Harry called it a dune buggy. I called it a death trap.
My friend, Harry, invited me and some of my friends for a ride over beach sand dunes in his big wheel jeep. I like sand. I like rides. Sounded like fun. It was not.
We buckled in and Harry revved up the engine. We did not ride over the sand dunes; we flew. Bouncing. Jostling. Screaming. Crying for him to slowdown. All the while, Harry laughed and had a good ole time, mainly because he was the one controlling the steering wheel.
One thing I learned that day, besides don’t get in a jeep with Harry, was that you need big tires to go off road over big hills and deep valleys.
Likewise, you need big faith to leave the well-paved highway of religion, where the masses travel along listening to Pandora and tootling along.
Jesus often taught about little faith and big faith. When the disciples panicked because the winds and the waves on the Sea of Galilee were too much for them to handle, Jesus said, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” (Matthew 8:26 NIV). He said those same words several other times as well (Matthew 6:30, 14:31).
When Jesus talked about “little faith,” He wasn’t talking about the amount of faith a person is given but the size of the faith a person has. Paul wrote that we are all given “a measure of faith” (Romans 12:3 NKJV). They had a measure of faith given to them, but they hadn’t exercised it. It was still small.
For example, we are all born with a certain number of muscles. We don’t get more muscles; they just get bigger. A person who exercises his or her muscles has bigger, stronger ones than those who don’t. Likewise, we have been given a certain amount of faith. We don’t need more faith to experience God’s power in a big way, we need to exercise and strengthen the faith we already have.
Right before the disciple’s Galilean Sea experience, they had heard Jesus preach the Sermon on the Mount, watched Him cleanse a leper’s skin, heal a centurion’s son, and take away Peter’s mother-in-law’s fever. THEN, they got in the boat to go to the other side and had a panic attack.
You and I might be thinking…If I saw Jesus do all that, I’d have big-tire off-road faith. But that wasn’t true for the Israelites in the Old Testament or the disciples in the New. And I wonder if it would be true for me and you.
Maybe we’ve got it backwards. Rather than If I saw more miracles, I would have more faith we should flip it around to If I had more faith, I’d see more miracles.
And how do I have, not more faith, but bigger faith?
By exercising the faith that I do have.
By believing that God is Who He says He is and will do what He says He will do.
By trusting that God is always working.
By believing that God is for us.
By taking risks to obey when we’re scared.
By standing on the truth of Scripture.
By praising God when we might not feel like it.
By practicing, lifting, stretching.
If Harry invited me to go off-road in his jeep again, would I do it? Absolutely not! However, when Jesus invites me to go off-road with big faith, off the well-paved path where believers for centuries have traveled mundane, mediocre, safe-faith roads, I’m all in.
LORD, help me to exercise my faith to make it grow bigger and stronger. Show me the ways I’ve played it safe on the well-paved path of milquetoast faith rather than living the adventurous faith I was made to live. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
What is one way you are going to exercise big faith today? Leave a comment and let’s share.
Are you ready for the mountain-moving, giant-slaying faith that God intended all along? Then check out my book, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let God, Move Forward, Live Bold and discover the untapped sources of confidence and courage that God has already place in you. You can do it! I know you can.
This book includes a Bible study guide in the back and is perfect for group studies.
Holly Gerth said this about Take Hold, “Get ready to have your world rocked in a way that will make you never want to go back to the way things were before.”
Comments 31
Thank you, Sharon. This devotion was just the encouragement I needed to hear. The analogy of building our muscles to building the faith we have been given helped me understand Romans 12:3 where it speaks of God giving each of us a measure of faith. I had been trying to understand that. I look forward to your devotions each week. God is using them to encourage me and help me grow. May God bless you and your work.
I agree this devotion was just what I needed today because of my anxiety and doubts thank you Sharon for your reminders and support
I need to have big faith today At 10:00 am EST. I had a knee replacement & going to physical therapy is very very painful. Any prayers are appreciated to get the range of motion needed & tolerate the pain. I pray to focus on Jesus & not take my eyes off Him during these sessions.
You can do this!! I myself had a knee replacement. 2 years ago. My Doctor told me to do what I could while at therapy but don’t let the therapy push me, only do what you can do. After that finally sank in, I told the therapist , I’m going to do what my body will allow. So just take a breath, and only do what Laura can do. So what if it takes you a little longer to recoop, you’ll get there. You’ve Got this and God has you. You’re in the best hands. God will never fail you!
You’ve got this, sending prayers for your physical therapy to go well. 🙏
I’m going to trust God to help me through my separation from my alcoholic husband and trust he will provide for me and my son.
You have a beautiful gift for taking the words in the Bible that we have heard forever and giving them new meanings. Thank you for sharing your gift
This devotion is so powerful n so true!! I went into this year wanting to draw closer to God n all is has for us!! My faith is so much stronger n I know he lives in me!! So grateful for the all God is!! Declaring the name of Jesus n Thanking Jesus I have been able to see the healing powers within me!!! I Believe 🙏🙏🎉🥰
Exercising BIG FAITH, as my 30 yr marriage is imploding, so much pain and hurt to work through.
Oh Tia, I am so very sorry for the pain you are experiencing. I will be praying for you to know God’s love in a deeper way. I can say from experience that He has a firm and loving grip on you and will never let you go. I went through the loss of my marriage a few short months before our 30th year almost 9 years ago. It was a painful road, but I can say that through it I saw God’s love and faithfulness in a whole new way. He drew me closer to Himself in a way I had never experienced and taught me to forgive when there is no repentance. I also learned to let myself grieve the loss. It is a hard road and it takes time to process all the pain, but He will be with you. Looking back now, I continue to see God’s loving hands holding me fast all those years. Praying for your tender heart in this and that God will surround you with loving, godly people to support you in this time. 🙏🏼♥️
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm— He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”
Psalms 121:1-8
Hang in there Tia, I went through that 30 year marriage and if it hadn’t been for the strength, peace and Love from the Lord I wouldn’t have made it. But He gave me great, great strength to show me how to take care of me and not to worry about anyone else.
