Five-year-old Brooke was sitting in the backseat of the minivan while her mom and I ran errands. “Mommy,” she asked, “Is it worse to pick a scab or pick a mosquito bite?”
“You shouldn’t pick either one,” her mom replied.
I glanced back at Brooke as she tried to wipe away the bloody evidence that she had done both.
Little girls aren’t the only ones who pick at scabs. We big girls do it, too. Maybe we don’t pick at the brown crusty scabs that form over flesh wounds, but we do pick at bitter rusty scabs that form over soul wounds. Either way, picking at scabs keeps wounds from healing, and keeps us stuck from moving forward.
One day Jesus went up to Jerusalem for a feast. While he was there, He stopped by what was called The Sheep Gate Pool or Pool of Bethesda. The pool was surrounded by five covered colonnades or verandas where a great number of physically compromised people used to gather—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. They believed that from time to time an angel would come down from heaven and stir the waters. The first one in the water after such a stirring would be healed. So, there they sat, day-after-day, waiting for the mysterious rippling.
A man who had been lame for thirty-eight years caught Jesus’ eye. He walked over and asked him, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6)
That is a strange question; or it is?
Sometimes we can grow comfortable being stuck in a bad story. Sure, there are heartaches and heartbreaks, disappointment and disillusionment, fear and fragile emotions, but at least we know what to expect out of life. Wounds can become like old friends that we wear as a badge of honor in some strange way. Sometimes it’s easier to cling to a bad story than embrace the redemption of a new one because the old one fits like a well-worn shoe. I’ve worn that old shoe with the floppy sole myself. I wonder if you have too.
For the lame man by the pool, healing would mean a drastic lifestyle change. He would have to get a job and become a responsible part of the community. He would have to stand on his own two feet literally and figuratively. Begging is all he’d ever known. Do I want to get well? Hmmm. I’m not sure. At least I know what to expect in this condition. Let me think about that.
The first step to healing from past trauma, no matter how we received it, is to decide that we want to get well and move past it—that we want a better story. We may not have deserved or caused the wound, but that’s what we got. It may not be fair, but those are the facts.
Even though the man never did answer Jesus’ question, Jesus stepped over his excuses and said, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk” (John 5:8). And he did.
Jesus had a knack for telling people to do what they didn’t think they could.
Stretch out the fingers of your withered hand.
Stand up straight and unbend your back.
Roll the stone away and let the dead man out.
Open your blind eyes and tell me what you see.
We all have some kind of condition. Maybe it’s not as visible as the lame man by the pool, but we have something in our stories we’d like to change. And Jesus asks us the question…do you really want to live differently than you are right now?
It’s paralyzing to live in the past. Jesus provides the way to move forward—to pick up our emotional mats and walk. Let’s do it together.
LORD, I really want to stop picking at this emotional scab of hurt and shame. I want to be healed of anything that has been holding me back from moving forward. Show me if I have any past hurt or shame that I’ve been picking at and give me the power to open my hands and let it go. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
What emotional pain is God calling you to stop picking at today?
Sometimes writing it out helps us hold ourselves accountable. Click on the comment button. Let’s be brave and share.
Digging Deeper
We all have pages of our stories that we wish we could rip out and throw in the trash. Chapters of heartache from what has been done to us and shame over what has been done through us. God doesn’t want to rip out those stories but repurpose them for good. If you’re ready to turn your worst chapters into your greatest victories, know this, God is ready, too. So, sink deep into God’s life-changing truths in When You Don’t Like Your Story: What if Your Worst Chapters Could Become Your Greatest Victories. The next chapter is just beginning.
Includes an in-depth Bible study for individuals and groups. Downloadable Bible Study Videos also available.
Comments 44
The shame of being sexually abused by my sister as a child, being emotionally abused by her as a grew older. Though I always tried to defend her, support and help her to my own draining, she continued to mistreat me. She even wrote a book, twisting situations and creating false narratives, depicting me as horrible person, and not being truthful about any of the things she has done. Lord, I ask you to cleanse me of this shame knowing that my story is bigger than any falsehoods told by man, and that the glory goes to you, for keeping me, and healing me, so that I may be the person you created me… Turn my brokenness into blessed! ~ Amen
Dear TJMM, thank you for your bravery in sharing this. You know the truth and it will set you free as you walk forward in your healing with the One who carries the scars of betrayal. May God hold you close as you walk this road worth Him. 🙏
I was abused from the ages of 7 – 9 by a foster child (boy) who lived in our home and later by neighbors and my aunt. My mom never believed me until he abused twins in our neighborhood. I am SO sorry you had to walk this journey. Recently my husband’s daughter told me she had been abused from age 8 – 24, yes even into adulthood. I have been able to walk the journey with her into healing and redemption. It has hurt more than I can ever explain. I’ve had to go back into my own therapy and revisit triggers. I am praying for you TJMM. You don’t know how God will use you, but He will! Praying for your own redemption and loving you through it.
