When Impossible Situations Meet a Powerful God

Sharon JaynesExpectant Living, Mamma Moments with God, Prayer, Uncategorized 130 Comments

As moms, wives, and co-workers and friends, we face many seemingly impossible situations. School struggles that seem beyond a tutor’s intervention. Maturing that feels like it’s on the far side of never. Attitude adjustments that could use a personality transplant. Relationships in which someone jumps ship.

The Bible is filled with stories of seemingly hopeless situations that served as a backdrop for heavenly miracles. God rained down morning manna for a migrating multitude who had no food. He brought a flow of water from a rock for people dying of thirst. He kept oil and flour reappearing in a widow’s empty jar. He staid the lions’ hunger when David, their dinner, sat right in front of them. He even reversed the earth’s spin on its axis to give the Israelite army a few extra hours of fighting time.

When Moses led two million Israelites out of Egypt, they got as far as the Red Sea. There they faced an impassable expanse of water before them and a rapidly encroaching wave of Egyptian soldiers behind them. But Moses calmly reassured the panicking people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:13-14).

Moses raised up his staff, stretched out his hand, and God divided the water so that the people could walk across on dry land. Once they were across, God called the waters to resume their original position, swallowing the pursuing enemies. Voila! Israelites across. Egyptians lost.

Have you ever felt like the Israelites? No matter which way you look, all you see are insurmountable circumstances around you. Perhaps you’re feeling that way right now.

A sea of decisions too wide to cross.
A wall of disappointment too high to climb.
A river marital discord to rough to forge.
A valley financial strain too deep to climb out of.
Maybe you’re in a seemingly impossible situation with no apparent solution.

Don’t lose hope. Impossible situations are often the backdrops for God’s miraculous solutions. Sometimes we just need to stand still. Trust in God. Believe the truth. Pray His Word. Watch for the miracle.

God, I need a miracle. I know I can’t fix certain situations in my life. Today, I’m stepping out the way so that You can move in Your way. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

What is one seemingly impossible situation you’re facing today? Write out your miracle-claiming prayer in the comments.


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Comments 130

  1. Prayers for my daughter who has alienated her whole family. She is seeking council from a worldly counselor who tells her it’s okay to step away for her peace instead of working to reunite the family and get to the root of what is happening. Jesus is our healer and only He can restore this family.

    1. My prayer request is that God meets the needs of everyone who has requested anything. Including myself. I pray that God grants the peace and strength until prayers are answered. In Jesus’ mighty name.

      1. Amen looking and expecting God to move in my life with ministry, business, marriage and waiting until the Lord save my children Jasmine and Shaquille and grandchildren

    2. I am going through something very similar with my daughter. I know how hard this is! I will keep you in my prayers. I am trying to love like Jesus through it all. I have made a songs of hope playlist and I listen to it all the time, trying to make sense of it all.

      1. My husband and I are also dealing with a daughter who just announced that she has no feelings for the opposite sex and is hanging out with the wrong crowd.. I always said “ you become the people you hang out with. She says that she is seeking God On the matter… I pray that God will reveal His plans and purpose for her life. We are heart broken and crying out to God.

    3. My daughter has alienated me, my mom and sister plus cousins. My son is on the streets in Charlotte on drugs. I am fading fast in sorrow.

      1. My daughter is on the streets as well, you are not alone. She will text every so often, like on Mother’s Day. It gives me peace knowing that she is still alive. I pray for her everyday and I know she is in God’s hands. Through God’s grace, I can love her completely without complete understanding

      2. I pray for you Mary that God will give you the strength to get through all of the hurt and to bring your children back to you

      3. Praying for you & your children Mary right now! My heart goes out to you! May you feel the arms of Jesus giving comfort as only he can! God bless!

    4. I am praying with you my sister in Christ. Our son has also estranged himself from our family. It’s been close to two years now. He is basically canceled his family and will hardly talk to us at all and when necessary only through text. He used to lead worship at school and his leader teens and also at our church. He is 21 now I will pray for both of us that the Lord will remove any strong holds. I pray for us as it says in Jeremiah, that “our children will come back to their own borders from the land of the enemy, and we will weep no more”
      God is a mighty god and working behind the scenes and his toolbox is way bigger than mine. I leave my son at his feet daily. I will step back and allow God to work on him and refine him and bring him back. God bless you, my sister my name is also Patti ..Spelled, the same way as you.

