Words That Breathe Life

Sharon JaynesPower of Words, Relationships, Uncategorized 33 Comments

Have you ever had times when you felt like you just couldn’t breathe? Stress weighs you down and the “to-do list” becomes the “too-much to-do list.” Sometimes we just need a friend to come and breathe life into us. And one of the ways they do that is with words.

When I was in my teens, I went scuba diving with some friends. I had no training and probably shouldn’t have been in deep water, but I was a teenager and threw caution to the wind. The guy who took me below the surface of the deep, another teenager I might add, strapped an oxygen tank on his back, a mask on his face, and flippers on his feet. I only had a mask and flippers.

“Where’s my oxygen?” I asked.

“I’ve got it,” he answered as he patted the tank on his back.

So, into the ocean, we jumped. He put his arm around my waist as though I were a sack of potatoes and down we went. John drew oxygen from the tank and then passed the breathing apparatus to me. We took turns breathing in the oxygen in what he called “buddy breathing.” It then occurred to me that I was totally dependent on this boy to keep me alive!

This was not a very smart idea, but it did leave me with a great life lesson…Buddy Breathing. Throughout my life, the words of my friends have been like oxygen when I feel as though I’m drowning. Even today, I have a mental scrapbook of the life-giving words passed along to me when I felt I was suffocating.

King Solomon painted a beautiful portrait of the power of a woman’s words to her friends in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,12 (NIV).

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If they fall down, they can help each other up. But pity those who fall and have no one to help them up! … A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

He also wrote: Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones (Proverbs16:24 NIV). Life-giving. Soul-nourishing. Buddy-breathing.

We can embrace a friend with words that warm a chilled soul, words that fill an empty heart, and words that lift her up when she is lying face down in defeat. I’m so glad that friendship was God’s idea, aren’t you? Not only do we need those kinds of friends, we need to be that kind of friend.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a friend who breathes life into my aching soul. I ask that You give me one friend with whom I can be totally honest and completely loved. One friend whom I can encourage and who can encourage me. Help me to be a woman who not only needs from others but one who gives to others. Help me be a speaker of life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Leave a comment and share one person who has spoken life to you during the quarantine.

Words are one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and God has entrusted them to you and me. Every day you can speak life into the lives of others or suck the life right out of them. The choice is yours.

Let’s make the choice TODAY to use our words for good- to build one another up instead of tearing one another. Click here to join me for a FREE 5-Day Taming the Tongue Challenge. 

The re-released and updated version of my best-selling book and Bible study guide, The Power of a Woman’s Words: How the Words You Speak Shape the Lives of Others are hot off the press. It includes new content, including a chapter on the power of a woman’s words to her adult children…it’s complicated! Perfect for your women’s ministry’s next Bible study!

Get your copy of The Power of a Woman’s Words today and learn how to

  • exchange careless words that hurt for intentional words that help others succeed
  • recognize words that tear down confidence and replace them with words that build others up
  • overcome the negativity that pushes people away and become a well of positivity that draws others in
  • tame your tongue by practicing practical principles that help you think before you speak
  • stop being disappointed in your lack of control by taking hold into the power of the Holy Spirit
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Comments 33

  1. My friend Julie Poehlman is ALWAYS there for me. We have some similar life experiences so she can relate better to my struggles than some of my other friends. We have seen each other through many difficult times. She is my heart sister.

  2. I tried several times to purchase your book. I don’t have a coupon code that I’m aware of. However, every time I clicked Paypal to purchase the book, I was sent back to apply a code.

    I was able to buy the book on Amazon.

    Thank you.

  3. Is the Bible Study Guide a separate purchase? I thought it was at the back of the book but I only have an advertisement of sorts for it.

    1. Post
  4. Wow. I can’t say that I’ve had any friends who’s words have been like oxygen when I’ve felt like I’m drowning. Very sad considering I’m in my late 50’s. However, the lack of friends who have had any oxygen-like words to give me (while I have felt the lack sorely) has taught me some of what I need to be saying to others.

  5. I have purchased “the power of a woman’s words” I haven’t read it yet. Trying to catch up with my reading. I want to purchase the prayer cards, all except the husband prayer card as I don’t have a husband anymore. I believe that they are in my cart, I just don’t know how to get there.
    Diane Buder

  6. Jennifer Chung has been an encouragement and a blessing to me while we navigate difficult marriages and look for the correct response and how to deal with unbelieving spouses.