Just got married and my husband is flirting with someone else….it hurts and yes I want to get healed. Please God help in Jesus Christ Name.😢🌹🙏🏽
That is heartbreaking.
It must hurt a lot.
Keep bringing the pain and disappointment to Jesus.
Furthermore, praying for your husband will not only open the door for conviction in his soul it will also keep you from getting bitter..
I will pray for you and your situation.
With God all things are possible.
Your road to healing is through counseling. He is not honoring you and he is not fulfilling his marriage vows to forsake all others. I know from experience how hard it is to heal from an emotionally abusive marriage. Narcissism is damaging to a marriage and what he is doing seems narcissistic behavior. It will eventually wear you down and any children you have, especially boys will think this is how men treat women. You need to heal from the emotional trauma he is causing and you need to know you can’t change him. He will need to want to change. If he is a believer then ask for pastoral help. Don’t let the pastor put blame on you as the wife and gaslighting you into submitting. That isn’t Godly counseling. The Bible says for both spouses to submit and love each other. The man is to love you as he loves himself and God. You are worthy of being loved, cherished, and respected. That’s God’s plan for marriage. Be strong. God will give you the strength. Be patient and listen to God speaking to you. God doesn’t want you to stay in an emotionally abusive marriage.
Thank you so much for speaking truth to this situation. I am a Christian therapist and see hundreds of women emotionally abused through narcissistic abuse and the church needs to recognize it for what it is. Abuse. This man flirting is showing you his character and lack of respect for the marriage and he will not change without therapy, a desire to change through Christ’s intervention and a renewed heart. Unhealthy women with brokenness blame themselves and think they are doing something wrong.
This is a lie from the enemy. He (Satan) is a liar and a thief, robbing women of their Joy, peace and knowledge they are complete in Jesus.
Thank you! I thought of many emotional scabs I’ve picked at over the years and guilty as charged, one in particular I still do. After a stroke in 2019, I started having anxiety and panic attacks, thinking every symptom was another stroke. A debilitating thought that creeps up daily. I know God, I know I need to cast my cares over to Him, yet I struggle with this! The fear of the unknown, because doctors tell me they don’t know why I had the stroke. It wasn’t my blood pressure, it wasn’t high cholesterol etc…
It was right during the time of menopause. I really think it’s connected somehow. I want to move past this debilitating thoughts. Your prayers are very much appreciated. Thank you kindly!
Sherri I know exactly where you are with anxiety. Thoughts of fearful things just take over and it is paralyzing. A pastor once said to me “put your cares in a box and put it on a shelf, leave it there. Like casting your cares to God.” Well don’t you know I keep taking that box right off that shelf. Let’s pray for each other. Let’s pray that God doesn’t want us to feel this way. This life is difficult. You are not alone
Thank you, and good morning, Sharon,
It’s been a stressful month helping my husband through a time of love and care. He’s very weak and today we go for tests that I pray will give his doctors a plan and a treatment plan.
Thank you for reminding me that Jesus leads us through the times when we’re stuck.
The shame of divorce. Lord, I release this to you. Redeem me . Amen
Miriam, I understand completely! I too am divorced. I want to tell you that the Lord has seen ever single thing that’s gone on in our lives, and HE WILL and does heal us! 🙂 He knows our tender feelings of loss, guilt, shame, abandonment…..He has been there, and there is nothing we could ever do to keep His love away from us. There is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. No condemnation……I had to choose (and still do) to read & say scripture out loud, to fend off the darts of the enemy, even when all I could muster was “Jesus, help me”…. and I’m sitting here today to encourage you and make sure you know that your are seen by the Master Healer, and are loved beyond what any circumstances come at us. I know the pain & shame all to well…. and I know without a doubt that He won’t let you go….and is healing you, even right now. I love you sister! Julie
Thank you so much Julie for that encouragement. It has touched my heart. The scripture you quoted is one of my favourite verses.
It’s time for me to let go of the past.
Thank you for this timely reminder that to move forward I must let go of past hurts, habits and hangups.
I want to move forward from the trauma of loosing my husband of 53 yrs last April and then my mom in Sept. For the previous 4 yrs, my mom had been sick the first of every yr. Then last yr it was my husband and my sister. Needless to say, I get anxiety the first of every yr just waiting on someone to be sick. During my daily devotion, I pray for strength to handle any challenges that might come along. This anxiety has caused my blood pressure to be high. The least little thing makes me nervous, too.