    5. I will pray. I share the same situation with my daughter and her family. I am so saddened but I will always look up. I know in God’s time there will be healing. I will wait upon Him and pray

    6. Praying for you Patti- I know how incredibly difficult that can be. We have the same problem with a “life coach” and ours actually advised our daughter to get married to someone she knew 8 months and NOT even tell her family! We heard the news from someone else- heartbreaking!
      I fully trust that God will continue to carry us “moms” as we lean on Him during this difficult time. I also trust that all the love of Christ and Bible verses and hymns etc we all poured into our daughters will somehow break through! We know they have a firm foundation

    7. Patti
      Your situation is almost identical to mine. I will pray for your daughter and her family. Would you please pray for my daughter and her family? I know it is heartbreaking to have this estrangement, and I am praying for God’s love and healing for my daughter, and now yours.

    8. Hello Patti sorry for your hard situation I know what that’s like but I’m on the other side and I see a Christian counselor who also told me the same thing. Leave it with God. Don’t hold grudges and forgive her for yourself. Let go and let God.

    9. Patti, as a trained counselorI who is a christian, please know that
      stepping away and working first on one’s self is often part of the process of healing. Trust God…then trust the process He reveals, whether you agree or not.

    10. Same for me my friend. God is ultimately in control. The Lord will fight our battles. As a mother my heart is broken from the alienation of my son n his family. Trying desperately to trust the father. In Jesus name amen ❤️

  2. My miracle-claiming prayer is for a one bedroom apartment with an office space, an assessment number and a spacious parking space at a rent not above $1800 a month in the central parishes in a quiet family pleasant neighborhood for my brother.

  3. The rebuilding of my marriage. I pray for a miracle of changed hearts and a desire that my husband will want to work at reuniting in our marriage. Lord I boldly ask a miracle of restoration. In Jesus name Amen

  4. I have a business debt that I need to pay and it has been hard and it is hanging over my head. I am trusting God for the debt to be paid

  5. I am weary from being sick. A lung disease that causes other sickness. I am also hurting from a possible torn meniscus in knee. I usually just go on about and work and do what I need to do but weary is weary. Yesterday all I wanted to do was cry all day. I don’t really look sick and I try not to complain about it, But I need prayer! And I woke up this morning with a headache. I will go to work and then I have to go later for an MRI of my knee. God is good He woke me up! 🙏

    1. My husband has dementia, and I am having a hard time with him. I find myself getting upset with him and after I do it, I know that the Holy Spirit convicts me, because I feel bad. I am having a hard time seeing this dementia increase. He is 72 We have been together for 49 years I know that I can’t handle this situation on my own strength. Only God can help me. Please keep me in prayer.

      1. I lost my husband to dementia 8 months ago. We were married almost 52 years. God walked with me through the entire process. I was blessed beyond measure. I’ll pray for you that you’ll find God helping you through this difficult time.

  6. I’m praying for a miracle for my fellow co-workers.
    praying that Edward-Michael – Marlon- Lucie and my entire team will continue in their jobs.
    thank you Father God

  7. Lord you have spoken a promise over my life. To the best of my human ability I have tried to believe, obey and submit through this process. But it seems as if it is endless false starts and failures. Please strengthen me and help me hold on, wait well and stay in faith. Please accelerate this process as I am so weary. Thank you.

  8. Jehovah Rapha, I seek your healing from stage 4 sarcoma which has been progressing despite treatment. Please allow this new medication that my doctor wants to try to get into the country in time. Please deliver me from this pain in my body.

  9. My sister Julie, it’s just beginning her paddle with stage four Her triple positive IBC breast cancer, we stayed up all night, praying and crying as she’s going to endure chemo once every three weeks for 24 weeks and they’ll do testing and then they’ll repeat. It seems so impossible but I know nothing is impossible for God. I Asking for God to strengthen her body and to healer of the cancer as she has a spot on her right hip Bone. Julie 56 and she’s my baby sister your thoughts and prayers would be so appreciative thank you and God bless.

    1. I was 50 years old when I had stage 3 breast cancer. It was also in one of my lymph glands. I remember the doctor telling me to stay positive, don’t have negative thoughts. She had seen many women with stage 1&2 who were always negative and died. I stayed positive and am now 74 years old. God will help her, he most certainly helped me.

  10. I pray for the total healing of my parents and family , for my mom & dad to be transformed in the light of God’s love and healed from their past trauma, for eyes to be opened and the effects of NPD to be moved from my family; Restoration- true Love, peace and unity, relationship in Jesus name Amen
    Dysfunction free in Jesus name

    1. Oh Kay, I feel the heaviness of BPD, NPD in two of our daughters along with a few other things for one of them. This last year has been hard for us in learning a different way to parent despite the many books I’d read learning how to be a God-honoring mom for all 7 of our kids. It’s a journey few understand if they’ve not had to deal with. My heart straddles the line of understanding the weight of the lifelong mental battle they face, releasing them to God each day and believing/praying that God will heal.
      May His light shine upon each of these broken situations. He’s the only One who knows how.

