This is My Story. This is My Song

Sharon JaynesLiving Free, Living Fully, When You Don't Like Your Story 24 Comments

Steve and I were headed to the coast and stopped for our usual lunch break, Chick-fil-A, just twenty minutes from our destination. It was one last time to fill up on sweet tea.

While Steve purchased our nuggets, I took our Bernedoodle, Molly, for a walk in the grassy area between Chick-fil-A and Dunkin’.

Molly sniffed, stretched, and well, you know.

Three weeks later, we followed the same route and stopped at the same place for lunch. When I once again walked Molly in the grassy field, I noticed something shiny poking through the weeds. I bent down to pick it up and my heart skipped a beat. It was a silver cuff bracelet that read, “This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior, all the day long.”  What left me slack-jawed wasn’t just finding the bracelet, but that it was my bracelet.

Three weeks earlier, the bracelet had fallen off my wrist and I didn’t even know it. But God did. And there it was, in the exact place my story bracelet had fallen to the ground.

It was as if God were whispering, don’t forget your story…don’t lose the wonder.

See, I’ve had times in my life when I have forgotten the miracle of my story, and the sheer wonder of all God has done in my life. How He sought me and saved me. How He pulled a little girl from a difficult home situation with many heart wounds and placed her in a family of believers with many healed hearts.

How He took an insecure teenager and transformed her into a woman who knows she’s equipped by the Father, enveloped by Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

And while I know all that is true, sometimes I forget. Slips right out of my mind somewhere between everyday challenges and difficult disappointments, just like that bracelet slipped right off my wrist between Chick-fil-A and Dunkin’…and I don’t even realize it.

I wonder if that’s why the word “remember” is a golden thread that weaves its way throughout the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, God reminds us to remember.

In Deuteronomy, Moses wrote, “Then take care lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (Deuteronomy 6:12 ESV).

David who wrote, “I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done” (Psalm 143:5).

Remember. Don’t forget. Your story is your song. Sing it for all to hear.

As one song writer wrote, When I think about the Lord, how he saved me…It makes me want to shout, Hallelujah!” Oh, the joy of it! But sometimes I forget. And then God reminds me.

I don’t know where you are today, if you’ve lost the wonder of your story or if you’re celebrating it. But I do know this, you’re reading these words because God is calling you to remember. Remember His story of salvation and your place in it. Remember that you are equipped by the Father, enveloped by Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Remember that you are a child of God who is dearly loved, completely forgiven, and forever free.

Remember what He has done in you and for you.

Remember your story. Remember His.

After I found my story bracelet lying among the weeds, I placed it on my wrist, gave it a squeeze to tighten its fit, and thanked God for all He had done. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the way You have changed some of my worst chapters into my greatest victories. Thank You for pursuing me, saving me, and making me Your own. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Click on comment and share one or two elements of your story that you are thanking God for today.

Digging Deeper

Did you know that your story matters? Sharon’s book, When You Don’t Like Your Story: What if Your Worst Chapters Could Become Your Greatest Victories will help you work through the pages you once wanted to rip out and turn them into pages you want to shout out. Healing is just around the corner. Your next chapter is waiting to be written.

Includes a Bible Study Guide.

  Click here if you would like your own This is My Story bracelet to help you remember all God has done for you!



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Comments 24

  1. Thank you, and good morning, Sharon,
    Please lift my husband Jim up in prayer for healing as he’s moved to a rehab hospital today following a heart procedure and some complications.
    Blessings to you and those who guide us through the hard days.

  2. Always your devotions touch my heart in some way or another. Thank you for sharing your heart & the love of Jesus. I need reminders of His great love that my story does count, that I AM worthy in His eyes!

  3. Neglect and abuse as a child sent me into chronic depression and anxiety. It took me about 35 years but I finally gave it to God and accepted Jesus as my savior. Now I’m very stable with the help of several meds and I’m able to be motivational, empathetic, and share God’s hope for full healing with my patients as a psychiatric nurse. As, I believe it was Billy Graham who said something like “…Read Revelations, it really does work out OK in the end…”. Thank you Jesus for all you’ve brought me through.