I realize my life has changed forever, but it is hard for me.
Sometimes I feel like this is me. I do feel stuck in my wounds and maybe guilty sometimes that maybe I am creating something or making things be more of a problem than they really are. So not true I know. The wounds are still fresh and keep happening. I am in the middle of life changes with aging parents and health care and well everything else that comes with it. But very strained relationship… that is nothing new. Just recently we are realizing everything and I don’t know if I should deny it all and say it can’t be all it looks like. Trauma from years past that still ongoing. I have stretches of constant fear. My own voice is minimized. I know there’s healing in Christ. I know my strength comes from him. I do want to get well… but do I really??? What do I do to get well? What step am I missing that can help my unbelief and reach for the healing and restoration I need? I don’t want to be stuck in my wounds.
This was exactly what I needed to hear this morning. God always provides. 🙌 Thank you.
I loved this ! I forgave my past and mistakes long ago ! If you hang to them and what you may have …you forgive and you move forward If not , you will stuck in the past ! God always see what you are doing …but He is a FORGIVING God ! I am thankful for His forgiveness and His Grace each day !
You always hit the nail on the head and bring things to surface.
Yes we all keep picking that scab, we have to let it heal and Jesus can be there to help. In whatever it is.
Things will grow faintly dim in His light of strength and grace.
I’m coming off another very scary visit to the ER. I have a complicated history and I wasn’t treated correctly and it sent my body into shock. I’m still recovering. And my body is too weak to fight. Lord forgive them, they did not know what they did and didn’t intend to hurt me further. But Father God, it just puts another event on top of an already large list of medical (and various other) traumas that I’ve endured. Please God, my body cannot handle anymore. Please heal me. Yes, I DO want to get well. I want to try and live another life, a different one, a better one. Today, please sit with me and help my body cleanse itself from the shock. I love you and trust You Lord. Thank you for saving my life!
I was scammed out of my life’s savings by a romance scammer. The pain of that, caused many emotions I couldn’t seem to get past. Anger, hate, sorrow, embarrassment, shame, depression, etc. I am now in Christian therapy and I can honestly say that I am healing. It’s a slow process, but one I know that Jesus is involved in. I WANT to be healed! Thank you, Jesus! 🌷💕🙏
Wow truly an amazing read! I was married to a narcissist (along with other personality disorders) for 10 years. I was a shell of myself…completely broken, destroyed, and not even able to navigate all the crazy. It has been 2 1/2 years since we separated and April will be 1 year for the divorce. I continue to ruminate about it… picking the scab…. I need to close that chapter and move on! God give me the strength!
Having been divorced since 2015 from a narcissistic man that cheated on me numerous times, I am recently finding myself picking at all the scabs that his lies and affairs created. I’m remembering so many little details from the affairs and the time that surrounded it and am ashamed of how long I put up with it. Our daughters are aware of the affairs but have no idea everything I endured. Now they are grown women in relationships of their own. My son-in-law, who just recently came into the picture, makes comments about my ex as if he is a changed man . . . but he doesn’t know him. He only knows what my ex allows him to know. I don’t want to create any issues in their relationship and want to take the high road . . . but man, oh man, it’s difficult when I keep picking those scabs and feeling the pain all over again. Praying that God would guard my tongue and not expose these details to our daughters.
I pray God walks you through this with your head held high knowing he has better for you!
Kathy I can imagine that is extremely trying, but I think of how pleased the Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father are when you exhibit the fruit of self control.., also love .. to put their interests above yours. Maybe one day the Lord will create an opportunity to respectfully and gently tell your son in-law that you do not wish to speak about it. Maybe not… was just a thought. God bless you and keep you and make you to abound in fruit 🙏🏼
I hold on to shame and guilt from my past of being addicted to substances. I have 2 years clean and sober as of yesterday actually, however my husband was still struggling and just recently went to get sober. Becuase of all this we are dealing with repercussions of losing custody of our kids to his parents… it is so incredibly hard to not keep picking at these wounds and scabs of the past especially when I personally feel so far removed from it all.. but I will pick up my cross and continue forward. This devotion spoke to me today and I’m grateful to be apart of this. God bless all of you
Alyssa, Praise God for the deliverance He has given you! I can’t imagine the cross you carry, but I know that God has the grace and strength for you each and every day! I pray that your husband can find victory as well and that God can use you mightily for His Kingdom!! Keep your eyes on Jesus! It will be worth it all when we see Jesus!
