Whatever You Need, God Is

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Names of God 26 Comments


“I am God Almighty (El Shaddai); walk before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.” (Genesis 17:1)

I was exhausted. I was drenched in sweat. I was filled with inexplicable joy – a joy I had never known. It was the day Steven Hugh Jaynes, Jr. emerged from the God pocket of my womb and made his grand debut into the world.

When my son was born, I never knew so much love could be wrapped in one tiny package. After twenty-three and a half hours of pushing and pulling, heaving and hoeing, he finally decided to leave his comfy sauna and face the bright lights of the delivery room. As soon as the umbilical cord was severed the nurses whisked him away to make sure ten fingers and toes were accounted for, wrap him in a cozy blanket and place a cap on his fuzzy head.

We got to visit for a little while, this new little person and I, but alas they needed to run a few more test to make sure all was well. A few moments later, a nurse brought my little man to my room, placed the squirmy bundle on my chest, and smiled. Steven’s head bobbed about like he was looking for something. He whimpered. He searched. And then he found what he was rooting for. Steven latched onto my body, and the miracle began. Nourishing, life-giving sustenance began to flow.  And for the first time I truly understood the name…El Shaddai.

One of the names of God in the Old Testament is El Shaddai. The  word El means “mighty” or “strong. El Shaddai is most often translated “God Almighty,” “God the powerful one,” or God, the mighty one.”[1] Shaddai comes from the Hebrew root word shad, meaning “breast.” It gives us a wonderful picture of God as “the one who nourishes, supplies, and satisfies.” [2]

The word Shaddai describes power, but not in the usual mighty sense. It is the power to nourish, to sustain life, to quiet ones longings. God’s name El Shaddai, is used 48 times in the Old Testament, 31 of those occurring in the book of Job.

The Hebrew root word shad may seem a bit odd at first glance. But if you have ever held a hungry, crying, restless or anxious babe in your arms, and then witness the calm that sweeps over him when placed to your breast, you understand. If you haven’t experienced that firsthand, but witnessed it, you understand. The crying ceases, the restlessness calms, the hunger is satisfied, and anxiousness melts away. And to that child, the mother from whom life-giving, soul satisfying nourishment flows is all-powerful. What a beautiful image of our God who satisfies our every need, calms our every fear, and soothes our every longing.

When God appeared to Abraham, and introduced the name, El Shaddai, God Almighty, Abraham believed that God was able to accomplish all that He had promised. God’s words were the flow of faith that Abraham needed to nourish his doubts that God would do what He said He would do. It didn’t matter that Abraham was ninety-nine years old. It didn’t matter that Sarah was eighty-nine years old. The laws of nature do not apply to the One who created them. With God, all things are possible. With the revelation of the name, God let Abraham know that He was all-powerful and could do anything He pleased. He was not bound by the laws of nature or fettered by the decisions of man. Nothing could stop His word from coming to pass. Not even a dried up womb or a withered up man.

So what about you? What about your situation? I ask the same question the angel asked Sarah. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14 NIV)

No matter what you’re going through today, you can cling to the truth that God is El Shaddai – The All Sufficient One. [tweetherder]Whatever you need God is.  [/tweetherder]He has within Himself the life-giving sustenance you need…the life-giving sustenance your heart longs for.

I encourage you to nuzzle up to El Shaddai and allow Him to calm your fears, soothe your hunger, and nourish your soul.

Let’s Pray

El Shaddai, There is nothing too hard for You. You have everything I need. Forgive me when I root about this earth looking for people, possessions and power to satisfy my deepest longings. You, only You, can truly satisfy the longing of my heart. You are El Shaddai. The Nourisher, Sustainer, and Soother of my soul. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

What have you looked to for satisfaction other than God? Did it satisfy in the long run?

Think of a time God sustained you? Nourished you?

What do the following verses tell you about how God is able to satisfy your longings? Romans 16:25, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Ephesians 3:20-21.

What is God saying to you at this time about your seemingly “impossible situation? Click over to my blog post at www.localhost/sjold and leave your response.

Want More?

