When You Don’t Like God’s Answer

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Listening to God, Mamma Moments with God, Trusting God 120 Comments

I’ll admit, I don’t like it when someone tells me no. I especially don’t like it when God tells me no. At the same time, I’m so thankful that He does. What a mess my life would be if God gave me everything I thought I wanted when I wanted it. What a spoiled rotten child I would have become.

What do you do when God says no to one of your requests? I’ll tell you what I do. I usually fuss about it, stew in it, and pout because of it. But then, after a while, I settle down, knowing that God knows what’s best for me. When it comes to praying for my child, my spouse, or my friends, it’s the same. I still fuss and stew and pout, but I know deep down that God is doing what is best for them.

Do I understand God’s decisions completely? No, I do not. I don’t understand why my son was an only child when I wanted a houseful. I don’t understand why my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at fifty-six. I don’t understand why one of best friends has cancer. But I’ve come to realize that God doesn’t owe me an explanation. He doesn’t owe you one. God is God. He does what He pleases, and we have to trust His plan is always best.

If you’re a parent, think about the times you’ve told your own child no. Most likely they didn’t like it and probably didn’t understand it. But you, as their parent, knew what was best even though they did not. How much more will our heavenly Father answer each and every one of our prayers according to what is best for us.

Solomon wrote, Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take,” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT)

David wrote, “Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love” (Psalm 62:11b–12a). God is strong—He can do anything. God is loving—He will always do what’s best.

Did you know that God said no to His own Son? Just before Jesus’ arrest, He prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me” (Matthew 26:39b). And yet, God said no. Jesus went to the cross. God knew it was the only way to redeem this broken world.

So friend, as we pray, if God says no, it’s not because He doesn’t love you, but because He does.

Are you willing to trust that God has you best interest in mind, even when it doesn’t feel like it? If so, leave a comment and say, “I will trust Him.”

Heavenly Father, I trust You with all my heart; I will not depend on my own limited understanding but will seek You in all I do. Thank You for showing me the path to take. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Digging Deeper

Sometimes those “no” answers can lead to very difficult, hard to understand chapters. But what if those difficult chapters could become your greatest victories? I know that they can. Come join me on a journey to discovering how to change the pages you once wanted to rip of your story out into pages that God can use for His glory!   When You Don’t Like Your  Story  is the message that changed my life.

And while you’re browsing in the store, check out my latest release, Momma Moments with God: A 90-Day Devotional.


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Comments 120

    1. I will trust in God. He has saved me from so much trouble when I listen, and let me endure trouble when I don’t. He has always been faithful to me, even when I wasn’t so faithful to Him. God knows what’s best and I will work harder to listen to His voice instead of my own and the world’s so I can be who He always meant for me to be.

  1. Sharon,
    This is a difficult one for me, not because God didn’t answer a prayer for someone’s sickness or to reverse the consequences of a bad choice. But prayers for those I love to choose Him (children raised in church and a Christian home and made a decision to follow Christ but now are not) Prayers for a husband to stop his unfaithfulness and remain in our marriage (he did leave to live his ‘new’ life).
    I fully understand each of us have God given free will but I have a challenge to think or believe God is answering NO to these prayers as His word states He wants all to come to Him.

    1. Post
    2. Debbie-
      Is it possible that in the above scenarios , God is not saying “no”, but rather “wait”? I too have begged the Lord for similar requests as yours and have decided that wait will only become a “No” if He leads these precious loved ones home without repentance . Choosing this point of view has deepened and enriched my trust and relationship with the Father, because it postures me to be more prayerful, hopeful, and faithful as I lean into Him during the wait. God is doing incredible things in me (and in the lives of those I pray for) as I wait for Him to work.
      Please know my heart. There is absolutely no judgement coming from this side of this message. Simply an encouragement that there is always hope for your children to be restored to faith until their final breath is taken. As for your husband, God only knows the outcome, but I promise you He will work things for good for you as you choose to Love and trust Him.
      Blessings sweet sister.

    3. YES!!! Debbie, I second Lianne’s loving message. And would add, God is growing you in and through this. Keep your faith!