  11. Finances~student loans for daughter; poor stewardship of finances for the household
    Father, I need, I want, I desire direction; desire provisions, Lord, I need a miracle; expecting exceeding abundantly;

  12. I’ve been credit card and student loan debt free for several years. I have now accumulated a small amount of credit card debt ~about$1800. But right now on top of everything else – it feels like much more than I am comfortable with. Managing money feels like the valley I can’t climb out of and one that I have always struggled with. Praying for discipline and discernment for budgeting and being able to overcome.

  13. “God, you said those who hope in you ‘will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint’ (Isaiah 40:31 NIV). Renew my strength, according to your word.” Show me which way to go. I want to be in Your will, not in Your way! I claim Your promises right now!!! In Jesus’ name! Amen!!!

  14. My impossible situation is that I am POWERLESS over my daughters drug addiction, but Lord, you promised me DECADES AGO that I would see deliverance in my house & that she would turn around & help others like herself. I CLING to that promise & look forward to your deliverance.
    AMEN 😇😀🙏❣️

    1. Connie, I will pray for you and your daughter. I, too, am facing what seems like an impossible situation for my drug-addicted, homeless son. It’s been over ten years and like you, I heard from the Lord that something beautiful was going to come out of this. I’m trying to remain hopeful and positive, believing for a miracle.

  15. A situation that can not be named here, but has torn a family apart and ruined more than one life. I know miracles happen. I pray there will be one for this situation.

  16. I am a special-needs mom of an almost 21 year old adult male. I’m getting ready to move him for a residential school that he’s been at since he was 15 to a group home. This is a huge transition with multiple decisions , huge amounts of paperwork and heartache and worry, I’m doing it on my own and I am a bit overwhelmed. Please pray for me

  17. Lord I surrender our humanly impossible financial situation to you now. I believe that you are the same God yesterday, today and forever and because of that I believe you are already working on our deliverance and breakthrough. Thank you Jesus.

  18. Beautiful devotional. I am praying for a miracle for reuniting with my ex boyfriend. I know we have a deep soul connection and are meant to be back together again but because he is in another relationship, it would take a miracle from God to touch his heart to have this happen. I pray day and night. In Jesus name, Amen.

  19. We seem to be climbing a huge mountain in getting my frail parents into an affordable care facility. We are taking huge financial strain, an have been caring for them for 5 years. I really dont know what to do anymore

  20. Please pray for encouragement for me to continue to take mom to doctor appointments and work on selling her home. I’m trying to not listen to the devil’s doubts, or be discouraged that siblings aren’t interested in helping. Overwhelmed and anxious are taking over even though I’ve given them to our Lord God.

    1. Robin, I have just walked in your shoes. I also did this completely alone for my elderly mom and my brother who had a stroke. Take each need or decision one at a time. Offer each to God trusting that seas will be parted and mountains moved. Some needs might be urgent and others may take some time. I’m praying that you see how perfectly God can orchestrate this transition in your mom’s life.

  21. I am consumed with concern, worry for my family. I see alcoholism in their lives and effect on 6 year old granddaughter. I pray for miracle, that only come from God to release them from their addiction.

  22. Lord, we need a miracle in selling our house and provision for my husband’s job. We are claiming your miracle working power.

  23. Good morning I’m a 68 yr old grandmother that is still working at Walmart and I’m trying to retire but my finances r not conducive with what I need to do this. I like making quilts and wreaths plus different other things but 3 days off is not enough time to do this. What I really want to do is retire so I can do these things without having to charge anyone . I want to be a blessing to someone else with what I make. I’m so hoping a d praying that God will show favor on me to be able to do this. Please help me pray God’s will be done and will accept whatever he has for me. Thank u so much , Debra

  24. Please pray for me I have lost my job and it has been weeks and I am starting to sink. I know God is and has a plan but I am human and need patience.

  25. Standing on Exodus 14: 13-14! Healing, financial miracle, restoration and deliverance. Season of grief to pass move into a new season.

    1. Pray for my parents who are sick. I need a miracle healing and quick recovery. And That mum will be strong enough to travel to come see us.

  26. I have lived in chronic pain for the past 13 years. Besides lots of prayer I have tried a plethora of things, but nothing has helped. There is no aspect of my life this has not impacted. I long for healing. I have felt like the woman who bled for 12 yrs for a long time now-if only I could touch the hem-I know all it would take from God is one thought, one word, one touch…

  27. Dear Lord,

    I come to you today not knowing how we are going to make ends meet. My financial resources will only go so far and no job has panned out for me so far. I have Zero job prospects in the queue either. I know You have good plans for me and my family so thank you for whatever work you are doing in the background. In my weakness and impossible situation is where you can shine and turn the impossible into something beautiful that only you could make happen. Something so wonderful and beautiful that I could Never have dreamed. This excites me and ai thank you and praise you for your majesty and goodness to me and my family.
    Guide my steps and help me be in your will with wisdom.

