When You Feel Like Giving Up

Sharon JaynesConfidence in Christ, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, Trusting God 100 Comments

Can I make a confession? Sometimes I quit too soon. I’ve quit when what I really needed to do was to press on and press through. Sometimes I’ve gotten tired of the struggle—tired of trying. And you know what? I’ve missed many blessings because I threw up my hands in the battle and said, “Just forget it.” I don’t want to do that any longer. I don’t want to stop too soon.

I think about the Israelites taking the Promised Land. I wonder if I would have kept walking or wanted to just give up on the third trek around Jericho.

Remember the story? The battle plan to take the Promised Land was as simple as it was strange.

Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.” (Joshua 1:2-5)

Now, that was a strange plan. God’s infinite ways often don’t make sense in our finite minds. Sometimes you have to be willing to look ridiculous and be radical to live a remarkable life. The choices you make when you feel God’s nudge will become the hinges on which your destiny swings.

Jericho was “tightly shut up” (Joshua 6:1 NLT). Sometimes it can feel that our promises are “tightly shut up.” That doesn’t mean that we give up. That means that we suit up, step up, and keep moving forward.

God said, “See, I have delivered them into your hands.” Notice that verb tense. God did not say, “I will deliver them into your hands.” He said, “I have delivered them into your hands.” He had already done it, but they had to obey and put their foot down to receive it. I love how God speaks in past tense to our present problems.

But here’s the conundrum: What do you do when what God says doesn’t match up with what you see? When all you see is a big wall standing between your promise and your present situation?

There will be times when you are doing everything you know to do, and you still don’t see any movement. The Israelites walked around Jericho for six days, and as far as they could tell, nothing happened. I’m sure it unnerved the people behind the wall, but as far as the walkers could tell, not one brick fell.

This is where many give up—when they don’t see any progress. “God, throw me a bone,” I cry. “Show me a little something! Let me see just a hint of progress! Can I see one brick fall?” And God says, “Keep walking…by faith.”

Just because you don’t see God working does not mean that He isn’t.

Jesus said, “My Father is always at work” (John 5:17). The writer of Hebrews notes: “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Hebrews 10:35-36).

Today, you might be on lap number seven and not even know it. Supposed they had stopped on day six saying, “This is ridiculous. I’m not feelin’ it. Not one stone has fallen to the ground. I don’t see any progress. Those folks are probably in there laughing their heads off. I’m going home.”

They would have missed the blessing.

I wonder how many times I have missed the blessing because I stopped too soon. Perhaps you’ve wondered:

  • How much longer will I have to wait until God brings my prodigal home?
  • How much longer will I have to struggle with this unbelieving husband?
  • How much longer will I have to endure this dead-end job?
  • How many more laps will I have to walk around Jericho before the walls come tumbling down and I can take hold of my Promised Land?

I don’t know the answer to the question of how much longer, but I do know this, tomorrow could be the final lap. Don’t give up too soon.

Lord, sometimes I just want to give up. As a matter-of-fact, I am tempted to give up on something pretty important right now. Fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit on the inside, so that I can persevere on the outside. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What is one situation in your life right now that God is calling you to press on? Leave a comment and let’s pray for each other.

Today’s devotion was adapted from my book, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let Go, Move Forward, Live Bold. Join me as I show you how to take hold of all that Jesus has done for you and placed in you. Don’t settle for a mediocre faith that’s less than what God intends. Grab hold of that mountain-moving faith you’ve always longed for! This book also includes a Bible study guide and could be the very study to help you take that next step of faith.

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Comments 100


      Reene Campbell Williams

      1. I recently lost my job, now my car needs repair and i need it to find employment…i really feel like giving up but trying not to i have no one to ask for financial help so i can get back on my feet

    2. I have been trusting God for a job for 3 months. I applied to one two weeks ago so please pray that I get it.

    3. Phyllis, Please continue to share Jesus with children…they need hope! More & more in our culture children are not valued & appreciated as precious to God. I teach in a public school & do an after-school Bible club, & yes, I grow weary too. But these little ones don’t know the Bible anymore; they don’t know who Jesus is; the holidays are about Santa & the Easter bunny. Stay faithful! God sees your heart for His children & is pleased with your faithfulness! I pray the Lord pours out His love in your heart for these littles & renews your strength & purpose for this important calling!
      Stay the course! You matter to the Lord & so do those children you teach!

