When You Need a Power Statement to Hang On To

Sharon JaynesUncategorized 30 Comments

Have you ever been in a situation where one sentence just jumped out at you?

In a sermon?

In a book?

In a conversation?

Today, I’m not going to write a blog post, but simply post 20 quote from Take Hold of the Faith You Long For: Let Go. Move Forward. Live Bold. These are simple sentences that you can hang on to when you’re feeling a bit shaky.

These statements are tweetable, so if you’re a tweeting girl, just click on the blue bird to share.

Change always begins with a choice. #TakeHold


We must move from knowing, to believing, to actually taking hold of God’s promises in order to make them a reality. #TakeHold


The voice you believe will determine your destiny.God’s truth or the devil’s lie. #TakeHold


Courage based on the faithfulness and love of God is strengthened with every step of faith, no matter how small. #TakeHold


Your identity is not based on what you have achieved but what you received through Christ. #TakeHold


Courage is not the absence of fear; it is moving forward despite the fear. #TakeHold


Don’t allow past failures to stand in the way of your future success. #TakeHold


Sometimes you have to be willing to look ridiculous and be radical to live a remarkable life. #TakeHold


God made a deposit in your safe-deposit box before the creation of the world and fashioned the key in the shape of a cross. #TakeHold


When we allow our past mistakes and missteps to falsely define our identity, we’re held hostage by them. #TakeHold


God uses your past to develop you but not to define you. #TakeHold


Isolation is often God’s place of invitation.Will you accept? #TakeHold


We need to learn how to overpower the lies of the enemy with the promises of God. #TakeHold


Don’t stumble over something behind you. #TakeHold


God buries the shame of yesterday and resurrects new beginnings and new callings. #TakeHold


Let go of the lies that hold you hostage and take hold of the truth that sets you free. #TakeHold


God is in our moments and our moodiness, our days and our dalliances, our weeks and our weakness. #TakeHold


Forgiveness is the only way to empty the ammunition and wave the flag that the war is over. #TakeHold


Fear has no choice but to leave the premises when you stand on the promises of God and say, “You are not welcome here.” #TakeHold


Forgiveness rewrites the ending to the story. #TakeHold


The voice you believe will determine your destiny. God’s truth or the devil’s lie. #TakeHold


Courage based on the faithfulness and love of God is strengthened with every step of faith, no matter how small. #TakeHold


Your identity is not based on what you have achieved but what you received through Christ. #TakeHold


Courage is not the absence of fear; it is moving forward despite the fear. #TakeHold


Don’t allow past failures to stand in the way of your future success. #TakeHold


Sometimes you have to be willing to look ridiculous and be radical to live a remarkable life. #TakeHold


God made a deposit in your safe-deposit box before the creation of the world and fashioned the key in the shape of a cross. #TakeHold


When we allow our past mistakes and missteps to falsely define our identity, we’re held hostage by them. #TakeHold


God uses your past to develop you but not to define you. #TakeHold


Isolation is often God’s place of invitation. Will you accept? #TakeHold


We need to learn how to overpower the lies of the enemy with the promises of God. #TakeHold


Don’t stumble over something behind you. #TakeHold


God buries the shame of yesterday and resurrects new beginnings and new callings. #TakeHold


Let go of the lies that hold you hostage and take hold of the truth that sets you free. #TakeHold


God is in our moments and our moodiness, our days and our dalliances, our weeks and our weakness. #TakeHold


Forgiveness is the only way to empty the ammunition and wave the flag that the war is over. #TakeHold


Fear has no choice but to leave the premises when you stand on the promises of God and say, “You are not welcome here.” #TakeHold


Forgiveness rewrites the ending to the story. #TakeHold


Tell me which one of those quotes stirred you the most. I’m going to pick out 3 comments and send a Take Hold mini-necklace.

take hold miniTo learn more about Take Hold of the Faith You Long For, download a free chapter, or watch a quick video, click on www.takeholdthebook.com. There’s lots of FREE BONUSES when you order before May 5, 2016

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Comments 30

  1. Almost everyone of the sentences touched an issue in my heart, but the most powerful to me were about fear…..Courage is not the absence of fear; it is moving forward despite the fear. Fear has no choice but to leave the premises when you stand on the promises of God and say “You are not welcome here” . In a bible study our church is dong now about opening our bibles and how the word of God is true and complete is deeply touching my heart ….God’s promises are true yesterday today and forever and I so desperately need to not only read them but to claim them as God’s promises to me and to stand on them and be set free and move forward……These sentences just confirmed that……thank you Sharon!

    1. Change always begins with choice. My husband went to be with the Lord last May and I can choose to live a defeated life or I can live victorious. It is not easy and I have to choose every day but I want o finish the race well.

  2. When we allow our past mistakes and missteps to falsely define our identity, we’re held hostage by them. #TakeHold

    This one touches me in the deepest, most broken places of my soul.

  3. Sharon, you have encouraged me so much the last few weeks! I would love to “win” this necklace and use it as giveaway in our young moms bible study! Thank you for being obedient to the Lord!

  4. Fear has no choice but to leave the premises when you stand on the promises of God and say, “You are not welcome here.” This is a powerful statement. As someone who has anxiety, this is a wonderful statement for me to say out loud when I am anxious. Thank you. 🙂

  5. Sometimes you have to be willing to look ridiculous and be radical to live a remarkable life.

    This is was my favorite quote from those listed. I’ve always tried to be what I thought everyone expected me to be, to be “normal”, to be just so quiet and not make any noise. I know now that this was because I was afraid to be heard, to step out in faith and do something different. I now know that God wants me to be heard, to be that radical Christian, to step up and shout out when no one else will. I have to move past the looks and questionable reactions to my actions and trust that God is in control and that when He tells me to speak or to move, I HAVE TO BE OBEDIENT. I don’t ever want to be a hindrance or cause of someone not receiving what God has for me to share or for whatever He may have for me from being obedient. Even if that something is just proving to myself that I can be courageous and take that leap of FAITH!

