God, What Do You Want from Me?

Sharon JaynesChristmas Inspiration 149 Comments

As we are headed into a New Year, perhaps, like me, you’re wondering what God really wants from you this year. But I wonder…could we be asking the wrong question?

Could it be that we have made our relationship with God far too difficult? We strive so hard to draw closer to the heart of God. And all the while, God’s outstretched hand is reaching to draw us in. Psalm 46:10 reads, “cease striving and know that I am God” (NASB).

Cease striving.

For over a half of a century, I had been striving, pursuing, and seeking God. And like a cat chasing her tail, I had been going in circles. Circling in the wilderness with the Israelites, if you will. Saved from slavery, for sure. Headed to my own personal Promised Land, hopefully. But somehow stuck in the wilderness wandering ever circling but not quite reaching Jordan’s shore.

And I am not alone. Statistics show that one of the top desires of Christians is to grow closer to God. During a recent poll, sixty-five percent said they were declining or on a plateau in their spiritual growth.

On the other hand, Peter wrote: “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). We have everything we need to experience the ever growing, continually maturing, abundant life, so why aren’t we? Why are most of us languishing on the desert plateaus of mediocrity and complacency? Why are most of us satisfied munching on the predigested truths of teachers rather than pulling up to the banquet table and feasting with God at a table set for two?

The travesty is that we allow the busyness of life to crowd out the Source of Life.

“God, what do you really want from me?” 

I’ve pondered that question since the genesis of my relationship with Christ. Perhaps you have too. When you boil down all the water from the diluted soup of questions men and women have simmered in their heart through the centuries, this is the one question left in the pot. And somehow, we feel that if we could answer that one question, we would discover why that glory ache persists and how to satisfy our yearning.

I had asked the question a thousand times, but one frosty January morning, I got quiet enough to listen. And then, in the stillness, He showed me that I and my busy sisters have been asking the wrong question.

Rather than ask God what He wants from us, we need to ask Him what He wants for us.

I meditated on Acts 17:28 throughout the following year after the day God whetted my appetite with the possibilities wrapped up in those eight little words. I came to realize that what He wants for us is to sense His presence, experience His love, and delight in intimate relationship as we live and move and have our being in sacred union with Him.

And when we do, He opens our eyes to His glory all around and the ache for something more is soothed.

Let’s make 2025 a year when we open our eyes to see and our ears to hear. It’s what He wants for us.

God, what do you want for me today? Open my eyes to see and ears to hear. Show me glimpses of Your presence as I live and move and have my being in you. And help me not to miss it! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you are willing to change that from me to for me, leave a message and say, I’m all in!

Digging Deeper

If you’ve ever asked, “God, what do you want from me?” then this book is for you. Learn what God wants, not from you but for you in the pages of A Sudden Glory: God’s Lavish Response for Your Ache for Something More.”

Grow deeper. See Him. Hear Him. He’s waiting.




© 2024 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 149

    1. I’m all in ! Your words and God’s holy Word have truly spoken to me in this devotional. Thank you for starting my year out in these truths ! May God continue to bless you and each of us as we want to be “All in”!

      1. Post
  1. This is so simple but meaningful..thinking of what does god want for us can be a bit scary and a bit exciting too…when we have faith and surrender to god he can reveal his plans to us..for me in 2025 I feel God has exciting plans for me..just accepted a job in a Christian school and after 10 years God has called me to preach again..it’s going to be an exciting journey with God..

  2. I feel I am the end with God. I feel as though I can’t take one more step. I am 66 and feel I missed it, I am too old and have nothing left to offer. So if I am in and wrong, I am no worse off.

    1. Christine, I know your pain. Over the past few years, I have found a way to make myself smile. I smile at strangers. I say, “good morning (afternoon or evening).” To see the response from strangers is, most of the time, smile or say, “Thank you”. THAT makes my heart happy. Very Happy. I believe that God is smiling, too. I ask you to just try it for a few days. If it doesn’t work for you, ask God to show you what HE wants you to do or say. I AM A CHILD OF GOD.

    2. Trust me, I know what you mean. But encourage yourself in the LORD like King David did when he was in trouble (1 Samuel 30:6). Remember, remember, remember His faithfulness throughout your life. And do not compare yourself with others. Each soul is unique. God loves you just as you are. May His comfort, favor, love, peace, and face shine upon you.

    3. You are never too old, Christine! Remember Simeon and Anna – both “old” but used by God in the temple to declare that the baby Jesus was the messiah (Luke 2). God will continue to use us all the days of our lives. Don’t listen to the enemy of your soul. He is a liar and wants nothing more than to drag you down and make you believe that God can’t use you. God bless you. I’m praying he will show you your worth in his eyes and how he will use you yet for his kingdom!

    4. Christine, first of all I’d like to say thank you for your honesty and openness. Secondly, we are never too old to learn. Your age gives you the advantage of teaching and sharing life experiences with others. Young people do love to her about “back in the day”. Tap into God’s word and promises, join with another women to pray with you and walk life with you. God’s ears are waiting to hear from you.

    5. Christine,
      I feel what you are saying, however God still wants to use you and me. Sister I am 70 years old and the devil is coming for me at every angle. I’ve been diagnosed with several health problems but this is not the end of me for my Great physician has a plan for me and I will use this for the glory of God.
      I’m in!!!! God is our stronghold he has his hands stretched out saying come to me and I will give you rest. Oh Christine you have so much to give! Be all in and see what wonders God has for you.
      Your sister in Christ,

    6. You are not too old for God to use you. This is a lie of the enemy.
      Cry out to God and tell Him how you are feeling. He cares about you.

