It’s a Small Cloud, But It’s Somethin’

Sharon JaynesPrayer, Trusting God 166 Comments

I had been praying for a family member for my entire adult life, but it seemed nothing was happening. Nothing. Perhaps you’ve felt that way about a prayer before.

In 1 Kings 18:41-45, there’s a story about the prophet named Elijah who predicted a three-and-a half-year drought was coming to an end. After delivering the news to King Ahad, Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground, and put his face between his knees.

“Go and look toward the sea,” he told his servant. “See if there’s a cloud.”

“There’s nothing there,” the servant said upon his return.

Six times Elijah sent the servant back down the mountain to see if there was a cloud. Six times he returned reporting there was not.

I would have probably said, “Mr. Elijah, I think you heard God wrong. Maybe you spoke too soon when you told King Ahab to go and start celebrating that the rain was coming. There’s not a cloud in the sky. God’s not doing anything. And besides, I’m getting tired running up and down this mountain.”

Ignoring the servant’s complaint, Elijah said, “Go again.”

So, the servant turned around, took a deep breath, and made a seventh trek down the mountain to the sea. He observed the sky and came back to tell Elijah the news.

“Well, I saw a little something this time. It’s not very big—just a little cloud—about the size of a man’s hand. It’s not big, but it is something.”

Here’s a question to ponder: Was God working the entire time the servant was running up and down Mt. Carmel, or did God make the cloud appear suddenly on the seventh trek? I think God was working the entire time; the servant just couldn’t see it.

It’s a process for water to evaporate from the ocean and condense into clouds in the sky.  God was working on the servant’s first run down the mountain; the servant just couldn’t see it. Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). Just because you can’t see God working, doesn’t mean He’s not.

Whatever you’re praying for today, whether it’s a child to change their behavior, a teen to accept Christ, or a prodigal to come home, don’t give up. A marriage to be restored, a disease to be healed, relationship to be mended, don’t give up. God is always working in the meanwhile to make our pain worthwhile…even if we can’t see it.

Holy Father, sometimes I feel like nothing is happening when I pray. But I know in my heart that You are always working behind the scenes, bringing all the puzzle pieces together for a grand finale that will take my breath away. I trust in Your perfect timing.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Do you believe God is working in the lives of those for whom you are praying? If so, leave a comment and say, “I know God is working!”

 I couldn’t be more excited about my new book coming out July 3, 2024. It is  beautiful hardback devotional just for moms!

If you pre-order before July 3, you’ll also receive a FREE audio version that I’ve recorded just for you! Click here to order and take a peek inside. Below is a description.

From newborn days through the teen years, mothering is a rewarding, but sometimes lonely, calling. Moms struggle with discouragement, disappointment, and disillusionment along the journey. The short, daily doses of biblical wisdom and sisterly camaraderie in Momma Moments with God encourage moms to find strength from their heavenly Father, knowing she’s not alone.

In these 90 heartwarming devotions, I share highly relatable stories—momma moments—from my own life, as well as Bible verses, prayers, reflection questions, and journaling pages. Every day invites a time to pause and focus on a parenting theme such as relying on God, receiving and offering grace, and readjusting to courageously move into a new season.

An ideal gift for baby showers, adoption parties, or for any mom who needs to know she is never alone in her parenting struggles, Momma Moments with God brings moms back to God’s Word alongside someone who understands.


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Comments 166

  1. Indeed God is working in my life. And I believe that, on a Tuesday like this I would come back here to say indeed I got the Scholarship for my Postgraduate degree.

  2. I know God is always working. He is breaking addition. He is restoring relationships. He is removing depression. Bringing salvation. He is on the move.

    1. I am praying for someone… 4 different someone’s… Struggling in each of the four areas Denise mentioned! The words in your comment Denise Remind me that God is working! I will keep praying and trusting!!

    1. I know God is working! He will restore my daughter to our family! She will hear His voice! Praising God for what he is doing!

