Do You Really Expect God to Answer Your Prayers?

Sharon JaynesA Sudden Glory, Identity in Christ, Knowing God, Prayer 335 Comments

Have you ever prayed about something, but didn’t really expect God to answer…I mean really expect it? I’ll admit I have. Sometimes I’ve prayed because I knew I should, but doubted God would truly answer.

That same thing happened to a bunch of Peter’s friends. (Acts 12)

In the early years of the church, King Herod had many Christians murdered and many more put in prison. James, the brother of John, was put to death with the sword, and Peter was thrown into prison.

The night before Peter was to be taken to trial, a group gathered at Mary’s (John’s mother’s) house to pray for him. While they were praying, there was a knock at the door. A servant girl named Rhoda went to the door but didn’t open it.

“Who is there?” she asked.

“It is Peter,” the freed apostle answered.

She knew it was Peter—she recognized his voice! God had answered their prayers! Rhoda was so excited, she didn’t even let Peter in, but ran back to tell the group that he was standing at the door.

“You’re out of your mind,” they told her. “Maybe it is his angel.”

Peter kept knocking. Finally, they opened the door and were astonished to see Peter alive and well, standing right in front of them.

Why were they surprised? Why didn’t they believe Rhoda? While they were praying for Peter’s release, they didn’t really expect God to do it. Do you see it? We can pray about a situation and miss the glory moment standing at the door because of unbelief and low expectations that God would actually answer.

Sometimes, I fear we have lowered our spiritual expectations to match the experiences of people we know, rather than what we read in the Bible. We look around and see what has occurred in the lives of other believers, and that’s where we set the bar. As a result, we lead mediocre lives, forfeiting the abundant life Jesus came to give.

Rather than lower our expectations, let’s do what David did.  In the Psalms he wrote: “In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” (Psalm 5:3 NIV).

David expected God to answer! I want to be a person! I think you do to.

Dear Lord, I bring my prayers before You today. Forgive me for praying and not expecting You to answer. Here is my prayer: (Fill in this spot with you own prayer.) I lay my requests before you and wait in eager expectation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you don’t keep a prayer journal, consider getting one. This could be a simple notebook, or a cute bound  book with blank pages. The dollar store is a great place for cute little journals. Write down your prayer requests and then make a note as to how God answered and the date. His answer maybe…Yes. No. Or Wait.

If you’re believing God for a particular answer to prayer, leave a comment and say, I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about (or for) ___________________. Then, let’s pray for the woman below your entry.

If you’ve never clicked on comment, I invite you to do so today and join the conversation. Great things are happening!


Are you ready to raise your expectations in your spiritual life? God is ready for you to!!! Check out my book, A Sudden Glory: God’s Lavish Response to Your Ache for Something More. He knows you want more in your relationship with Him. He’s just waiting for you to ask!!!

P.S. I want to say a special THANK YOU to those who order resources from my website. While we don’t accept donations, it is the sell of the resources that allows the weekly devotions to continue each week! Thank you so much!

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Comments 335

  1. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about healing the broken and making things whole again.

    1. Please pray for my granddaughter, Emilee who suffers from a eating disorder and depression. I have given her to God and I believe He will heal her.

      1. I will lift your granddaughter up in prayer. I pray she is lead to the right people or organizations. Although I will not ever be cured this side of heaven, I have been freed of my eating disorder for 28 years throughout a 12 step program. I give all the glory to God who even cares about what I eat. Bless you for your love and concern for your granddaughter.

      2. I pray for Emilee too. The granddaughter of a very good friend also was stricken with this disease and God brought her through it.. She is a healthy confident girl today. I also asked God to help me with my eating disorder – overeating. And He provided me with some medical help. Praise God!

    2. I’m expecting God to send Michael home to me. I’m praying and expecting Gods healing and making things whole again

      1. I am expecting and waiting for God’s answer on God to send Michael home to Beth. I pray for healing and open lines of communication for the two of them. I pray for forgiveness from the two of them.

        I also am expecting and waiting for sales so my small business that I have with my daughter will stay open.

        1. Dont ever give up on ur prayers and have faith in ur heart and in god . Always be strong dont ever give up on what u believe in . Also for beth and julie my prayers to god to keep u both safe in this unforeseen world we live in . God bless n believe in ur prayers

    3. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about healing for me and my children after a rough divorce and providing a place for me and my children to live and gainful employment for me.

        1. Just like Hagar I know that God sees You and is sending the right people with the holy spirit to your children to lead them to our savior.. You are asking the best thing for them because once they have Jesus they have everything else.
          Your husband is healed already in Jesus name because he said it in Isaiah 53:5

    4. I am believing with you . . . and praying for healing for my friend . . . God is able and willing . . Thank you God ! ! !

      1. I’m expecting God to answer my prayer to bring my kids and their spouses/partners back to the Lord to follow him wholeheartedly.

    5. Praying to hear about an expectancy for Gateway Apts and to move in May 15th. Plz pray for favor that things will move fast and I will be approved and can move in very soon. Plz pray for my friend Lori Dorn to be healed from Sjorgens disease. Thank you

    6. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about healing & restoring my 2 brothers relationship with me.

    7. I am believing God for a house of my own, a home for me and my children and family. Please pray with me.

    8. “Yahweh is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
      ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬ ‭LSB‬‬
      “He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.”
      ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭23‬:‭3‬ ‭LSB‬‬
      I always find peace in God’s promises. Dear One – God is close to the broken hearted and is a God who restores. I pray His promises over you and those you may be praying for. May you, and those who are broken, feel His presence, see His work in the situation and experience His glory.
      In Jesus Name, AMEN

  2. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer For my stepson Mike, who is fighting stage 4 kidney cancer.

    1. Prayers for Mike for his healing.
      Also my husband Howard just had open heart surgery and already had 1 pound of fluid drained from his lungs. Still has more fluid around his lungs. Thank you for joining me in prayer for Howard and Mike

  3. God has answered so many prayers in my life.
    Please pray that God helps my daughter to get help for her alcoholism.

    1. I’m praying for your daughter. I have battled that disease for 10 years and still working on a year of consistency . I believe I am in a season of transformation and God will heal your daughter.

    2. Praying that God will help her overcome her addiction and seek help and guidance and to know she is not alone!

  4. Last week I did a bold “experiment” with prayer and changed my expectations. I declared healing in situations before they arrived and thanked God in advance. He showed up in a BIG way restoring my faith and my confidence. Is he more than able!

    1. I pray for a complete healing from my head to my toes. That the diagnosis of stage 3 kidney disease is no more. Thank you Jesus for all that you have done and continue to do in my life. Father God touch the lives of my sisters in Christ they too are holding on to your promises. You said by my stripes you are healed. I believe your word and I stand amazed in your glorious unending love you offer each of us. Amen

    2. Thank you for sharing your testimony to God’s faithfulness! How wonderful that HE is ALWAYS faithful even when we are not!