    4. My teenage children. I have watched one suffer for 8 years and the other for 7 years. They lost their teen years and it seems most of their future plans and although I have prayed for healing and guidance for treatment – they are still suffering. I am tired and I know God is there but it has been a long time and I would love to see a brick fall. Thank you for the wonderful devotions.

    5. I had back surgery in October 2019. The incision will not heal. I have be on antibiotics for infections about every other month. I also have severe case of psoriasis that covers over 90% of my body. Antibiotics makes my skin worse. I have been extremely miserable. Now my doctor says I have to have surgery again to clean the whole area and swab the area to find out what is causing the infection and another round of antibiotics. I am tired and I dread the pain and rehab of another surgery. I have been very depressed. Needing prayers and healing.

      Thank you.

      1. Susan, May the Lord give you healing, strength and hope. Keep clinging on to Him! Do not give up, dear sister! I am praying for you. Love from Hungary xoxo

  1. I have a small 2 bedroom bath and 3/4 in Texas. I now live in New Mexico and have retired here. My efforts even begin getting that house ready for selling seem to have been thwarted for months…..and now there is a Covid 19 pandemic !
    I am trying to lay this issue at the feet if Jesus knowing that Gods plan is wonderful and complete. Pray for me to keep trusting even though at this time I feel overwhelmed and confused as to where or how to even begin this process. I need His guidance…..and I would love a “sign” of encouragement……
    Thank you for your prayers

  2. I have been faithfully praying and standing in the gap for my wayward husband and failing marriage for years. He is ready to file the divorce papers and I am about ready to throw my hands up and move on and believe God will not intervene but it seems every time I am ready to do that He sends a reminder by verse or devotional, like this one, to not give up and press in believing what I believe He spoke to my heart a year and a half ago. He said this will not end in divorce. It is hard for me to see that now but our God can do anything and can soften anyone’s heart.

    1. I’ve been through this also but was not at a point in my life that I took my husband and marriage to God and, to this day, wish I had. So don’t give up, fight for your marriage. If God is telling you it will not end in divorce, trust Him. Keep praying for your husband’s heart to be changed and that the life he really wants is with you, the true love of his life. I will be praying for you and your family. God bless!

      1. The man I am married to now is not the man I married 44 years ago. God works. He hears and He is faithful. He answers. His timing is perfect. Many times I was tempted to give up. I even prayed for God to help me stick out my marriage long enough to see God’s handiwork. I love the work God has done in my husband and the Godly man he has become. I am so thankful for the work he is doing in me and in our marriage. Keep trusting in our Lord. He wants the best for you.
        Philippians 4: 6 and 7

  3. After 25 years teaching, the stressful corona school year, with these still uncertain times, I feel so drained and burned out, I am wondering if I have anything left to give. My faith in God isn’t shaken, but I am.

    1. I am also a teacher, and have been through an intense three and a half months of teaching online. Please take time to rest. I will be praying for you. Let’s trust Him together that He will restore us, and give us grace and strength to be who He has called us to be in our particular circumstances. He walks with us.

  4. Please, heal this beautiful creature given me. I am praising God for His love, compassion and mercy. In Jesus name, for Jesus cause by the piwer of the Hoky Spirit for God’s greater honor, glory and praise. Amen. Ty God

  5. Sharon, thank you so much for this post today. It’s just what I needed to hear to persevere and just keep moving forward.
    I do know that God continues to work even when we do not see Him. God bless you !

  6. I am struggling with a workaholic husband who is emotionally detached from me. He believes in God but doesn’t see Jesus as the way to eternal life. I am leading my two teenagers spiritually and we are active in our church. Thank you for praying with and for me because this marriage is a very lonely place to be.

