It Rarely “Is What It Is”

Sharon JaynesTrusting God, When You Don't Like Your Story 36 Comments

I often hear people say, “It is what it is.” What they mean is, the situation is not going to change, so just accept it; get over it! Let me tell you why I don’t like the saying. “It” rarely is what “it” looks like it is. In fact, what we think the situation is, usually isn’t what it is at all.

The Old Testament story of Ruth and Naomi is a perfect example of something not being at all what it looks like it is. Because of a drought in their hometown of Bethlehem, Naomi, her husband and two sons, moved to Moab. Her sons married Moabite women, but in a ten-year period, all three men died. Naomi heard the famine in Bethlehem was over, so she decided to move back home. One daughter-in-law, Orpah, stayed behind, but the other, Ruth, insisted on going with her.

Naomi was so downcast and discouraged that her very countenance made her unrecognizable to those she had known before. When Naomi heard the whispers as she walked by, she stopped and said, “Don’t call me Naomi [which means pleasant]. Call me Mara [which means bitter], because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me. (Ruth 1:20–21)

I’ve heard the same resentment toward God in the voices of others experiencing disappointment and discouragement. I bet you have too. For some of us, the voice we heard was our own. I can almost hear her saying, “It is what it is!”

It may feel like God is on a long lunch break during our difficult chapters, but remember, He’s always working behind the scenes. He is the Almighty, the All-Sufficient One, whether or not we can feel it in the moment.

God’s hand was not against Naomi. He wasn’t intent on afflicting her, as she claimed. Naomi was so blinded by grief and bitterness she couldn’t recognize God’s gracious provision walking right beside her in the form of a Moabite girl whose name meant “woman friend.”

Once they arrived, she decided to go out and glean wheat behind the pickers—to gather the scraps others dropped while working. Even though she knew it would be dangerous for a Moabite woman to venture into an Israelite field, she took a chance in order to provide for herself and Naomi.

Okay, now, picture this. There must have been dozens of fields she could have picked. Pick a field, any field. She picked one, or did she?

As it turned out, she was working in a field belonging to Boaz, who was from the clan of Elimelek” (2:3 emphasis added). Another translation says, “Now she just happened to end up in the portion of the field belonging to Boaz, who was from the clan of Elimelech” (v.3 net, emphasis added).

She just happened to end up in Boaz’s field? I hope you don’t believe that for a minute. I can almost see God pointing her in the right direction. Boaz was Ruth’s deceased husband’s kinfolk; a relative Naomi had all but forgotten—though God hadn’t forgotten at all. He was working behind the scenes faster than those gleaners could bundle those sheaves.

In the end, Boaz became Naomi’s go’el, her kinsman redeemer, when he also became Ruth’s husband. Shortly after Boaz and Ruth were married, she conceived and bore a son who she named Obed. Obed became the father of Jesse, who became the father of King David, who was in the lineage of Jesus. So, “it is what it is” wasn’t what it was after all.

Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). That means that when we look at a situation and think “it is what it is,” we may have no earthly idea what God’s doing behind the scenes.

Heavenly Father, I’ll admit, I don’t know what is really going on behind the scenes of Your plan. I know that what I see with my eyes is not all there is to any situation. I trust that You are working out everything for my good, to grow me and shape me into the image of Your Son. And for that I am grateful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Do you have an example of God working behind the scenes in your life? If so, click on comment and let’s compare notes!

Digging Deeper

What if your worst chapters could become your greatest victories? I know that they can!

Many of us feel broken. Our mistakes, the pain others have caused us, and circumstances outside our control taunt us every day, though we

long to turn a new page. My book,  When You Don’t Like Your Story, challenges us to ask: What if God doesn’t want us to rip out our difficult stories but repurpose them for good?

In fact, the worst parts of your story might just be what God uses the most. The next chapter is just beginning.

Includes an in-depth Bible study for individuals and groups.

And moms don’t forget to check out my new hardcover devotional, Momma Moments with God! If you’re a grandmother, you know someone who needs this encouragement!

© 2024 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 36

    1. Me too sister!! Things just look weird and feel off…I’m expecting great things and I know He’s working behind the scenes for you and for me and for whosoever!!