  5. I am believing God to answer my prayer concerning our family land and employment for my brother and great success for my niece in her final exams.

    1. Praying for all of your family’s needs and that the desires of God’s heart will align with your family’s desires!

    1. Praying that your business will be successful and that you are doing the work that our Lord designed for you to do!

    1. We too are dealing with strained relationships with adult children, Robyn. I am praying with expectation and thanksgiving to our merciful and powerful God for your daughter as I pray for our own🙏💞🙌

    2. Praying for forgiveness and restoration in this broken relationship. Cover you and your daughter under God’s authority and do not allow Satan to continue to tear down this union.

    1. Praying that God will lead you to His calling upon your life. That he opens doors that should be open and closes those that should remain closed. Above all, keep faith that He has great things in store for you!

  6. I am expectingly waiting for God to answer my prayer healing me from some health issues I have and also an addict son we have living with us. But I have to remember my time is not God’s time. But I do believe he will answer my prayers.

    1. Prayers that God will restore the brokenness in your home and in your hearts. He will never leave you nor forsake you and His promises can ALWAYS be trusted and true.

      1. I’m praying for my 30 years old son for salvation and restoration from drugs and alcohol abuse . I am expecting God to intervene . And trust God will do it.

  7. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about finding a buyer for our current house in NC and buying a house in OH that both my husband and I can agree on due to our impending move this summer. It’s been a stressful, exhausting, and tough process, thus far, especially with 3 kids and a dog!

    1. Praying that you open your heart to God’s calling and that His light will lead you to where He is wanting you to be!

  8. I’m going through a situation with my health. I’ve had many problems with it, but now I’m just having trouble getting through it without doubt. It like I want the worse possible thing. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I just don’t understand why.

  9. I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayer about His heart’s desire {Psalm 37:4} for me to finally come to fulfillment. Like Jacob, I can see myself holding tightly onto GOD saying….”I won’t let You go until You bless me O LORD GOD.” IN JESUS’ NAME I PRAY, AMEN.

  10. I am currently visiting family in the US. Back home I separated with my husband and I have been on a healing journey.
    I am expecting God to give me a job in the US and a godly marriage partner.
    I pray to God for my children to settle in Canada or the US.

  11. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about (or for doors of opportunity to coach, speak, and train that will create multiple streams of income. Family unity and world peace.

  12. I pray for my husband Terry for his healing and that my daughter Abby to marry a godly man. I also pray for our finances to be better and make wise decisions concerning that.

  13. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about (or for) my daughter Mallory to be completely healed this side of heaven

  14. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about my kids’s Dad who is estranged and has completely abandoned them..

    1. Cindi, I understand your distress. My husband has alienated me, our grown children, his siblings and friends. I don’t understand why and sometimes I don’t even know WHAT to pray for him.
      There’s a song “103 (Bless the Lord)” by Prestonwood Choir, and it’s taken from Ps 103.
      “Who redeems
      Who restores
      Who renews your youth like the eagle soars
      Who forgives every sin
      Who is raising us to new life again”
      I pray this a LOT for my husband!

  15. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayers for my prodigal children to return to Him wholeheartedly.

  16. I have a presentation to do tomorrow morning and I have asked Jesus to show up and speak through me. Help me to wait on You expectantly Jesus, not in fear that You won’t show up.

  17. I am expecting God to open up a new job opportunity for me right away and also to set me completely free from depression in Jesus’ name Amen.

    1. I am expecting God to point me in the direction He would have me go. I pray to know His purpose for me and where I belong. Give me the eyes, ears and understanding to know the answers as He reveals them.

  18. I am expectantly waiting. for God to answer my prayer about not living in worry and fear about the future.

  19. I am expectantly waiting for God to work a miracle in my daughters life…healing her mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically

  20. Answers and a path forward for my son, Gus. He had a seizure last week at school, with no prior history. They’re running tests today and next week. Praise God he recovered quickly and had a group of teachers that took swift action.

    1. Dianne I have faith that he will in his own time and the answer will be better than you ever expected or his reason for “ no “ will be revealed to you!

    2. Sometimes he does answer your prayer but it is not the answer you wanted. We have to have perspective and believe that everything he does is for our good and will know in time.

    3. I have had the same thing happen. Several times. Keep praying. God hasn’t answered all my prayers the way I have wanted, and sometimes it is just heartbreaking that what I thought should have happened didn’t, but I have been delivered through answered prayers in many unexpected and wonderful ways also. God is working in our lives. Hang in there.

  21. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about my daughter, Anna Catharine, who has suffered from excruciating neck pain for 13 years due to nerve damage. She is 28 and bed ridden with pain.

  22. I am praying expectantly for my dear friend Joanne who has been afflicted by cancer. No More Lord! You are the Almighty God of the universe. Nothing is too hard for you. I pray for Joanne ‘s faith ; that it may grow as she sees first hand the miracles that only you are performing in her life.
    Lord Jesus please help Joanne to feel your presence , strength , peace and comfort as she prays expectantly . We love you Father! You are the potter and we are your clay. Please breathe new life into your masterpiece that is her life . Thankyou for Joanne’s beautiful life.
    Waiting and praying expectantly Lord God ALMIGHTY. From your other daughter, Marcy . 💜✝️🙏

    1. I am agreeing with you in prayer for your friend, Joann and praying for my friend Sara the same thing. It’s so hard to see those we love suffer. I praise God because I know He’s in control and that He will be glorified in their healing!

  23. Good morning I am waiting for my court case to be dismissed tomorrow and my Husband paperwork to be approved in Jesus name son David to get Job

  24. I needed to read this because I am always doubting God will answer my prayers. I believe in his love with every breath I take, yet I tend to forget his answers ARE because he loves me.

    Love this devotion today!

  25. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer. My husband is one year without a job. I know with all my heart God has been in this waiting.

  26. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for the salvation, healing, filling of my 3 children! In Jesus Name!!

  27. I am 60 years old and my life has not turned out the way I thought it would. I am asking the LORD to help me live the life He has given me to the fullest and not in pain, anger and resentment.

  28. My husband and I are leaving tomorrow with our best friends to go to Grand Teton National Park. Please pray for our friend, Tim to feel better. He has been suffering with high blood pressure and an asthma flare up. Also, please pray I will see Grizzly 399 and her cub Spirit. She is a 28 year old Grizzly Bear. They call her the Queen of the Tetons.😊🐻

  29. I’m praying for my husband for his sight to be fully restored after eye surgery. I’m praying for the debt l have accumulated. I want to be debt free so as l may bless others.

