From time to time, I love to introduce you to some of my wonderful friends who are also passion about intentionally living for Jesus. Tracie Miles is one of those gals. She’s a fellow writer over at Proverbs 31 Ministries, best selling author of a passel of books, and a woman who has walked through the fire and come out stronger than ever. I’ll let her tell you the rest…
Tracie Miles
Life had been hard for many, many months. My marriage of twenty-five years had abruptly ended due to circumstances beyond my control, and overpowering negative emotions seemed to be running my life. The day finally came when I was sick and tired of feeling sad and spent, and I knew I needed to retake control of my thoughts. I was tired of letting my feelings boss me around, and I longed to break free from their stronghold over my mind and my life, but also my peace, joy and happiness. I could either control my mind, or it would continue to control me.
I decided to spend some time in prayer, and bowed my head. I began asking God to show me what I needed to let go of – mentally and emotionally – and to equip me spiritually to break free from the negative thoughts consuming my heart and mind. God soon helped me realize that I had been struggling with many negative mental strongholds, but there was that had a life-robbing one chokehold on my peace.
Suffocating fears of what the present day, and the future, might hold would crush my spirit every morning before I even got out of bed, and would rob me of sleep at night. Fears of how my children were feeling and coping. Countless fears that would always morph in my mind the more I thought about them, forcing me into thinking about all the “what-ifs”. Nine times out of ten my what-ifs were followed up with fear inducing thoughts of worse-case-scenario theories that would pull me deeper into sadness, even if they weren’t entirely rational.
So, in my prayer time that morning, as God opened my eyes to the invisible enemy I had been fighting – the fears in my thoughts – I committed to working on my attitude and to surrendering all the fears that had been building up in my head for months.
I got out my journal and began to write down my fears one by one and to my surprise, within minutes, I had written out thirty-three fears that had slid off the tip of my pencil with ease. Thirty. Three. Paralyzing. Fears. Have mercy. I didn’t realize until that very moment how my fears had multiplied or how much they were damaging my attitude, much less that they had such a strong power over my thoughts, emotions and perspectives.
Immediately, I surrendered those fears and all the accompanying emotions to God in prayer. I wanted to break free from fear, and grab onto hope instead. I committed to God and myself to take a stand against letting them slip back into my subconscious. The difference that prayer of surrender made in my outlook and my life going forward amazed even me. Slowly, yet assuredly, as I intentionally captured fearful thoughts before they crushed by spirit or threatened my peace, my attitude began to change. I invited God to help me transform my thoughts, and that is exactly what He did.
Isaiah 41:10 says, “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (ESV) These words were primarily directed to the Jews who had been exiled during their difficult captivity in Babylon. God was reminding them they were His, and therefore, had nothing to fear. We are also His. Therefore, we have nothing to fear.
God’s promise to be with His beloveds, to strengthen those who need strength and to uphold with His own mighty righteous hand, is as valid for us today as it was for Jews back then. We won’t always be protected from things that eilicit fear in our hearts, but we can always surrender those fears to God and trust that not only will He will never leave our side, but He is more than capable of handling whatever it is that is filling our hearts and minds with fear.
Although most of my fear-induced emotions and feelings that fretful night were valid, I had allowed them to take over my mind and, in turn, take over my life and my happiness, in addition to robbing me of much needed sleep and rest.
Maybe today you are struggling with fear regarding a difficult circumstance in your own life. Maybe you’ve received a concerning health diagnosis, a termination at work, or are facing living life without someone you once held dear. Maybe the bank account is low, the refrigerator is empty, and the bills are due, and you have no idea where money is going to come from. All valid fears that elicit valid emotions. Yet regardless of the scary unknowns in your life which seem large and looming, many of which you feel inadequate to handle, there is great news, my friend.
As believers, we all have the power of the Holy Spirit within us to break down the stronghold of fear and grab hold of the peace God offers. We can all learn to submit our fears to God if we choose to put our trust in Him, instead of tossing and turning every night under the weight of worry.
How wonderful would life be without the presence of fear? How much happier would you feel if you no longer had to carry the burden of worry? That type of living is possible, as we learn to focus on faith instead of fear. We can control our mind, or it will control us.
To win a free copy of Tracie’s book, Unsinkable Faith, leave a comment and tell me one way you focus on faith rather than fear. We’ll randomly pick one comment and send a FREE copy of Tracie’s new book and study guide.
For many people, remaining optimistic and feeling positive about themselves and their lives is a constant battle — especially when circumstances are difficult and life is hard. For others, negativity is something that only sneaks up from time to time, yet still wreaks havoc in their hearts. Regardless of the root causes, once pessimistic thoughts permeate our minds, our feelings and emotions begin to control us instead of us controlling them. Eventually it doesn’t seem possible to stay positive, happy, and full of joy, and negative thought patterns shake our faith, causing us to sink emotionally, mentally, and spiritually over time. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Despite what storms roll in, hearts anchored in God don’t sink. When we change the way we think, we can change the way we feel and live, even if our circumstances remain the same. Intentionally embracing the opportunity to experience a transformed heart and a renewed mind opens the door for a changed life, because a positive mind will always lead to a more positive life.