    In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

  28. Praying for a miracle for this valley of financial strain my husband and I are going through. Thank you Jesus, for supplying all of our needs!
    God Bless you sweet sister’s in Christ!

  29. Dear Sharon,

    You certainly have a way with words and Bible interpretation. Today’s online reading puts my situation in perspective. I have survived 56 years of marriage to a narcissist. After many times of counseling over the years, he still tries to give the impression he is a changed man. I have been a christian since I was 7 years old and have clung to my faith to get me through this. Please pray for a miraculous change in Herb. I turned 78 last month and it is harder to hold on to hope.

    I am rereading your “Listening to God” Day by Day and it helps. Thank you.


    1. Wow you are a saint!!! I had to walk away from my narcissistic husband. I could no longer take it. But the sadness I feel is so overwhelming most days. You must be a strong woman to hold on this long. So prayers coming your way. Some days I feel so guilty for not being strong enough to stay I pray I made the right decision!

  30. I’m trying to resolve the assumption of my mortgage after a divorce while not having a lot of money for the closing. God help me!

  31. My marriage . My husband seemingly refusing or avoiding to step up and be the leader God calls him to be and to be affectionate and caring towards me.

  32. Caring for my mother. She lives in a two story home with no bedrooms on the first floor. She is 85, her legs are getting weaker and sight getting dimmer. She lives alone and I fear she will fall going up and down the staircase. She has fallen 3 times – twice in her living room and once in a parking lot outside her doctors office. Thankful she is okay. She refuse in home care and refuses to live in independent or assisted living. I prayer every day for her safety and for her to let us assist in helping her no matter what. God is good and I know he will give us the gift of knowledge and wisdom on how to move forward.

  33. Dearest Lord, I pray for you to work your miraculous power in the healing of my son’s metastatic melanoma.

  34. I need a financial blessing today, and I’m moving forward in faith believing God will meet my need.
    Matthew 19:26-“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

  35. I pray that God will move in His way, and provide me with the funding for my masters at the University of East Anglia.

  36. My impossible situation is my marriage. Husband blaming everyone And anything to avoid facing the hard truths. I leave it at the Lords feet as I can’t do it without Him. I pray the Lord opens my husbands eyes and gives me the eyes to see my husband as the Lord does and not give up during this time, nor my husband who had a tendency to run when he can’t deal with things. I trust God as He is the God of the impossible.
    Thank you and God bless you all.

  37. “A wall of disappointment too high to climb” has been in front of me for about two years, I have Alzheimer’s, I am 77 years old. I know there is no cure for this
    but right now it’s going slow right now. My husband passed seven years ago from cancer. I have two daughters, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. I live alone but one of my daughters is a mile from me and she takes good care of me when needed.
    The prayer you wrote got my attention. I don’t know about a “miracle” but I am “stepping out the way” so God can move in his way.

  38. My youngest sister got depressed and got into the wrong crowd and started drinking. Instead of taking her to a Counselor (We are very limited with Specialized Doctors or Counselors) my parents took her to Mental Health. She then totally flipped out and has this chronic addiction to cigarettes. My parents also took her to witch doctors and she’s totally oppressed. Now, she’s not the “Lisa” everyone knew. She used to be beautiful, athletic, smart, intelligent, energetic, and popular. Now, it would make your heart break if you see her. She’s like a homeless and goes around begging for a quarter in order to get 2 single cigarette. Not only that, the men take advantage of her. We’ve tried reasoning with her, having Christian people to come witness to her, sometimes take her to jail because she would black out and be vicious or violent with us especially with my aging parents. She’s also being injected with her mental pills once a month. She also is not hygienic. She used to be so fresh and into Victoria Secret lotions and uses Pantene shampoo for her coveted black shiny sleek hair. Now it’s hard to recognize her. She has no friends. Her classmates look down on her and think she’s weird. The only reason she’s respected is because my parents are still alive and there are people who actually feel sorry for her. Plus they understand that she’s not in her right mind. She’s the impossible person that I have in my life. My family and I have been praying for her and I’ve asked my Prayer Warriors to please pray for her. The reason why i think she’s impossible is because she has a hard time stop smoking (we think our neighbors give her marijuana) and she doesn’t seem to be showing signs that she’s willing to change and humble herself and confess her sins and repent. We’ve taken her to Christian Charismatic Conferences but it would freak her out and she would go sit outside. She’s totally messed up and not interested in God or Christianity. I love her and wish she could change or have someone take the time to counsel her and lead her to Christ Jesus.

