The Danger of Going with the Flow

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, When You Don't Like Your Story 26 Comments

The Danger of Going with the Flow

I met my husband at a Bible Study in college and quickly learned that he was a very frugal, industrious, and resourceful young man. On our first date, he came to pick me up in his ten-year-old Volkswagen Beetle that he had purchased for $725. He says it was yellow. I say it was beige. Regardless of the color, this fine piece of machinery had several not-so-fine features.  Read more…


Sharon JaynesLiving Fully, When You Don't Like Your Story 22 Comments

How Long Am I Going to Be Mad About It?

I was really upset with her. I don’t need to tell you the details because I want you to fill in the blanks yourself. I was really mad at _______ for ________. I’m not worried about you not having anything to put in those blanks because you’re human. We’ve all been really irked at someone for hurting our feelings, hampering our plans or a whole lot worse.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesWhen You Don't Like Your Story 32 Comments

It Rarely Is What It Is

I often hear people say, “It is what it is.” What they mean is, the situation is not going to change, so just accept it; get over it! Let me tell you why I don’t like the saying. “It” rarely is what it looks like it is. In fact, what we think the situation is, usually isn’t what it is at all.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesLiving Fully, Relationships, Trusting God, When You Don't Like Your Story 24 Comments

God Puts to Use What He’s Put Us Through (and What We’ve Put Ourselves Through)

Chris, one of my friends, was in a seminary class when someone raised his hand and asked the professor: What is your best advice on how to be a good pastor?”

“Empathy,” the professor replied. “Have empathy.”

Then Chris raised his hand. “How do you get empathy?

With a trace of sad knowing in his eyes,  Read more…

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Trusting God, When You Don't Like Your Story 43 Comments

The Healing Side of Heartbreak

I watched my friend, Patricia, struggle through more than twenty years of a difficult marriage. Her husband left three times during the two decades—once before their three children were born, and twice after. They lived through nineteen different homes in multiple cities, revolving jobs, rumored affairs, cycles of financial plenty followed by financial deficiency. Eventually, after twenty-three years, Rodney packed his bags for the last time and left.  Read more…

Sharon JaynesExpectant Living, When You Don't Like Your Story 48 Comments

This Is Not How I Thought My Story Would Go

I wonder, has your life turned out like you thought it would? If you’re like most of us, your answer is probably “no.” Maybe it’s better than you imagined. Maybe it’s worse than you thought possible. Most likely it’s just different.

When I hit 40, I realized life wasn’t turning out like I thought it would. There would be no gaggle of laughing children filling my home,  Read more…