Comments 116
I have had a similar experience in my past where I was feeling depressed, bitter, angry. Hopelessness, loneliness, and temptation had taken control of my mind. By speaking God’s Word, the wrong thinking lost it’s power in my life. I spent much time alone in prayer and began to see positive results. God revealed to me that it was fear. Fear of the unknown after my spouse of 15 years had left me. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Praise is a powerful tool that I use to draw God’s presence. And in His presence we can find healing and transformation no matter what the situation is. I began to focus God and on others around me.
Loving and truly living in God’s Love. I just want to Praise God for His faithfulness!!! and helping me to receive the mind of Christ and to bring my thoughts captive and under His control. Amen and Amen.
The spirit of fear! Notice the Word says fear is a spirit? It circles our world and squeezes even the most strong Christian in its grip. I don’t know of one person who does not have some kind of fear. But I have noticed lately that many Christians are becoming more aware of this horrible, dibilitating spirit that robs us of our God given rights to live a fear free life. I too am full of fear right now. I am going thru some health issues that are causing me great anxiety and stress. I don’t know what the outcome will be but I am determined to go thru this valley with out fear. And I am also praying a lot and have other dear ones praying for me. He wants all of His daughters to have His very best. So as we pray, let us all take up the cry for each other in general to overcome the spirit of fear. Let us not let the evil one win this battle. As the Christian community becomes more and more aware of this spirit of fear that drains us may we all come together and come against it in the name of Jesus and break its choke hold on God’s people. May we all have victory for God and may He be glorified. Amen.
Today I am one of the happiest Christians in Jesus Christ’s Vineyard.
Fear and uncertainty nearly ruined my Christian life but thanks be to God for your wonderful messages.
I am very grateful to God for bringing you to the scene. God bless you
Not only is fear a spirit, but an emotion. It will leave you emotionally drained if you don’t bring it to captivity. Fear had me just physically and emotionally tired. I started to meditate on the word of God and realized that he promises us peace, and fear will not give you peace. I trust God and his word! Fear will not have control over me!
Mark 9:14-29. The possessed boy was brought to Jesus. His dad explained his convulsions, etc. the dad says to Jesus “IF you can do anything, take pity on us and help us”. Jesus replies “IF you can”? ….He can, with the almighty spirit of the Lord because “EVERYTHING is possible for him who believes”. This has helped my unbelief when fear is paralyzingly me. Cry out to Him.
I had a similar experience, after 16 years of marriage my husband left me for another woman. I was left with three girls. They were 15, 12 & 9. Then my oldest became pregnant. As I sang worship songs, read the word and met with Christian friends, He kept me! God is always faithful! Now, years later I have prayed about dating again and fear crept in. With other things to. It’s a daily surrender and He helps us overcome!
The information presented today is what everybody needs to listen to and do something about for themselves.
I’m grateful to God for making me think positively about my salvation. I have emailed some of these golden testimonies to a very good friend of mine who has also been battling with fear of being not assured of his salvation
I will visit him next week and introduce your website to him. Glory be to God.
I focus on doing more for myself and having the new faith to do what I need to do to get it. I focus on faith by knowing how it can give me strength over any fear. I use prayers to get around my fears.
I lost my job unexpectedly on March 9. Boy, did I have fear! Fear of the unknown of what we would do financially. Fear of what the further held, etc. I went into a “grief” state…went through all the emotions. My wonderful evening husband said…go through each and don’t fight it. Well after three weeks of couch sitting, eating bonbons and spending time with God hourly, He emerged victorious over my fear. Through dear friends words of encouragement that were sent by God at just the right time, through Him speaking to me while I was waiting, reading and lots of tears……that’s what got me through. I am gaining strength to fight this fear as well as my character is being shaped more and more each day through this.
Congratulations! You are the winner of Tracie’s new book! Please send me your email address and we’ll get you a copy out right away!
Prayer and prayer……..
when I decide to hold capture every negative thought, in Jesus’ Name, He moves in ways unimaginable.
I cry out in worship n praise! HE is awesome, indeed!
God bless!
I can relate to this but i might add it is when I am physically ill that fears take hold. I find that if I play christian music worship songs the word of the songs and the tunes re- play in my head and drive out the negative repeated fear thoughts. When my son was ill I used to sing that chorus “My Lord knows the way through the wilderness. All I have to do is follow” Works for me.
Thanks for sharing it’s difficult when you are there in the middle of this kind of storm fear does seem to come in from all sides and over take you I would really really enjoy your book and workbook and Praise the Lord you are on the other side of the storm my only hope in those darkest moments us to pray and pray and pray until I feel again thanks
Giving it to Him, surrendering one fear at a time. In the Name of Jesus. Thx for sharing.