      When my parents divorced, I prayed every night that they would reunite. Finally I had a dream; God showed me my parents, old and together. I thanked Him and told Him okay I would stop praying for it.

      My parents did ‘reunite’, helping and caring for each other over 30years later. They had been married only ten years and only had about five more in the end.

      My life would have been so different IF….

      God bless you, especially while you are waiting.

    4. Dear Debbie – thank you for your honesty. Am praying for God to heal your broken heart in so many areas and He will as He has done in mine with similar painful issues. It seems like forever sometimes but He has not forgotten you. I lost my dear husband to cancer and my family has walked away from God and me but I will continue to trust Him because He is Faithful even in the dark times.. Know you are loved by Him and also by us who have never met you.

    5. Remember that if you raise your children up to follow the Lord and they stray, they will return to Him. Just keep praying that it is soon.

    6. Don’t stop praying for your kids. I know you won’t. Lord, I ask you to please show Debbie’s children the truth about You, that you are the one true God. Transform them into a new creation, in Jesus name, Amen

    7. I’m praying for unsaved loved ones, including my husband and son. God isn’t willing that any man (woman) should perish. I’m believing they will be saved. But ultimately it is their choice to say yes, or no God always says yes to salvation. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I’m so sorry you had to go through that with your husband. Maybe God is saying “no” to the fact that you will not be destroyed by this. May God bless you and keep you and put a hedge of protection around you May the enemy not be able to steal your faith because of disappointment, God is faithful. He is a husband who will never leave.

  2. I will ALWAYS trust Him. He has proven time and time again to me that He CAN be trusted in some of the most devastating circumstances of my life. And even though sometimes I still ask ‘Why’, in my “humanness”, deep down I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that He has my best interest at heart and will always, always come through for me, even though it may not be what I expect. Thank You, God, for sometimes telling me, “maybe, no or wait.” Help me to be patient at all times. Amen!

  3. Divorce is hard, being alone can be hard but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I am the best version of myself there has ever been now. The time God has given me to persue the best love story ever written has been so rewarding. It makes everything else bearable. I don’t always like it but I do always know there is a greater plan. God’s word does not return void. This book was one of the pivotal parts of my recovery from 31 years of a mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically abusive marriage. I have many of Sharon’s books but I believe this was my favorite for me.

  4. You are so right on this Sharon. In 82 years of life God has told me “no” many times – and no, I more often than not did not understand it. But we serve a faithful, loving God who knows much better than we do what is best for us.
    I enjoy your messages so much. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your insights into the Word with us.

  5. I Will Trust God. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. Thank you God for always looking out for my best interest.

  6. I am at a place in my life were I’m struggling with the ‘would ofs, should ofs with grief after my 80 yr old mom’s death. Due to my own health issues, I’d been living with her for the last 30 years. My family decided needed to move closer to them. I lost Mom and now the home and neighbors I love. WHY was the question and I wanted answers . I finally asked Father God for help in understanding what I needed. It’s becoming easier to breath again.

  7. Through the years, I’ve learned when God says no it’s because it’s not good for me or He has something better. He knows my beginning and my end and is so much wiser than me😃. His goodness to me is measureless and I will trust Him!

  8. I will trust Him, even though I don’t like what I am going through
    My husband had a stroke at 39 and had heart surgery at 49 and has had many health issues and in 2019 he was diagnosed with Alzheimers dementia
    It is very sad and heartbreaking.
    So I don’t think it’s fair but I DO TRUST GOD and thank Him every day that I still have my husband with me today
    I Just pray that God gives me the strength, patience and courage so that I can take care of him 🙏🏻

    1. Lucy,
      I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been going through. I understand. I have been through so much with my family’s health and my health. I have been housebound for 9 years. I tried to push through my health problems the first few years then I finally accepted that I was going to have to let my body heal but still was relying on myself. About 2 years ago I finally started relying on God and reading devotions a few everyday and started feeling closer to God and praying for His will to be done even if it means that I continue to be sick and that is when I started seeing progress in my health. I now believe that He was waiting on me all this time to lean on Him and want to do His will. I believe God uses our circumstances to bring others to Him. It could be a nurse or doctor or neighbor or friend, anyone. Just give all your troubles to God and He will definitely give you the strength you need to get through everything.