  7. My marriage has been a roller coaster for many many years and also marked with a lot of hard to undo actions. I have the Biblical “right” to walk away but struggle all the time with the possibility that the miracle could be right around the corner. Pray that miracle will come and that I will KNOW the right course.

    1. My GOD-given gift, my calling as a Pediatrician. I am like starting all over again after migrating to a differenf country. I need to take all the licensure exams again to be able to practice again.
      It is so really hard but deep inside me i truly believe nothing is impossible with GOD ( Luke 1:37) thats why i am still trying and hoping. I truly believe also in GOD’S words. I have read in Romans 11:29 that GOD’S gift is irrevocable.
      Please also pray for me Sharon. Please remember me in your prayers.

      Thank you so much Sharon for submitting to the WORKS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to write on this topic about not giving-up. I believe that this message is indeed also for me to see. I truly believe that there is no coincidence in this world. This is not an accident. Thank you for shining GOD’S LIGHT on us.

      in hope of the glory
      of GOD,
      Myra dela Rosa

    2. Jennifer…..I am living in the same pain you are in your marriage. I too, have the biblical right to leave my marriage but yet I believe in a Big God who has told me NOTHING is too hard for Him. I want you to know I am praying for clarity for you. God will show us what to do. I have been hearing Him say wait for His deliverance…….but I don’t quite know how long or what that means. Praying……….

    3. I know how hard it is as I’m living it too! Bless you for continuing to press in hold on and persevere in Christ’ truth…ask Holy Spirit if this is His Will and has He blessed your marriage?! Bless you and your calling on your life In Jesus name Amen

  8. Waiting for my sons to come back to the family . Pray everyday for my family . I know I need to press on . The place we are living is in turmoil and I know we need to press on. But I get so tired . I pray for perseverance to keep on the path

  9. I appreciate this message… I continue to struggle in my marriage. I will continue to pray and trust in God; tomorrow is a new day.

  10. I am tempted to give up on staying healthy and exercising. I’ve been exercising and trying to eat better to loose weight and be healthier but I don’t see any results. I look in the mirror and I just see I am fat and look ugly. I want to love the woman that is in front of the mirror

    1. This morning I had just said, “I give up” on my weight loss journey too. This message really struck me between the eyes. I can’t tell you how many times I have looked in the mirror and just saw “fat and ugly”. Try to remember that that is NOT what God sees when he looks at you and me. That we are perfect in the eyes of God is hard for most of us to believe, but it is a promise. I encourage you to tell yourself 100 times a day that God made you and Jesus will give us what we need to get healthy. My sister list 125 pounds by doing Weight Watchers and Bible study. As the song says “Teach me patience in the desert of my life”. For me today’s message was a God-given oasis in the desert I (we) are going through. Don’t give up!

    2. Paula, I’ve been there. Declare by faith that you are fearfully and wonderfully made – Ps. 139:14 Say it to yourself in the mirror even when you don’t feel like it. You have to declare His truths over your life and love yourself right where you are presently; without the make up, without the weight loss, etc. It helps to see full sized women on social media that speak about positive self image. I hope you eventually learn to view yourself as God sees you and love yourself well.

  11. My husband moved out of our home two weeks ago, into the home of the woman he’s been seeing for 2 months. I’m so tempted to give up on our marriage and stop believing that we’ll be restored, with God at the center.