I have been a fearful follower of Jesus my entire life. I have all the verses on fear underlined in my Bible…I am so thankful Hod knew we would be a fearful people & need His encouragement amidst our fears. The greatest comfort to me when I am overwhelmed by fears for today & the future is the reminder that I will never walk alone into the future…my God & Savior holds my hand and leads me, He is by my side. Often when I’m stressing, I forget that my God is with me, He is my rearguard & His hand is on me. What comfort & hope these truths give me! May the reminder that our loving Abba will always walk beside you & me into an uncertain future give you confidence to trust Him. Psalm 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love; for I put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go. I lift up my soul to you! Blessings to my fellow fearful sisters in Christ!
Sorry for the typo ” Hod”….should be “God” as you know. 😊
It’s taken me many years to understand how to combat fear. But over the past 7 years, I have developed a commitment to having a daily quiet time with the Lord and only then did I realize how much fear I had pushed through. Daily quiet time has now become a craving, which I’ve learned grows stronger when fear is present, because I’ve learned the best and only way to combat my fears is by handing them over to Jesus, admitting them, and then asking Him to take them from me.
I wake up every morning reading your devotions and praying for my husband and our adult college children to try and not give fear and worry a chance to persist and give them all to God first thing! Thank you for your devotions, I also share these to my family and friends going through something that might touch them!
I keep my fears in check by spending time in God’s word each day,growing closer each day to God helps me know He is walking along each step with me. I ask for a song and reflect and sing as I get down. God is always with us and fear draws us closer and closer to Him..
For a little over a year I have been going through a tough time in my marriage. There are moments when my mind is consumed by fear and what-ifs. Even to the point it is negatively affecting my health. There are times when the words of my prayers won’t form, my mind is such a jumble. At these times, I just call on Jesus. Just repeating his name, Jesus. Calling out the name of my Savior, repeatedly, replaces all those negative thoughts and fears. And I become more calm. My mindset changes.
Faith over Fear! Meditate on His Word is one huge way to overcome fears… I also play worship music and sing along focusing on the words of the songs.. It lifts my spirits and engages my soul.
I focus on faith rather than fear by reading reminders from Godly women such as yourself….and of course, God’s word. These devotionals always seem to appear just when I need to read them. Thank you for your ministry.
I can’t because it haven’t figured that out yet and would love to learn more.
Focusing on Scripture always helps me focus on faith and not fear. This book sounds amazing!
I am slowly releasing fears and becoming aware of God’s presence in the moments of my day. I have had a wonderful relationship with Jesus in the mornings and then forgot to call on him until he reminded me he wants to be in each moment of my day. At first the days would come to an end and I hadn’t done what I said I would during my morning devotions. Slowly, I began whispering his name here and there during the days and it allowed the Holy Spirit to start working on my thoughts and actions in the moment. It has been a slow process but my God is Sovereign and won’t give up on me believing the power I have within me to have peace and joy in every moment.
I love the comment about writing it all down. I have never thought of that-we are often reminded to be still and Trust God, but seldom how to accomplish that. Thank You
Many times I have been gripped with fear because my mind goes to the “nth degree” of negative possibility when faced with worry about unknown outcomes. But I am learning that 99.9 % of the time, when I have imagined the worst case scenario that what I dreamed up really wasn’t the case and there was some logical explanation. I am only growing through this with the help of the Lord but getting stronger.
Sounds like a great book, I do need a guide to help me regarding my fears about my college age child, marraige and work..
I suddenly became a widow in 2005. It took a lot of focusing on God to learn not to fear. I found that Bible-Study & open relationship with others was very important.
each morning I have to get up and remind myself that I am loved and that God will guide me through the hard times, and that he will carry me when I am too weak
God works in amazing ways and your post with this information came at such the perfect time for me. I have realized that I have been wrapped by fear for such a long time. Letting it go is easier said than done for me. But the idea of writing out my fears gives me a visual that will help me to recognize what is holding me back and maybe then be easier to let go. Thank you for this!
I immediately reach for my Bible or if I’m riding in the car I turn on some praise and worship music. During those times I just have conversations with God and tell him all my fears and ask him to shoulder them.
I’m learning to pray out loud a lot more often. Although he already knows, I openly share what I’m thinking and feeling with God.
Battling fear is a constant struggle in my life. When it raises its ugly head, I focus on what God has redeemed and restored in my life. His grace and mercy have carried me so many times. I also know that fear will challenge me when I am physically tired and need to slow down my pace. I then get quiet before my Lord and the battle, for the moment, is won!! We serve an awesome God!! Thanks for this word today.
Mentally picturing laying my “fear” in the arms of Jesus, and asking Him to do His will with it, allows me to move forward in my day, trusting He has control and will work what is best for that circumstance. This takes much stress off my mind and shoulders, which I had to learn to do in order to heal from cancer.
I face so many fears. It is hard to admit and hard to move through. I am impressed with this blog and would like to read this book.