  1. I’m in a situation where I’m waiting for God to move in my career. A move that I thought was from him and now I keep doubting. Guess what I keep saying? It is what it is. It’s easy for me to say trust God but so hard to believe when things are not moving like I want them to. I’m in a situation where I’m running out of time to give notice if I’m offered this job. I know it’s his timing but I’m losing patience. I’m going to stop saying it is what it is and trust that He is working.

  2. Beautiful devotional and so true. I believe with my total being that God works everything for our good. I have had many painful events in life that I thought would do me in at the time emotionally ( as we all have), including two devastating childhood strokes that left me handicapped throughout life and a painful divorce that I will never recover from, now, years later, I can see God’s perfect work in all the pain and much good has come from them.

  3. I got sick and became hopeless. I desperately sought God. I joined a Ladies Bible Study. Even joining I had a hard time believing that I was saved. There was this book by Neil Anderson called Victory over Darkness that I read. I was so inspired I wanted to meet Neil Anderson and have him pray over me and counsel me. I felt inadequate, hopeless, and unsalvageable. Through my attending this church on my island and the Ladies Bible Study I eventually graduated from college. It took me forever and all God’s doing. Then I was accepted to this University in Hawaii. I went there to further my education hoping to get my BA degree. Then i actually found a church where i was comfortable and saw God working mightily. I joined this ministry called Cleansing Streams. There I was able to come to an understanding that no matter what I did Jesus forgives me. I am salvageable and a child of God and a royal priesthood because of the Blood of Jesus and the cross. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. I am a part of the church because I confessed that Jesus is Lord and He is God. I came to the grips that I am saved once and for all. It’s how i finish the race that matters. So, years back I was hopeless and so doubtful but God made a way for me to understand that He overcame death and satan. satan has no power over me because Jesus is ALIVE! My cry to meet Neil Anderson was answered by Cleansing Streams. God just made me go to Hawaii on a mission to go to school but in reality to fully grasp the meaning of His gift of salvation and grace. I came back to my Island (home) and still attend the church where i joined the Ladies Bible Study. I am so Blessed to be attending this church. I would stray from the path but this church would bring me back to my senses and on the right path. I’ve matured in my faith over the years. I love Jesus more and Christianity more. If it weren’t for Jesus i wouldn’t be saved and understand that He came to earth to die for me. My past, present, and future sins are forgiven and forgotten. Only through Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the Life. ALL things are possible with God!

  4. My daughter left our home 9 months ago. I have only seen her once since she left. Our communication has been limited and in this time I have said I understand why Naomi said “call me Mara”. I have felt a hurt I’ve never known before. This past Sunday my husband and other daughter decided to go to a different church. As I worshiped the Lord gave me His name “El Shadai” God Almighty. I had no idea that at the end of service we would be “bumping” into my daughter. Oh the Love the Lord has for us is like no other. I am not Mara and neither was Naomi, it is just an expression of the hurt and pain we feel as humans. But the truth is that we have a God who hears our prayers, He cares for us. I want to ask if you could please help me pray for my daughter as she is still not home. But I believe more than ever that El Shadai is doing a work.

    1. I can SO relate. I lost all three of my daughters in five months. The oldest got married, the youngest who was 21 at the time did the same and it has broken me beyond words. We have no relationship at all, and my husband is her savior and best friend. I don’t know that we’ll ever have a relationship again and my husband has done nothing to help repair it. He blames me for everything and he’s also refusing to go to church. My middle daughter is living with the boyfriend and they both know better. My life is in shambles, and I don’t know what to do next. I hate this empty nest. My youngest should be here with us and enjoying life instead of running off and getting married and doing a lot of underhanded things. I’m in shock, honestly. I did not raise my other two like that.

    2. Praying for your daughter, even now. I understand. HE has got it under His protective hand. 🙂 The prayers of a righteous person are powerful & effective. Hugs to you today sweet Mom! j

  5. God took a four-year lunch break after I lost my job at a higher education institution. I applied for and interviewed for numerous jobs, but God never opened a door. During this time, I became clinically depressed. After a time, God brought healing with the right medication and therapy. He pulled me out of the miry clay and planted my feet on a firm foundation. God opened the door to a job that wasn’t in my field but it was a job. I kept applying and interviewing for jobs in my field. Finally about a year ago, He opened the door at another higher education institution! God is always on time!