  39. Voices and Monitoring spirits to go away and be binded Up for Life! Matthew 7:7 , Matthew 19:26, Luke 1:37. & Restoration Joel 2:25

  40. Lord I am believing you for what seems impossible with me is made POSSIBLE WITH YOU. And today despite how hopeless my situation may seem, I trust you Lord as you know what is best for me. As I read Your Word I am reminded everyday that You are Real and a present help in the time of trouble. I am reminded by your word, that You will make a way of escape so that I am able to bear all that I am going thru. I am reminded that when I pass through the waters they will NOT overflow me and though I walk thru the fire, I will not be burned. I will even go so far as to say that I will not even smell of smoke. So Lord because I chose to believe Your Word above my circumstances, I know that you will deliver me in my situation. So Lord I thank you for saving my son and giving him and encounter with you. Show up at his school and thru his social media, speak to him Lord like only you can. I pray for increase in my finances, so that I can get out of debt but also to have that overflow to help those that are in need. I pray for health and prosperity in every area of my life. I cancel sickness, disease, financial hardship, mental illness and I command Your blessings Lord in every area of my life. I thank You Lord that you have made me the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, blessed and not cursed! I am standing on Your Word and promises today, because they are yeah and amen, In Jesus name!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing this prayer Japhia. I am in total agreement with this prayer and I ask God to show off on our behalf.
      I can’t wait to see your testimony. We thank you in advance Father in Jesus of Nazareth name. Amen..

  41. Prayers today for one friend undergoing tests to determine if a spot is safe, no going to be a problem, and prayers for 2 other friends waiting for surgery until their bodies are okay for serious surgery. Please, Loving God, grant them peace, healing, and free from fear.

  42. Father God, please bring healing in the precious name of your Son, Jesus, for every request in these comments. Lord, people are facing tough things, but You are stronger. Deliver all these wonderful women from the grip of the enemy who wants them to be discouraged by the waves and the wind of the world’s storms around them. Please give them Your PEACE. Amen

  43. My mother has dementia and will not accept it. We don’t have power of attorney. A sale of a property- it was set to sell and fell through in the last minute. A crumbling marriage. And last but not least my pregnant daughter who is sick every day

  44. My husband started day drinking in 2020, and it progressed to an addiction. Despite going to treatment once and stopping, he started again. Add depression to this, and he is not the same person he was. My prayer is for a miracle that he would no longer desire or need the alcohol, that the power of alcohol would leave.

  45. That God heals my marriage and family. That God heals my husband Will of his addictions. That God opens up the wall in Wills heart and knocks it down and knocks the wall in my heart down. That God heals me of my fear that is holding me back from showing the world Gods love

  46. Praying for God to open the door for a new job. I am waiting for a financial breakthrough and believing that God has it under control.
    I am also praying for my marriage, children and entire family. God is a God of restoration. Thank you in advance Father.
    Lord, I lift up my sister’s situation with her daughters to you. I pray for peace in her home, forgiveness and restoration between her and the girls and healing in her marriage in Jesus of Nazareth name. Amen.

    Lord, as you see these prayer requests and needs, please have your way and show out and off for your daughters. We love you and believe that only YOU can make all things possible in Jesus of Nazareth name. Amen!

  47. I am and have been praying through a long journey of marital strife, which has led to other issues over the last 16 months. As I read through these comments and see how many of us are praying for our marriages, are choosing to stay (God bless you, Paula for being faithful for 56 years!), I just stopped reading and prayed over ALL women and their husbands, for marriage. May the Lord restore and redeem what has been taken from us and our families.
    My prayers for all the requests here. No one’s trial is greater than another. We are called to bear each other’s burdens. May we all feel the great love of Jesus❤️

  48. Praying for a miracle for my country, South Africa.
    May God place upright, God-fearing men and women in government to take our country forward after our recent elections.

  49. Lord, I step out of the way as I have tried to for 3 years. Please bring my daughter back to You and loving You. Bring a godly man into her life or allow her to bring her boyfriend to know and love You.