    7. God wanted for you and for me to read this devotion and for both of us to say “I’m all in”. I’m not exactly sure how that looks day to day but I’m sure it just means we have to wake up each day and intentionally look forward to what God has in store for us. He will show us His love and compassion often in the simplest things. All we have to do is be ready to see and hear what he is doing amidst the chaos. I wish us all a new year filled with hope, trust, faith and complete surrender to God.

  3. Already an email subscriber
    3am I Awakened with so many things & people to pray for this year and… write my own fresh NY prayer list
    Then I chuckled when I had finished writing my what do you want from me list
    Changed that list to FOR me

  4. Already an email subscriber
    3am I Awakened with so many things & people to pray for this year and… write my own fresh NY prayer list
    Then I chuckled when I had finished writing my what do you want from me list
    Changed that list to FOR me

  5. I’m 100% all in! Thank you Sharon for a great alternative way of thinking. I’ve never thought about what God wants for me really; just all the things I thought He wants from me. I’m breathing a big sigh of relief changing my way of thinking about my loving savior. Prayers for all my GIG for a wonderful 2025!

  6. I am all in. 2024 has been the most challenging year of my life. In April, my husband of 53 yrs passe rd away. Then in September my mom passed away. Needless to say, I’ve really leaned on the Lord for strength and guidance.

    1. Ms. Jinx, I feel your pain. My husband of 46 years passed away due to COVID in 2022. I am still grieving. God has promised that He will send the Holy Spirit to comfort us in these times. I’m still waiting for that to happen. I KNOW FULLY that He will NEVER LEAVE US. Keep your faith. Talk to God OUT LOUD. It really does help.
      May the blessings of the LORD pour out everything you need at this time.

  7. O my goodness I needed this. Thank you so much for your insight. I to wondered what God wants from me. I try so hard to do and be what I think He wants me to be. I see now, and understand, I need to ask Him, what doe He want for me. And what He wants for me is what I want. I’m looking forward to the New Year and my new me as I draw nearer to Him. Gid bless you and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  8. I am all in.
    Sharon your post today is life changing, freeing and lifts many burdens from our souls. Thank you for posting. Have a blessed New Year.

  9. I am all in!

    God bless you for sharing that.
    May He keep on giving you His insights, so that you may share them with us.
    I realy needed that.

    God’s grace and love for 2025.

  10. Oh wow, how this hit me right in the heart this morning. Yes, Lord!
    Thank you, Sharon, for this challenge and change in perspective for 2025.

  11. Thank you. I was just praying similar words to the Lord. May I know what He wants for me this upcoming year as I seek His will.

  12. I am all in. I have been praying this for quite a while. I do want to know what the Lord wants for me. I am excited to find out. I do know that God has more for all of us than we can even imagine.

  13. Thank you Sharon, I needed to read this today! Everything that you mentioned resonates with me. I’m all in! I pray God that you will help me to be more of a listener and not just a doer as I spend time with you each day in the coming of the New Year. I’m all in!
    Happy New Year sweet sisters in Christ!

    Debbie L

  14. What a wonderful reminder to learn to ask the right questions!
    I’m IN!
    Asking God what He has for me is like praying, except it is with empty hands, asking God to fill them with what He has for me.
    I’m IN!

  15. I’m in! Thank you, Sharon, for sharing your heart with us! This is such a subtle, yet life changing shift in how I ask the question. Sometimes I think we need the reminder to climb up in His lap and just be His beloved daughter.Thank you for helping me take it from “what I can do” to what He has already done and desires to do ‘for’ me.
    Looking forward to all God has for us in 2025.
    In His Grace,

  16. I’m all in!
    This one little word “for” changes everything! God is a parent just like most of us and my p’parent’ heart is not what do I want from my children but what do I want ‘for’ them. What a revelation to this mom heart! He is our example of parenting!

  17. What a great read for the last day of 2024, launching into 2025! All the very best to you and your many followers for 2025. I’m all I

  18. I’m All In!!! In our Sunday Morning Worship our preacher gave us a word for the upcoming New Year. CONNECT!!! We are going to connect with God & Each Other this new year. Matthew 22:36-40

    Thank you Sharon & everyone else for all your inputs.


  19. I am all in! I am one of the 65% that is on the plateau with my relationship with God. I don’t like being here. I want more and need more.

  20. I’m all in. God has given me a big gift at the end of 2024 and I praise Him & thank him. I am eager to listen & learn what he has for me in 2025. 🙏💜

  21. I’ve experienced Jesus in ways I never have before this past year and it’s been during some very difficult times and darkness. I’ve felt the same like I’m just in the wilderness roaming.. even running to get out, he’s been with me. This verse Be still and know that I am God has been a significant verse for me.
    But I still feel stuck in some way, every time I get close I feel like I’m pushed back. It’s been spiritual warfare battles. And yes the busyness and heartaches of life & relationships. Your devotions have been a blessing. How do you make this time with Jesus a -consistent- practice in your life?

  22. I’m all in to seek God for what He has “for me” as I live, move, and be in God’s alignment for 2025!! God bless each of you!!!

  23. Sharon, this is exactly what I needed for today. I sat in my war room last night praying and meditating on Gods Word wanting Him to tell me what He wanted from me, what did He want me to do? This devotional, I believe was meant for me to see and read. I have to be open to all He has for me! Thank you! I’m all in!!

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