  30. I’m waiting for God to answer my prayer about having a baby. My husband and I are struggling with infertility.

  31. Thank you for answering my prayers. You Father God coming in my life and blessing my son, my home and giving a leap of faith, hope and love.

    1. Lord,
      I lift Linda and her family up to you. Thank you for all you are doing in their lives. Thank you that you do exceedingly more than we could ever ask or imagine. Continue to strengthen Linda and her family with faith,, hope and love. Amen.

  32. I’m expecting Greatly!!! Today that God will answer my friend’s prayer to get her RN license. That we see with our own eyes that God can move mountains. That like the song ” he can split the sea.Amen Thank You for sharing this verse today

  33. prayer is so important, my prayer request is for the Lord to take care of Marks health issues, speed the divorce he is going through and to keep knocking on the door of his heart till he accepts him as Lord and Savior.

  34. I am fervently praying for my son to return to relationship with us and with God. We have not heard from him in over 5 months and are heartbroken.

    1. Cathy -Im so sorry you are going through that. I’ve been where you are now with your son. My daughter took left home when she turned 18 and l we didn’t want her to but through her time away from us she KNEW we were praying for her. It took a year for her figure out a lot of adult stuff. She had to walk that path because she had to find out for herself what we had been trying to prepare her for being an independent adult. She didnt go the way we wished she had, but in her way she learned that God was still with her even though she walked away from Him too. As hard as it can be praying when the words dont come keep praying because the Holy Spirit will intercede for you and hold onto your faith a hard as you can, even if it’s by the strings of Jesus’ robe and He will answer your prayers in His time.

  35. My son is a recent college graduate searching for a job. He is working hard at applications and interviews but nothing is resulting in a job offer and he (and I) are becoming discouraged. Thank you for your prayers!

  36. I am praying for my 28 year old daughter who suffers from anxiety over adulting. She wants to get her license but is terrified, she needs to move to an affordable living space but becomes overwhelmed with the process. Lord please help her, find the courage to help herself.

  37. I am having a difficult time obtaining employment. I do not see why LGBTQIA has to be inter-woven with every position out there. I can not work for a company that expects me to turn my back on God’s word. I cannot spend my days affirming lies and mental illness as being someone’s “authentic self” because I know it is a lie. I am getting so far behind in my bills that until God steps in, I am sunk. Please pray for me and my family.

  38. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about turning our school’s current situation around. Please join me in praying for our institution’s improvement from a ‘D’ status to passing/favorable status’. We seek wisdom, strength, and growth in our educational journey and ask for blessings on our administrators, teachers, and students. Let’s unite in prayer, believing in the transformative power of God’s guidance to lead us to success.

    Thank you for standing in faith with us!

  39. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayers concerning my living situation, my transportation issues and my finances.

  40. I am praying earnestly for my grown son, Paul (48), to find the Lord and sobriety. He has lost so much in life. His kids, his wife, his job etc. Ive been angry because I think God doesn’t hear me.

  41. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayers for vindication of my children and our family for lies spread about us and the Lord to deal with those who speak the slander and sow discord. And for Jesus to heal my children’s broken hearts and bring to them Christ like companions. That they would know that our God is a miracle worker and He loves them and He can do anything!!! Asking Him to bring beauty from the ashes! And restore to them the joy of their salvation!

  42. I just prayed this prayer early this morning. This has been my memory scripture for the week. My prayer is for my prodical children to come home and for God to heal every area of their life that is broken so they cam become Kingdom men and women for His service. Amen

  43. After each of us lost our first spouse, we were introduced by a mutual friend. We were both lonely- so after only 6 months of dating, we got married. He’s a good Christian man- we both love Jesus. Second marriages are HARD! I’m praying God will change my heart attitude- to be able to accept and love Tom as he is. We are very involved in our church, and I’m a strong believer in prayer and God has answered many of my requests.. We’ve been married 6 years- both in our early 70’s- and I want this marriage to work. Please pray for me!

  44. I’m expecting God to answer my prayer about a affordable house in the current school district my children attend

  45. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about (or for) complete healing for my son ,a job opening for my Husband and a new job where people are sincere and i can grow.Amen

  46. I am praying everyday to be able to see my grandchildren their Mother has taken them away from us and we have practically raised them sine they were born. The mother and my son never married and my son is not taking the responsibility that he needs to and therefore the courts have said we have no rights to see them it is heartbreaking. as they used to be with us during the week and most weekends and now we do not get to see them because of their mother.

    It is heartbreaking that grandparents have no rights in Georgia if the children want to be involved with us then they should be allowed and not taken away from us and their family members. I pray everyday that she will have a heart and change her mind and that the lord will guid her to the right path.

  47. Sharon,
    My husband and I are trusting, believing God to answer our prayers regarding our adult son who has been homeless, living in his car for many years to find housing. He works part-time which we are grateful for. He suffers from social anxiety disorder. Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayer. Dee

  48. I’ve been praying and searching for a new job for over a year. One that fits my values and provides for my family. I finally quit my current job because of the toll the travel was having on me and my family. It was a step of faith and I know He will provide. But it’s also scary as I get closer to my final day at my current role.

  49. I am having many tests for ovarian cysts. I am praying for healing, no cancer, no disease. Thank you God for covering me with your precious blood.

    1. Carol,
      I’ve had 3 ovarian surgeries for benign cysts. It’s really tough. I just prayed for your healing especially no cancer!

  50. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayers:
    1. Reconciliation with my sister
    2. Mother’s health
    3. If it’s God’s will, Mom will move in with her sister so the selling of her home is in the balance. Praying God will open doors and give direction.

  51. Sharon, you have encouraged me today, to wait expectantly on the Lord. He will answer in His time and His way. Digging out my prayer journal today. I look forward to seeing your name in my email. Thank you for your faithfulness. May God richly bless you!

  52. I am praying for our daughter to restart her church life. She is a believer but the church itself is not a priority.

  53. Lord we are crying out for direction about a possible move. A job for my husband, clients for me, a great school and sports teams for my daughter, a church home, selling our house.. We cry out to you for clear direction and expect you to answer.

  54. My prayer is that my son Matthew will give his heart to Jesus, that he will be released from the chains that bind him.

  55. Lord, I am trying really hard to believe that healing is coming for my mother. We do not know what has happened to her and the doctors can’t seem to find anything. I know The Great Physician knows what ails her. My sister and I are about on empty taking care of both of my parents at the same time. There seems to not be enough hours in the day Lord. Come Lord Jesus, bring calm and peace to my mother so she can regain some of her independence! Thank you Lord for going before me and help me to not get ahead of the day. You are good You hear my voice and I wait expectantly as did your servant David.