This blog this morning really hit the bulls eye. I retired at 68, my funds are low, I’m on a strict budget because of a health issue. I worry because my daughter, who lives next door, is flooding in debt. They have four small children. My son-in-law who was a teacher was called to become a youth pastor. So he worked and went on to college and is now a youth minister. They are drowning in student loan debt. I am concerned about their marriage. My daughter sends her kids up to me the last 6 years and this stresses me. I love having them but too much. I know we are blessed but I worry about them. I give it to god but then take it back. Please pray for them. I would love to get the book.
I have faith that my daughter will stay away from her past when she is released from jail and will turn to God daily. However, I sometimes let the devil creep in and bring that fear back that she will go back to her old ways It is something I fight with in my mind everyday………but I do have faith in God. He will conquer and she will succeed!!
What a blessing and a timely word. Every word written in this passage fitted my situation. Things were going well on the job until i saw a coworker from the past who mishandled me. Over the yrs ive moved on until i saw him on the team im on now. It brung back an unpleasant memory. I OPENED THE DOOR TO FEAR and fear walk right in. My thoughts camped out wherever, accompanied by worries anxieties. They hooked up with current situations and before i knew it it was spinning out of control an i couldnt exactly put my hands on it until i read this devotion. I wrote down my fears and its exactly what i was going thru. My God this fear came multiplied. One thought lead to another. Im feeling Gods help right about now because He is allowing me to give it a name to go with the face.FEAR . i didnt do anyone wrong except for God. When fear reared itself up, i put up a wall. My fears led me away from Gods work an i begin thinking an feeling what fear wanted me to. Please pray for me as i give Jesus my strongholds and washing it with the word of God. I feel the prunning has begun. Thank you Jesus thank you Sharon thank all of u for ur comments. Iron sharpens iron.
I focus on my faith by reciting scriptures, even if it is only in my head. I find God’s Word comforting. As I focus on the words, I find my fears being relieved & then I am able to rest in God’s love for me.
Fear is when you’ve lost one child to suicide that you think you’re going to lose another. I lost my 16-year-old to suicide. As a mother dealing with this loss it was hard being there for his sister and brother. Both of my children made it through and are now parents themselves but it will always be a Fear. I thank God who was with me because I’m really not sure how I got thru it.
Sixteen years later and God is GOOD. Your email just reaffirmed the fact that God is hearing my prayers. I am in the process of renewing my mind using Philippians 4:8 as my guide, starting with (whatsoever is True.
Today’s prayer is asking the Lord to direct my mind; Jesus, by your Holy Spirit, keep my mind firmly set where you want it to be focused today!
God’s word says that we need to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. This can be such a daily struggle, I know that I need to stay in God’s word and memorize scripture; I’m starting with 2 Corinthians 10:4 & 5.
4 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds,
5 casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Remember: Pray for the Lord to protect your mind, help you to recognize the enemy, and work to keep your mind focused on God and know that there is no fear in God’s love.
May you all be blessed this day!
I’ve added the website I made for my son 16 years ago. You can share it you have been affected by suicide. Hopefully one day I can update it.
I have so many fears that I have to remind myself of Romans 8:28 and realize that if I give God full control and not try to help him that things seem to be less on me. But then the devil creeps back in and plays with my mind and I try to take back the control and then I am back to my fears. This book would be awesome to read myself but also share with my friends whom I know have lots of fears they struggle with.
When I experience fear or feeling of fear
I am teaching myself (through process) to
Immediately replace that thought or statement
with a POSITIVE thought or Promise From God:):)
I focus on my faith by reading devotionals and listening to christian music. I would love to win a copy of this book because things have been very difficult lately because of my health issues, financial issues, and my mom passed away.
I struggle with fear daily. It doesn’t always seem like it and often masks itself in other ways but it’s there. The unknown future is scary. How are we going to get through it? Reminding myself that today is enough to worry about and talking it all through with God is amazing. Prayer can overcome fear! Praise God for that.
Have a variety of fears, but have learned that the Word counters them and helps me focus on Him instead of the fears. Unfortunately or fortunately, whichever way I choose to look at it, it seems new things crop up often that I can fear or commit to Him! Thanks for these words!
This couldn’t have come at a better time. I too struggle with fear. I have started a war binder and started putting my fears in it, then I have an answered prayers section. This helps me to see that my prayers over my fears have been answered. Throughout my war binder I have scripture related to fear, worry and anxiety.
I would love a copy of this book. I am encouraged my her story and to see how she overcame her 33 fears.
God bless
I can do all things through Christ who strengths me. It’s been 4 years since I led anyone to Christ , since then my family has gone through depression, loss of a job, and felt betrayed . Since then I have given it all to God and moved on. For the past 9 years I have been serving God at a pregnancy crisis center. This past week , I led a young lady to the Lord. I give Him all the glory, my heart is full.
Thanks for helping us to learn practical ways to face our daily fears and overcome them with Jesus thoughts instead
My husband left me too, after 32 years of marriage. My daughters also turned their backs on me and refuse to speak to me. In addition, I just lost my job. I am believing that God will restore my marriage and my relationships with my daughters. I do fight fears that God will not, that my husband will never come home, that my kids will never turn back to God and that I will loose my house and be on the streets without a job. I am afraid of being alone. I have been fighting this battle a long time. It is only won through prayer and reading the Bible. Memorizing scriptures and confronting Satan with them is something I do on a daily basis. This is how Jesus confronted Satan, and he had to flee. This journey has strengthened my relationship with God. I know who I am in Him – a loved, planned, desired child of God. When He is all you have, you find out that He is all you need.