  3. I’ve been praying for my brother for years! Lord, help me to keep watching for the cloud! YOU are being faithful! Amen!!

  4. I KNOW GOD IS WORKING!!! I will see the cloud then the rain in my son’s life and both my daughter’s lives. I don’t see it yet but a change is coming. Rain is coming. The Holy Spirit power is coming!!! Praise the Lord!!! Thank u JESUS!!! I know that God sent this word of encouragement to me today. I know it. I KNOW GOD IS WORKING!!!

  5. I’m about to be homeless with my two children. I left an abusive marriage.
    I don’t know how it will happen or when I will see but I know that God is working.

    1. He sees and knows your situation Angelique- and He is working His plan for you! I prayed for you and will continue 🙏

    2. God will provide. Find the shelter for battered women in your area. If you don’t know where it is, contact the police. They’ll tell you where it is. Or contact the Association for Catholic Charities. They usually have facilities for battered women.

    3. I am praying that God is moving you and your babies to better as opposed to homeless…In Jesus’s name I sincerely pray…Amen 🙏🏾

  6. I like the devotional and what it talked about prayer and how we feel about sometimes we wonder if God really hears us. I do know He does I have seen Him work and answer my prayers. Sometimes it a question of wait.

  7. I know God is working his special way to help my older son to serve God and to transform his world life to a Godly life with Chris, because walking with Christ will help my son to be the Christian he was, and to accomplish many goals and opportunities in his lifetime.

  8. I know God is working, and I believe anything and everything is possible through Christ Jesus.-Matthew 19:26

  9. Dear Lord
    I know you are working to bring my prodigal son home. I feel discouraged and defeated at times, but I pray without ceasing that your perfect plan and timing will be revealed. Praise, Glory and Honor to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Blessings to all my sisters in Christ! 🙏😇

  10. Yes He is working always yet with human eyes I can’t see so I ask show me Lord Jesus your wonderful working power Open my spiritual eyes
    Through a word a song a friend or any way even a cloud

  11. ” I know God is working!”

    I’m currently in the Cornwall Regional Hospital because my platelets have gone down to 20. I know God is working.

  12. Hi Sharon,
    9 years ago a woman in a Sunday school class that I taught with two other women chose me to reveal her unspoken prayer request to. Saying I’m not sure why God told me to talk you you but here goes. ” My son is gay and my momma heart is breaking.” Tears flooded my eyes and I said I know exactly why God picked me, my son is gay too. As we shared we realized how similar our boys lived were. They both grew up in the church. And both absolutely love there mommas. They are both successful and handsome boys. And on that day that God brought us together we vowed to meet every wed to pray for our boys. So for the last 9 years we have met every Wednesday including on line, during the pandemic. We praise him for small victories and they do come. And we pray for the day when he restores our precious boys. As sure as we are that God put us together 9 years ago. That’s how sure we are that he is working on their restoration. Since they are both living the lifestyle they have a distorted view of biblical truth. And our prayer is that God brings them back to their first love God they both accepted him as their Savior when they were young. Never losing faith, thank you for the reminder.

  13. I will keep trekking up and down the mountain of prayer God. I know you are at work. I will see it at your perfect timing I trust you.

  14. I know God is working. I am overwhelmed right now with decisions about my church, praying also for children, one a prodigal and one who has lived overseas for 23 years, and other prayer requests that seem to be unheard at times. I know God listens and answers–thank you for this encouragement today.

  15. This could not have arrived at a more perfect time. Your emails are so inspiring as I always connect with your messages but this one was really poweful. I needed this today more than you’ll ever know. You are an inspiration.. Please pray for my daughter who is 40 with special needs as we struggle to find a resolution to reverse her bone loss without meds as she is to young to take those drugs. I look forward to reading your book. Thank you for always lifting me up.