  56. God morning sister, I’m believing and standing by faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will bring my Prodigal daughter back to him and to us as a family. It’s been three long and hard years. 😪 Thank you for understanding. God bless you and your family! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏📖

    1. I pray daily for my 2 adult children to come back into a relationship with Jesus and serve Him. They both have deep church hurt .

  57. God morning sister, I’m believing and standing by faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that He will bring my Prodigal daughter back to Him and to us as a family. It’s been three long and hard years. 😪 Thank you for understanding. God bless you and your family! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏📖

  58. I believe God for a new job that will allow me work/life balance so I can get back to serving him consistently. A job where I am paid for the effort I put in.

  59. I’m expectantly (for 20+ years) waiting for God to answer my prayer for my daughter, Kelly, to come to/return to faith in Jesus and for her to reconcile with me and allow me to reunite with my grandchildren, the oldest of which I led to Jesus when she was almost 5 (9 years ago) but for which she has had no discipling that I know of. For protection for them and her against the cultural evil and deception. My heart is broken. God loves them more than I do.

  60. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my lost daughter. That she would turn her hope toward Jesus, that she would choose to take the steps to healing, and for forgiveness and restoration of relationships.

  61. I am expectantly waiting for my son and daughter in law to find their way back to God and to us. We love them (and our beautiful little grandson) and we miss them very much. Please God do the impossible. Amen

  62. I am expectantly waiting for my son and daughter in law to find their way back to God and to us. We love them (and our beautiful little grandson) and we miss them very much.

  63. I’m praying, and have been expecting for 10 years for the return of my son. I don’t know where he is, but God does.

  64. God’s timing is so perfect in this devotional. Our daughter Caroline is having her IVF transfer this morning. After waiting 12 years, we are expecting God to answer in his loving, kind and perfect timing to fill their quiver (Psalm 127:5).

  65. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for the right attorneys, financial miracle, to take this pressure and mental and physically anguish from me. For me to keep my home. For me to feel peace.

  66. Dear God, I’m praying for my son to get a job with benefits and good pay to take care of his family and that they will find a new place to move before their June deadline that is affordable for them. Lord I also ask your mercy and provision for us to find our new home in a good neighborhood below $350,000 where we can pay upfront a greater down payment to have a lower than 30 year mortgage as we retire. It would be very helpful to see the sale of our current properties also come through to help us with this goal to determine where we will live next. In Jesus name with thanksgiving I pray Amen.

  67. I’m seeking prayer right now for a single mom at our church. She has a 10 year old boy. The boys father is in prison. His parents are trying to get custody of him and are continually taking her to court. She needs a lawyer for a court summons she was served yesterday which will cost her money she does not have. And that is on top of some other unexpected bills. She is a believer and trusts God to take care of her and her son. I would just welcome others to pray for her as well. Her name is Kelly. Thank you!

  68. I am expectantly waiting for God to heal my son completely mentally physically and most of all spiritually.

  69. I am expecting God to answer my prayer for my granddaughter to turn from the path of gender identity. Heal her mind and heart to be satisfied with who she is and to find a contented life.

  70. I am praying today for my son’s family to come back to the Lord. And for my two friends who are battling cancer.
    I pray that that cancer will leave their bodies in Jesus name.

  71. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about sobriety for my son. It’s hard to see your child struggle and turn to alcohol for comfort.

  72. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer to restore the relationship between my family, between my 3 adult children. In Jesus name, Amen

  73. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my son Jaymyn. I am out of town and my husband is home with the kids. Jaymyn has a terrible cough at night and my husband feels helpless. I know God will answer my prayer and bring peace and healing to my family while I’m away.

  74. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my oldest son John who has battled drug addiction since the age of 12. He is 51 yrs of age and in the throes of addiction currently.
    He has left his wife and 6 yr old daughter. Praying for the prodigal son to come home! Thank you for your prayers!

  75. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for $3500.00 to use towards a Mission Retreat in the UK that I know God is calling me to.
    Father God I lift up my sisters who have submitted all types of prayer requests, some for themselves and others for someone they love, all very near and dear to their hearts, I thank You God that You heard each one before they were ever uttered, before it even became a prayer request You heard and You answered, thank You LORD for answering, give each of Your daughters the peace and confidence we need that in asking according to Your will we will receive what we ask of You Father God, thank You for supplying all of our needs according to Your riches in glory, thank You Father God for saying to us that whatever things we ask when we pray, believe that we receive them, and we will have them, hallelujah, thank You Father for watching over Your word spoken out of our mouths on this day and Your word will accomplish the purpose for which You sent it and not return to You void Lord God, for You are not a man that You should lie neither a son of man that You should repent, have You said, and will You not do or have You spoken and will You not make it good, so bless Your daughters today with unshakeable faith to believe You for everything You said was ours and to hold our belief with high expectations in You Father God because You do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us which is Holy Spirit in us, so I thank You Father God, we thank You for giving us Holy Spirit to comfort, teach and show us Your heart towards us. Thank You Father God for who You are, for Your character, Your goodness, Your lavish, endless and unconditional love for us, Your great grace, Your forgiveness of our sins, Your mercies new each day, Your sound, upright and profound wisdom that exceeds man’s wisdom, Your healing words of life that remain active for eternity, Your embrace, Your gentle whispers in the pruning seasons we face, Your love for justice and righteousness, Your thoughts of us being more than the grains of sand on a seashore with each of them being good, Your divine protection over us and our families and friends and over the ones we are asking salvation for, Your longsuffering, Your redeeming work of the Cross and so much, much more, Father God, You are wonderfull, we love You and bless You in Jesus name amen.

  76. I am praying expectantly for accusations against my husband and three other people at my husband’s office to be removed.

  77. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about what I should be focusing on as it pertains to my personal and professional goals.

    I am a full-time sole caregiver to my Mama Joan a brainstem stroke survivor and through my caregiving experience, I have learned that there is a significant gap in research and resources specifically tailored to the needs of Black daughter caregivers. This underrepresentation within the healthcare and caregiving systems inspired me to create Hey Caregiver! a lifestyle brand that prioritizes self-care for family caregivers and The Binti Circle, a support network dedicated to addressing these disparities and offering culturally tailored support for Black women caring for their parents.

    I’m also expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for scholarships and donations toward my Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) studies at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. My student loans were forgiven praise God and school debt is not an option, especially as an unpaid family caregiver. However, as a Black daughter caregiver, I understand firsthand the importance of culturally responsive support in this role. By pursuing a DrPH, I aim to deepen my understanding of the intersection of race, gender, and caregiving, and to develop effective interventions for addressing disparities in health and well-being within this community.

    While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) acknowledges caregiving as a public health priority and that the health of caregivers is at risk, systemic health and social injustices frequently result in worse health outcomes for Black caregivers, particularly Black daughter caregivers.