  12. For over a decade, maybe 2, I have been praying for and trying, with God’s help, to love and respect my husband who has anger issues and does not lead his family spiritually. It ends up being my job, while he reads news on his computer at the dinner table and only prays over big decisions on some occasions. We have two more children at home who still have to deal with his combination of academic and college prep support and anger and disapproval. I want to look forward to ‘retiring’ with him, feel cherished and loved and appreciated, when we stop teaching overseas and move to the NC mountains for a slower pace of life. Right now, I am struggling to hope that that might actually happen. I am expecting to be miserable and live separate lives in the same house. Nancy

    1. Nancy, I have also been praying for and trying, with God’s help, to love and respect my husband for over a decade. During this time, he has failed to try to get a job to help support us. He essentially allowed his business to fail by living paralyzed in fear and believing the lies of the enemy. I have pleaded with him repeatedly to trust God and just try. He still lives with us but he basically abandoned me spiritually, financially, and physically. I am left to take care of our family on my own. I’m exhausted and miserable as we live separate lives in the same house, and I have come close to giving up so many times. But then I manage to keep pressing on hoping something will change. Praying for you, Nancy.

  13. Bless you Sharon for your sharings and the help and hope you give to all.
    I waited 4 years for my prodigal son but never gave up, but it was not easy. The rewards were beyond measure.
    My husband came to God when I let go and let God. I had to stop trying to solve the problem.
    Now I struggle with Simone the Lord has called me to love and encourage. This person however does not like me and rejects me in many ways that are very hurtful. I do not want to go on with this assignment from God as the negativity is sometimes more than I can bear. So please pray for me as I press on and I shall pray for you so we can see those walls come tumbling down. Blessings, Stella

  14. It’s so many things I can only put it together as my husband has lived in another state to work for almost the last 10 years as I’ve raised our 4 children he’s not been here for taking to college weddings sporting activities etc but we stay stuck in debt and destruction but he won’t work on anything different and we are in HUGE financial trouble and I have no one to discuss a plan to work through
    it with. I’ve hit a wall I can’t get past. He says he’s a believer but doesn’t apply Gods word .

  15. Please pray to give me strength to go thru Daily anxiety and/or be healed.. I’m trusting and believing for healing in Jesus name..
    God bless you and thank you!🙏💜

  16. My 3 sons and daughter in law:
    Content with how they are and really no need to follow Christ right now.

    Our middle son was a strong follower all the way through college and then shared with us he is gay.

    Our youngest as far as I can tell is swaying in his belief. He just graduated from high school.

    Love them all so very much.

    “Help me in my unbelief” and endurance for continuing to march until the walls fall.

    Thank you for your insightful word.

    1. My youngest is struggling with homosexuality. He has been raised in the Church and was so strong in his faith. His last year of college changed him, he is so liberal now and believes that that kind of lifestyle is okay. My heart is breaking. I stay is constant prayer for him, I know that’s what I need to do but at times I’m overwhelmed my worry and heartbreak.

      1. Donna, my heart goes out to you as I have a daughter who lived in this lifestyle for 17 years. But thank God she is free now and has been for 25 years. She loves the Lord and has served Him faithfully these 25 years ! What a journey this took our family on though, for the 17 years she went her own way.
        Her choice to go into this lifestyle was, to say the least, devastating to our family. We have 3 younger daughters. My husband was a pastor and we had been Christians for 14 years and in the ministry for 4 years. We were not Christians when we married and were not raised in a Christian home. After becoming a Christian, all we wanted was to raise our family to know and love God. My husband had walked away from a very successful business to become a pastor. We
        felt we had given God everything so why was all this happening to us ?? Well through those 17 years we found out why.
        We found out that when we have problems it’s not just about one person or two. It is a family problem that God wants to use in the whole family to show each one different things but mainly He wants to show how to solve life’s problems His way. Most of the time it takes TIME.
        It takes TIME to learn how to FORGIVE, PRAY, WAIT, REPENT , CRY OUT, ADMIT, WAIT, SURRENDER, TRUST, REMEMBER, WAIT, REST, PERSEVERE, OBEY, WAIT, but none of this time is wasted because God is always at work bringing about His will. Usually He is WAITING on us to get to the place to receive what HE wants. All of these things listed are things we had to learn to do as a family. It is a miraculous story at how God in the end , answered our prayers ” over and above all that we could ask or think.” He will do the same for you. Sharon is so right,DO NOT GIVE UP. Gal.6:9
        The Scripture God gave me that I ran to over and over was Isaiah 49:24-25.
        Prayerfully, Betty

    2. I understand this, I have four sons. The first one is a prodigal, married to a very mean woman and both are daily marijuana users. I have two grandkids there that have suffered much. My second sons faith is struggling, he married a very abusive wife and she has introduced him to alcohol. My third son is immoral with his girlfriend and my fourth still lives at home. He will graduate high school next year and I can only hope and pray he doesn’t go the way the others have. It makes my heart so very sad since I trained them in the way they should go, but they haven’t.