    1. Wow, did this message come right on time for me today, so I thank you Sharon. Joanna, I appreciate you sharing your story. I can relate to it so much. I am in that very same situation right now. I lost my job 2 years ago because our contract wasn’t renewed. It has been a very scary emotional roller coaster for me. One day I’m very hopeful & the next days I fall into a deep depression. I worry about my finances & where will my next job come from. I have prayed earnestly crying out to God to please help me. I to have applied for so many jobs & have so many rejection emails, more than I can count. I went on interviews & the doors were not opened for me. I too am an educator & highly qualified but still am unemployed. I am trusting that God is working it all out for me behind the scenes, & will turn beauty from ashes for me. I know he is a right on time God. This is so hard for me, waking up everyday dealing with this same very hard problem. So I ask for prayers, that a breakthrough will come soon.🙏🏾

  6. I say the phrase… “it is what it is”. For myself… the meaning is… let go and let God. It helps me focus more on God and not so much on my circumstance! It is seeing and remembering His faithfulness… looking to what He may be up to in this instance of my life. He never fails me! 💜

    1. I so agree with you…almost like a ” coping mechanism” especially when the situation is so devastating and hurtful.

    2. Carin, I felt much better after reading your post. I use that phrase alot also. I use it the same way, that I can let it go and wait for God to work.
      We can choose to have joy in all circumstances, or we can be “bitter”. Either way the circumstances are still there, I choose joy if and when God works. I choose to serve and love Him!!!

  7. Thank you. I am in the mist of a financial storm. The only way I know to turn is to Jesus despite the voices of discouragement that I hear in my head. My reading your post is not an accident. It encourages me to wait on the lord and to know that he is a good, good Father. In the meantime, he is making like him. He is preparing me for the blessing. God bless you. Keep writing.

  8. It is 4am and i just read your article…
    A year ago, my husband of 30 years, had an affair. We are in the midst of trying to reconcile…but it is painful…mildly stated. I am not angry with God…He did not “do’ this. It would be easy to think ‘it is what it is’, yet up to this point I believe God is saying ‘stay, you don’t know all that I am doing…just stay’…there are days I wonder if I’m really hearing Him right…thank you for your reminder that no matter what, He is working on my behalf…He never slumbers…He is always busy…
    I want Him to be glorified in the ashes of my life…I just don’t want to get in His way. 💓

    1. Nancy, the Lord healed our marriage after the same problem. Yes the time of pain and reconciliation was long and hard, but through the faithfulness of God and a Christian marriage therapist, our marriage was healed and restored. Twenty years later, we are still so thankful for God’s faithfulness. I will be praying for you.

    2. Praying for you Nancy ♥️ Inspired by your devotion to the Lord… I always think of Hosea- how He continued to stay faithful to a repeatedly faithless wife and how so much glory and beauty came from that devotion to God and to her. May the enemy be crushed under your feet and May you rise up with new strength from the Father above! God bless you!

  9. Thought this was very awesome! Made me think about .my trails and difficulties differently. God turned them into victories. Amen, thank you Jesus

  10. I can so relate to this story. Having just lost my husband (not really because I feel certain of where he is.) I sometimes yield to the wondering of my purpose as a 69 year old widow. In a marriage of 47 years, he was my life. Even so much of my relationship to The Lord was shared with him. I know God has called me to share “My Story”. Now I just daily wait for His DAY BY DAY instructions. Thank you for your ministry.

  11. I needed this today. My husband is declining with dementia. My daughter has had 5 surgeries this year and not doing well mentally. I am very tired and needed this reminder today.

  12. I remember back to when I was working a full commission job designing kitchens. One day my boss held a sales meeting & stated that while our prices were being raised, our rate of commission was being decreased. We would just have to sell more to make the same amount of money we were accustomed to. My fear filled & anxiety ridden heart cried out to God at this unfairness, all for the sake of my boss making more money at his employees expense. Didn’t he realize or even care that I was the major wage earner in my family?