    I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Eswatini when I learned that Mama Joan was on life support. That was August 5, 2018. God has indeed turned my pain into purpose as this is not the life that I would have chosen.

    These are a few of the scriptures that I hold on to: Jeremiah 29:11-13, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 118:5-9 and Psalm 32:8-10.

    In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  78. I have been widowed for nine years. I am praying expectantly for God to send another Godly man of respect. The desire of my heart is to once again be in a loving relationship. Thank you for praying with me.🌷

  79. I continue to pray every day that my daughter Brooke Hatfield will be delivered from the chains of addiction and live to serve our Holy God, for His glory and honor!


  80. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about a full time position with benefits in the field that I belong.

  81. Praying that my husband, Keith, has a heart filled with the Holy Spirit so that he can be the man God created him to be and to be a role model to our children.

  82. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about my new car. My car was totaled. It is on the way!!

  83. I’m expectantly, waiting for God to answer my prayer about my relationship that my whole heart believe was God ordained from the beginning. And we both both allowed the enemy to intervene. I believe in the true power of prayer and bringing this relationship back to where it’s supposed to be with God first. Let God reign in both of our hearts, mind and soul.

  84. I am embarrassed to admit that have been praying and hoping for years that God would miraculously release me from my addiction and dysfunctional relationship with food. However, I have lost hope and have never really expected Him to act. Maybe that is why He hasn’t delivered me – I don’t have enough faith to believe that He will?

    1. Do not lose hope Kim, God is always there for those who call on Him. You are aware of your food addiction, you know what you need to do, so use God’s strength to help you make the necessary changes, I believe that you do have enough faith in God, and I believe that when you make that true commitment – to Him; to yourself, then you will dig deep, and come out fighting along side God to overcome and conquer this. I am praying with you Kim – and I know I am not the only one!

  85. , I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer concerning my son’s release from prison. Daughters to return from the land of the enemy.

  86. I’m expecting God to answer my prayer for healing . The last two months I’ve been battling food intolerance. I’m believing that God will answer my prayers and restore my body back to normal

  87. I am expectedly and excitedly waiting for God to answer my prayer about MacKenzee and my son’s marriage and family🙏🏽🙌🏽

    1. I am believing God will answer my prayer for my daughter to get a spouse who acknowledges and loves God and also for her to have a closer walk with Jesus. I am trusting God for an income stream. All these for the glory of God and for our good.

  88. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for an employment opportunity to open up for a friend in my church.

  89. Being the man God really wants me to be by expressing the fruit of the spirit in my life. That should take care of any human situation.

  90. I’m expecting God to answer my prayers for healing from stage 4 cancer! He has healed me so much so far!
    Now I am expecting complete recovery from the pain I have been experiencing recently!
    I know God will answer in his time – I know pray for patience!

  91. Please pray for my daughter who is now in her fifties to overcome her fearful feelings she has since she was very verbally abused by her ex-husband., Also pray for her sons who have suffered mentally from the same situation. They are both in their twenties. The youngest cannot keep a job, has anxiety and can’t keep a job. He is not acceptable to help. Mom keeps rescuing him. He is a very intelligent young man who could have a very happy life if he would believe that God coud help him.

  92. I’m waiting for God to answer my prayer for my daughter and son-in-law and granddaughter to become followers of Jesus

  93. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my many prayers for complete restoration and healing from early childhood ritual abuse.

  94. Amen. I am expectantly waiting for my husband ro be freed from alcohol misuse and anxiety. In Jesus name.

  95. My son Daniel to be healed of the autoimmune condition called PANDAS! In the name of Jehovah Rapha! Amen and amen! \o/

  96. I’m expectantly waiting for God to heal my daughter’s anger issues and for her to give up her addictions to Jesus!

  97. I’m waiting to have surgery and praying for no cancer diagnosis. I’m also praying fervently for my prodigal transgender daughter to return to the Lord and her true identity!

  98. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my daughter to be able to carry her own child.

  99. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my husband. Complete restoration, ungodly soul ties broken. In Jesus Name.

  100. I’m waiting for God to answer my prayer about healing me from this illness and to be able to have a family of my own. As I approach menopause, I’m getting discouraged. I’m in a long distance relationship with this guy and my church does not approve of him. This guy says he already accepted Christ and prays morning and evening. We met here in my country while working together in a restaurant. Because his contract ended he had to leave and now is in Spain. He says he will come back for me. I don’t know if that is true but taking each day at a time and put my trust in the Lord. If it’s God’s will that we will be together then what this guy says is true and will come back. I’m challenged each day with my illness and wishing that I will be healed and set free.
    The other thing that I pray for is that myself, family, and friends will be part of the rapture.
    I also pray for my friend Tina that she would be able to get in touch with me. I’ve tried messaging her but she won’t answer my messages. She has left my country saying she’s had it with people from my country and filing for divorce from her husband. She helps me with my illness and has compassion for people who have the same illness as me.
    And last is my friend/classmate that she would know the truth and that the truth would set her free. She’s involved in some kind of new age religion.
    I Praise God everyday for His protection, provision, and providence. Also for His love, faith, mercy, and grace He bestows upon me each day. That each day is a new day.

  101. I am begging God for a direct answer about my living situation. I need Him to show me exactly what to do and to make it very plain! I also need Him to direct me about whether or not I should pursue legal means to correct some big issues…and to shine a light on all the “wrong-doings.”

  102. I’m expectantly waiting for God to heal my broken leg so I can have my much needed shoulder surgery! If it is His will He can and will!

  103. I repent of unbelief. I ask God my Savior Lord Jesus to heal my knees completely so I can have a better life without pain. I know my God is able and give Him all the glory and credit in advance. In Jesus name, Amen!

  104. Praying for a buyer for our house so my new husband and and I can create a new chapter in ‘our’ home. God brought two widows together in our time of need. We exalt Him!!!

  105. Dear Jesus I pray for my grandchild to thrive at his new neighborhood / school district, make new good friends and my step-grand daughter to do the same. I pray for my daughter to make new friends in her new home and love it where she is moving to, same with her fiance’. Dear Lord I pray for my blind daughter who is 33 1/2 to meet a good catholic spiritual man to spend her life with, someone that is compatable and loving. I pray for you to call my Aunt Cecil home to be with you. In Jesus Name I pray.

  106. I am praying and expecting God to deliver my son from addiction, to restore his life and to give him hope

  107. I am expectantly, waiting for God to answer my prayer for healing for Abigail walls. For the Lord to give us a miracle and let Abigail be healed of her cancers so that her babies can grow up with their precious mama.

  108. I am praying expectantly for my daughter in law and grandson and husband to be drawn to Christ or back to Christ with my husband.