  17. Mines is my marriage. This devotional came right on time because I feel so tired and weary fighting for my marriage alone. I don’t even know what to pray anymore. These last few months have been so hard. Thank you God for this devotional and sending this with the perfect timing.

  18. My marriage. There has been so much hurt done by both. I am praying that our marriage can be saved, for the strength to keep trying, and Gods wisdom and discernment to know the difference if not.

    I am a stay at home wife/mom, and have tried to start different businesses over the years to help support our family without much success. I am to the point of considering throwing in the towel with the current one as well. I pray that God gives me the courage and wisdom to continue if that is what He would have me to do.

  19. The Lord is always right on time. I needed this encouragement for a situation I am enduring right now, one in which there has been misunderstanding and much pain and separation as a result. I have repented of my actions and I know the Lord has forgiven me and restored me in His grace. But others have been affected also and that is a hurtful thing to have to realize, the consequences of our actions and mistakes are sometimes great. But I continue to believe that even though I can’t see it right now, there will come a time of healing and reconciliation. I don’t know when, how, to what degree, but I believe that it will come. In the meantime, I will continue to draw close to the Lord and trust that His plan is greater than I can imagine. He will bring good out of the not so good. And I am grateful beyond words for His mercy and grace.

  20. Grief. My husband of 28 years has been gone 7 years this month, and my 30 year old son died 1 year ago. I have dealt with the anger and abandonment issues but the pieces are gone and nothing quite fills these voids.

  21. This morning this was my question to God.walking in a desert for too long like there is no one.hitting a brickwall nothing you see happening its like things are getting.marriage fights arguments no child.stressful jobs not knowing where its going.financial constraints.I’ll wait on Him to do a wander in my family.He is the source of my strength

  22. Thank you for the message. Lately I’ve been feeling sooo stuck, and it’s very discouraging because I wonder will I ever move forward in my spiritual journey, health, marriage, career, finances. I pray constantly for Gods strength to help me get through the other side of whatever this is before throwing in the towel!!!

  23. I have been praying and believing God to take my husband and myself out of debt. It’s like we keep going in circles and sometimes I feel like I can’t carry on anymore. We are not so young and we just want to have this financial breakthrough. I prayed God continue to keep our mind intact and on Him always!

    1. Lord, please help this couple make wise money decisions and get out of debt so they can move forward with their lives. Amen.

      Have you tried Dave Ramsey’s program. I highly recommend it. God bless.

  24. Wow!

    I’m so inspired by this devotional. Uncertain times, trusting God to see us through all of this. Sharon, thank you, for writing to us. Blessings.

  25. I have been struggling with a neurological disorder called Functional Neurological Disorder, for around 2 years. My head keeps pulling to the right side. I t affects my everyday life. My walking, my balance, anything I do seems t make things worse. There is no cure just management but again everything my psychiatrist, counselor tell m to do has not helped, but has grown increasingly worse.God has brought me through a very difficult season of depression, cancer, and I know He can heal me of this and I cling t that. However,it is difficult as I sometimes I feel like He’s not working, ” see no stones fall,” and a few times I have said that I don’t want to live like this anymore , but then God sends me songs, encouragement through devotionals like todays, and I keep on going. Please pray that God will continue to give me His indescribable peace, that I would wait on Him patiently, and live everyday joyfully inspite of my circumstances.

    1. Lord, please give Margaret your peace that surpasses all understanding. Help her have joy in her everyday life and please heal her both body and mind. Amen.