  6. God buries the shame of yesterday and resurrects new beginnings and new callings. #TakeHold

    I’ve made tons of mistakes in my life but the one that shamed me the most is going to prison for 8 1/2 years and putting my children through so much, and a felony that holds me back from getting a state license in nursing. I haven’t lost HOPE in my God only through Him what seems impossible is possible.

  7. I know you said to only pick one but I found there are several if not all that I can relate to. If I pick one it would be the statement ” God buries the shame of yesterday and resurrects new beginnings and callings” fits me and my situation. I have a hard time letting go of my past and forgiving myself. I find it hard to move forward because of fear.

  8. I love the statement “Don’t stumble on what’s behind you”. I really liked several of the quotes but this one spoke to me the most. We so often look at our past instead of what God has in store for us in our future. Hanging onto our past just weighs us down. Thanks for sharing this list. Looking forward to receiving your book.

  9. God uses your past to develop you but not to define you. #TakeHold Click & Tweet!

    So true! Short and sweet – I like that. Because we all have a past (of course) but because of the trials and tribulations we go through, we learn and grow and we cannot let the past define who we are. If we are growing spiritually in Christ, as mature believers, we know we cannot hold on to the past but just look forward to what’s ahead in our future. Heaven will be great!


  10. I relish your statement about forgiveness being the way to empty the ammunition and wave the flag that the war is over. This is so completely true. The world sees forgiveness as weakness, but it is really the opposite. It takes guts and faith to surrender your “right” to avenge a deep hurt; but that choice to forgive leads to freedom. Staying angry keeps you in pain, and gives control of your life over to the other person.
    I love the analogy to war, because (1). we are in a spiritual war, and (2) our violent culture will understand this metaphor. Great statement to reach the world! Thanks!

  11. The voice you believe will determine your destiny.God’s truth or the devil’s lie.

    This is very profound, We really do believe what we say to ourselves.
    Hear God’s voice and listen to that. He will never guide us wrong.

  12. “God made a deposit in your safe-deposit box before the creation of the world and fashioned the key in the shape of a cross.”

    Sometimes we lock ourselves out from others, thinking they don’t care or understand. This phrase says to me that even before I locked things up, trying to keep out the pain, God planned for the solution, and with His key, I am safe to open that locked space wide.

    Thank you!

  13. It’s hard for me to choose. These are all very timely for me, as I face an interview tomorrow for a job that is a real stretch for my skills. I’m going to cling to “Courage is not the absence of fear; it is moving forward despite the fear.”

  14. The quote that really stands out to me is, “Don’t stumble over something behind you.”

    I became a Christian at 40 years old, and for several years I allowed my poor choices of the past to keep me from growing in my faith. I didn’t know for sure that God had truly forgiven me, because I made some really bad choices. I also struggled with forgiving people who had hurt me.

    It wasn’t until about a year and a half ago that I learned how to accept and give God’s grace. I started doing online Bible Studies with P31, and these ladies have been able to show me the true meaning of walking with Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, I have a beautiful church family who came beside me from day one, but I live 45 minutes away from my church, and it is hard to make it to Women’s Bible Studies because I work full time, and they are held on Thursday mornings.

    But I am just so thankful that I now know that nothing can ever stop God from loving me and forgiving me. He truly does use our past to create our future with Him!

  15. My favorite is the one that states…..God gave us a safety deposit box before the world was formed and he fashioned the key into a cross…..thank you Sharon for your inspiring words.

  16. “Isolation is often God’s place of invitation. Will you accept?” is the quote that spoke the most to me today.

  17. I loved this post! My favorite statement is “Sometimes, you have to be willing to look ridiculous and be radical in order to live a remarkable life’!!! lol Yes!!!

  18. Isolation is often God’s place of invitation.Will you accept?

    My favorite one by far. Oftentimes I feel so alone on this journey and I wonder why God has allowed for me to face so many things in isolation and then I read this and it literally brought tears to my eyes. It is in the isolation that He does His greatest work, we just have to be willing.

    So profound!!!!

  19. Don’t stumble over something behind you – this quote spoke to me because I think I often keep looking back at things I wish I’d done differently. God’s mercies are new every morning!

  20. Forgiveness rewrites the ending to the story.
    It can be hard to forgive and let go but with God all things are possible.

  21. “Forgiveness rewrites the ending of the story.” Wow! That really applies to my day today as I am going to be interacting with someone who said something very hurtful about my faith in Christ behind my back. It really stung. I am praying to stand strong in Jesus and give God’s grace to this person. I have already forgiven the hurtful words and have prayed that I will represent Jesus well today in front of this person. I know that I cannot do this on my own. Thanks so much for your ministry..

  22. Forgiveness rewrites the ending of the story. This is so true. When we are able to forgive those that have hurt us we are able to see how God used a bad situation and turned it into something good. He uses the storms of life to mold us and make us into the amazing women we are today. Though the journey may be tough hold on and know that God is bigger than any situation. Enjoy the journey. Let go and let GOD!!

  23. God made a deposit in your safe-deposit box before the creation of the world and fashioned the key in the shape of a cross.

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