Tia I am so sorry for the pain you are experiencing. My husband left after 27 years of marriage & 4 years of dating. I was devastated, but never gave up on God because He never gave up on me. This was 28 years ago and when I look back I see God right beside me in every way. It brought me closer to God, and to people in my life who brought me closer to Him. Read Julie’s response because it is right on. Just look around in all aspects of your life. God is right beside you. God bless you.
God thank you for your calming word. I know that you are with me and by faith everything will come to pass. 2/25/25. K.Johnson,RN
Great reminder of trusting God to grow BIG
Thank you Sharon for this reminder today!
It’s easy to have faith when things are going my way, but I will admit that when the trials come my faith wavers! I don’t want it to, but it does and then I’m on my knees and in scriptures to give it all to God! This came at a good time, because my husband is giving up his part time job he has had for the last 3 yrs. We are seniors ( he is 72 and I am 71). We only have our social security (no 401s, or extra income coming in), except this 3 day part time job he has been working (it helps pay the bills)
We are paying on 2 houses and have little left over after all that! I have walked with Jesus since I was 13 yrs old and and know He has been with me. My husband on the other hand has not, he goes to church with me but has never been born again! I’m asking for prayer that Jesus would be real to my husband and that God will supply all of our needs according to His riches and Glory!
I know that He can!🛐🙏
God Bless you and your ministry!
Thank you for teaching me how to take hold of my faith through your book! Especially learning that God is always at work — even when I can’t see it or join Him. I think on that often!
I absolutely agree – the more we walk with God the more we see His miracles and also how He wants to use me!!! Years ago I asked God to let me see him as he walks with me not in the past but the present and he has done that! It makes me smile everyday seeing his work! Thank you for sharing this!!!
I have big faith, in Jesus’s name! Thank you, Sharon, I needed that.
I’m going to exercise BIG FAITH by trusting that God has already made a way for me to be assigned to a school I will love & succeed as I complete my practicum for a principal certification program I’m in. I’m going to exercise BIG FAITH that God blesses me to have balance & boundaries with self care, helping others & my school & work life, in Jesus mighty name I pray, AMEN and AMEN! 🙏🏾
Instead of praying “God, what do you want me to do for you?” I prayed “God what are your plans for my life?” I am now stepping out in faith to a great job opportunity in South Carolina. I am from Wisconsin. I know no one in South Carolina. All my family and friends are in Wisconsin. I have such peace about the move that I know it comes from God.
I hope to memorize scriptures and to be in His Word more often, and work on my prayer relationship with God.
I am exercising BIG faith as I am trusting God‘s path in my marriage after finding out January 2024 that he does not believe in the Bible or God! I knew something was off as I wasn’t seeing fruit, but I never expected those words to come out of his mouth. I felt so betrayed. He had been going through the motions for years. Our marriage is imploding for other reasons as well, but we’re now not even on the same page spiritually. In addition to trying to repair the relationship, I’m navigating what I thought was a biblical union with the reality that I’m married to an unbeliever, I have prayed every day since January 7, 2024 for his salvation. He expresses no interest in getting to know the Lord. My heart breaks for him, but I choose to stay on God’s path and focus on my blessings.
Trusting that The path God has led me to to not only set boundaries but to guard them is the merciful thing to do. For not only me but the people who refuse to pay attention to them.
My daughter has debilitating Long COVID. She is only 34, but has to use a walker and a scooter to get around due to muscle fatique and weakness. I am going to pray with BIG faith that God will heal her from this awful condition and that all the glory will go to Him.
I have put myself out there at my church and asked the women’s group to join in my 40-40 challenge for Lent. I have kept them at arms’s length but I am putting my faith in God to start new relationships. I am not very good at new relationships and I have been in the mindset that I have enough friends and people are messy. I do not need new friends. God does not see it that way so I took the leap and the announcement will be made at church this Sunday.
Thanks Sharon,
I have had many new changes in my life lately and I am putting my faith in God. I am alone now since my husband passed. I prayed about a different position at work and told God if it wasn’t his will then I wouldn’t get it, I didn’t sleep many nights because I wasn’t sure I wanted it. I did get it. I am trying to figure out how to get rid of my husbands stuff so I can hopefully,” God’s will” move and be closer to my family. That also means selling and finding another house. I just went to the Dr and he said my ankle is not doing good I might need surgery. I don’t have medical pay because I’m not sure if it’s from work or from getting older. I’m praying for God’s will and peace that it will only need a brace, but I’m trying to give it to God. I’m praying for Faith in what God wants for me everyday and it’s been rough.
Thanks, the Lord bless you!
I’m going have big faith that today will be a day of peace and kindness as my family gets together to help my father.
Thankyou Sharon
I have typed up the list of bigger faith, this so good!!!
The lord is already with us, keep the faith!! We are so blessed!!
What a great way to look at the faith that we have already been given by God. Exercise those muscles of faith and watch God grow them!
Thank you, Sharon.
great devotion, we are studying faith in our adult Sunday school class and this really helps to explain what it means to have faith and use it.
I’m working toward the fulfillment of a dream that I felt God gave me years ago. Sometimes I doubt that I understood correctly; other times I receive affirmation and continue to press on. Those actions you highlighted in blue near the end of your post are sure to strengthen my faith that God will fulfill his purpose, whether it takes the shape of that dream or another, better plan he’s had all along. I’m going to copy those actions on a card and keep it in my journal. Thank you Sharon!