I am so very blessed! I pray that I may spread a wider path of encouragement as I am somewhat of an introvert. Blessings to all! 🙏💕

  7. 10 yrs ago by the grace of God a group of 5 cousins started praying together. We all were estranged except for one cousin. She was the link between all of us. We all lived in different states, all significantly far from one another even different time zones. Well, she asked all of us to help her intercede for a loved one. We did, and we loved getting together we agreed on linking up by phone again the following week to intercede again. It was great. I had never even prayed out loud before.
    The next week we had another prayer request and then another, we decided we would continue to pray weekly and intercede for those around us.
    They became my encouragers. 10 yrs later they have seen me through all my hills and valleys. They know my journey better than anyone else in my circle. They have held me accountable, encouraged me and cheered me on when things were falling apart and when prayers were being answered. I love my encouragers they always point me back to Jesus.

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  8. Great post, thank you! Reading your story reminded of my son when he was little. Unfortunately, he was sick often and had to take a certain medication that tasted awful. One day, I was preparing to give him the medicine and he said, “Mommy, when I go to take this medicine, I want you to say, ‘Go Noah! Go, Noah! Go, Noah’ and just keep saying it until I swallow it all.” He’s twenty now and I still do that when he is facing a difficult task. The little lopsided grin he gets when I cheer him on tells me everything I need to know. A little encouragement is indeed powerful!

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  9. Thank you for the devotional. I just heard the same words in church on Sunday. We have a heavenly host cheering us on! My parents are in heaven cheering me on to finish the race. I also have friends in the church who walk in integrity that have supported me in difficult times.
    My prayer is to be an encourager to the weary.

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  10. My children encourage me the most. Not that they know the struggles I deal with daily, but God works in them to support me with kind words. They constantly let me know I am loved. That in itself goes a long way!

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  11. Thank you for this. I have been in a bit of a rut lately. My Mom passed away in 2022 and my youngest started college in the fall of 2022. She had a tough year emotionally and called often. She is doing great this year and has needed me less and I am really feeling it. I know this is normal but I am just struggling right now.

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  12. Well, Sharon, you did it again, you made me cry. When I just want to sit, I get another prayer request from family and friends, and I pray and fast. When others need help, I help. When work needs to be done, I work. It’s hard, but I hear His voice and it’s all worth it. I just love Jesus.

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  13. I’m so grateful that God gave me the gift of encouragement, to be the cheerleader for my family and friends. And when my spirit is low then I just go to God’s word and I know He is encouraging me to keep pressing on! Thank you all for your posts and uplifting comments. God Bless you all!


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  14. Juselda
    September 19, 2023, AT 3:38 pm

    Sharon thank you for your words of encouragement When I feel like giving up JESUS is my Biggest

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  15. Today, I had scheduled a very tough conversation at work. I was nervous about it and I knew I would really have to stand my ground. As soon as the conversation was over, I looked at my phone and saw a new email. The topic? “Jesus is cheering for you”

    It was all I needed to hear <3

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  16. Sharon you speak words of life to each of us and what a blessing you are! Thank you for your encouragement time after time! May the Lord continue to use you in this mighty way!😇

  17. Hi Sharon,

    My biggest cheerleader has been my cousin, Grace, a woman of God who cheered me on last year as I underwent treatment for cervical cancer. Even now, she is cheering me on, as I’m recovering from thyroid surgery.
    I thank the Lord for His precious daughter!

  18. I’m weary, Lord…Chronic health issues, chronic pain. I tired of this race, I’m tired of this pointless life. I’m depressed, anxious, and fearful. I need your strength. Please help me.

  19. Thank you so very much for this .I woke up today feeling discouraged and wanting to give up but praise God for this 😭🙏…. Thank you Jesus for cheering me on! I want to be that woman who cheers others on.

  20. Thank you Sharon,

    I need this today another good message thanks,. I wanted to share that we are not carriers of condemnation. We are to live a virtuous living not a Vice living. We are all blessed to keep pressing on!!!!!!

  21. My family and I need prayer. Our eldest son died in his apartment last week. He was 31. My husband and I found him on Wednesday. He has three younger siblings. We are all devastated. We don’t know the cause of death yet and we might never know. We are all trying to understand and trust God’s plan. But, it is very difficult. – Ada C.

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