Thank you for the encouragement. I usually don’t let fear take over my mind but recently fear is slowly creeping in. I know I have to release these fears the Lord. So many times in the past He has taken my worst fears and turned them to joy, comfort and peace.
Thank you for your encouragement.
I am working on focusing my faith on the Promises of God’s Word. When ever I begin to internalize all my emotions etc, I open my Bible, I am recently going to the concordance in the back of my Bible and I turn to the particular word that my emotions are stuck on. I then read all the scriptures on that particular subject.
Then there is the sweet release from the pain and heartache from emotions and where I took my eyes off of Him and His promises.
When I read His Word, He cleanses me, He comforts me, He heals me. He restores me, He renews me.
I’m still a work in progress in many ways… But God.
I remind myself of God’s faithfulness and His goodness in the past, see His goodness and faithfulness now and know that He will be good and faithful in whatever comes. My focusing on Him and taking my eyes off of my circumstances lets me rest quietly and confidently in Him.
Being the control freak that I am- trust does not come easy to me. But- just like love- choosing to trust God and surrender my fears is a choice- one that I need to make daily. I need to learn to let go and stop hanging on to the weight of this worry- God never intended it for me 🙂
I focus on the fact that the Lord has always come through for my family and I. He’s never left nor forsaken us and always shows up in His time and for His Glory!! Amen.
I tell myself that God is in control. I remember Romans 8:28
I have to stay in the Word, it keeps me centered. In the morning I read online devotions ( like this one), in the early evening I do a short Bible reading with a devotional magazine, and at bedtime I read a chapter of the Bible outloud to my husband before we pray together and go to sleep.
I face fear by quoting scripture and being still to listen to God. Some of my favorite verses I use are, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self control,”
” No weapon formed against me shall prosper,”
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
I also use I am statements: I am beloved, prosperous, victorious, blessed, equipped, empowered,etc.
After many years of this type of “bullying” from the enemy, I too, came to realize where it was coming from. I strengthened myself in His promises, writing them, praying them, reading them, singing them until they helped me “fight” back. The boldness comes ladies, it comes and we don’t have to be bullied any longer. there are still days when sometimes fear comes in and even will take place in my mind for a time, but not long. I remember I am a child of the most High and He is my defense, provider, my protection, my shelter and my stronghold. I take my armor that He gives us and put it on. we are to take hold of His weapons and go forward… it’s wonderful, amazing, mysterious but all Good! God is love and His love casts it out fear! We are His and I know I am an overcomer! thank you for your articles, they bless me.
Thank you for brightening my morning with your comments! 🙂
I can relate, I still have some of those fears that I need to give up. Would love to continue reading this book. Bless you
When my mind starts with all the worries and fears, I have notes (note cards, a sticky note – whatever I can find when a particular verse gives me reassurance) that I read over and over again until I can get the fears out of my mind.
Thank you Tracy for sharing your experience and how you are overcoming fear. I am taking the challenge and listing my fears and laying them at the foot of the cross. I, too, have some hard circumstances (for me) and it is that step of trusting Him to provide in the moment and to recite His truth to myself instead of believing that I am inadequate. HE IS ABLE,
In the past year and a half my husband has developed Alzheimers disease to the point where he is now in a nursing home. We had only been married 10 years. We married at 68 and I am now seeing 80 on my horizon this fall. The big cause of my stress has been financial. Getting Tom onto Medicaid was very difficult but I had no choice. Then my 53 yr. old daughter was diagnosed with Cancer his past August.
Because her health was not good, her body could not handle the powerful drugs she was receiving and she passed away February 21, 2017.
I felt I could not handle anything else, but then I had an opportunity to be trained as a Stephen Minister in my church and I completed the training in March and am looking forward to received a “care receiver” whom I can serve.
My faith has grown so much through these difficult tests but I know Christ is always with me and hears my prayers. He has answered my prayers to many times that I believe his continued blessings will be with me always and will help me be of service to someone else who needs Christian support.
What a great testimony! Recently I have been very down, and John 10:10 spoke to me. The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy by I have come to give you life abundantly. Instead of focusing on the thief, I began to focus on Jesus and that He came to give me life and to live it fully.
Thank you Sharon for sharing this today. It came right when I needed it most. I have trained to be a Stephen Minister in my church and today I got the name of my first care receiver. I instantly was fearful that I would not be able to help them and even remember all that I have learned. This really helped me to trust God as only he is the “curegiver” and I just need to listen and let God speak through me. I grew up learning to be fearful…..and when the things I was scared about didn’t happen, then I could be happy…..Ugh! I am in my 60s and everyday I wonder when I will become less fearful. I printed this article so that I can read it again and absorb its truths. I needed to read this today and I thank you!!!! I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me!