  7. Gods Word sets us free to free others 🌅

    Have mercy on us Lord to speak ‘ In Your Love ‘ to others .

    Forgive us for letting you down,

  8. Please pray for me to be a Fruit of The SPIRIT bearing wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. Basically a better Jesus centered woman.😯☺ Thank you God bless your words and ministry🙏

  9. My adult son died drowning in a morning swim, in a lake…he was a good swimmer and loved diving underwater. I cried ,big tears , reading your words on breathing… I lost my breath after he died…through LOTS of therapy and God’s grace my brokenness is slowly mending…I’m starting to breath with hope and strength to carry on in this world and look forward to seeing my son in heaven, one day 💕For now I’m in God’s mission field, shining His light… thank you for your message. Sincerely, Sharlene:)

  10. How apropos for these days that we speak LIFE to others by WHAT we say and HOW we say it! Everyone has some need to hear ENCOURAGEMENT from my 2 year old great grandson to my 97 year old Aunt! This can be a “hurting” world and isn’t it so wonderful that God has thought of everything, even those words of ENCOURAGEMENT we can share with others, just when they are needed!

  11. It’s pretty sad when I don’t even have one friend. For so long my life revolves around work, children and husband. Now all that is left is my husband. I would love to have that kind of friend.

  12. Her name is Patsy….she was perfectly positioned to breathe love and encouragement into my life in a dark and desperate season. She is like an angel to me, A rare jewel sent straight from heaven who has become a very special friend in my spiritual journey. Her words are “Gracious like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones (Proverbs16:24 NIV). In one short year she has taught me so much about how to love and lead others as she so gently loved and led me out of the pit. I’m incredibly thankful for her….she’s a gift I treasure.

  13. I don’t have any friends like this just acquaintances. I pray God will bless me with a friend like this too as I am 56 and would like that. But I am so thankful that Jesus is my friend forever- I can tell Him everything and anything !! Amen

  14. I have some people call but I don’t think they breath 𝐋ife into my day!!But it helped!! You and proverbs 31 woman( can’t name them all ) but they breathe life into my day !! You and Mary Sutherland and Gwen Smith your devotionals bring life into my day also! I appreciate them so much thank you!! I have become a better Christian !! There is no words to say for how much You all have brought life into my world!! I pray for all of you . !You all are amazing and I know that you follow Jesus with all your hearts and that’s what I love the most about you Girls!! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!!

  15. Daniel-someone who had kept me positive when all seemed to be falling apart. He has been someone that keeps going without dramatizing the pandemic. Living life happy-just where you are!

  16. My dear friend Debra Teigland Flaherty has spoken words of life, hope, encouraging and been there for me throughout our growing friendship.
    I would love and appreciate Debra Teigland Flaherty as a forever friend who speaks into my life and the lives of many other women.
    I was on the Sharon Jaynes launch team and highly recommend this book.
    Thank you
    Jody Lovdal

  17. My friend Dorothy has been a great mentor to me having been through similar experiences in marriage etc she can truly understand what I’m dealing with and shares Godly wisdom with me!💜

  18. Wonderful words!! I have been longing for such a friend as this and I didn’t have the vocabulary to articulate the desire. Now that I know what the longing is I intend to ask daily for this desire of my heart using the prayer provided. Specifically “I ask that You give me one friend with whom I can be totally honest and completely loved. One friend whom I can encourage and who can encourage me.” as well as committing Proverbs 16:24 to memory.
    Thank you for following the plans God has laid out for you and being a source of light, wisdom and encouragement to myself and so many others!

  19. My neighbor Maryanne always speaks a cheerful word and writes a comment on my blog when no one else does. During this pandemic, I don’t know what I would do without her.

  20. My Sister, Lorella is always an inspiration, even though life has been full of turmoil this year with the loss of her daughter.

  21. Thank you very much for the challenging word. I am rebuked and blessed Sharon by your teaching. Will forward to my sister and girlfriends.

  22. My sister, Barbara breathed life into me today and just before we got off the phone, my face was hurting from laughing so much! My best friend, Lee has also encouraged me throughout this quarantine. Lastly, the Girlfriends in God group! Y’all inspire me to live life well, in Him. Thank you!

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