  50. Prayer Miracle:
    1. Sell this home for the asking amount to get completely out of debt.
    2. start the next chapter depending more on YHWH
    3. Relatives to Come to know Christ[No passive relationship]

  51. Holy Father, You are the God of the impossible. You know every need, every doubt, every fear, every wondering heart, every evil spirit that is wreaking havoc in Your precious daughters’ hearts. Holy Lord, today we surrender our will, we declare Your goodness and rest in Your promise to deliver us. We remind ourselves of past deliverances and keep our hope in You. Only You know the perfect timing, the needed answer and the breakthrough of victory that You promise! Isaiah 41:10. I claim this promise and pray it over all my struggling sisters today.
    Personally Lord, I’m facing a mountain range of impossibilities – health, oppression, disappointment, fear, financial, marital, relational, emotional. You know it all too well. I know that You see me, I know that there’s a purpose in all of this that I will one day learn but I’m trusting and resting in Your breakthrough, Your victory in Your timing and Your way. In Jesus Holy name I pray. Amen

  52. My family has a family member who causes extreme stress, anger, frustration,, hurt, turmoil in their marriage, confusion and disrespect from their children , heartache and extreme drama to parents and in laws. This has been going on for 10 years. My family has prayed by themselves, together for GOD’s help but nothing seems to ever change with this person. It has gotten where it is hard to keep trusting, believing our prayers will be answered and this person will change for the better. Each set of parents, the children, the spouse, their home is suffering terribly. we need GOD’s intervention speedily.

  53. Lord Jesus I lay down all my burdens and yoke at your feet-family, marriage, work, parenting, health issues, pregnancy, Lord I release it all to You and just seek Your peace, divine intervention and fulfilling joy. Mould me and use me and may Your will alone be done for me and my family and my kids in Jesus Mighty name I pray AMEN!

  54. My son has New Daily Persistent Headaches, everyday his head hurts and some days they increase to Migraine status. He has been dealing with this since his mid 20’s now at 32 the Dr.’s still can not stop his headaches. It has put his life on hold, he spends most days resting to keep his headaches from getting worse. Jesus he needs your healing power.

  55. Lord, I am trying my best to trust you with this financial situation. You know I need the money to pay caregivers for my care. You have provided it all these years and I trust you will continue to do so. I am not sure where a new source of funding will come from, but I know you are the ultimate provider of the funds, and am trusting you to work through another vessel. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

  56. God I know your Holy Spirit is stirring my husband’s heart. Break his walls of pride and come in and heal his brokenness. Forgive me for standing in the way and causing the stumbling blocks that cause him to see your love more clearly. In Jesus Name. Amen

  57. Praying for my daughter and the perfect place for her to work. Prayers for the strain with my relationship with my sisters. Prayers for me to be able to listen to God and be still. So thankful to Him for His blessing and mercy.

  58. Dear Sharon, I always find your devotionals helpful to my day. I see their are many prayer requests here, the hurt continues for so many. May I say a prayer for all. Dear Sisters in Christ, please cling to him, lean into him, and listen. I often want to rush things and God has me listening a lot lately. I hope that through him we all seek healing and peace for our souls and our loved ones. I am going to let him take care of me today. I don’t know what else to do and so I abandon my will Lord, for your will.
    I am without work and have been now for over a month. Yes, I worry as everything does seem insurmountable at the time. I had an accident and lost my car, I lost my job 10 days later. I then started living off what I had in bank account and now there is not enough for the rent today. I know that in all things God works for the good of those that he has called. Please Lord, Don’t let go of me!
    In Jesus beautiful and perfect name I pray, Amen.

  59. Lord, I thank you in advance for the abundance of blessings and breakthroughs that you are providing for my household finances, the business to get off the ground and start to flourish and be purposeful and provide stability financially, for my 18year old son to guide him on his journey of life and my mother and her health restoration! Amen

  60. I am asking for prayer for my children and husband to all be saved. I am also needing prayer to help me get out of the debt we have accumilated helping take care of my husbands parents

  61. Prayers for my son has a nervous condition and not willing to seek medical attention and it getting progressively worse.

  62. I have many seemingly impossible situations, but the biggest right now is that my husband has secured a Chaplaincy Residency in a VA hospital several hours from our home. We are almost empty nesters, I have a full-time job, and our youngest lives at home while attending the college where I work. My parents are becoming more reliant on my proximity to them, and they worry incessantly about my family.

    Father in Heaven I reach out to you today to ask that our way be made abundantly clear. Light our way so that we are able to follow the path that you have laid out, and please guide my parents be supportive instead of worried. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen

  63. Praying for my adult daughter and son who have turned their backs on their faith and are both believing Satan’s lies and living worldly lives despite their upbringing. We are heartbroken over their lack of faith which started in college. They are now 25 and 23 and we feel helpless but are praying day and night that God will reveal Himself to them, that He will remove the scales from their eyes, and that He will soften their hardened hearts and bring them back to Him. We are relying on God’s true word…John 10:29 – My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. We believe spiritual warfare is going on and we continue to stand in the gap for them. We know we can trust God and that He loves them more than we ever could but we are feeling helpless as they move far away to start their live and are making ungodly choices.