  9. I will trust him in everything….and try not to let my own thoughts get in the way. Thank for loving and protecting me.

    1. Kim, this is definitely my problem. I let my thoughts get in my way. I’m at a cross road where I HAVE to trust Him.

  10. Hello. My name is Michelle. I have been praying that my husband will let go of the bitterness he has towards my mom and dad. They’ve said some hurtful things to him over the years. I’ve told him to talk to them about what he’s feeling and he has, but still they act like nothing is wrong and they’ve not done anything wrong. I’ve asked him to forgive them because that’s what Jesus tells us to do. He said he’s forgiven, but not forgotten. When he thinks about some of the things they’ve said, he gets mad all over again. That to me sounds like he’s not “truly” forgiven them. I want us as a family to be close. That’s a great desire of my heart. Please pray for restoration for my family and pray that we can truly get our feelings out in a calm manner on my husband’s part. I know I’ve asked the Lord to put forgiveness in his heart and to break down the walls of pride, bitterness, and resentment. I’m still waiting on a breakthrough and I trust in Jesus , but it gets hard sometimes. Please pray that this situation will get better. Thankyou!

    1. Hi Michelle, I have been in that same situation as your husband. It is not easy to forgive and forget. I have forgiven the person but still have a problem with forgetting completely it just pops up. But have you thought about talking to your parents about this and telling them how it has hurt him. Your husband did everything right and I give him credit
      I will pray for you and this situation. Hope it all works out. Love on Christ Joy

  11. I find it hard to accept God’s answer with a refusal.. I want to leave ,, Laban like Jacob”. God doesn’t show me solutions. He told Jacob to leave. I’m still waiting. An elderly aunt got Alzheimer’s, this aunt was constantly troubled by her mother-in-law. I’m on the same path. Severe depression.. With three treatment regimens, the last scheme gave a good signal. My children are upset about their grandmother. My husband doesn’t know how to talk to his parents anymore. It’s hard when we all stay in the same perimeter. I don’t understand, but I trust in the Lord. Thank you very much for the words caressing, Jane.

  12. “I will trust Him” Prayer to be set free. Believer born again Christian!
    Sharon the truth of your stories touch my life and prick my heart just when I need it!

    Thank you,
    God bless

  13. I will Trust him! I am learning & still at times a work in progress to surrender it all to God. I will trust God to open up doors for me, for the right employment I am seeking. God has recently told me No, to some jobs I was exploring. When I didn’t understand it, & admittedly tried to reopen a door he shut for my own good, I learned from it. So now, I’m trying to remember Corinthians 10:13, to not give into temptation & ask God to help me to bear with the NO when he says so. I trust that God knows & wants the very best for me because I am the apple of his eye & for that I am grateful. 🙏🏾🙌🏽

  14. I am trusting God after have breast cancer surgery and making a decision to move closer to family after living away for 43+ years. God has given me peace even though none of my family are Christian, and reconciliation is the long term goal. Is it going to be hard – ABSOLUTELY! Challenging? Yes. But it’s a new adventure in my 70th year! I have to put my trust in Him!

  15. I will trust the Lord in all things. He will send me in the right direction. Breast cancer will not be without the strength of the Lord with ne

  16. If today you hear God’s voice harden not your hearts. (Psalm 95). Reflect upon this when you receive a no answer.

  17. I will continue to always trust Him simply because I want His perfect will, not His permissive one and HE is always faithful.

  18. I will trust God even though it can be hard sometimes. I have seen my prayers answer on his timing knowing that praying for his will not my will to be done. Loving God for everything.