  16. I know that our God is working. While I am waiting for my family to be healed and my son to return, He is changing me in ways I never would have dreamed possible. I will not give up and will wait on our Lord’s plan. Thank You Jesus!

  17. About 3 weeks ago, I heard the Lord clearly say, “Go eat.” It made no sense to me because, in the natural, I’d literally just eaten. So, I wrote the phrase in my online prayer journal, along with what I thought it meant: that a prodigal in my life would change their ways, especially their actions towards me…..that I’d be able to literally “go eat,” with this person, reconciling over a meal. Well, the following morning my mentors sent an email, unbeknownst to them, that contained a more obscure verse from 1 Kings 18:41, where Elijah tells Ahab, “GO EAT and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.” In my heart of hearts, I finally understood the command to, “Go eat.” God was telling me that there was a specific, supernatural grace annointing for prayers to be answered in this season. A day later, the sky opened up where I lived, and in the natural, a huge rainstorm blew through the area. “Go eat, the ‘famine’ is over, the rains are coming.” In other words, have peace for the manifestation of the promise you’ve been praying for to happen soon. Pray now, like ever before, for that situation in your life. God hasn’t forgotten. Thank you, Sharon, this posting is confirmation today!!

  18. Several family members that I have been praying for, but one in particular-my husband. Not everyday do I see a moment, action, or word that he does that I know has to be from God-as a reminder to me that while I don’t see a complete change God is working!

  19. I just confessed last night in my prayers I was feeling like my prayers were falling on deaf ears for my son. Then, I wake up and here in my inbox is this devo. God’s gentle reminder that He does hear me and He’s working in ways I cannot see or hear or fathom. I asked Him to help my unbelief…I know deep down He’s always working.

    1. Post
      1. Sharon I know God is working but sometimes I feel so alone. It’s the process … I guess that is where unwavering faith comes in “ Trust Him and lean not on my

        But it’s scary and hard when you are being attacked on so many levels.

  20. I know God is working. The disciples had to wait in Jerusalem until God’s Holy Spirit came, in force, on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2.

  21. Thank God for you, Sharon. Sharing your gift with us, is such a blessing to me. This word you have sent my way this morning was very much needed. Things are really hard for me and my daughter, but God is working on it. I believe that to be true. He has and will always be my devoted Father. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that fact. This morning was my reminder. Thank you again for your blessed word to me today. Be blessed.

  22. I know God is working even when my faith wanes & I don’t see results. Even when I want to throw in the towel I know deep in my heart HE IS WORKING

  23. Several years ago, after obtaining my bachelor dregree, I was looking for employment in other areas of the state I lived in (3 to 5 hours from where I currently live). For 2 years I was getting discouraged and disappointment set in. I want the countless job opportunities, but none of them panned out. Then a tragedy happened. My son died in a car accident. My friends and church family surrounded me with love, comfort and support. They were there to hug me, cry with me and just be there to listen. If I had moved away, I would have been all alone to grieve. Now when, I am struggling, I try to remember. God has a plan. There us a reason things are not working as I planned. I am forever grateful for God putting friends, family and church family into my life. God’s love, grace and mercy get me through the day and strengthens me.

  24. I know God is working and I also ask for him to strengthen my faith! I so needed this devotion as I continue to seek the path and opportunity to sell my house and be able to afford another closer than 6 hours from my daughters. Thankful, grateful, blessed and waiting for his timing!

  25. I know God is working! God hears my prayers. Bring my son to accept you as his shepherd in his life. Keep praying, prayers are powerful and look up do not give up on Hope! ! God will never leave us his promise is unbreakable. Amen

  26. I know God is working!! On target encouragement for today after praying on my knees for my son. We praise and honor you this day, Jesus! May you be glorified through our powerful testimonies. Amen.

  27. I know God is working even though I don’t see it right now. I’m believing He’s got everything under control and is telling me to JUST TRUST HIM!!!!!