I focus on faith rather than fear, because of what the word of God says, in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded thee? Be Strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with you whithersoever thou goest.
God is faithful! He said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me.
I’m going through a difficulty right now and I keep reciting 2 Timothy 1:7: ““For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Fear robs us of having a sound mind—it can plant all sorts of scenarios in our heads and actually make us worry even more, getting us caught up in an unhealthy cycle. God never promised to remove the storms from life, but He did promise to be right there with us as we navigate our way through them.
I have several scripture verses that I’ve memorized and posted in certain places around the house where I will see them regularly. When I feel fear creeping in, I try to go to those verses immediately & say them over & over until the fear is defeated.
When my fears choke my thinking- I ask God to “walk me through” whatever it is I am facing. I know that He has never for saken me and through all of my life struggles has guided my footsteps. “For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord!” Jer:29:11
He gave His life – just for me, how can I not trust Him with my fears & doubts!
I lost my job last August. My unemployment has run out and we’ve gone through our savings. We’re two months behind on some bills and one month on others. I don’t see any way of being able to pay them. I’ve sold some stuff and have a lot of stuff advertised for sale. I’ve applied for over 500 jobs and gone on interviews and second interviews only to be turned down. I’m to the point where I know the God can provide but I don’t believe He’ll do it for me. Its just a matter of time until things get turned off ot taken away. I just feel rejected and hopeless.
Prayer prayer
Thank you for this writing. I realize I having been allowing fear to control me. But now I realized Jesus came to set this captive free. I want to walk in that freedom. My freedom. God bless you
I focus on faith instead of fear by simply reflecting on how far the Lord has brought me. Especially those times when I felt like giving up and all hope was gone, the Lord reminds me didn’t I bring you this far? I will not leave. Trust in me and I will take you further than you could have ever dreamed. Currently living this today.
Its helps me to stop and remember that tomorrow belongs to God. He promises to give us all we need for today. To worry about what may or may not happen definitely robs me of today’s joy. When I remember that tomorrow belongs to God, He helps me to let go of my fears and worries.
I just finished reading the article by Tracie Miles about Fear. We were supposed to comment about how our faith gets us through difficult times but I still struggle big time with this. It seems we are always confronted with difficult times now, sinking deeper & deeper every year. I do wake up art night fearful . I used to concentrate on a few scripture verses but lately they aren’t enough to give me peace & comfort. It is overwhelming.
During those difficult hours from 1-4 a.m. when fear seems to be at its peak, I often rely on Bible verses I’ve memorized, one for each letter of the alphabet. I had gotten this list from Moody Radio many years ago, and it still gives me comfort. Many of them deal with rest and peace – “Rest in the Lord, trust also in Him”.or “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” This has been very helpful at dark and scary times.
I’m a worrier and stress out over even the smallest things. When I do I remember God’s Word : Philippians 4:4-8 ASV 4 Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your forbearance be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 The things which ye both learned and received and heard and saw in me, these things do: and the God of peace shall be with you. God’s Perfect Peace!
Trusting God with everything no matter what it is and doing his will not your own .
I pray and I light a candle and place my trust in God that He will conquer my fears for me but I also no its in His time not mine that He answers
I conquer my fears by remembering that God is always there for me. I have prayer time every morning, and I am trying to remember that it is okay to ask for something for myself, as well as praying for my family, friends, and loved ones. I also have a saying that I use for myself when the fears try to really overtake me, I think to myself “Let go, let God.” In other words, surrender my fears to God.
I focus on faith after I realize my thoughts are from the enemy, by remembering God’s word and praying it back to Him..but honestly right now and for the past 6 months at least, I have been entertaining the enemy’s lies and not taking my thoughts captive. Your devotional opened my eyes…well Jesus did through it. God gave me a word for the year. Strength. It was in Isaiah 41:10 that you used today and that is what made me realize that this is where God wants to strengthen me. I prayed yesterday that He would give me the verse about strength that He wants me to hold onto…and this is It! It’s my thought life that He wants to strengthen! I definitely need to read your book!!
God bless you!!
During my radiation therapy I focused on faith instead of fear by envisioning God’s hand reaching down to me in the midst of the radiation beams and healing my tumor with His healing touch
To keep my focus on faith, not fear, I start every day with a morning “talk” with God. I read my Bible, read a devotional booklet, and pray the ACTS prayer: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, & supplication (intercession). Starting my day this way gets my focus off myself and focuses me on God and what he is doing in my life and the lives of others that I am praying for.
I grew up with fear, fear of thunder storms, fear of someone breaking into our home, fear of being kidnapped, fear of being lost in a store… fears that were instilled in my by my sweet dear Mema… She lived to be 95 years young! Raised 5 children, 18 grandchildren, buried 2 children, buried a husband at 41, lived through the depression, helped raise her own brothers and sisters. She was a woman of strong faith and taught all of us grandchildren by the Proverbs….yet she still lived with fear. By the grace of God, he took away the fears I had lived with when I came to the knowledge that things don’t happen by chance. We are all put here for a specific reason and I believe that God has my life in his hands as well as my future. I praise God that He is in control….