  4. Thank you for sharing. It so blessed my heart. Thank God for his undescribable gifts. Mainly salvation that no one can take away. It is eternal.

  5. I thank God for turning my chapter of fear into a message of faith, and I thank God for turning my chapter of hopelessness into my message of hope,
    Romans 15:13-“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
    1 John 5:4-“Everyone who has been born of God has won victory over the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”

  6. Thank you Sharon for this beautiful reminder!

    Thank you Jesus for never letting me go in all the selfish and foolish mistakes I have made in my life. Thank you for pursuing me and not letting go!
    Praising my Savior all the day long❣️🙏

  7. Amen! I have a book of remembrance that the Lord instructed me to start. I always cry when I read it. I always thank Jesus., MY SAVIOR.

  8. What great timing! My son has given me a subscription to a story site. I keep getting tangled in the writing process, and have dedicated today to work very seriously on catching up, and giving the most meaningful conversations in the process. Prayers appreciated!

  9. Sharon, what a beautiful “reminder” of how much God loves us! Yes, I will remember today how God rescued me from my destructive choices, healed me with His cleansing forgiveness as I repented and set me free to live joyfully grateful! I can still hear my Mother’s soprano voice loudly singing, “this is my story this is my song”! She’s with Jesus now and I’m grateful to have witnessed God’s love, grace and provision in our lives before she passed away. I pray that I have more opportunities to share my testimony of God’s amazing love!! God bless you and thanks again!

  10. Thank you for this message today. As I go for a biopsy tomorrow, may I feel His loving arms around me and remember his love, mercy and Grace.

  11. I’m so grateful for your witness, Sharon. I’m uplifted each time I read your meditations! Be blessed because you’re a blessing to me!

  12. I smiled when I read this…Remember is my word for this year. Three years ago the church at the end of our road was chiming a song and all I could identify was “raise my Ebenezer” and later searched and realized it was the hymm Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. That began a new season of my life of Christian therapy where I had to remember repressed memories so they could be healed. I also want to remember all of the miracles that happened with my oldest son and his health challenges and praise God he is now a follower of Jesus! Thank you for this wonderful post and God bless you Sharon for your encouraging messages!

  13. I so desperately needed this today. My mom passed away 4 months ago and I’m finding it hard to find joy in just about anything. Thank you for reminding me what God has done for me. Infertility, he blessed me with an amazing son. My husbands’ job losses, he’s ALWAYS, provided, I could keep going,,there’s more to MY story!

  14. Hello,
    I love your stories and look forward to reading them every Tuesday.
    You shared this story towards the end of 23? I believe.
    After reading it I sat for a few minutes and thought; I wonder if my sapphire earring will still be found in the neighborhood where I walk every day and was pretty certain I lost it on my walk?
    The following weekend I read a post from someone on Nextdoor who had found an earring near our clubhouse. I reached out to that person and she had my earring.
    Right now I am praying for my son to grab onto his recovery from alcoholism.
    Thank you for all you do.

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  15. Thank you for the truth. Today I had a victory reminding me that God is always faithful and on time…I also had to let someone go because I know my worth. God you are always on time and speak to me clearly. Thank you 💜

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  16. Thank you for a beautiful, encouraging and timely reminder! God has used you today to send me His “Blessed Assurance”! I am in awe.

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  17. I was 52 years old when my husband and I took our first short term mission trip to the Philippines in 2003. It was so life-changing that within three years after seeking God’s will, praying, and telling our story that we were able to start a mission in the city we had visited.
    We started out, feeding, hungry children, and having the desire to get them sponsorship to attend a public school.
    Now today we feed 1600 children a week and have a school of 420 children.
    I’m so glad I took that first mission trip.!

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