If You Feel Like a Hot Mess, You’re Not Alone!

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Enough, Identity in Christ, Living Free 33 Comments

Sometimes I feel like such a mess, I wonder what God even wants with me. And then He reminds me that ALL His children are a mess in one way or another.

A common theme throughout Scripture is overcoming failure.

  • Abraham passed his wife, Sarah, off as his sister because of fear (Genesis 12 and 20). Lot failed to stand up for what was right and offered his daughters to immoral men (Genesis 18-19).
  • Jacob betrayed his father and stole his brother’s blessing (Genesis 27).
  • Moses struck the rock twice in anger when God commanded him to speak to it (Numbers 20:11).
  • Aaron gave into peer pressure and made a golden calf (Exodus 32).
  • Miriam had a bout of jealousy and tried to usurp her brother’s God-appointed position (Numbers 12).
  • Jonah hopped on a boat and headed in the opposite direction when God called him to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1:1-3).
  • Samson fell for the whims of a Philistine woman and gave away the secret to his strength (Judges 16).
  • David committed adultery and murder and then tried to cover it up (2 Samuel 11).

You know what’s amazing? Most of these men and women are listed as people of great faith who “conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies” (Hebrews 11:33-34, emphasis added).

We have a great cloud of witnesses who can identify with failure. We are never alone in that regard.

Oh, friend, failure doesn’t have to be fatal or final.

During a time of failure, the enemy will tell you to quit trying, that you’re hopeless, worthless, and powerless to succeed.

Don’t believe him. Reject the lie and replace it with truth.

  • “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).
  • “I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13 NLT).
  • God said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Learn from your failure under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, and then move on. Nothing makes the devil madder than a child of God who fails, gets back up, and tries again with the power of God moving him or her forward.

God, help me to learn from my mistakes and move on. Help me not to get stuck in the mire of my mistakes, the senselessness of my sin, or the remorse of my regret, but to move forward with the reassurance of Your complete forgiveness, mercy, and grace. I don’t deserve it. I thank You for it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What is one lie that you’ve been telling yourself about yourself and God’s truth that negates it? Leave a comment and let’s share.

Digging Deeper

Do the voices in your head tell you that you are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or just not enough, period? If so, it’s time to stop listening to the lies that sabotage your confidence and start embracing the truth of your true identity in Christ. It’s time to overcome the lies of the enemy with the promises of God.

Enough: Silencing the Lies that Steal Your Confidence exposes the lies that keep you bogged down in guilt, shame, and insecurity. By recognizing the lies, rejecting the lies, and replacing the lies with truth, you’ll be able to:

  • silence the voice inside that whispers you’re not good enough
  • accept God’s grace and no longer allow past failures to define you or confine you
  • be preloaded with the truth to fight insecurities
  • walk in the surefootedness confidence of God’s unconditional love
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Comments 33

  1. Yes, all sooo true. When I feel this way, I use Jesus’s own words: “Get behind me Satan” for I know I am a daughter of the most High God!
    Through the Graces of God, I am able to get back up and continue to fight the good fight🙏💗🙏
    It isn’t easy on your own, but with the help of our Dear Lord and Surrender to His “Will”….trials become more manageable and in some cases, trials trials are less burdensome. 💝

  2. I have always been hard on myself since a small child. I didn’t have the encouragement from home. I never went to college and didn’t think I do anything. God has put me in a place where I never thought I would be.

  3. The one lie that I go through everyday is that I’m unsalvageable and that I’m not worth it. I also am depressed with how I look. I was growing up like a butterfly until I went to the other side of the world and my life changed. Instead of being a butterfly, I turned into a cockroach. I feel unworthy and would think back to the past. But I believe that God is with me during my days of being a cockroach and now I’m turning into a dragonfly. God brought friends into my life who are helping me see my worth and see that I’m salvageable.

    1. Precious friend, I’m here to tell you that God loves you and he never sees you as anything other than his dear child. Our God can take nothing and make something beautiful out of it. He can take what you see as a mess in your life and make something beautiful out of it. God is full of grace and mercy for you. By God’s grace keep on moving. When the enemy tells you to quit, you know that you are on the right pathway headed for blessings and many more blessings.

  4. The lie I have believed most of my adult life is that I am insignificant and worthless as a single woman.
    I have recently accepted the Truth of Scripture which says I am God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He predestined for me to do, whether single or married (Ephesians 2:10).

    1. 🫂. I felt that way for so long as well! THEN I found this amazing Bible study JUST for single women! I wore that book and study guide out! And it eventually made me so happy and content JUST where I was…. and single! It took awhile but I kept on doing and studying that book and it was awesome! It is called Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall. If you decide to try it I pray it blesses you! No matter what though I’m praying for you and that God guides you and helps you become CONTENT and satisfied in your life . God bless you! 🙏

  5. That I am not good enough and deserving of God’s grace and love because of my repeatedly mistakes. My deep desire is to live for Him but at times I get weak…..

  6. Thank you Sharon for this today!
    I have always struggled with thinking I’m not good enough to measure up to God’s standards. One of Satans many lies. But I keep”pressing on”!
    God Bless you all sisters in Christ!

  7. This is so meaningful to me today. I have been really struggling with self-confidence and worth. I started a new job doing something very foreign to me. It is so intimidating going into something when you are used to being on top. I know God put me in this position to learn and grow and to show me how to trust in him. It’s a process but I am so grateful for it. Thank you, lord, for making me a hot mess because it has taught me to trust you.

