What Do I Really Believe About the Bible?

Sharon JaynesEnough 31 Comments

My mom wore a two-carat diamond necklace that hung from a gold chain around her neck. My dad had given it to her for an anniversary. Before you say, “Good for her,” keep reading.

One day, when she was shopping in my little hometown, she walked through an alley separating two buildings. This spunky seventy-something year old held several packages and her purse looped over her wrist.

About midway through the alley, three teenage boys on bicycles circled her like buzzards over roadkill. One hopped off his bike and grabbed at her necklace. The others continued circling and keeping watch.

But rather than give the would-be-robber what he wanted, mom dropped her packages and began hitting the boy over the head with her purse. I kid you not. Who knew people really did that?

She was so mad; she took a few swings at the other boys as well.

“You get out of here you little rascal!” she yelled. “Leave me alone! I’m going to get you, you little…” Truth be known, she probably yelled some words that I will not include in today’s devotion.

I think the guys were so startled that she fought back; they got on their bicycles and scurried away.

A few months later, mom took the two-carat diamond into the jewelers for cleaning. After close inspection he dropped his head and said, “Mrs. Edwards, I don’t know how to tell you this, but this diamond isn’t real. It’s a fake.”

A fake!

We’re not sure what happened. We’re not sure if my dad had been tricked and thought it was real, or if he knew it was a fake all along. He was already in heaven, so we couldn’t ask. (I bet my mom did when she got there though.)

Here’s what I learned that day. What we believe to be true affects the way we act and react. Personally. Spiritually. Emotionally.

For example: What do we believe about the Bible? What do we believe about this book written over a period of 1500 years with several different men holding the pen?

First, we must decide if we believe the Bible is true. Our eternal destiny depends on that one decision because of how we respond to it. For example, is Jesus Who the Bible says He is? Will we accept Him or reject Him?

Secondly, if we do believe the Bible is true, then we can let the Bible define and defend itself.

Paul states, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV). The Greek word for “God-breathed” or as some translations say, “breathed out” is “theopneustos,” which means “inspired by God” or literally the very “breath of God.”

Some translations use the word, “inspired,” but it’s so much more! Inspired sounds like creative impulse. God-breathed means that every word in the original text of the Bible originated in the heart of God and was breathed into the heart of man so that they could write down exactly what God wanted to communicate.

2 Peter 1:20-21 says it this way: “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (NIV).

So, here’s what I’m asking us to think about today. Do I really believe that the Bible is true…all of it? Or do I just like to pick out verses that make me feel better or support what I want to believe and do anyway?

Oh sister, I am so convicted and convinced today. God’s Word is true. How it must break God’s heart when His people ignore parts of The Truth that don’t align with what they want to be true.

But let’s go back to the alley. Three strapping teenage boys in a secluded alley, were no match for my momma, but she should have never fought back. She could have been stabbed, shot, beaten, or killed. And for what? A fake diamond. Something that wasn’t true.

However, when it comes to the Word of God, it is not a fake that we wear around our necks in the form of a cross. It is real. It is true. I’d give my life for it. I stake my life on it.

LORD, sometimes it is difficult to know what is true and what is not. Thank You that we can know that Your Word is Truth. All of it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

How does believing the Bible is true change the way you live? Act? React?

Click on comment and let’s share.

Digging Deeper

Speaking of truth, do you believe the truth about who God says you are? Do you doubt it? Let my book,  Enough: Silencing the Lies that Steal Your Confidence remind you of your true identity in Christ. Don’t let the enemy tell you any different. Learn how to realize the enemy’s true identity, recognize the lies we tell ourselves  (about ourselves and our circumstances), reject the lies, and replace the lies with truth. We can’t act differently that we think, so let’s start with the mind!



2025 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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Comments 31

  1. GM Sharon. Thank you for your inspiration that inspires and keeps me in the word. My morning devotions are the most important thing in my daily life. The true word of God and my belief keeps me in the Bible and truthfully I learn something new every day. I am going through some financial difficulties; however I have hope and know God has a plan for me. Thank you for your prayers and may God continue to bless you and keep on preaching the good news that He is with us in all circumstances. Stay safe! Sincerely, Shirley
    Please pray for my son that his negative attitude will improve and the devil will release his control over him and take the alcohol desire from him. Thank you!

    1. Shirley,
      As a mother who faithfully prays for her sons I hear you and feel your cry for prayers for your son. Your sons are blessed to have you praying for them. My sons are 53 and 36 and both of Both of my sons strive to be better men each day, but it’s not easy. They fight their demons and face their daily challenges. They wrestle with their beliefs in God, mental health issues, addictions, yet they have managed to carve out above average lives. It’s only by the grace of God they live, sober, have good jobs, and remain a part of the family. It’s prayer and God’s grace that has gotten them to this point. God blessed me with wisdom to understand that prayers are sometimes the only thing that can cast out our demons. (Mark 9:25-29) I am a praying Mamma. Every child needs one, that’s why we are here. You are your son’s greatest gift. May God bring joy as he pours out healing grace and wisdom over you today.