    1. Amen looking and expecting God to move in my life with ministry, business, marriage and waiting until the Lord save my children Jasmine and Shaquille and grandchildren

  64. I am trusting God for a miracle in my situation with my son . He is an addict for over 30 yrs and I have been dealing with him and the various offenses he has committed . He is incarcerated but will be released soon but he has no where to go so I am praying for a door to open for a place to stay but most of all healing from addiction. I am selling a house so praying for a buyer. It has been a long and painful road but believing God at his word . He is our father , deliverer and might God. I believe and waiting for his miracle.

  65. Please pray for my daughter..her husband is a narcissistic person. He is now taking her many miles away to keep her away from family and friends. I fear for my daughter..she is so brainwashed..pray pray pray!

  66. I pray for God’s deliverance from a narcissistic husband and genuine repentance and turn around in his life, a life changing encounter with Jesus just like Saul had in Damascus. I pray for total healing for my autistic daughter. I pray for freedom from the clutches of toxic relationships. I pray for divinely inspired freedom to be and do all that God has called me to be and to do. To be able to freely allowed to grow in my career and in my faith. The toxic control is so restricting that it steals away the liberty, the joy I have in Christ, the peace and the ability to release all that God has deposited in me to give out. Oh God, the deliverer, Ocean divider, come just as you came when Israel was held captive in Egypt and set me free in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.

  67. If you haven’t read and prayed through Sharon’s book ,”Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe”, I HIGHLY recommend it. While going through it, I would highlight different issues or concerns that were particular to us. And each time I have gone through this book, and I would see where some of the highlighted prayers were answered, and often find other areas that needed prayer as well- different seasons have different needs.

    Praying for you, Sara – and the others who are desiring healing in their marriages as well.

  68. My prayers are for my 60 year old husband who was laid off last November and is struggling finding a new job. We believe his age is playing a huge factor but he wants to work. I believe the Lord has a wonderful plan for him but praying my husband will continue to trust Jesus and not be discouraged or embarrassed. Also prayers for my 34 year old niece who has moved in and also needs work, but also has issues with depression and does not have a relationship with Jesus. Most of all I pray for her to come back to Jesus and I know he will help her with everything else. Thanks and God Bless.

  69. My 19 y/o nephew was recently paralyzed in an accident. He’s facing insurmountable obstacles to recover and live as full a life as possible. Years of recovery ahead. Specific current prayer request is for GI issues to be healed and lungs to be healed for trach removal. I’ve watched miracles happen in the past month, and I am trusting, believing, naming, and claiming Holy Spirit power and miraculous healing over him. Thank you, God, for the protection and healing that has occurred, and thank you, God, in advance for miraculous healing to come. In Jesus’ name !

  70. Please pray for my physical & financial situation. Pray my dr is able to seek guidance from the lord and continue the medication that helps in my ability to tolerate the disease in my body. .
    Also, my finances are low & keep getting more & more bills that keep me from meeting my needs. Please dear lord provide a miracle in both these situations & help all others on here that are seeking your help. Please part the sea lord for all the believers. In Jesus holy name, Amen

  71. My daughter has long COVID. She has always been super active and is an Occupational Therapist. Now she can barely walk down the hall. Her fatigue is through the roof. She can’t get through the day at work without 2-3 breaks. She has to nap several times a day if possible. January will be 2 years. Praying for complete healing. I know God is the great Physician and nothing is impossible for Him.

  72. My mother in law has been very ill for almost 2 months. She has congestive heart failure with no hope to recover.
    Pray for her as she has lost strength, mobility, and her mind.
    Pray for the family as we provide care.

  73. I’m praying for my childrento have a strong desire to deepen their relationship with the Lord and read his Word. Lord give me favor with my car troubles.

  74. Praying my husbands release happens next month. Restoration of my relationship with my mother and daughter.

  75. I need to find a new living situation. I have been praying I want to trust God for the answer. Nothing has turned ip yet. Also I have been praying for my relationship with my daughter it is not good. I need God’s wisdom. Also dir my daughter marriage its not good pray that God will heal both their hearts.

  76. My prayer today is that God would guide me as I face a marriage that is crumbling before my eyes. I have been trying to reconcile but my husband is not interested in communicating. He blames me. I am confused and so tired. I know God has a plan and I just need to get out of the way and trust that he is in control. Help me to keep my focus on him and not get pulled back into the endless blaming.

  77. Praying for restored health—I’ve had a low white blood cell count and find it difficult to be out without a concern. I would love to know how it feels to be at my best. 🙏

    I’m also praying for the people in my life, particularly a man who is dear to me, who doesn’t seem to have much of God in his heart. It has been out of my hands, and I’m realizing what I can do is ask [God].

    Loving this article at the right time.