    1. Amy, I’ve never responded to someone’s comment before this, but what you wrote reminds me of a preach years ago about the inroads of the enemy. Essentially, if it works, he’ll keep at it. Eventually it becomes a well worn path. I’m praying for you that you will find the tools to shut that lie down, “Satan, I am a child of the most high God, and you have no authority here. Jesus…could you please take care of this?” The enemy will try something else, but he needs to get off of that inroad he’s been on. Praying for you…and me, too, because I also have to deal with his inroads

  8. This is really speaking to me, Yesterday was one failure after another. The voice said I was no good, dumb and this is my life. I am struggling but I keep on pushing.

  9. I have always believed the lie that I am not good enough, not worthy of love, unless I am perfect. I believed that lie growing up as I strive for perfection to keep my parents from divorce. This has followed me my entire life, and although I have a husband who loves me and would never leave me, I still believe this lie. Oh how I need to trust in God’s word that he loves me and I am enough the way he made me.

  10. I have always struggled with I am not good as everyone else. I have to keep praying and reminding myself that God is there for me and I need to listen to him.. I always go back to the verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” I have made mistakes but I know God has forgiven me.
    Thank you for the beautiful reminder I needed this today!

  11. We are loved regardless of our past. Thank you God for continued favor and grace. God let me continue on as I walk daily to be better and walk forward from my past mistakes.

  12. I’ve struggled with feelings of being worthless and feeling alone. My husband and I are unequivocally yoked. I have 3 children. My youngest will come with me sometimes but her dad has given her permission not to come to church if she doesn’t want to. I do lean into scripture that God is in control he knows my family’s heart. I pray daily that he would reveal himself to my family.

  13. I’m now in therapy to work out some childhood trauma again! Thought I had finished this years ago but somehow, the death of my Dad last October combined with sibling conflicts regarding the memorial services triggered me into quite a depression.
    I’m making progress but it feels like one step forward, 2 steps back. I don’t really want to be reliving my childhood issues but need to prevent them from affecting my present and my marriage. I’m just feeling very challenged.
    Thank you for the reminder of biblical people who were used so greatly by God even after they did such horrific things, especially murder! That’s very reassuring.
    I find myself going back to Psalm 139 lots.
    I also love to read your card, Sharon “MyTrue identity in Christ”. when I get down. Very encouraging.
    Thank you for being here and your ministry!

  14. Sometimes I need to remember not to fall into the comparison mode. I will compare my life to other people’s and realize this is not healthy. I know within my heart God believes I am enough so accept His love, forgiveness and grace. My purpose in life is a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a daily walk with Him through the peaks and valleys of life.

  15. I have been married and divorced multiple times, with my current marriage on the rocks. I have idolized my marriage and the success or failure of it, to define my worth. I believed the lies that the end result was all my fault and I can’t ever get it right. Nobody wants to stay with me.

    The truth is I have not had boundaries and lost myself in each and every relationship. Even to forsake my relationship with God. Now in desperation, I have reached out, not isolated. I have sought wise counsel, fellowship with other believers, and clung to my faith rather than my own strength and understanding. As I prayed for my husband to change God revealed my idolatry of him and my marriage. I know God LOVES marriage and unity, and HE always wants us to protect our hearts from evil while letting HIM work in our weakness!!! The trial I count in JOY. When deliverance comes ALL glory goes to Jesus Christ!!!

  16. The main lie I’ve had running through my head my whole life is that I’m just not good enough, I’ve felt this way starting when I was a little girl. The other three that go hand in hand with that one- I don’t measure up, I’m not worthy, I’m a failure.
    I hope to read your book sometime. I believe it was no coincidence that I found your ministry. Thank you so much and this devotion was just what I needed to read. I’m thankful God lead me here.

  17. I makes the wrong decision and I get so frustrated with myself, but I realize that I’m not alone and I ask forgiveness because I’m a child of the most high God. I need this, thank you so much 🙏🏽

    1. Post
  18. Thank you! I needed to hear this today. As a Grandmother in her 70’s trying to raise her grandchildren, I seem to alternate between praying that God will use me in a mighty way to be a positive influence on their lives to despairing that I am too old and no longer have the energy or stamina to raise children. Your encouragement is a Godsend!
    I was heartbroken when Girlfriends in God decided to not continue but I quickly signed up to receive weekly emails from all three of you. Sadly it seems that I have been abandoned by all but you. Thank you for your faithfulness in sending hope and encouragement!

  19. Thank you, Sharon, for addressing this topic,

    This is a great message, and I have to remember, not to doubt myself. I have to stay in God’s word, and not be my own fault finder. Since, I am a child of the most high, and with Christ in me, no deficit has a place!.
    We are so Blessed!!

  20. I got up this morning after making some pretty tough decisions. I’ve had this in my email for several days. I felt led to read it this morning. It wreaked me!! Last year the Lord brought me to a place of brokenness. I felt like I was going crazy.A hot mess! I wasn’t sure what the root of it was. As he began to pull up the root,I realized I had to come clean to my husband over my hidden past. I had to look in his eyes and tell him of multiple affairs I had over 20 years ago. God wouldn’t let me get away with hiding anymore. I instantly came back to myself and felt closer to God than ever. My husband, however was just punched in the gut. He is a strong Godly man but this has overwhelmed him. We both started drinking as a way to suppress I’m sure. He is out of town right now and I had plans on drinking while he was gone. God spoke to me. He told me to dump that out and trust him. So, I did!! Then I read this and my new study is in the book Lamentation. God is on time!! The enemy will tell me I can’t do it. But I have a Daddy that will make sure I do. I am greatful He doesn’t give up on us.

    1. JC…What a trust you have place in God! That’s amazing. I will pray for you and your husband to be able to work through this. I am proud of you for listening to God and not drinking when you were overwhelmed. I wish I knew what else to say, but your story has brought tears to my eyes and I don’t know why.

  21. Juselda
    MARCH 14, 2024 1;51 pm

    I’M in a tight Spot Right Now And I know It is The Power Of God With Is Mercy That Is keeping

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