    2. Believing the Bible is true when I live every day seeing how much the Lord gives us life, protects, his grace and mercy does endureth forever. There are so many times when I can say but God. He moves in our lives in so many ways and he’s definitely right on time. Amen.

  2. Hebrews 4:12-“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
    The Word of God convicts and convinces my heart, too, because I choose believe It, receive It, and submit to It. 🙏🏾✝️

  3. My church is going through division on whether women should be in pastoral positions. Our sermons are pointing to a Yes! I’m not sure what to think or believe.

    1. Kaarene, my heart goes out to you; as this is a very important for you personally and your church.
      Please pray and consider these scriptures.
      Titus 1:5,I Timothy 3 and 2:12 and Titus 2.
      I will be praying for you.

    1. Post
  4. Many years ago, u had those questions about who wrote the Bible. Mere men, and what does that make God. Real or fake? Since then, the Lord has answered those questions for me. He’s revealed Himself to me in a way I cannot deny who He is. I’m so thankful He didn’t hold anything against me regarding how I felt during my younger years. He knew once I knew the truth then He would have my heart completely . Thank you for sharing this.

  5. I believe that God’s word is truth and living by His precepts is what He requires of all believers. I know that there are some things I don’t totally understand, but I pray they will be revealed one day. I believe Jesus came to earth, to die for my sins and that I will one day be in “paradise” with Him and all believers!

  6. I believe scripture is God breathed. If we don’t believe that, then our very foundation is shaky. If His Word is not infallible, then how do we believe anything in the Bible?

  7. I may not always understand, or like what the Bible tells me. But I never doubt that it is true …. Today and always.
    As to your mom fighting back to save her necklace, I believe the real value wasn’t in the “diamond”, but in the love of her husband.

  8. Believing that the Word of God is true changes how I act and react because I’m realizing that the world offers no truth to stand on and live by. The Word is all we have to depend on.

  9. Thank you, Sharon, for the wisdom & inspiration you share from God’s tender heart. The words & testimonies shared encourage me to keep praying for my family members and trusting God for restoring His unity to us. Please lift prayers for my Mom as she adjusts to her recent move to a personal (memory) care home. She’s my prayer warrior partner & I miss her terribly. Thank you for this forum.

  10. His word is true for EVERYONE. I am no better or different than anyone else here on earth. Believer and non believer. God made us all and sent his son to save us, to die on the cross for ALL of us and our sins if we accept it, confess our sins and follow God as our Savior. If I believe I am set apart from anyone else by sin I am WRONG. Whether it be my sin or theirs…. Compassion and grace are for ALL of us, given and received!!!

  11. Points to remember and memorize about truth and Gods word

    Truth about reality is knowable.
    Opposites cannot both be true.
    It is true that a theistic God exists.
    If God exists, miracles are possible.
    Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God.
    The New Testament is historically reliable.
    The New Testament says Jesus claims to be God.
    Jesus proved to be God.
    Therefore Jesus is God.
    Since Jesus is God, whatever He teaches is true.
    Jesus taught that the Bible is the Word of God.
    Therefore, the Bible is the Word of God and anything opposed to it is false.

  12. Believing that the Bible is the Word of God changes everything for me!
    The promises written are true! I can stake my life on them.The words that speak about God’s power over the enemy are true- nothing has wiggle room with His truth!

  13. I have learned over the years that God‘s word is truth.
    I hear other pastures and people talk and it doesn’t line up with God’s word.
    so I go back to God‘s word and that’s where I find truth.
    We need more and more people to pick up their Bibles and read God’s word for themselves and ask the Holy Spirit to guide them to God’s truth.
    Because God is love and his words are the truth.
    We need to be praying for God fearing men to come forward to do as God has called them to do from the beginning.
    We need to hear the truth spoken in Churches the truths that make us look at our lives and ask the question.
    Am I a light of God’s truth in the world to others,
    As Jesus was no part of this world. Are lives should reflect that same thinking and truth.
    Do we blend in or do we stand out as children of God and bring light to others. LOVE

  14. Sharon, I Love This. Simply put…. I Am A Bible Believer. Thank you for sharing this devotion.
    (I also very much love the cross around my neck ;))

  15. I enjoy your devotionals and find them helpful in teaching women in my church. No matter what age, I feel women need to know their worth. Most if all what God says about who they are.

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