  19. Thank You Sharon I needed this today. I have prayed for a friend who is going through a lot and she trusted me to pray for her to pass her RN exam because she have taken it 13 times and have not passed and she is getting older. Her husband then got into an accident, got fired from his job, they cut off her electricity due to missed payments which she thought was already paid by her husband. Her grown children moved out of her home without notice so all the bills fell on her and she was already working every single day as a nursing assistant. She studied every day. We trusted God and fasted and I got her balloons to celebrated in advance and God did not answer, she did not pass. But I love it when You said he said No because He Love us . Now I know when God said No He’s got something Better for us. Out of the No she now decided to take the Lpn exam and that exam is not as difficult as the RN exam. Her husband got his Job back!!!!!. She got a couple and their 10 year old son to rent her basement so God really Loves us, God really Loves us (Like the song says).:)

  20. I will trust Him, even though I don’t understand why He is letting our caregiver for our special needs adult daughter quit. It is so hard to find people to work. We love her and it’s going to be hard to replace her, but God sees the big picture and we don’t. He knows what her needs are and maybe she needs more than this job provides right now. I know that God loves our daughter and He loves us. He knows the struggles and He is also our provider. I will trust Him to bring someone – the right someone into our lives to work with our daughter.

  21. I am going through a tough time I didn’t have a father or mother that were there for me I felt growing up like nobody’s child they weren’t there emotionally disconnected somehow I have struggled ever since with GOD as a father it doesn’t and cant even register to me on some level I understand he is nothing and not like my own father but I have huge issues trusting and with trust I simply cant trust I’ve been too hurt too wounded when it comes to trusting God I simply cant do it I’m too scared I guess you could say I don’t know how too and I don’t know if I want too try too scared of being hurt getting hurt my rational mind tells me I have nothing to be scared or afraid of but deep in my heart my psyche its harder to convince I suffered through years of abuse in nearly every way it changed my perspective on fathers forever I don’t know how to feel love and loved I can give it well enough but feeling it is very hard for me let alone receiving it from God and so I feel so often so distant from God yes I became a Christian in a very sincere way when younger but I don’t feel loved I don’t feel God’s love I don’t feel anything I feel constantly numb I wont and cant say anything or say I trust until I do because that would be lying and lying to myself and I won’t do that its wrong I must be true to myself and where I’m actually at In life my life has been one of constant betrayal over and over again and its left me very distrustful with God but trusting God I cant I just cant once wounded from life its very hard to come back from that when its been repeated endlessly and been relentless never ending abuse suffering every day of every week for years it alters everything it changes everything it messes with your mind and heart nobody’s child was and is the song I must resonate with growing up I felt that how do you trust when you don’t know how to trust when you don’t know I am referring to trusting God how does one do that I do not know thank you

  22. I also didn’t want to have an only child, but God is in control. Someday I will meet the two babies I miscarriage. Meanwhile I thank him for blessing me with a wonderful son who loves Jesus.

  23. I will trust in Jesus, I prayed and prayed for God to heal my beloved pet with whom I have very close bond and provide financially and now I am facing very difficult decision. Please pray for me I am struggling and in distress. Thank you.

  24. I will trust God because I want to be a good witness to unsaved family and possibly husband. I beg God though to lighten the depression. In 2024 I have Cancer again, breathing problems for 7 months now, painful injury to spine. All rough but depression is the worst. It makes it hard for me to believe that God is still good. I don’t have thoughts of ending it all because it didn’t work the first time I tried.
    Depression was gone most of this year then came back 3days ago. After 40 years of it I thought it was gone for good and gave God all the glory. Now my testimony is gone again. If this is what being a Christian is like, no one would want it! At the end of the week is a family reunion. It would be the first time I had a good testimony to share. Now, I can barely survive. I just don’t understand. But God has a plan. I just pray for wisdom and strength so I will be useable by Him. And I could use some hope 🙏

    that my children will come back to Him and trust Him and they will believe He loves them.
    I will understand why I don’t have Grandchildren. First He told me we can’t have children. We adopted 3 thank you Jesus. Then He said No grand babies ok I WILL TRUST YOU LORD.

  26. I will trust Him even in the most difficult circumstances. He is faithful and He who began a good work in me (and you) will complete it.

  27. I will trust Him!
    This is difficult for me. My husband has reduced his hours from work because he has cancer and nothing seems to be helping him. He has no energy and can barley move. This morning he told he was going to quit work. I work but can’t pay all the bills. I have to trust God in what He is going to do. I read another devotion saying to have a good attitude towards what God has planned for me. I am going to trust God and live one day at a time.

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