  28. Thank you, Lord for this devotion this morning. I know you hear and I know you know the deepest desires of my heart. You are always moving, always working behind the scenes to further your will to give me a hope and a future.

  29. Keep praying indeed! I prayed for my grandson’s salvation for 30 years! On January 27, 2024, he called me out of the blue and told me he had just accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior!! I was the first person he called!!
    Never, ever give up!! GOD DID IT!

  30. As the song says: “Even when I can’t see it you’re working, even when I can’t feel it you’re working, You never stop, You never stop working!”

    Praise the Lord!

  31. I know and believe that God is working in my relationship with my daughters, healing my mental illness and MS.

    I feel Him. I hear Him telling me this. I do not get discouraged anymore. Small progress is noted with my relationship with my daughters. Great changes and progress in the mental illness and the MS is stable.

    Thank you my Heavenly Father I will praise you in the storms also!

  32. Amen! Praise be to GOD! I remember telling this story of the clouds to my dear not give up looking for HOPE for there is Hope and our Hope is found in JESUS CHRIST Alone.

  33. I know God is working on my sister application for a job offer snd Permanent residency 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  34. I know God is working.
    I was depressed and anxious all of my life. Now at 62, I feel like I am healed! The last 15 yrs were the toughest. Now that I am free of it for 6 months, I have had cancer for the second time, injured my back to the point where I can’t walk, my lungs are in crisis mode, trauma response is a daily occurrence in my brain and almost every part of my body has either been injured or diseased. I still consider myself “well” because severe depression is worse than any of those things. I praise God for healing me. It took 15 years a very severe depression and nausea. But I prayed. And other people prayed for me. And God was faithful to heal me. I sort of believe God was working through my intense pain. I don’t understand why it took so long. But I guess it’s only a small amount of time compared to eternity in wonderful heaven with my love of my life, Jesus.

  35. Dear Community of Sisters, I know God is working. He has taken everything from me and broken me and made me listen to him and I am still on the journey but often feel in deep waters still. I put and faith in Christ alone! I am still in a dry and weary land, between two gardens, but I am working on my relationship with myself and Jesus, I need him always in my life. My faith is growing daily but I don’t want to be discouraged so much every again, I want out!! I want Satan to leave me alone and I want God to guide my life and direct me into what he wants to do with me. I am your Lord, please help your sister Shelley as she strives to walk a new way and not look back. Thanks Lord for not shaming me and for being with me and giving me community and people to pray for and pray with. Please be with all of us Lord in this journey of Life and living out our purpose for you! Amen.

  36. The Lord is faithful! I know He is working in me and through me. I know He is working in the lives of my adult children. He is a covenant keeper throughout generation’s. Praise you Lord for working in all of our lives!! xoxo

  37. Am praying for my son who is about to graduate and there are some obstacles happening. But all I know is that God is working , he is never late or early but always on time

  38. I know God is working. What a word! God is indeed working. Over my family, over my children, over my husband, over my marriage, over my faith life, over my nation, over the works of my hands. Even though I can’t seem to see it now,; but the scripture says that that which is seen is temporal but that which is unseen is eternal. Glory be to God.

  39. I’m going through health issues that are unnerving. All I want is to be healed so I can see my daughter get married. I know that god is working and healing is on the way. I believe that he is walking with me through this. My healing is on the way.

  40. I know God is working. I can’t see it right now but I know He is working. Praying for my daughter and grandson. God is working!

  41. God is so good!!! As I was brushing my teeth today, I was telling God that I can’t even imagine what a relationship with my estranged son and daughter and 5 grandkids would look like. I’ve been praying for them for awhile now, but don’t see any signs of anything changing. When I pray for them, I also pray for God to change me and my heart so that “if” they come back, I’ll be ready with God’s heart for them. So, after I get breakfast and sit down at my computer to read my devotions, what should I see, but one from another Christian author/teacher that reminded me that God’s not done and then there was a prayer on Facebook about God’s timing and then there was this wonderful message from Sharon. I think God’s trying to tell me something! He’s not done until He’s done!! I was also reminded of a teaching we had at church from the Song of Solomon about God’s “left hand”–it’s the hand the Shulamite woman can’t see, but it’s doing something. We can’t see the cloud and we can’t see God’s left hand, but He’s working. Thank You, Lord, for the encouragement!!