    After many, many tears and anguished times of prayers, God led me to the book of Ruth, then to chapter 2, verses 9 & 12, NASB. These were Boaz’s words to Ruth as she gleaned his fields for food. “Keep your eyes on the field. May the Lord reward your work, and may your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”
    That became my very own personal prayer that I clung to & repeatedly cried out to God over the next years, praying that this would be truth in my life also. Oh how I hid under His wings for comfort and refuge.

    As our commission was only settled up every 6 months, it took over a year to see the results of this drastic change in my family’s finances. Needless to say, God was faithful to His Word while He was also building up my faith and drawing me closer to Himself. My pay not only didn’t decrease, it increased! Praise His Holy name!

    I cannot explain it, as it doesn’t sound plausible in our earthly realm, but God made it a reality in my life. I now tell everyone this story when I hear of a financial hardship they are going through. So the message of Ruth is being shared with many, to encourage them and give them hope through her and my stories, and the faithfulness of our God.

    1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story, Joyce. I will pray your prayer, I have a job, but I change jobs also and would like to stop that and settle into one….but again, God will do what He wants to do

  13. I needed this reminder. I’m struggling right now. My husband is in the hospital after emergency colon surgery. We were supposed to leave for Yellowstone for our anniversary on Sunday. Now that plan and other plans are shattered. I feel like my life is falling apart right now. I’m trying to see God behind the scenes, but it’s hard.

    1. Trust Him Jennifer!
      He is our Sovereign Lord and will part the waters and calm the storm for you!🙏🕊🙏
      Praying the Holy Spirit/ comforter surrounds you with His perfect peace right now in Jesus precious name!

  14. I saw God move in a powerful way more than once but the most profound scenario still leaves me in awe! I spent 6 years without my children due to poverty. In those 6 years God worked on my heart, brought me a very Godly man and brought my boys back to me!

  15. I too often say “it is what it is”, but I”m going to change my words and say “God is working”! God works in wondrous ways, some I will not see until I get to heaven. He recently healed a little girl in my church, and for that I am grateful! She was able to go to church camp this week with 39 other kids and they all had a wonderful time! Praise the Lord!

  16. This is an on-time message – Lord, please help my unbelief. Thank you for reminding me that you are ALWAYS working behind the scenes on my behalf, and for the ones I love.

  17. In all my ways I acknowledged Him and He has directed my paths. Was it easy? No! But I’m so thankful I did. I’ve seen wonderful blessings.

  18. Sharon, I really needed this one today. I am an below the knee amputee for 9 years
    now. In January of this year I got an really bad infection in my residual limb and was
    taken to St.Mary’s hospital at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. I was so sick I didn’t even know I was sick. Had it not been for my husband I would have died. I was not concious for 4 days. God sent me to the best hospital in the world with the best Drs. in the world. I was there for 3 weeks and in a skilled nursing facility in Rochester for the rest of 2 months. It wasn’t a good thing and I almost died. But you have to know something about me. GOD HAS GIVEN ME A HUGE LOVE FOR PEOPLE! A HUGE LOVE! I met so many awesome people from all over the world, literally. I was able to share my love and Jesus in my life with all of them in one way or another. The unsettling thing to me was so many people told me how “nice” I was. They said there were so many mean people they had to deal with. That broke my heart. I don’t consider myself special compared to other people and I don’t tell you what they said about me to make me look good. But the way we treat people makes such a huge difference. I even had my amputee Dr. tell me how nice I was, even to the new nurse that checked me in for my appointment. So listen to me. People are watching and they notice how we treat people, even if it’s not them we are talking to. We can make such a difference for Jesus. We don’t have to go through the plan of salvation to witness but we witness by how we treat each other. I’m still having some problems with my leg and I have been having a pity party. Reading this has turned that around. Now I’m ready for God to use me in the situation I’m in to reach others for His glory! THANK YOU FOR BEING FAITHFUL AND SHARING WHAT GOD HAS PUT ON YOUR HEART TO WRITE! He is using you for His glory Sharon! Please keep doing what you’re doing Sharon! You make a difference!

  19. Years ago, our daughter and son-in-law told us they weren’t interested in having a baby. Sadly, this stayed with me for years. My Pastor’s wife said “you don’t know what God has planned.” Years later, they are proud parents of our granddaughter Kenzie. God IS faithful and He has the final say.

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