  26. Thank you for these words of encouragement. Right now I’m caring for my mom who has severe dementia. It’s so difficult and some days I don’t think I can make it. When I lay down at night I often don’t t see a way but God has been faithful every morning providing fresh energy and renewed strength. When I say I can’t He says oh yes you CAN. He has carried me.

  27. I am struggling with being so far away from my family especially my sons and their families (grandchildren). It has been many years now but the emptiness in my heart and soul is deep. I am only able to see them once a year, which is definitely not enough and especially now with the coronavirus, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see them again. I know God has a plan for all of us and I’d always hoped and prayed that it would include us being closer together at some point in time. Now I’m not sure that will ever happen. I am so blessed that I have God in my life as I know I would never be able to get through this separation without Him. Please pray for peace in my heart knowing God is totally in control of this situation even if I just don’t understand why.

  28. Writing a book! It’s so overwhelming, I’m feeling every negative defeating emotion, thought and lack of trust!!! I wonder if God has really called me to write! How do I overcome this?

  29. Been Praying for my unbelieving husband for many years. We’ve been married 43years and I re-committed my life to Jesus in 1990. The spiritual warfare is very real currently. Thank you for this encouragement I needed it today.

  30. Yes this is very encouraging. I scrolled through the comments and prayed for the writers as I also can identify with many of their issues. I also have 2 sons for whom I have been praying for years that our heavenly Father will draw them into the light and Truth of Yeshua.
    Thank you

  31. I have been pray for God to show me how to bring my 16 yo son and 13 yo daughter back to Him. I have yet to get an answer. I’m trying to patiently wait.

  32. I have been looking to change my job for over 3 years now. I have gone through depression, having counselling, so many prayers from friends. Friends listening to my moans, to my upset, but I have still carried on in my current job. Tomorrow I start a new job! It has taken a lock down for me to have a video interview and to be ‘wanted’ again. Friends have said God wouldn’t let me move until the right job came along. I just kept on saying I wish he would hurry up and why was he making me stay somewhere I ended up hating. But it looks like it has been sorted out, but I haven’t had the ‘Faith’, my friends have had to do that for me. So now I have a new challenge to into and start a new exciting chapter in my life.

  33. I have been praying for a second child and it’s been difficult for some reason. I have a son 13 years old. I had a miscarriage once after that. Now I seem to be pregnant again. I got a baby bump around 5 months and baby is kicking. But it does not show on ultrasound. Iam praying for the bandages to break. Whatever is holding it back from scan to fall like the walls of Jericho so I can see the baby. And I wont give up..its already taken too long and I might be on the final lap.

  34. I’ve been praying for my brother in law for a long time that God would replace his heart of stone with a heart of flesh, as it says in Ezekiel. He has lost his faith and I feel like giving up but I continue to pray.

  35. I am fighting for my marriage too. It’s been 4 years alone now. Struggling always, but God has helped me through it all. He has changed me and I’m a better person now. Even my finances are good and it can only be explained by Gods intercession.
    I have found much hope and encouragement through Rejoicemarriageministries.com. there are daily devotions, books, CDs and podcasts. All amazing. I would encourage all who are struggling in their marriages to visit this website and be encouraged daily.
    God bless you all.
    We need all the support we can get so I will be praying for you.

  36. Thank you for the post. I have hit a wall with everything personally and as I look at our nation/world. It has been hard to turn off the question of where are you God? Thank you for reminding me that He has plans I just can’t see or know and I need to give it all to Him.

  37. One of my friends hasn’t talked to me in over two months, and it’s breaking my heart. I keep hashing and re-hashing what I possibly could have said/done or failed to say/do. I’ve reached out several times and am met with silence. I realize with the pandemic that so many people have been and continue to struggle mentally and emotionally. I am blessed with several great friends. I miss this particular friend very much and continue to pray for God to bring peace and comfort to her heart.