Do you long for more in your relationship with God? Well guess what. God wants it even more. And the good news is that something more does not mean doing more. If you feel something is missing in your spiritual journey, then I encourage you to take a look at my book, A Sudden Glory: God’s Lavish Response to Your Ache for Something More.  Learn how to experience moments of Sudden Glory as God makes His articulate presence known to you on a daily basis!







[1] Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Old Testament (Chattanooga: AMG, 1004), p2371.

[2] Herbert Lockyer, All the Divine Name and Titles in the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI:Zondervan 1975), p14.

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Comments 26

  1. I am belliving To open my business on May 1st and i declare the word of God over this situation also buying a new home that i have been looking at for 3 years knowing that God will lower the price because right now it over priced for the location.

  2. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord. He truly works in great and wondrous ways when we call on him. He’s always working behind the scenes even though we don’t always see it and at times get discouraged. He will never fail. His mercies are new every morning. He is faithful. Thank you Lord that you are in control of the situation I’m going through in my family. It’s not too hard for you to fix even though it seems impossible to me with my limited human understanding.

  3. I think the biggest time for me was when I was a single mom. I relied on Him to be my parenting partner and my children’s father. He really delivered!

  4. I am believing for His continuous unmerited favor, provided through Christ ALONE, through His FINISHED work on the cross, to miraculously open a door to an Organization Management PhD program at Rutgers University AND for His mercy and grace to enable me to complete the program in 4 years to His Glory and Praise! With man it is impossible, but not with God, our El Shaddai; with God ALL things are possible!! I stand in unshakable, undeterred faith that He has opened a door for me that no man can shut! Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!!

  5. The past 4 months I have been schooled in the lessons of faith and trust. I am looking at a seemingly “impossible” for me, situation. I thought my faith was stronger going into this situaion than what it actually was. I have seen my doubts arise and my faith seem to waver, which was distressing to me. I confessed these doubts, longings, and emotions to Him and kept persevering in His strength, not mine. I felt as if I was trying to push, pull a dead horse uphill and that horse’s name was stress. I came to the point that I was tired of trying to deal with the stress of this situation and when I took my hands off and told God to take it —how freeing that felt! The situation is not resolved, yet I feel at peace, really knowing His timing is perfect and He is allowing this to happen in my life for a good reason. I don’t know when this will end, but I trust Him to know. Thank you, Lord!

  6. I am hearing and having it confirmed that because nothing is too hard for GOD and because HE wants the Best for HIS children, I Will be free from debt this very year! I Will be a lender and not a borrower only. I can trust and believe that HE wants to do good works in me, for me, through me, and by me! Thank YOU, LORD, it Already Done!! AMEN! You all be Blessed!

  7. The Lord is telling me to wait & have patience but that all will be done in His time. I recently saw the Lord as He passed by the door of my bedroom. It was in the afternoon & I was crocheting & reciting the 23rd Psalm, as I often do. When I looked up I saw a figure passing my door. He was dressed in white which seemed to be illuminated, although the hallway had no light on. I instantly said, “I am here Lord!” because I knew in my heart it was the Lord. He told me not to be afraid. That He was with me always & all would be well. Afterward, I felt such a peaceful, calm feeling. I knew I had been in the presence of the Lord! Praise God!!

  8. God keeps reminding me that HE HAS NEVER EVER FAILED ME. My period of waiting is a period of learning and trusting. Thank you Sharon for reminding me He’s my ElShaddai.

  9. He promised me in His Word, that He would never leave me nor forsake, He said lo He will be with me always. He said that He is not a man that He should lie. He said that He has begun a good work in me and I AM PERSUADED that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day.. O taste and see that the Lord is good!!!

  10. I am trusting God to release me from my anger, and from the addictions I have used to try to smother it. I feel so powerless to stop, when I resolve to never drink or smoke again, I am reminded of things that make me feel angry and helpless. I now resolve instead to let go of this desire for power over myself. I will study His precious Word every day, immerse myself in prayer and meditation every day, and I will simply do what needs to be done on a daily basis and see what happens. Praise God, El Shaddai!!!!! AMEN.