  78. I need prayer for my son and family please as the building where their apartment is had a fire above and everyone had to be evacuated. They can’t move back in until it’s fixed so they are staying with me. It is very stressful as he has had a cocaine problem and smokes cannabis. he has now given up drink and is trying to stay away from the coke. His partner is 19 weeks pregnant and they have other children too. They were looking for a bigger place as they were overcrowded. It would be better if they had more space as it would cause arguments. Also my daughter has stomach issues and also a coke problem too. They’re not believers at the moment although my daughter in law to be is seeking.

  79. My prayer today is that everything which has been stolen from me by the Evil in various manners be completely restored, especially my husband and family life. May God deliver him from anything hindering him to be a good Christian and husband. May God make him a new man! And me a new woman. Amen.

  80. My prayer is for an open door to opportunities to fulfill my hearts desire to help those battling with cancer. Years ago, I began my clinical career, which was placed on held as I began my calling path as a Chaplain. I believe the two roles are to intersect; yet, no system as of yet recognizes the need or value of me serving in the dual capacity. I often wonder did I miss God by getting out of the boat from my career to my call. However, I then recall, the journey of Peter.
    Lord, God, help me to heal in the areas of discouragement as I find my way to purpose on this pathway.

  81. i’m on vacation with my hubby’s family and i’m the only born again christian. have taken vacation with them before. i try to include everyone but it isn’t the same with one women. trust god will just let me get thru this next week and a half without any issues. please pray for me. i’ve tried in the pass and have this time. but just want to done with this person. help pray God sees me thru this. thanks for your prayers

  82. God you know about it, if it your will do so, but if not, let me be at peace. I pray for reconciliation. I need a miracle that only you can do.

  83. I’m praying for the restoration of my marriage, that my husband can be filled with God’s grace and love. That he can come back to our home fully restored. I pray the Lord take him out of the hands of the enemy, from the lust, drugs, alcohol and infidelity. That he can Love me again but first that he can Love God.

  84. praying for God to expand my territory in ministry and business. That my small home business hair products sales will be in the 1000’s. that my voice will be used to minister to thousands and make an impact around the world. That the chains of debts that burden my soul will be paid broken and released. I pray for financial increase, I pray for God to bless me indeed. Not only me but those in my family and circle of influence. I pray that every person under the sound of my singing voice is blessed indeed and every person who purchases a product is blessed indeed and that their family is blessed indeed. I pray that everyone reading this and within 6 degrees of separation of me will be blessed indeed. I believe it! I claim it God said in His word where two or three are gathered He will hear them. I believe thousands of blessings have been dispatched even now.

  85. I’m seeking to know God’s will for my financial future. I need prayer to understand what to do, what job I need to get to provide for myself? I need wisdom to understand what be still means (Exodus 14;13-14) and am I trying to control. At the age of 54 I feel lost/scared as God is teaching me how to trust Him.

  86. I’ve been praying for my son to be delivered from addiction for 12 years now. He came home after graduating from college addicted to Opiates which eventually led to Heroin, Fentanyl etc. He’s been to numerous faith based treatment facilities and a couple of places that weren’t . Each time we pray that God heal him and give him a purpose far greater than the addiction . Each time we’ve been disappointed.

  87. I have been praying for my daughter for years. She struggles with mental and emotional issues. She has trouble keeping a job. The situation became worse when she had a child. Over the last several years, I have put myself in debt and created problems in my marriage trying to help her with bills and keep her and my grandchild from being evicted. She and her father do not get along so there is no way she can come back home for a while. All of this causes me great stress. I pray God will heal my daughter, put her on a path of independence, repair the broken relationship, and allow me to recover financially.

  88. We are in a valley of financial strain like we have never seen due to unforeseen circumstances with the building of our home, we have been praying for God to move and provide. Now my husband is having trouble with his pre diabetes and he is without insurance. We are unable to add him to my insurance right now because of the finances, hopefully we will be able to next year. We need a breakthrough. He is a a Pastor and local FCA worker, we are praying that the FCA ministry will grow, Please help us pray that he can increase his donors with FCA as well!

  89. Almost 2 years ago, my world was rocked when my husband of almost 37 years (40 years in relationship) abruptly quit our marriage to pursue a relationship with an old flame he started talking to on social media and dated before we met and were married. He has pretty much quit our family as well, which is heartbreaking. He actually left the day after our 4th grandchild was born, without even meeting her. He was not saved when we met (nor was I, but I did accept the Lord before we became engaged/married). I’ve pursued biblical counseling and am on medication. I do not know how to pray, except for the grace everyday to forgive him, and her, and for his consequences to be temporal and not eternal. I pray for my children and grandchildren for salvation and healing and for restoration. The pain just does not seem to go away, I have been deeply wounded as have our adult male offspring. We need miracles in our lives, I just do not comprehend God’s plan here or how else to pray.

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