I remember that God is in control.
I been living with fear all my life struggling with high blood pressure, stress and anxiety I read your massage and it gave me Hope,
Right now faith is what is keeping me from sinking. My boat, so to speak is full of negative thoughts of the past. But when I focus on Gods word, it is my strength.
When I am afraid, I focus on God’s Names, Attributes – His Face – I sometimes go through the alphabet and praise God for Who He is — Able, Bold, Caring, Delightful, Everlasting, Faithful, Grace, Healer, Incarnate, Just, Kind, Loving, Mighty, Yaweh Nissi (The Lord my Banner), Omniscient, Power, Quiet, Refuge, Strength, Transcendent, Understanding, Victorious, Worthy, Xtraoridnary (don’t know an “x” word), Zealous ( I think that is good….). I focus on GOD and am able to draw strength and peace. Then I put on the armor of God – reciting promises that go with each peace and I am able to go through my day….He is a good, good Father and I am loved by Him – that is who I am (Whose I am). Music helps too…..Thank you for your ministry. You are a blessing!
I focus on Faith cause I’m a constance witness I’m not alone and my worries never get a chance to turn into fear cause I’m not alone I feel the heavens around me I put my trust in our father and all my worries blossom into my faith
Maintaining a positive attitude during negative times in life is like physical exercise….I have to make it a routine to read Gods word, take time to speak and listen to Him, and draw on those bible verses that encourage and support. It is mental exercise for my soul! Thank you for this is exactly what I needed to read! It is easy to slip back into old patterns of allowing fear to control rather than relying on the promises of God. I felt a renewed sense of hope and peace after reading this!
This article really touched me. I too, just went through a divorce after 27 years of marriage, that I did not see coming. My heart has been crushed and my life has been changed drastically. I know God is faithful and will get me through this. I am moving forward and truly rely on God to get me through all of the fears that are involved. Some days are extremely hard, but God is good – everyday! I covet your prayers for my girls & me!
you have encouraged me a lot on overcoming fear, sometimes I even do not understand with clarity what’s going on.God bless you. looking forward to win the book.
My family lives overseas, which means we fly back to the states every summer. (My husband and I teach.) For some reason, after years of not worrying and all about flying, I start have more fear of ending up in a plane crash, so I had to surrender that fear to God. And every time we fly, repeat.
I have learned what living by faith really means. God has taught me that faith is believing or seeing the positive outcome or victory of something before it happens. And that positive outcome or victory can only be accomplished by His power.
I’m learning everyday how to focus on my faith in God because I battle of being a constant failure to my children, my mother, my friends, ….myself. I try everyday to be the person God has inteneded/created me to be and what I normally see are the mistakes. Having God in my life and being in a church that allows me to move beyond my fears, mistakes, and any other flaws is truly an amazing feeling. And I’m truly grateful for His grace, mercy, and love beyond what I see or feel.
Thank you for sharing very much needed
Wow- this was so what I absolutly needed to hear!! It’s been 14 weeks since I seprated from my husband due to his repeat cheating. Fear has creeped in over an over again. The strong relationship/dependence I have in God is what has gotten me through. I read Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling each morning as well as her Hope one and read 2 pages from the bible. It’s been a huge comfort because it’s like God is speaking right to me. I play christian music 8 hours at work, driving in the car, when I get home, when I go to bed, when I get up and get ready for work. I continually feed the longing deep inside. When fear creeps in- which it does daily, I cry out “help me God, I need you God to help me find peace and comfort right now” and a peace comes upon me and then I an continuing forth with my day. So that is how I have dealt with fear.
I place a verse, like Psalm 16:8, EVERYWHERE for several days- on the bathroom mirror, the shower door, the table, the frig, over the kitchen sink, etc etc….within a day or 2, I am speaking that verse at any given minute during the day when I sense myself entertaining a fear! His Word does not return void! All praise for His faithfulness!
Fears have controlled me…(past tense on a few so I’m making progress, yeah!)
Prayer is my number #1 weapon, searching God’s Word for truth to cling on to is #2. I combine these and ask a few trusted prayer warriors for their support, encouragement, and prayer…I set goals with a date written on my calendar and ask a special friend to lovingly help hold me accountable. A few Bible verses are taped to the bathroom mirror so when I look and see me I see them as well and re-reading them daily am reminded of God’s promises. I try to envision what God sees in me and who He created me to become rather than filtered through my eyes of self incrimination, failure, intimidation, and fear. I have a long ways to go and would enjoy learning more fear busting tools to add to my arsenal.
What I read above spoke to me as I reflect on previous pains and fears and what Satan wanted me to hear and believe, not what God says and reading books like ‘Unsinkable’ – God speaks . . . maybe even roars like the lion in Narnia. Thank you for putting to paper what God spoke to you!