    1. Thank you for sharing the teaching about the Shulamite woman. I have heard of her but didn’t know where to read about her. Do you know what chapter and verses?

  42. I know God is working and has worked because I was that person when my family was waiting for me to come back to Jesus and prayed for me and, when it seemed like to them it would never happen, as it took over 20 years, their prayers were finally answered…I surrendered my life back to Jesus! Praise God!! Now, after 25 years of serving Him, I have become that person who is praying for different ones in my life to come to Christ or come back to Him and I know for a fact that prayers do work no matter how long it takes!! Thank you God for your faithfulness in answering our prayers and loving me! Thank you Sharon for this word today, God Bless You richly!

  43. I have been praying for my husband Mike for 30 years. He says that he is saved, goes to church with us, and sometimes reads the Bible, but I don’t see any fruit of the spirit in his life. I don’t think he ever learned what true love is as a child because he grew up in a very dysfunctional and narcissistic home. I have been fervently praying for him for years and have tried to show him Jesus’s love , kindness abd forgiveness. It’s extremely discouraging as it almost seems like the more and harder i pray, the worse he acts. He pushes everyone away with his anger, sarcasm, negativity, insecurities, bitterness, and pride. I really need prayers for him and even for me and my children as how to live with him and handle him. I am asking Jesus to do what only He can do to open his blind eyes, soften his hard heart and bring conviction. Asking Jesus to break every stronghold!! Praying for true repentance and that Mike would become a new creation in Christ!!!
    I know nothing is too hard for God and I know He is working when we pray!!!!

  44. I know God’s working to restore me to good, natural sleeping, & getting rid of this horrible insomnia! I pray for healing & sleep every day! I keep my faith! Sometimes very hard when I feel so tired& exhausted! I will be 80 in June. Please pray for me to be able to travel to celebrate and see great grandchildren! Thank you

    1. Susan
      I found Psalm 4:8 which says
      “I will both lie down in peace and sleep;
      For you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”. I too have issues with my sleep pattern. I have been praying this just before bedtime and have slept the last 2 nights. 🙏😇
      God Bless you,
      Debbie L

    2. Praise God Sharon your a child of God even at the young age of 80. I also suffer with insomnia and understand all to well of the tired and sleepless nights. I will be 70 in August and pray that God will allow me to see 80. Everyday is a gift from God and I pray your able to go visit your family. I have this on my wall to remind me God doesn’t give us what we can handle, God helps us handle what we are given. God bless and be with you.

  45. For 2.5 years I’ve been waiting, but God IS working. Those who hope in the Lord and wait on Him are never disappointed or put to shame.

  46. I know God is working. Even when I’m hurt and don’t understand I will trust your timing. You are always on time not a minute late.

  47. Hi Sharon…your blog popped up from Crossmap today in my inbox (I’m on their bloggers list, too), and it really encouraged me today in my prayer life. Yes, I know intellectually that God is working, but there are so many moments of discouragement that crop up during years of prayer. You prompted me to remember God’s other answers–sometimes very long in coming–that prove His faithfulness to hear our pleas. Your words warmed my heart to persevere. Thanks much for sharing this hope.

  48. Even when I don’t see it, You’re working
    Even when I can’t feel it, You’re working
    You never stop, You never stop working
    Song by Michael w Smith “WAYMAKER” Luv it!
    I know God is working!

  49. I know He is working even when I don’t see it! Praying for salvation and restoration of my saved boys to return to the Lord. Never giving up!!! PRAISE THE LORD

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