  109. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer regarding my grandson. He is 9 years old and he is struggling in school with math and reading. He is not one to raise his hand and ask for help and he doesn’t participate unless being called on. My prayer is that God will help him in these areas, give him the skills that he needs to do well, and change his mindset about school.

  110. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer to provide a godly wife from a good family for my son Andrew and for him to have biological children. He will be 37 the end of June.

    I’m also expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about providing more healthy children to my other son, Grant. They have one daughter but Sara has experienced 2 miscarriages and is 36.

  111. I am waiting for God to heal my youngest son from alcoholism….and to bring restoration to our relationship. He is a Christian and gets very discouraged with this battle.

  112. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about restoring relationships with my son and his family. Pray for healing of broken hearts on both sides. Thank you for your prayers.

  113. I’m believing God that I’ll weep for joy because God answered my prayers to be employed in a great company with excellent benefits before the end of the month

    1. Lord, I pray that you will provide the perfect position for Dee. You know exactly what she needs! Give her faith to see your will for her.


  114. I’m expectantly waiting for.God to answer my prayer for my son’s lawyer to free him from charges that came from lies told to police.
    For his mental health to be restored and for him to flourish as at his chosen profession.

  115. I am praying for some health issues I have currently. I expect to hear from God as to guidance to do the right things to make it better and for Him to heal these ailments.

  116. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer that he will provide the right job for my husband to be able to provide for our family. IN JESUS NAME!

  117. I am praying for God’s will.. I am retired at 60, but seeking new employment or the path God has for me.. I am looking for open doors, as to what is next in this season! I know He has a purpose for me!

  118. I am praying for God’s will.. I am retired at 60, but seeking new employment or the path God has for me.. I am looking for open doors, as to what is next in this season! I know He has a purpose for me to see me prosper!

  119. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my daughter-in-law to conceive and carry a healthy baby.

  120. I am praying and expecting God to move in a mighty way to fix my son’s marriage and to bless us in a big way financially.
    I pray for healing for my husband that his cancer does not come back
    Praying for my 4 grandchildren that God will protect and keep them.
    Praying for my oldest son who has really bad anxiety issues and not to drive .
    Praying for healing for my daughter in a relationship with a guy we are not sure of.

  121. After my father died, we had to supplement my elderly mother’s income while putting our son through college. Needless to say, money is tight. Unfortunately, my son’s car died and we were in need of a new one. I prayed about it and asked my friend who I was speaking with to join me in this prayer. She started laughing and said, “this is unbelievable!”. She then told me that earlier this week she had prayed about needing to donate a car that was taking up space and asked God to show her where to donate it. Needless to say, I burst into tears when she said she wanted me to have it…no charge. God is so, so good!

    Thank you for this article!

  122. My step daughter is going into surgery today to have her breasts removed for gender purposes. She is confused and deceived. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will change your mind before they remove her breasts!

  123. My husband died December 15, 2023. He left me with some unexpected financial issues. Lord, please help me sell my RV set-up to help me financially be able to make ends meet. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers.

  124. I am expecting God to protect and guide my children. I am also expecting God to heal them from speech delay and that they will meet and excel in all their milestones.

  125. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my daughter & son-in-law to conceive a child. They have had several miscarriages and are in constant prayer for a baby.

  126. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about a godly husband who comes from a good family for myself.

      1. God bless you, Mary K! I appreciate you praying on my behalf! I pray that God answers your prayers as well!

  127. I am praying for my daughter and patiently waiting for God to answer. She has Chron’s and is suffering trying to get adjusted to new medication. Thank you for these devotions. They always speak directly to my needs.

  128. Mine’s a tall order: I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer(s) about healing from stage 4 colon cancer, financial assistance for my medical bills, restoration for son’s mental health/addiction battle, Patrick’s restoration from seizures.

    1. Father God I ask you to wrap your arms around Sally and heal her mind and body. You are a miracle working God. You are not alone, there are angels all around you. God is our stronghold our mighty tower in which we can lean on. By his stripes we are healed. Keep walking by faith, trusting in his promises. He will never leave you. God is bigger than any cancer, miracles take place and you will be healed. Keep calling out to Jesus, he hears you. He loves you!

  129. I am praying with a reverent and expectant heart, that because of all of you, God will see enough good in the U.S. to restore America back to one nation under God, I also pray He will answer all of your prayers. Love and blessings to you all –

  130. I’m waiting for God to answer my healing prayer for my stomach pains, lower back pains and back spasm and arthritis in my knees and legs. Father God, I need healing power for strength to take care of my daughter who has varies disabilities. (Autism, Speech language impairment, and mental challenge) God come into my house and safe us from all hurt and danger. Amen.

  131. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my daughter to find the perfect place for her to work after she graduates, also for healing in my family, and waiting for God to answer prayers for our church.

  132. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for Jason’s salvation, bring us communication and restore our relationship.

  133. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about a cancellation so that I can get my GI tests sooner than June 6th.

  134. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my grandmother’s headaches to go away. She fell in February and had a concussion along with three mini strokes. I am praying a believing she will regain her health!

  135. I continue to pray for God’s healing of broken relationships between two of my adult grandchildren and for resources to continue at home care for invalid and bedridden husband.

  136. I am expectingly waiting for God to answer my prayers for physical,
    emotional and mental healing of my family members.

  137. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for my daughter Cassidy and her unborn child, that the pregnancy is healthy and the baby is healthy.

  138. I am expectantly waiting for the Lord to stop my son’s wedding this month to a woman that has divided our family and has a jezebel spirit. I am not invited to the wedding.

  139. I am believing God and waiting expectantly for God to show up on my behalf in myriad ways including:
    1. Healing and restoration of my marriage
    2. My finances including clearing my debts and providing for my needs
    3. Securing a new and much better paying job as I have been exploring several opportunities
    4. Success for my children in their exams
    5. Mental health and clarity for my 21 year old son.

    We serve a God who can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or imagine! Glory to God!!!

    1. Prayed for today Nicky. Hang in there. As a mother, you come with a unique set of issues and I pray for you and your family today, specially for your son. Take one day at a time Nicky and listen to God’s music, talk to God all the time, and take time for yourself at least for a little bit each day. My love and best wishes sister, shelley

  140. I am expectantly trusting God to lead my adult children to the good career paths He has for them and that they will trust Him in the process.

  141. I’m believing God and waiting expectantly for financial peace~ being out of constant financial stress.
    I’m waiting expectantly to drop my perfectionism and joyfully organize our home.

  142. These are my prayer requests to God today.
    I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about my job concerns as I am without right now, my car being replaced, my nephew accepting Christ into his heart and life, a non-profit street minstry that I would like to begin with some other willing people, to heal my anxious heart and mind, peace everywhere, and my business endeavors with PlayOff.
    From your daughter Shelley.