Looking up at the clouds and sky and praying. Praying while outside and seeing God’s creation is encouraging … he had the power to create all this beauty and he has the power to help me thru this difficult time!
One way that I conquer fear is I run to prayer. It used to take me time to realize that I need to pray and now I run to prayer. I even call on my sisters in Christ to pray for me.
To focus on faith instead of fear I memorize Scripture and say it to myself over and over when I’m anxious or afraid. I have verses in my phone that I go to when I’m at the oncologist, waiting and worrying that there might be a recurrence of my cancer. Verses in the front of my journal that I go to whenever I need them…..His truth calms my fears and puts my eyes back on Him.
Thank you for your encouraging words and the reminder that our God is bigger than all of our fears! He will never leave us or forsake us! Hallelujah! Why can’t I remember that at all times? I want an unsinkable faith!
No matter what happens in my life I know that my God is a good God. He loves me uncondionally and He never gives me more than I can handle, which to me is a lot at times.
God is always in control and we must not lose sight of this. He gives the toughest jobs to His strongest soldiers.
I go foward and hit walls and this has been a pattern for me for a while now. I’m still being obedient. I’m still holding strong in my beliefs. Emotionally the enemy tries to defeat me but he won’t win because I am a child of God!
No Longer Slaves. Jonathan David & Melissa Helser, beautiful/powerful song! We will not be shaken official Lyric Video on YouTube Tube. This corresponds so much to all these testimonies.
I know it’s all in His time and He has never left my side! He always provides and takes care of me!
Father God thank you for all that you’ve blessed me with. For all the trials I’ve endured. For your unconditional love and exceptance. I tell other’s if you don’t have Jesus in your lives, then you have nothing! This is so true! Thank you, I love you so much! In Jesus name Amen! ❤
Wow.. Didn’t know how many people were really bothered by this illness. And, yes it can become an illness if I allow it to take control of my life. I stay in the Word, but even better, I’m finding devotionals and christian writings all over which teach me where in the Word to study. Thank you all for your shares. You’ll never know how this has helped. God bless you all!
I set aside some quiet time every morning before the sun rises that includes only myself, a cup of coffee, a devotional writing from a Christian author and God!
I am learning how to let my faith guide me through my fears. I have been trying to do it on my own for along time. The past 7 months have been very difficult for me, and I feel alone . I have felt like I should be able to handle this on my own, but it’s not working out very well for me. I found your articles recently and they have helped me finally get to the point of asking god to help me get through this difficult time. Finding your F page and articles I think God had something to do with that.
Pray without ceasing….I have always been a worrier and fearful in regards to my children.
The straw that broke the camels back happened to me two weeks ago. I crumbled physically and emotionally. Family behaviors that have gone on for years reared their ugly head again. Tears flowed like a roaring waterfall. I felt ill. Sadness filled my head and heart. Through all that I realized that all these years I had never set boundaries re behavior of others towards me. Pray as I may, they still were able to get me with looks, words, accusations, and fault finding.
I have put the brakes on. I am taking time only for myself and my husband. I am praying to my Lord, reading the bible, and devotionals. I have canceled my community involvement. I have realized that I am happier at home. I have many things I love to do and am always busy. My adult children and their adult children are making their own choices. I love them all dearly, but I will never be the brunt of their disrespect again.
I know that I will be fighting with fear all my life, but knowing that God is there for me to talk with and give him those fears every day if needed, gives me hope and peace.
Many years ago I was in the wilderness of life and I needed to cross some muddy waters, the verse that I always cling to is Isa. 41:10 so comforting. Today Praise God I can freely give my fears to Him….however I am praying and loving two ladies thru wanting to commit the act of taking their life. I will share todays devotion with them in the cards I’m mailing out this morning…your perfect time was in God’s hands all along
Thank you for encouraging me. . Many years of mental and emotional abuse has kept me fearful all my life. God has been so faithful to me. I’m trying to let go and let God take control. I’m hoping to find your book at our local library.
Fear is an enemy that is sometimes elusive , sometime right in your face and sometimes silent, choosing to lay dormant until just the right moment until you are vulnerable enough to succumb to its prison. Therefore we must always be prepared for such a dreaded and deadly enemy. We know it never comes from God because “He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Knowing it is definitely from Satan, the Evil One helps us to fight with a clear perspective. Ephesians 6:10-18 gives such a lovely description of how we are to protect ourselves in battle and we are in battle against fear and so many other battles of the mind such as Idols of the heart, rebellion, etc. As I said, fear can be in our hearts and minds without us even realizing it. Putting on the full armor of God protects all parts of our bodies, including our brain or our thought patterns that we can so easily give into. Fear is destructive when it begins to tear down trust in God When I talk with women, it is a common theme in their lives and has been in my own. We must take the Biblical strategy to fight using the Word of God and the Armor of the Lord to protect every part of my being against such an elusive enemy. Thank you so much for your posts. I have been incredibly blessed.
Jesus said Fear Not bcos Jesus is Prince of Peace Jesus he is with me always 24/7 hold on Jesus Believe in Jesus