  11. God is telling me to completely trust in Him. To give ALL of my worry to Him. To focus on serving Him, and He WILL provide. My seemingly “impossible” situations of opening up a business; of becoming completely debt free; of being a supportive and involved daughter to a non-believing family while living across the country from them; of being a supportive daughter and sister in-law to a family who is going through a divorce; and being a supportive wife to a husband who is having to make hard sacrifices to support his family, are all indeed possible with God. He never… never, never, ever… mis-guides or leaves His children. He is El Shaddai.

  12. I am believing that God will restore me and my finances, that He will continue to give me strength to do all that I must do in the next several weeks, to minister to my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in the coming months and to bring healing to all, that He will restore come up higher. Thank you for your encouraging words; as always they greatly ministered to my heart.

  13. Hi Sharon
    First i want to let you know recieving Girlfriends in God emails every morning just brightens my day. I loved reading todays meesage and it was just what I needed. My husband is military and is always gone leaving me home with my 14 month old daughter in a place far from our family. I sometimes feel lost in this world, and get discouraged. One thing that has kept me going strong is praying and reading my bible, because I try to remember God is always in control of my life no matter what I may be going through. The message today “Whatever you need,God is” really was exactly what I needed this morning. Thanks Sharon , God Bless.

  14. God said “I AM Rest” “Come to Me and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28. God wants me to rest so I am off to bed . Night Night God bless.

  15. Thanks for encouragement – need to keep believing God has a purpose in what seems like a ‘dead end job’ where I feel like I am unappreciated, and that not having discretionary cash to impulse buy is a blessing in disguise, He needs to be the one I lean on not people and possessions

  16. I’m just a simple mom of a stubborn 2 yr. old and wife of a web designer, who’s struggling to raise a Godly family 2,200 miles away from our parents and friends. I’m 7 mos pregnant, and my husband is feverishly finishing a project, so I’ve felt like an exhausted single parent. How do they do it? Today, I prayed for God to speak to me, and this is just what I needed, comfort only the King could give!!

  17. My pastor husband and I are nearing retirement age after pastoring small churches for 42 years. I became completely overwhelmed today with our inability to prepare financially for this season of life. Then your devotional came, reminding me of how my El Shaddi has never failed to provide what we need, just at the right time. I praise Him for His faithfulness through the past and in the future.

  18. That God will provide a way for us to pay for our own health insurance. He will open the doors for our debt to go down, and for us to have another vehicle, now that we have another baby on the way. Thank you lord for this reminder, that you will supply all that I need, and that you have the power to do more than I ever imagine. I just have to trust, believe, follow, and wait!

  19. Dear GIGs, like the devotional; “Whatever you need, God Is” I need to know Him and I believe He fulfills that for me. I don’t know if I can express to you what He has shown me or as you said about God, articulates to us about Himself. I don’t know if I can likewise to someone else as He has done for me. I’ve been listening to a CD from “Sentimental Journey” from Reader’s Digest. The song is; “Here In My Heart” By Al Martino. What I felt and saw and knew in my heart was God yearning for us before He said “Let there be Light” and He brought to my heart something I never heard preached before, 1 Cor. 1:25. and I felt Him explain it to me, that it is Himself that is makeing Her and makeing Her love Him as He yearned for from Eternities past and the fact that He is doing it all may seem foolishness to us, but the Way He is doing it is almost bewildering to us without knowing His Heart and understanding His Purpose and how they are intergrated in makeing Her and She wont know it till He reveal it to her. I felt I just had to try to share that with someone that might feel what I felt He was sharing with me because I felt it is so intimately Wonderful!!! Please forgive my foolishness. <3 God Bless you all. <3 Num.6:24-26. <3

  20. Thanks for the timely reminder – “I’m not worried about today. God is on His throne’.
    I will remind myself of this truth every nano second of the day. He who has started a good plan will be faithfull to complete it. Even in my children’s lives.

  21. Hey all you that love the LORD, my name is Terrie, and i come too tell you i’m not worried about today because GOD is on the THRONE not only today but always we just have to remember that no matter what come ofter us we just look up and say our GOD is on the THRONE and keep it moving i’ts GOD fight not our fight. LOVE you ALL.

  22. I will be in total comfort with nothing to worry about.. What a wonderful life i will be living with Jesus…great, love and all the good words.

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