    Dear Lord, I pray for all the women and men present here and ask dear Lord that you hear our cries for help in situations that are out of our control oftentimes. Help us to lay our burdens at your feet and take your yoke upon us. Dear Lord, we want to be yoked with you always. Please help us to discern where we need to discern and to trust you always for help with our decisions. Give us courage to share our faith with others and show us answers to prayers Lord that we may share with others what you have done for us. Thanks for being a faithful God and for answering us in the past and blessing us. Help each of us be great witnesses of your faithfulness to those around us. In Jesus holy and precious name I pray. Amen.

  143. I am expecting God to answer my prayer for my daughter and her son’s relationship. Praying they both will submit their lives to God. Praying for total healing for myself and for a godly male friend. Praying for every prayer before mine’s that we will patiently wait on God to answer. He knows what is best for all of us. Nothing is too big for Him. I am praying for you as I pray for myself.

  144. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about my daughters mental health situation, and, emotional healing from abuse. To bring restoration to relationships that have suffered. To speak to me about what I need to do in my own relationships, whether to pursue restoration again after hurt, or, just to forgive, and, move forward away from it.

    1. Praying for God to provide clarity for all of your questions Amy. I pray he will open the right doors and seal shut all the wrong ones. God bless you!

  145. I’m standing and believing for a job within my company close to my family. I lift every petition for healing and restoration in this comment section up before you Lord. You are our Healer and the God Who Restores. I give You all the praise and all the honor, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen & Amen

  146. I’m expecting my Father God to show the people how well my Son in law would work for them and give him employment at their place of business. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  147. I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayer about my daughter Justine and healing for eyes with no disease, good eye pressure, and good vision in JESUS CHRIST’S NAME who is JEHOVAH RAPHA THE GOD WHO HEALS!!!!
    I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayer about my spiritual health; a renewed walk with Him and victory over any lies of the enemy and strongholds in my mind keeping me from trusting and obeying Him and for total surrender to Him and His will and for peace to walk in His love & freedom again in the ALMIGHTY Name of JESUS CHRIST my LORD and SAVIOR!!!!
    I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayers about my daughter Jaselle & for GOD’S peace to replace her anxieties & for good, godly friendships in the ALL HOLY & MATCHLESS NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!
    I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayers about my son’s learning gaps to close and for him to meet and even exceed academic expectations & for him to find strength and wisdom in JESUS CHRIST who is the MIGHTY HOLY WARRIOR!!!!
    I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayers about healing my marriage and making it whole and for my husband, Jasmin, to be a godly leader for our family and for my children’s, Jaselle, Justine, & Jasmin, Jr.’s salvation in the the MOST HOLY SOVEREIGN Name of JESUS CHRIST alone, amen and amen!!!!

  148. Thanks Saints!
    I am believing for God to restore my mom’s mobility so that I can bring her home with me from the nursing facility. Please Jesus.

  149. I’m expectantly waiting on God to answer my prayers for a supernatural miracle in my finances, transportation and jobs for my girls that desperately needs help in there finances..thank you Lord for answering my prayers in Jesus name Amen!

  150. Praying for healing for both my littles (5 and 1) who have been diagnosed with a chronic condition.
    My 5yo has had some pains in the past few days and we always pray with her while treating it. She told me last night that maybe God does not want to heal her or has forgotten about the pain she is experiencing 😢.

    I pray she never loses her child like faith in God, and she knows that he can and will truly heal her and will never leave nor forsake her. I pray for wholeness for both my children.

  151. I am fervently waiting for God to answer the prayer for my grandson to get the value replacement surgery that he so much needs. he had a valve removed from his heart last year because infection damaged it. he had to wait 6 months to a year to have it replaced. Has been turned down for disability so many times can’t work, no energy. And the hospital will not except him until he comes up with 3000.00 to 5000.00 for the surgery. It is in God’s hands.

  152. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for financial freedom & a huge weight loss for my health and happiness.

  153. I’m praying God would say yes to my husband release. Praying He soften the heart of the Governor to approve his pardon. Also praying He would heal the broken relationships with my mother and daughter as well as with my children as a whole.

  154. I’m waiting, believing, and joyfully expecting God to answer my prayers/request for financial increase for our move in 5 weeks (I don’t have enough money to pay for our move), healing in my body, and culinary opportunities to launch my barbecue sauce line.

  155. Expecting that God will heal the terrible tinnitus in my brain. I have had it for a very long time and daily ask for God’s healing.

  156. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer concerning finances, family issues, and total peace

  157. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer so that my partner and our adult children will accept Christ back into their lives after rejecting God for to long.

  158. Praying for financial and career breakthroughs, and also provision for a family car this year. Praying for your family’s salvation. 🙏🏻

    1. Jehovah Ezer, our ever present help in time of need, please hear your beloved’s prayer and answer favorably. May Your good, pleasing, & perfect will be done concerning her. In Jesus name. Amen🙏🏾

  159. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer to bring my cousin from Haiti to come help me with my elderly mom who is battling advanced Alzheimer’s disease. Also, for my U.S. citizenship.

  160. We now before you, precious Heavenly Father. You are a good, good Father and you promise to bring good out of the most troubling situations. I lift up each and every sister who has commented here—and, the family she represents. Please hear and honor our requests for physical healings, for salvation for loved ones, for restoration of relationships and, for all our hearts’ desires if they be in accordance with your will. We love you today God, and we look forward to see how you are working in each of these areas. In the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

  161. I’m expectantky waiting for God to heal my daughter, Crystal for the 3rd time her cancer has returned. She was diagnosed the 1st time in 2009, it returned on 2021 and now last week returned again. God has faithfully allowed her to find it each time and I believe He will remain faithful to her healing again. We serve a mighty God who tells us He answers above and beyond what we can even imagine!

  162. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about finding an apartment before 6/30 since my current landlord is selling the house we are renting. We have to move. Need a miracle because I don’t meet credit or salary requirements to qualify on my own – almost. Found a great affordable place to go just need God’s help.

    1. Praying for you Kathy, God will make way for you.
      I’m trusting, expecting God for a lot! Big! He will do it.

  163. Expectantly waiting to be healed of stage 4 cancer and PTSD. Expectantly waiting for my 5 daughters to return to the Lord. Thank you Jesus

  164. I’m waiting expectantly for my son Danny to be completely delivered from depression and laziness ,that he will have joy again and find purpose for his life. That he will take his school responsibilities seriously.

  165. I’m expectantly waiting for God to open the door of breakthrough for my son in his search for a good job.
    Zaram may have a few ??? but God is the protocol breaker. This I ask in the name of Jesus: the name that is above all names.