    1. Kendra,
      I had the same thing happen to me 4 years ago, right after my husband left. It hurt so much. But in time I realized God wanted me to take things to him and to trust him. There was a reason God took that friend out of my life and now I’m very glad. He replaced her with many good catholic women that I could trust and depend on. Know that He has a reason and look for the blessings in your life. Forgive her and let her go if you can. Blessings,

  38. Sharon, I could not have read this at a better time! I’ve been struggling with some medical issues for over four months and have been awaiting surgery – actually two surgeries – for nearly that long. Today, I did something that will either get me off of square one and scheduled for surgery – at least one , if not both – or I’ll be thrown out of that health plan because I’m a troublemaker! Whatever, at least I took this step today.

    Thank you for your insightful words!

  39. Thank you Sharon for your daily devotional encouragement. I am asking for prayer for emotional and physical healing. Battling anxiety and depression during this pandemic. I am 68 years old and had to quit my job because the stress was making me worse. I also live alone , so that doesn’t help either. I read your devotional everyday for strength and encouragement.

  40. My husband’s prompting and God’ provision has pressed me into starting a non profit making market bags to sell. He has supplied all the fabric and as the fabric dwindles, someone will message me letting me know they have some to give. It has been an amazing ride. Initially, it started as a smaller bag that was filled w hygiene and food items, socks scarves and gloves. All donated. We gave out 90 of the bags to homeless in our area at Christmas time. It has morphed into making market sized, reusable bags to sell and the money will go to a ministry God has yet to reveal…Much like Noah building an ark before the flood, I am making bags without knowledge of when, where, how much and why. I just know as I sew, He sends more fabric. There are days I want to quit, but I would miss out on the best part. God’s revealing! Thank you, Sharon for the encouragement to keep on! God bless.

  41. My sister in law and I have owned and operated a business in another state than where we live for 12 years. We are away from our husband and family March to September, only getting to see them a few times during that time frame. We have been trying to sell our business but each time we think we have a buyer something interferes. We keep praying, but it gets really hard at times when we keep having to return each season and it never seems like we will sell and get back home.

  42. I am 46 years old. Went back to school last year. Feels like every step I take, something is blocking my ability to continue in my pursuit for a degree. Things in my way? Chronic Depression, PTSD, severe arthritis in both knees, lower back pain, insomnia and now COVID 19 forcing all classes to be online with instructors that have never taught online. Currently taking a normally 8 week course in a 4 week timeframe and wasn’t able to get books until week 2. 2 weeks to go. Very frustrating. Is this what God has planned for me? Or am I going down the wrong path?

  43. Thank you, Lord for this devotion. He always gives me what I need exactly when I need it. Things have been hard for quite some time in my marriage. I have almost lost hope for anything to change, but God. I’m gonna stand still and claim my miracle today. The enemy will not destroy me, my husband or our marriage. We are still together and that is enough to believe that God is still working. I’m like doubting Thomas so often “I’ll believe it when I see it” kinda mentality but God has been telling me to walk by faith and this devotion is more confirmation thank you for this today.

  44. Thank you for inspiration I was in a relationship for 10 years only to find out he was cheating I caught him I was and still devastated but everything happens for a reason god has been my strength thanks for the message

  45. I have MS since 1991. My husband divorced me after 42 years. I live in a nursing home. Your devotion today blessed me. I have a prayer reqjuest. My wheel chair is 12 yrs.+ Medicade has a rule about not paying for a home and a chair. I know G od is bigger than Medicaid. Please pray I will be approved.

  46. I have debts to pay up and I live them at the feet of Jesus.
    My marriage is 7years this year and am still believing in him for the fruit of the womb. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but I pray he help me to keep believing in him
    May God her my prayer

  47. I’ve been waiting for over 2 years for my sons healing. God said he was healed because He healed him and that he was going to get his life back. If anything, he’s worse than he was 2 years ago. Many times I’ve felt like giving up. It feels like we’ll never get there.

  48. This devotional was a blessing to me and exactly what I needed.

    I’ve been fighting a divorce and custody case for over 3 years.