A sister in Christ
I’ve been homeless for a while while working and couldn’t get a place. I never tried to stay with family because of the way they were treating me while in this situation. I wanted to go off so many times but God held my tongue. Now I’ve finally got my own place in God’s timing and I know someone on here prayed for me. He provided the place that I’ve been praying for so long. I know when he blesses you it’s big not small. I need his help to be able to move forward from all my hurt I had to endure while going through this time in my life. I’m so relieved now I can rest so tired.
This past year has been a journey for me of recovering from anxiety of Covid/long Covid. I couldn’t let go of the anxiety that would rear up whenever I felt the symptoms of breathlessness or muscle pain.
I have been giving it to Jesus. He is the Author of peace and desires healing for me.
I found out 8 months ago my husband has Alzheimer’s . He refuses to talk about it or plan for future. I don’t have a close supportive family and with him not wanting anyone to know I’m terrified of what is to come, being alone and having to deal with it all. I know JESUS will see me through,, some days are better than others but I just want peace
Connie, my mom had Alzheimer’s for approx 11 years. She passed away in 2010. Look for an Alzheimer’s Support Group near you. Most meet once a month. You can open up about your feelings. You laugh & you cry. I still attend to support those that are going thru Alzheimer’s with their loved ones, ✝️🙏
Feelings of rejection and abandonment due to my father committing suicide when I was 12. Scabs of fear, anxiety, and self preservation.
Great post! Very timely for me. Ordered your book. You’re one of my favorite authors! Thank you!
Thank you for another timely devotion. I’ve been struggling today and my emotions are everywhere again. I had some time to process with God and sit with Him. Right after that I read this devotion. I’ve been on a very long journey of God healing my heart and restoring my soul. It’s been a lonely, painful road. I’ve had to deal and feel things I’ve buried from my childhood and other times in my life. I’ll think I’m better and then realize I’m not. How do we know when we’ve really let things go? How do we know when we’ve finally been healed? I’m walking with Jesus trying to make time for Him each day, and He has said don’t despise small beginnings. I believe He will show me.
When I checked my email a bit ago and saw the subject line of this one, I said “Whoa!” out loud! Just this morning during my time with The Word, I was pondering several health issues with which I suffer. I wrote “I have the choice to change some things in my life.” I’ve known this for some time, but I’ve never chosen to change… I’ve just lived in the suffering.; even though it’s physically painful, I was ‘comfortable’ there. That sentence I wrote brought John 5:1-9 to mind, and I read again the story of the man near the pool of Bethesda and Jesus’ question to him. The name of the pool as well as the numbers in this passage spoke into the depths of me. Bethesda: house of mercy; five: grace (and mercy); 38 years: the approximate time I’ve been having pain. Then Jesus’ question: “Do you want to be healed?” This all led to a time of confession, repentance, forgiveness and acceptance of God’s mercy and grace to me in my situation. Today I choose to change the things I am able, knowing that our loving Father is able to change anything and everything. I’ll follow the command of my Jesus; I’ll “get up, take up (my) bed, and walk.” Thank you for the affirmation of my morning walk in The Word!
Struggling with deep roots of bitterness .. I wouldn’t have even thought that I struggled with this, and now the Holy Spirit is revealing not only that it’s there, but that it’s been there for very long. Ultimately at its root, it’s pride …pray for me please
I have been divorced for several years and forgiven I had not forgotten. I let the physical, verbal, emotional and mental abuse run my life and use as excuses for any of my behavior. I have learned to “Let Go and let GOD.” I was constantly relying on the pain as well as the memories. You cannot go forward if you keep going back. It wasn’t until I handed it over to God that I was finally free.
Feelings of worthlessness and not being good enough are a result of being depressed for over 2 years. I’m tired of feeling hopeless and do Want to change. God please help me get through this and persevere.
i had more than 10 interviews last year and was not selected for anyone of them, made me feel am not good enough and scared to apply. but m not happy with my current job i would like to find another job
The carpet with negative emotions.. seems to be comfortable for me …. But it’s not like that! Because I’m in regression. I said the prayer, Jaynes!I can’t cure depression, but Jesus can.
I have hurts and I can’t accept the bad habits of eating at gatherings like Christmas and New Year of my second sister’s family. I would often talk about them when gatherings are near and decided to avoid them at all. My children and son in law pointed out to us that’s wrong. I pray to God to forgive me of repeated picking at my rusty scabs and ask God to look at the positive side of them. Praise the Lord that God delivers me from continual picking of these rusty scabs and change my thoughts and views of them. Now I will share together with my husband of their strong and good points and no more on hurts and bitterness. I continue to pray for God’s wisdom and timing to tell them about their bad habits and the reason l avoided them for gatherings. I also pray that God would their hearts to realise their bad habits and think about others when taking food during festive gatherings. Pray support me in prayer. I realise that I should be the light and salt of the earth for Christ.