  166. I’m waiting, praying and expecting some financial relief! Like everyone these days, the money coming in is not matching what needs to go out and bills are piling up despite working more hours than I have in years! Unlike some of the comments, who I have prayed for this morning, I am grateful my home is not in danger. God bless everyone and thank you Sharon for your wonderful and assessable ministry!

  167. I know GOD works for our good, We are waiting for his loving hand to guide us on the purchase of a used vehicle..its a big decision that only HE can make.
    In JESUS name I pray..

  168. I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayers for my son. Please help him realize he needs your guidance to help him with this alcohol abuse and anger.

    1. Deborah, I am praying for your son that God would take away his desire (dependence) for alcohol and that He would calm his anger and fill him with His peace.

  169. Prayers that God will bless my family’s finances. My husband will get the job he applied for, God willing.

  170. I am praying for the relationship between my mother and sister. They haven’t spoken for many years and it puts a divide in the family who speaks to both. I know God can heal this in HIS time. HE knows each heart and hurt. HE knows what it takes to move each heart to forgiveness, I pray Holy Spirit to make each sensitive to HIS voice.

  171. I am sure that God will bring my sons back to Him even if I do not live to see it. I pray for Deborah’s and others’ children who are also wayward in the faith. I call upon His promises.

  172. I’m expectantly waiting for GOD to answer my prayers for:
    1. The Job He has for me working remotely making a great wage
    2. My Relatives to become Family deliver us from us
    3. Sale of my home to run smoothly without hindrance, delay, or procrastination
    4. What is my next step in ministry

  173. Please pray for my son and daughter-in-law (M&K). They are having a rough time in their marriage. I pray, above all, that they would have the joy of their salvation in Christ. I also pray that they would experience joy in the marriage union that God has given them. Thankfully, they are seeing a marriage and family counselor. I pray that even though this person may not be a Christian that God’s Words would be what they hear.
    She is also dealing with religious trauma from past experiences and is in counseling for that too.

  174. Hello Sharon,

    What a great message. I am expectantly waiting for God to fill me with the gift of contentment.
    We are so blessed!!

  175. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayers and bless me with children and financial breakthrough

  176. Our Sunday school classes have so many heartbreaking prayer requests. Yet we know God is stronger than our pains, troubles, and heartache. He is Glorified through each of us when we Thank and Praise His Name and Trust His Will be done. Oh Lord
    Humanly speaking it is overwhelming to think of the number of prayer requests that You receive each minute of every day throughout this world. To think that You care so much about each and every prayer, is mind boggling. Yet we do believe this and You do answer our prayers. Thank You Jesus. I pray You will allow each of these Your Children here and around Your world to know Your Presence and be confident in Your Word Please never allow our hearts to wonder away from You or Your Word. “I believe in God The Father Almighty,Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He will come to Judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, GOD’S holy worldwide Church,
    the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
    the Resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. We pray in The Name of and through Jesus’ precious Life and Blood Amen

  177. “Subhanallah (Glory be to God)! Remember, sometimes Allah answers our prayers in unexpected ways or gives us something even better. May we always be grateful for His wisdom.”

  178. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about our embryos surviving. We are older, told it’s next to impossible to have children. We just had two eggs fertilize, but told they did not divide as expected. We are believing for a miracle this Monday.

  179. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for healing of my left leg, foot, ankle, and knee, so I can walk again. In the Bible, Jesus healed the lame, and I know for sure He can still do it!! Also prayers for my son and family safe travels as they go to their daughters (my granddaughters) college graduation. I could go if I could walk! Thanks everyone!!

  180. I am expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer for healing of my granddaughter (who has a serious, acute infection) and for work for my freelancing graphic designer son.

  181. I`m fervently praying for my sister so her treatment proves right and is healed. And I also have long , long been waiting for God`s provision of a husband for me – and an adopted child. Jean I´m praying for you this moment !!! thanks a lot for this space and for such a beautiful article . which helps us renew our faith . we so much relate to those who are lowering expectations as to seeing their prayers answered. Love Mara

  182. I’m believing that God will answer my prayers for my granddaughters, to come to know Christ as their savior and to receive healing in both body and mind.
    In Jesus name, Amen.

  183. I pray for my Grandchildren. Brock & Victoria to soften their hearts toward their Father & not believing the lies of the enemy & know the love of their Heavenly Father & their Earthly father who has always loved them , Thank you for your Answered prayer & you perfect timing in Jesus name Amen 🙏

  184. I am expectantly waiting for God to restore my family and bring my son and his family back into our lives with changed hearts.
    Praying for Mara as she requested!

  185. I’m praying and believing for the salvation of my 4 children. I’m standing on the promises of God, Romans 4:17,

  186. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about (or for) open doors for opportunities to be able to meet financial commitments in our businesses

  187. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and good results from the doctor at my follow up appointment! Also for. Healthy labor and delivery when that times comes as well as peace over my heart and mind.

    My husband also has a big job interview this weekend so prayers for that would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you!

  188. Hello Sharon,

    I am expectantly waiting for God, to reveal the gifts he wants to use in me to impact lives. We are so Blessed!

    1. Lord Jesus, you said we are your hands and feet. I pray that you would lead Richelle in the direction you want her to go. You promised you would do that . I pray when people look at her , they would see a reflection of you. Bless her family, her health and her finances. Thank you you have blessed us with all spiritual blessings. In Jesus mighty name.. Amen!

  189. Today’s Topic is quite interesting and I see myself in this write-up of yours. Thank you for the words of encouragement too.

    Have been praying, fasting and expecting God for the fruit of the womb for a number of years now, infact I lost my first marriage due to childlessness when my ex got another lady pregnant, he moved on with the lady and left the marriage.

    I actually lost interest in expecting any fruit of the womb and you know my present husband tells me that you are only asking for the fun of it but I do not truly believe that God will answer me and honestly that is the truth. But now that you have spoken this encouraging words with today’s topic I will go back to where I first believed that God can do all things and continue to trust God and be expectant of God’s answer to this request.

    I am eagerly waiting and expectant that God will bless me with the fruit of the womb sooner than I expect it in Jesus n=mighty name amen.

  190. I’m expectantly waiting for God to answer my prayer about my 3-year-old grandson’s eating and sleep disorder and for anxiousness in his 4-year-old brother, clearly speaking, to open his understanding and fill it with wisdom and knowledge as we pray, and they pray to God. This morning, the oldest one started praising God in the front yard as he lifted his head and began shouting Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus,

    God gives us, the grandparents of these two babies, the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to raise them and strengthen us to see it through until the end. Guide my every move, thought, action, and reaction. Give us patience to wait on you and the wisdom to recognize it when it comes.

    Help their parents become positively active in their lives in the right spirit.

    I am excited as I waited on you. Today’s topic has helped me level up my expectations according to the Bible. Please help me keep my eyes on you as I wait and trust you in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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