    I’m believing in God for the Judge to reverse her decision 180 degrees in my favor. The Judge’s initial ruling was unfair and against the evidence in our case. The evidence was on my side. I believe that God will turn this Mess into a Miracle!

  49. My marriage and health are my current struggles. Been off work for awhile want to surrender totally to Gods will. Very tired and not receiving emotional support.

  50. I have been waiting for God to answer many daily prayers that my estranged daughter and son would come home.
    I needed this devotion today to remind me to keep the faith and keeping moving on.

  51. I also need lots of prayers for my marriage. And I am praying for all those with marriage struggles as it is so difficult and painful.
    My husband is a narcissist. Always negative, controlling, angry, jealous, critical, selfish, needs admiration and lots of attention.
    It has been a very long road with him for almost 30 years now. He too says he loves the Lord but he is not the spiritual leader here. Which has caused me to be.
    He is in denial of how he lives and if I try to speak with him, even in a loving way, he gets very defensive and angry with me. He perceives me as his enemy instead of seeing that I want to help him. I never wanted a divorce and have always prayed for the Lords help in handling things with my husband as God would have me to.
    I feel I have done all I can with the Lord to love, support and encourage my husband with little respect and love from him. During this pandemic I have fasted, prayed and loved upon my husband in hopes of truly winning him over completely to Jesus. But lately things with him have gotten worse. We are not on the same page with anything in life. Our children are almost all grown now and will be out of our home within the next few years.
    I feel like once they go, there will really be nothing left between us.
    I have asked the Lord countless times to show me what to do, how to pray for him, what to say to him. Asking Jesus to open his eyes so he can truly see. To heal and cleanse his heart so he can truly love. To deliver him from the lies and tactics of the enemy.
    Lately I have been feeling so defeated discouraged and disappointed.
    I feel unloved, used and unimportant.
    It’s getting harder to put in a happy face for my kids and others when I am in this dead relationship.
    I am asking Jesus to infuse me with his strength and show me what to do.

  52. I have thrown up my hands on the following:
    Finishing school
    Raising teenagers
    Building a relationship with my mother and brother and his wife
    I have thrown up my hands on the ministry that He places in me because I’ve done so much wrong He wouldn’t use me.

  53. I am about to give up on someone who has made me promise after promise and every time i tell myself I’m done with this person the Holy Spirit says “not yet, this person needs help’.

  54. I have run a dance studio, teaching for free, in a small town for 13 years. Every year I pray for confirmation to continue because I have other running businesses That bring in money. The studio does allow me a ministry to kids who are Christian (they get to dance to Christian music for venues. This gives non-Christian kids a chance for exposure to biblical messages.

    But I’m tired, and So is my “older” body🤣
    I’ve raised it up again, and I will continue to pray
    Thank you for the encouraging message

  55. Praying for restoration of my marriage, for my husband to seek God again and move out of the situation he is in. I just want him to be delivered from the grasp of this other woman he is seeing and to come home. I’m praying that our divorce will stop.

  56. I am so sad about the horrible situations of violence and destruction. I stand by my USA but it is so difficult when the lying polictal progress to make our country the best it can be. When will they ever learn that Love of God is number 1. Thankfulness for all we have and most nations do not. This pandemic virus is a great time to turn our country around but it looks even more vivcious , anger, hate , stealing , setting fires, looting , and so much more. When oh When can they see how awful this country has become. I truly believe In God our Father , Holy Spirit and Jesus who is our Savior.
    When will we ever learn , When will we ever LEARN. All lives Matter and also the creatures big and small. God made us ALL. Lies turned my children against me during the divorce . They don’t remember I was the loving parent and I gave up everything to teach and raise them. There are big holes in my heart and it will never change but I have so much pain and ailments I just can’t take it anymore!!

  57. I needed this so much today because I truly felt like giving up, I don’t see answers to my prayers but this encouraged me, I have to keep pushing even when it’s hard.

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